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The Parents' Guide To Staying Sane And Surviving The Summer Holiday Juggle Struggle.

By Happy Human Training

A light and compassionate guide for parents on the art of creating space in a world where there isn't any and of why it matters. Packed with practical tips for wrangling the chaos and conflicting priorities that come with parenthood, the webinar is aimed at anyone who'd like to regain a little bit of 'me' time in a schedule that revolves around everyone else. Available as a live event and as a recording on request.

The Parents' Guide To Staying Sane And Surviving The Summer Holiday Juggle Struggle.
Delivered Online45 minutes, Jul 8th, 17:30 + 1 more

Couples Therapy: Is Narcissism the problem?

By Human Givens College

Additional specialist online training for anyone working with couples or helping with relationship issues… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD: 4 hours * Length: 8.45am–1.00pm (GMT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Live training delivered online – Join Jennifer Broadley on Tuesday 9th July 24 for another jam-packed session live online via Zoom. You will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions. Simply book your place and we will send you email confirmation – your Zoom link will be sent the day before the event. BONUS RECORDING – the training is recorded, in case anyone experiences technical difficulties, so you will also get a recording for 2 weeks afterwards to maximise your learning. Can’t make this date, then please register your interest and we’ll let you know as soon as another date is available. This additional online training session gives us time to look in more depth at narcissism and what a relationship with a narcissist might look like In most cases, applying the skills and techniques learned in the Couples Therapy Online Masterclass [https://www.humangivens.com/college/couples-therapy-a-practical-masterclass-live-online-training/] is all that’s needed to help a couple move forward in their relationship. But sometimes additional knowledge is needed, as in the case of relationships where narcissism is a suspected factor, to help a therapist assess more quickly and meaningfully the relationship dynamic and specific challenges involved, thus allowing them to help the couple more effectively to find a constructive and compassionate way forward and out of their current difficulties. WHY TAKE THIS COURSE The term ‘narcissist’ is often bandied about and narcissism is frequently covered in the media – but is this language over-used or misused?  It’s great that awareness is being raised generally about narcissism and the impacts it can have on a relationship, but it’s important to be well informed. As a result of this increased awareness, more people are seeking information and answers to their own experiences, as well as about the causes of their own relationship difficulties and what they can do about them. As part of that process they may well seek some counselling or therapy so it’s important that, as therapists, our knowledge, skillset and stories are as up-to-date and relevant as possible to best serve our clients. If you already work with couples, in your private practice or employed role, and you want some more detailed insight into narcissism and how to spot it, as well as some of the additional relationship challenges it brings, this live online training is for you.. > Jennifer gave a very informative response to my specific request for > information relating to narcissism > > PAULINE, THERAPIST ATTENDING JENNIFER'S 'COUPLES THERAPY' COURSE WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * What is a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) – and what are the criteria for clinical diagnosis * What specific unkind or manipulative behaviours in relationships can be classed as narcissism – and when should we really not use that term * Why the reports of narcissistic emotional abuse in relationships are significantly on the increase – and how (or whether) this parallels family, relationship and societal changes * If it’s not narcissism, what else could be causing the dysfunctional relationship pattern?  * The truths and myths of the nature vs nurture debate in relation to NPD * How to spot narcissism when both partners are in your therapy room * How to spot NPD when only one partner is in your therapy room * Why it’s usually the co-dependant partner, rather than the one with narcissistic personality traits, that instigates therapy * How to support an abused partner to exit a narcissistic relationship – OR to remain in it if he/she won’t or can’t leave * How to identify which needs are not being met for one or both partners of a couple – and strategies to quickly change that * Tools and checklists to keep your clients emotionally and physically safe as you support a rise in their self-esteem, self-compassion and emotional needs being met more healthily * The common language (media and social media) for NPD-related behaviours * How to raise children (separately or together) when one parent has NPD – the critical Do’s and Don’ts * Additional resources to steer your clients towards – plus recommended reading for you as a therapist * And more… You will also have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and benefit from those asked by other people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who is this course suitable for? * Anyone who has previously attended our Couples masterclass 1-day workshop (live or in person). * Anyone working with couples, perhaps as a relationship counsellor or through couples therapy, who would like a better understanding of narcissism and NPD, and ideas for helping couples deal with the challenges these bring. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE This course is not a substitute for therapy.

