9789 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

The Body Happy Organisation

the body happy organisation


The Body Happy Organisation is a social enterprise dedicated to promoting positive body image in children and young people. Through student workshops in schools, staff training CPD workshops, learning resources and peer support, we help schools - and all organisations that work with children and young people - create environments that nurture the body esteem of the kids in their care.  We're the only body image education organisation in the UK made up of a multi-disciplinary team of professionals, including educators, doctors, counsellors, nutritionists, dietitians, media professionals, health psychologists, body image researchers and weight inclusive fitness trainers. We have a rigorous impact measurement process and a high level of in-house accountability with a Board of Directors that includes a GP, a teacher, a project manager and our founder - author, campaigner and journalist Molly Forbes.  Our focus is on prevention and culture change, and we are currently working with The University of Lincoln to delve into the science behind our approach and framework.  Our framework consists of:  * CPD staff training workshops * Student Sessions workshops for children and young people  * Learning resources  * Peer support * Books and bespoke designed physical resources, including our signature affirmation activity card deck, stickers and posters We also have an Online Masterclass for parents, and run quarterly interactive webinars for parents and caregivers.  We can run in-person workshops in most parts of the UK. All of our facilitators are trained to deliver our programme and are highly experienced in running training and workshops with both staff and children and young people, and have specialist professional expertise and qualifications in body image / body image adjacent disciplines.  We have worked with many schools - in both the UK, Europe, US and Middle East. We have also worked with councils, eating disorder services, charities and sports organisations.  Find out more about us and how we can support you, via our website. We're looking forward to helping YOU to help the kids in your care be friends with their bodies! 

Esther Wolff, The Gardener's Friend

esther wolff, the gardener's friend


I’m Esther Wolff, and I’m a garden coach, qualified in horticulture and garden design. Based in Harrogate, in fabulous North Yorkshire, I’m lucky to have the gorgeous RHS Harlow Carr Gardens on my doorstep. This is where I trained in horticulture and garden design, where I regularly go for inspiration, to soak up the beauty of the gardens in all seasons, and to use the wonderful library – and where I now work part-time as a Horticultural Advisor. My passion for gardening grew out of my love for the natural world. I spent 15 years working on environmental issues around the globe, before deciding to step back and try to make a difference in my local area. I’m a strong believer in gardening organically, and in our responsibility as gardeners to provide a home and source of food to insects, birds and other wild animals. At a time when the natural world is under threat in so many ways, what could be better than watching wildlife thrive in your own small patch? Of course, gardening has many benefits for the gardener too, offering fresh air, exercise and a sanctuary from a busy world. There is such pleasure to be gained from nurturing plants and watching them thrive under our care, as well as from creating beauty where before there was none. My conviction that we would all benefit from gardens in our lives eventually led me to establish my practice as a garden coach. I now share my skills with others, helping them to develop the knowledge and confidence to create and look after their own beautiful outdoor space. If you would like to learn to grow a wonderful garden, why not book a session today and start your gardening journey?

