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7 Divination courses delivered Live Online

Divination Diva

By Selena joy lovett


Divination Diva
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Manifest Magic with Tarot

By Selena joy lovett

weave together the enchantment of tarot cards with the magic of altars, candles, and incantations, creating a tapestry of transformation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANIFEST MAGIC WITH TAROT EMPOWER YOUR FUTURE Have you been trying to manifest but without significant success? Do you really know what you want? How do you know what you are manifesting will really make you happy? What is blocking your manifesting? Get clear on what you really want to manifest and start manifesting what is in alignment with you - so it will fulfill you. Fast track your manifesting by learning to use your Tarot to empower your life and bring in what you want to manifest; be it how you want to feel or what you want to achieve. Use Magic with your Tarot to bring your cards to life and make your wishes a reality. 6 week course Classes are recorded so you can watch the replay Workbook with Mantras, moon phases and spreads 8 Step Manifesting Journal Moon work Journal As I gazed upon the mystical symbols etched upon my Tarot cards, I realised their power was not just for divination, but for transformation. The cards held the keys to unlock a universe of possibilities, to shape my destiny. Thus began my journey, delving deeper into the cards, discovering their secrets and harnessing their magic. I learned to use them to conjure my heart's desires, but first, I had to ask if my wishes, all that I wanted to manifest, if it was all meant for me, if it was what I truly needed. I sought to align my manifestations with my soul's purpose, not just fleeting desires. The cards showed me the way, illuminating the issues that needed healing, the blocks that stood in my way, and the path to release them. I wove together the enchantment of my cards with the magic of altars, candles, and incantations, creating a tapestry of transformation that breathed life into my dreams. It has been a journey of empowerment, a catalyst that has transformed my life, allowing me to create a reality that fills me with joy and fulfillment. Bring the magic that lies within the Tarot cards alive for you In this course you will learn; Week 1 The basics of the Law of Attraction & how to use it for you Basic Magick for spell work Get clear on what to focus on to manifest for your highest good Week 2 Spreads to help release any blocks & look deep at our shadow self Get clear on what to focus on to manifest for your highest good EFT for abundance Week 3 Rituals Sacred space and elements Altar Moon rituals & working with the moon Best times/day to cast Week 4 Spread for manifesting Money Mantra and use of mantras How to create incarnations Candle colour, A few crystals, oils and herbs if you wish to use them Week 5 How each tarot card can represent your intention Put it all together and create spells in group Week 6 Create your own spell and raise energy Any other questions etc.... £230 for Members of Moon Healing and Divination £250 for non members Moon Healing & Divination | Heal & Manifest with the magic of the moon | Patreon SelenaJoyLovett - Healer. Psychic & Spiritual Mentor

Manifest Magic with Tarot
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

1-1 Esoteric Numerology Reading


By Invisible Caims

Esoteric numerology reading can reveal our true desires, it can help us understand our karma and our soul mission.

1-1 Esoteric Numerology Reading
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online

Living your EMPOWERED Life

By Selena joy lovett


Living your EMPOWERED Life
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

New Moon healing and Manifesting

By Selena joy lovett


New Moon healing and Manifesting
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Journey with the Majors - Learn and Practice Tarot

By Selena joy lovett


Journey with the Majors - Learn and Practice Tarot
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Pure Healing

By Selena joy lovett


Pure Healing
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Educators matching "Divination"