Couples Therapy: Is Narcissism the problem?
Delivered Online4 hours 15 minutes, Jul 9th, 07:45

PPWD Compassionate Safety WebWorkshop

By Ppwd Consulting

PPWD’s Compassionate Safety approach generates environments that accommodate humans for being human. Our approach aligns personal and organisational mindsets, beliefs and values. In doing so, workplaces are created where people thrive and flourish.

PPWD Compassionate Safety WebWorkshop
Delivered Online1 hour, Jul 10th, 12:00 + 4 more

Building Compassion - Is Compassion the new Empathy?

By Mental Strength and Wellbeing

Since the Pandemic people have been experiencing more stress, anxiety and depression and with this comes the loss of compassion shown for self and others while we attempt to make sense of what is happening and how we will adapt to the changes outside of our control. In this course we will discuss what Compassion and Empathy is, how to build and maintain compassion in times of change and uncertainty. This course has been created for anyone who works in the health and care sector / finance / retail / hospitality etc. and who works with clients / customers.

Building Compassion - Is Compassion the new Empathy?
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request
£125 to £150

Developing Self-Compassion

By Human Givens College

– in yourself and others Research shows that exercising self-compassion creates more resilience against stress, greater ability to focus, increases happiness and optimism, improves relationships and more. This live online course explains why and gives you a range of effective techniques you can use straight away…  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate: 6 hours * Length: 1 day (9.15am - 4.00pm BST) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Absolutely brilliant live workshop from beginning to end! > > CARMEL AUSTIN Many people struggle with showing themselves compassion – they may be highly critical of themselves, or wracked with feelings of shame, self-doubt or self-worth – but with the right approach it is possible to help them develop this key component of recovery and wellbeing. This new online self-compassion course provides you with all you need to know to bring self-compassion into your practice, your personal life and the lives of others – with plenty of time to try out the techniques for yourself. Join our expert tutor Julie Johnson [https://www.humangivens.com/person/julie-johnson/] live online on Tuesday 4th June 2024 for this helpful CPD training delivered via Zoom. When you book, we’ll email your booking confirmation – your link for joining the Zoom workshop will be sent the day before the event – numbers are limited so book soon to ensure your place. BONUS RECORDING – the training is recorded, in case anyone experiences technical difficulties, so you’ll also get a recording afterwards for a limited time to maximise your learning. WHY TAKE THIS COURSE Being compassionate towards ourselves when things go wrong, or we are struggling to cope, is not self-pity – it is an essential skill that can be learnt and developed, giving people the strength to move forward. When things don’t go our way or we feel we can’t cope – or something bad has happened to us – we may feel ashamed or blame ourselves for not being good enough, capable enough, strong enough and so on. This negative self-criticism can be highly damaging and hold us back. It is far more empowering to turn towards ourselves with compassion (which is what self-compassion literally means). Helping people to find the best ways to draw out their self-compassion is a skill that needs to be learned. Different from empathy (the ability to appreciate what another person is experiencing) and from self-pity (which is self-focused, exaggerates personal suffering and is disempowering and draining), self-compassion enhances resilience, allowing us to recognise our personal failings while appreciating that we are all human and make mistakes – thus helping us to move on past them. Learning how to use self-compassion from a human givens perspective makes it an extra-valuable tool for supporting our clients in getting their innate needs met and making best use of their innate resources. It may also help you in your own life. This indepth 1-day live online self-compassion experiential training day shows you how. > A wonderful online learning experience, jam-packed full of useful teaching and > loads of references to resources for further self study and development... > > KARSTEN ALVA-JORGENSEN, EXECUTIVE COACH WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * What self-compassion is and isn’t * Research findings that demonstrate the positive effects on the body and mind of exercising self-compassion * Why some people find self-compassion difficult * The roots of self-compassion * A new empowering perspective on making mistakes * How practising self-compassion helps our ability to problem solve * An important adjunctive tool for working with harsh self-criticism, trauma, emotional pain; bereavement, loss, change, and chronic-conditions * Why self-compassion increases resilience * Simple techniques for self-soothing and self-care * How to apply these new understandings in therapy * The especial value of using these techniques with parents and children * How to bring these technique seamlessly into everyday life * Ways that self-compassion helps with meeting emotional needs * The impact of self-compassionate practice on organisations * How self-compassion can help children become happier and kinder * Why compassion for oneself enhances sense of status * Ways that exercising self-compassion lowers emotional arousal and unhelpful thinking * How self-compassion differs from both compassion and empathy * The dangers of too much self-compassion * How self-compassion helps focus the imagination positively * Creative applications of self-compassion * How self-compassion maps onto every human need and innate emotional resource, making it an essential tool in every HG practitioner’s toolbox * Practical examples and case histories to learn from -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? * Anyone interested for personal or professional reasons * Including anyone working as a practitioner helping those in mental distress or with chronic physical conditions * Anyone interested in skills to help promote their own wellbeing and that of others * Anyone working or living with children, or young and older people * Anyone working with parents * Anyone working within a caring context, such as carers, teachers, NHS workers, foster carers, social workers etc * Therapists, counsellors and mental health professionals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME The ‘Developing Self-Compassion’ live online training day starts at 9.15am and runs until 4.00pm. (BST). * 9.15am Join the Zoom meeting * 9.00am Introduction to self-compassion * 11.00am Comfort break and discussion * 11.30am Unpacking self-compassion * 1.00pm Lunch break * 1.45pm Self-compassion skills * 2.45pm Comfort break and discussion * 3.00pm Pulling it all together * 4.00pm End days -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