Selena joy lovett

selena joy lovett

Join my monthly events https://moon-goddess-healing-sanctuary.mn.co/ [https://moon-goddess-healing-sanctuary.mn.co/] JOIN TODAY - PREPARE TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE When you join Moon Goddess Healing Sanctuary today, you’ll get access to our Sacred Ritual Circles. We gather via zoom 4 times a month. You can join the live event at 7pm GMT or watch the replay. We celebrate and raise our vibration with the New Moon and focus on our intentions for moving forward into a more inspired and aligned life with intentional living. During the Full Moon, we work on releasing emotional, physical, and energetic layers from our energy fields. We work in the sacred womb space and with past lives by tapping into the moon’s mystical power. We realign ourselves by letting go of any draining energies as we lift our vibrations. As we ascend, we draw in all that we deserve and aspire to manifest. ONE—NEW MOON MANIFESTING CIRCLE: Fill your energy with Light and raise your vibration. Release any negative energies and allow healing to fill your being. With this newfound brightness, you’ll be able to align with the Universe and attract what’s meant for you. In our group manifestation circles, we harness the combined energy of our community to activate your personal power and manifest your desires. Attending these circles can promote empowerment and a stronger belief in your own potential. TWO—FULL MOON DEEP HEALING CIRCLE: using the energy of the full moon, YOU can cut the energetic cords that are holding you down, ground, and cleanse your energy. We go on a deep journey to heal ancestral wounds, cut karmic ties, break negative/addictive patterns, clear the energy of past partners and experiences that may negatively affect you and your future. Receive help to heal the grief of a lost child or close family member. Heal sexual trauma. Reset your energy so you can keep on healing and shining your light! We will also work with the Council of Light, Angel Healing, The 7 Rays and Violet Flame. I am intuitively guided to use different techniques for deep healing focusing on Family Constellation, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Healing and the Inner Child. THREE—CIRCLE OF DIVINE EMPOWERMENT: Where Goddesses Weave Their Magic: Harness the essence of goddesses to illuminate your path. Discover the art of channelling their power to weave your desires, embrace your inner voice, and forge a profound bond with your celestial goddess energy. We learn how to perceive the energy of the deity we are connecting with so we understand why and how we connect, and how to empower our lives with this connection. You may also learn a mantra or mudra to enhance this connection. Through a guided deep meditation, we activate this energy, allowing you to sense, feel and embrace the goddess or deity’s presence. This will enable you to absorb and understand the energy so you can connect with ease when you want to, drawing upon this power to guide you and tap into for strength and guidance. Following the meditation, you will receive a personalised message of insightful guidance. We will work with Ascended Masters, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Moon Goddess Selene, Mary Magdalene, Heka, Lilith, Gaia and Various Goddesses, Arcturian and Star seed connection, Ascended Masters, Dragon and Faery. FOUR—MONTHLY READING & SHARING CIRCLE: a safe space to share experiences and catch up. I’m there if you have questions and then we do some practice with our cards (tarot or oracle) either by reading for others or through receiving a reading. We’ll also mediate and connect for a message from spirit or our guides for insight and healing. ALSO INCLUDED: * WEEKLY RECORDED MEETINGS: receive support and guidance with a psychic reading to help you navigate your week. * GUIDED MEDITATIONS: There is a library of Reiki-infused guided meditations. You can also discover mudras and self-healing methods that promote balance and inner peace.  * DEVELOP A DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: Learn about energy care, psychic protection and ways of developing your own daily spiritual practice. * HEALING CEREMONIES LIVE CHAT: Join a live chat during our healing ceremonies. Connect with fellow participants, share experiences, and support each other. This real-time sharing can deepen your sense of connection and enhance the healing process. There is also a community message area where you can connect as a group to share your journey, receive support and celebrate with other members. * DEVELOP YOUR PSYCHIC SENSES: We’ll focus on enhancing and recognising your individual senses. You’ll receive attunements to help connect with your psychic guide, enhance your 3rd eye chakra, and open your solar plexus.  * SELF-CARE FOR EMPATHS: Finally, you’ll learn how to care for your empathic energy so you can live in alignment and balance. For more information please message me info@selenajoylovett.com Have a look at the services I offer the monthly gatherings, Transformational packages. Readings and healings can be custom-made to suit and fulfil your needs. You are not alone—reach out and begin healing  Selena xx WWW.SELENAJOYLOVETT.COM



Naomi supports Women through the Every day and transitional times of life - with Yoga, Massage and Sound practices. She taught her first Yoga class in 2008 and has 1000s of hours of teaching and training experience since then. She passionately specialises in Yoga & Massage for Women's Health - Womb Health, Fertility, Pregnancy, Postnatal &, peri/menopause years. She regularly teaches Yin & Hatha Yoga, Yoga in the Workplace, Children's Yoga and Yoga for Mental Wellbeing. I taught my first Yoga class Yoga in 2008 and founded Yogababe in 2010. I initially trained for 3 years (500 hours) with the British Wheel of Yoga whilst I was pregnant and caring for young children. Naturally I adapted my Yoga style to suit Conception, Pregnancy, Birth and the Postnatal period. I decided to train with with Uma Dinsmore Tuli in Well Woman Yoga Therapy to help me maintain equilibrium both in my personal journey and helping other women. I have now completed many hours of extra study and training since so I can share Yoga practices with you and help you on your journey.. "My Yoga is totally adaptable and changes to suit whatever life brings me - it has helped me through transformative times . I bring adaptability into my teaching - there is always a Yoga practice to be had, whatever life stage you are at - whether physical posture, meditation, pranayama, song..... I was introduced to Yoga as a child, as my mother was also a Yoga teacher. But it wasn't until my early twenties that I rocked up at a random class in London, on my office job lunch break. I began to feel truly at peace and at home in myself on the mat. "I always said, I would train to be a Yoga teacher if I was still unhappy in my office job at 30. In fact, it happened way before that. I spent time in ashrams in India whilst travelling - Auroville, Tamil Nadu and the Sivananda Ashram, Kerala - they both taught me how Yoga can be 'lived' and it became an intrinsic part of my life. After travelling, I started my teacher training course with Elaine Fletcher and i haven't looked back. Having children transformed my practice and helped me find solace and interest in the subtler Yoga practices. Stronger postures often felt 'not quite right' especially when my body felt like it was giving up, suffering from pelvic & back issues, fatigue & postnatal depression. I learnt a lot at that time and now I am passionate in adapting Yoga practices to suit every body and mind. I actively promote mental health and wellbeing as well as developing self-awareness. Over the years I have taught classes in numerous gyms, and Schools, and collaborated with organisations such as MIND, MS Society, CoastNet, NE Essex Primary Care Trust and Barnardos.... "My personally practice changes every day according to my needs. I love a bit of Yin Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga and Yoga Nidra when i'm feeling exhausted....'