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Selena joy lovett

selena joy lovett

Join my monthly events https://www.patreon.com/moonhealinganddivination [https://www.patreon.com/moonhealinganddivination] My spiritual journey has certainly been a bumpy one but there again, whose hasn’t!! Through these bumps and challenges, I have had to dig deep into my beliefs and search for the answers within.  I was lucky to come across Tarot cards when I was young and I connected so deeply to them. They guided me through many hard decisions and lit up the way forward when I was lost. I found through the cards that I could connect with my higher self and my guides and once I had found the way to do this, I could feel more connected with the world around me and started to trust and have faith in the universe.  I started to look for more ways of going deeper to develop this psychic gift I had, as I felt so drawn to help and guide others. I wanted to share this knowledge that I had—that life didn’t have to be so hard. I wanted to shout from the rooftops that I had found a path forward! A connection that made life easier. I wanted everyone to know and understand that we all have the ability to do this and use the natural gifts that we are born with.   I wanted to share my journey so much that I have co-created a Tarot deck called the Journey to Enlightenment Tarot and wrote a book The Steps to Enlightenment hoping these tools would help guide people through difficult times and realise that they too have this amazing gift to help them through life—we are all intuitive and have the ability to heal we just need to learn how.    I learnt many healing modalities and kept developing my psychic and mediumship skills. After learning from around the world many forms to connect and heal, I started teaching and using these methods to help people. I also discovered on my healing journey that so many issues and imbalances began in the sacred area of the womb where I have spent time exploring and healing. Journeying through ancestral lineage, I released the pain of the loss from losing family. After so long denying my true self and voice, I reconnected to Mother Earth, releasing negative behavioural patterns, releasing pain around trauma and connecting deeply to the wisdom of the womb.    After this incredible transformational journey where I gathered information on how to heal the Divine Feminine, I now share my unique formula for healing using Sacred Symbols, Angel and Reiki energy to heal ancestral lineage, release past traumatic experiences and issues that block people from connecting to their true being. You can book a Womb Healing either privately or join the online monthly Full Moon Womb Healing by getting in touch  I feel my soul’s purpose is to heal people and to help people to be more connected with their intuition. I would love all people to be healed, from their past, from their pain and trauma, and able to live a more peaceful, purposeful life. For people to be open to healing so they are free of self-sabotaging behaviour and negative thoughts. Confident in themselves, losing any preconceived imperfections, and releasing the need for any outside validation.  Secure and aligned so they can focus on the flow and joy of life.  Being open to receiving love.                                          Creating a ripple effect around the world. It is possible for people to be empowered and more connected using the tools we were born with but have forgotten. Learning to heal, allowing time and space to heal, connecting within to receive the guidance needed so life flows more easily. All this is possible and I want to help make this happen. I offer a range of healing and psychic readings to help people live a life in harmony and balance with happiness. My main focus is on leading healing courses to enable others to experience the magic of healing. Spreading the ripple effect. I am a certified Psychic Medium at the school of Lisa Williams. I am a certified Reiki Master, Trance Energy Healer trained in Quantum Healing, Hands of Light, Chakra Balancing & Cleansing, T:I:M:E—Angel Healing, Pendulum, Chios, Karuna Reiki, Shamballa Reiki and has studied Chinese Medicine, Hypnotherapy, EFT, CBT, NPL, Mindfulness & Life Coaching, Yoga Nidra, Moonology and breathwork.   If you feel you need some peace and balance in your life—please contact me to arrange a healing session Have a look at the services I offer the monthly gatherings, Transformational packages. Readings and healings can be custom-made to suit and fulfil your needs. You are not alone—reach out and begin healing  Selena xx WWW.SELENAJOYLOVETT.COM

Touch the Earth

touch the earth


Shamanism is a way of life of our ancestors understand the connection to our Ancestors and spirits of nature that exist outside and inside us. Shamanism is the oldest spiritual path on the planet, it is in our roots. Wherever we live, all dimensions are real and everything in our world has a spirit, a life force. Walking this path deepens our communication with our Earth Mother and all that is. Within shamanism there are time tested healing practices which can guide our way to attaining balance and connection in the life journey that we are walking - "Rites of Passage" and "Handfasting" to help you to pass into the new phases of your life and just some of the ceremonies that can help you find your place or help you to embrace a new phase in your life. Connecting with creation can make us more balanced, and therefore healthier in mind, body and spirit. Shamanic journeying and life-energy restoral: the foundation of shamanic healing is the use and connection to the drum. The steady heartbeat of the drum carries us to the other worlds, to other realities. It is on this journey that the shaman encounters the healing powers, connects with the life force and can help to facilitate the healing process of mind body and spirit. With the use of the shaman's horse (the drum) a level of awareness can be entered at will, in which inner, spiritual realities can be perceived and experienced. A shaman journeys into the landscape of the person they are journeying for, always with the right intent and with their permission to determine what help is needed. Sometimes they can bring back a lost fragment and restore it to the individual, providing the person with the opportunity to integrate it within the totality of their being. They can also bring power allies back with them to help aid the healing process. During our life we can have traumatic events. These events can cause us to become out of balance. We bury them deeply within us and hold onto them. We send an aspect of our self into hiding. Within the journey we can seek out and find these fragments, return them. The shamanic journey is a powerful one. With experience one can travel to their own landscapes, look for their power animals, seek guidance, knowledge and interact with non-ordinary reality. Drum healing & drum washing: the drum is used like a scanner, and one is able to tune into the energy of the drum as it is passed over the person's body. It shows us the weakness of certain points throughout the body. Drum washing is a wonderful cleansing of the body. With the vibration of the drum the sound waves penetrate the aura and the physical body to bring about healing. It is a refreshing and invigorating experience. Science has proven that a constant, rhythmical drum beat can boost the immune system and relieve stress and tension within the body. Shamanic divination: divination opens doors, it is a guide to finding ones own answers. We all have the answers to the questions we seek within our own selves. Sometimes, however, we feel a need for guidance from someone else. Divination will help to show you to the door, but you must walk through it. Gaining knowledge and wisdom comes from our own experience.