Developing Self-Compassion
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Compassion Focused Therapy Course

By Elearncollege

DESCRIPTION Compassion Focused Therapy Diploma The Compassion Focused Therapy Diploma offers an in-depth exploration of the therapeutic technique that centres on the powerful force of compassion. Ideal for therapists, counsellors, and anyone interested in the world of psychology, this online course provides comprehensive training on the principles and practices of Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT). The initial sections of the course lay the groundwork by covering the subject of 'Embracing Compassion.' Here, students will understand the fundamental importance of compassion in the therapeutic process and how it can be a transformative element in mental health and wellbeing. Next, the course delves into 'The Foundations of Compassion Focused Therapy.' Learners will gain a clear understanding of the foundational concepts that underpin CFT and how they differentiate from other therapeutic approaches. With the base set, the Compassion Focused Therapy Diploma brings to light 'The Significance of Self-Compassion.' An essential aspect of CFT, self-compassion plays a pivotal role in nurturing inner strength and resilience. This segment empowers students with knowledge about nurturing self-worth and how it can act as a catalyst for healing and growth. The segment on 'Compassionate Mind Training' equips learners with practical techniques and tools to cultivate a compassionate mindset. This not only aids therapists in their practice but also provides life-changing skills for individuals seeking personal development. The efficacy of CFT is profound in treating various mental health issues. In the sections 'Implementing CFT in Anxiety and Depression' and 'CFT and Personality Disorders,' the course elaborates on how this therapy is tailored and applied for these specific challenges. The real-world applications provided in these sections offer valuable insights for practitioners. The Compassion Focused Therapy Diploma also delves into the scientific realm with 'The Neuroscience of Compassion.' This unit sheds light on the fascinating connections between our brain, emotions, and the power of compassion, offering a blend of theory and empirical evidence. Further enhancing the course's comprehensive nature, 'The Role of Compassion in Relationships' explores how CFT principles can be employed to foster healthier interpersonal relationships. It elucidates the positive impact of compassionate interactions in both personal and professional settings. For those keen on understanding group dynamics, the 'CFT in Group Therapy Settings' segment is invaluable. It offers insights into how Compassion Focused Therapy can be effectively utilised in group scenarios, leveraging collective strength for individual growth. Finally, the course wraps up by looking ahead with 'Future Directions in Compassion Focused Therapy.' As the field of psychology is ever-evolving, this section highlights the emerging trends, practices, and research areas in CFT, ensuring that learners are well-prepared for what lies ahead. In sum, the Compassion Focused Therapy Diploma is a robust online course tailored for those eager to master the art and science of Compassion Focused Therapy. Whether you're a seasoned professional or someone embarking on a journey in the world of therapy, this course provides a rich blend of theory, practical knowledge, and forward-thinking perspectives in the realm of compassion-focused healing. Join today and embark on a journey towards a more compassionate future. What you will learn 1:Embracing Compassion 2:The Foundations of Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) 3:The Significance of Self-Compassion 4:Compassionate Mind Training 5:Implementing CFT in Anxiety and Depression 6:CFT and Personality Disorders 7:The Neuroscience of Compassion 8:The Role of Compassion in Relationships 9:CFT in Group Therapy Settings 10:Future Directions in Compassion Focused Therapy COURSE OUTCOMES After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. ASSESSMENT Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. ACCREDITATION Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