Conscious Womb Birthing School

conscious womb birthing school

Creator of KMRT® Kinaesthetic Listening. Kundalini Magnetic Resonance Therapy. An entrainment modality. Pioneering the language of the spirit to earth the conscious baby from a subatomic level manifested into the physical body. The modality is a translation of somatic expression and sound. Created from her experience in kundalini embodiment. Her conscious journey beginning as an Ayurvedic consultant specialising in fertility , pregnancy & birth led to the vision and growth of her school. The language of the spirit baby came to her through meditation accompanied by her soul hailing from ancient roots in the yoga’s of Ayurveda, Tantra, Nada & Stapathya Vedas merging her knowledge of Hermetic principles of light & vibration. Teaching the art of divination and the process of natural law. She is a specialist of Spirit Baby energy. The pulse of vibration coming into body through Bio Rhythms, Prenatal cognition with heart coherence. The Sexuality of Birth and the conscious baby. Nature has an intelligence and wisdom within its eco system just like the human body. Women are the source of this nature and the grounding foundation of the heart of nurturing her family and society. It is time to resource back to living through natures cyclical rhythms through the heart of human consciousness. We are a platform for natural birthing education through the Conscious Womb Birthing School and a growing resource pool for mothers and families. With anthropological insights straight from mothers/families, KMRT® practitioners themselves. Bringing health, body autonomy and the sacred rites of passage for women children and their families back to the root of Intuitive mothering and conscious living. It takes Consciousness Creation & Connection.

Seah Wraye

seah wraye

Seah is a Diviner, Shamanic Healing Practitioner, Coach and Mentor. She has been referred to as a "Choreographer of Energies" Since childhood she has known herself to walk between "the worlds" so Seah considers herself a "straddler of realms". She's down-to-earth, free-spirited, soul-directed, warm, welcoming, assertive and direct. Seah creates and holds powerful sacred healing spaces in which each can not only feel but also know, that they're safe to drop deeply into themselves because they're being securely and lovingly held. Seah access sacred energies by connecting with the divine creative, natural and universal forces, ascended ancestors and the compassionate spiritual allies who have chosen and who continue to choose to work with and through her. As a channel for divination and soul healing, Seah is governed by her ancestral allies whose embodied tutelage requires her to ceaselessly attend experientially to her personal healing; through which she's able to assist and support you with healing yourself. "We are born with the capacity to heal ourselves therefore I am not the healer. You are." As a Practitioner I divine and facilitate healing and support in various forms for individuals who arrive seeking help with personal issues/challenges/maladies regarding their physical, emotional, relationship, home and environmental health. I also support the dying - those about to transition - and those who have transitioned from the physical yet require healing and support in order to move on from our Earthly realms. The true healing journey is an individual one which requires strong desire, commitment and personal responsibility for one's life and choices. No one can do this for you. However, we can support you while you heal. I"m down to earth, compassionate, warm, open, direct, expressive and welcoming by nature and this is also how I am with clients.

Infinite Soul Circle

infinite soul circle


We are a paid monthly spiritual learning community. We support and encourage growth through self learning courses and interactive spiritual circles, rituals, manifestation, and live psychic readings. We are intuitive, connected, inspired, and empowered. IMAGINE A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF YOURSELF AND OTHERS. Imagine empowering yourself as you work with your natural intuitive skills to harness magic and manifestation to enhance your life. Imagine a peaceful inner environment that allows you to enjoy a stress free and balanced lifestyle. How would your life be different if you were free from self-limiting beliefs and in control of your internal environment through understanding and perspective? How would you feel if you were fully empowered to live your life the way you wanted? Imagine living without the stress or weight of other people’s views and opinions… There is enough room in this world for everyone to embody their true selves. TIME ASIDE FOR YOURSELF, FOR YOUR OWN GROWTH AND HAPPINESS? How would it feel to step into who you truly are? When you join us at Infinite Soul Circle, you learn to take the aligned action that’s right for you. You understand the importance and value not only of yourself but also of everyone around you. You learn to lead from a place of trust in your own intuition without needing validation from those around you. DO YOU DESIRE SUPPORT AND DIRECTION IN FINDING YOUR SOULS PATHWAY? The confidence to learn and express your inner wisdom. To learn about divination, intuition and psychic abilities and the power of your own self-awareness. Connect to other like-minded spiritual seekers and build friendships based on trust and shared experiences. We are a learning space that gives you the tools you need and allows you to pick them up at your own pace, understanding that every pathway is unique. To not only learn, but also to want to take part in live psychic readings and spiritual chats and talk to your tutors regularly. Your monthly subscription gives you access to weekly circles, rituals, and live classes.