Compassion Focused Therapy Course
Delivered Online On Demand

Compassion Focused Therapy


By Studyhub UK

With our 'Compassion Focused Therapy' course, set off on a revolutionary journey towards emotional well-being.In the mere blink of an eye, our course unfurls like a tapestry, weaving together the threads of compassion and therapeutic wisdom. The journey commences with an enlightening Introduction, a mere minute that lays the groundwork for a profound exploration. As you navigate through the intricacies of Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), immerse yourself in the captivating dance of the 'Circle of Compassion' and the therapist's pivotal role in fostering it. From connecting with compassionate qualities to understanding the intricate interplay of the old vs. new brain evolution, each module is a carefully crafted chapter in the art of healing. As the course unfolds, explore mindfulness practices, overcome obstacles, and delve into the nuances of self-criticism. This isn't just a course; it's a narrative of self-discovery, inviting you to unlock the transformative power of compassion. Learning Outcomes * Grasp the fundamental principles and techniques of Compassion Focused Therapy. * Understand the dynamics of the Circle of Compassion and the therapist's role. * Explore the three-circle model of emotion and the intricacies of the threat system. * Master mindfulness practices and overcome obstacles in mindfulness training. * Develop skills in working with self-criticism, utilizing the method acting approach, and extending compassion. WHY CHOOSE THIS COMPASSION FOCUSED THERAPY COURSE? 1. Unlimited access to the course for a lifetime. 2. Opportunity to earn a certificate accredited by the CPD Quality Standards and CIQ after completing this course. 3. Structured lesson planning in line with industry standards. 4. Immerse yourself in innovative and captivating course materials and activities. 5. Assessments designed to evaluate advanced cognitive abilities and skill proficiency. 6. Flexibility to complete the Course at your own pace, on your own schedule. 7. Receive full tutor support throughout the week, from Monday to Friday, to enhance your learning experience. 8. Unlock career resources for CV improvement, interview readiness, and job success. WHO IS THIS COMPASSION FOCUSED THERAPY COURSE FOR? * Aspiring mental health professionals eager to specialize in compassion-focused approaches. * Therapists seeking to enhance their toolkit with evidence-based compassion strategies. * Students of psychology and related fields interested in cutting-edge therapeutic practices. * Individuals on a personal growth journey, aiming to cultivate self-compassion. * Anyone intrigued by the intersection of mindfulness, attachment history, and emotional well-being. CAREER PATH * CFT Therapist: £30,000 - £50,000 * Clinical Psychologist: £40,000 - £70,000 * Psychotherapist: £35,000 - £55,000 * Counseling Psychologist: £35,000 - £60,000 * Mental Health Consultant: £35,000 - £60,000 * Research Psychologist: £30,000 - £50,000 PREREQUISITES This Compassion Focused Therapy does not require you to have any prior qualifications or experience. You can just enrol and start learning.This Compassion Focused Therapy was made by professionals and it is compatible with all PC's, Mac's, tablets and smartphones. You will be able to access the course from anywhere at any time as long as you have a good enough internet connection. CERTIFICATION After studying the course materials, there will be a written assignment test which you can take at the end of the course. After successfully passing the test you will be able to claim the pdf certificate for £4.99 Original Hard Copy certificates need to be ordered at an additional cost of £8. COURSE CURRICULUM Compassion Focused Therapy Introduction 00:01:00 Course Overview 00:01:00 Introduction to CFT 00:03:00 The Circle of Compassion 00:04:00 Therapists role in CFT 00:05:00 Connecting with compassionate qualities 00:05:00 Evolution old vs new brain 00:04:00 Three circle model of emotion and threat system 00:05:00 The drive system & the safeness system 00:06:00 The social shaping of the self 00:04:00 Attachment history & attachment style 00:04:00 Operant conditioning & functional analysis of behaviour 00:05:00 Respondent conditioning, social learning, and mindfulness 00:05:00 Mindfulness practices 00:04:00 Obstacles in mindfulness training 00:05:00 Working with self criticism 00:05:00 Method acting approach 00:05:00 Extending compassion 00:05:00 Compassionate letter writing 00:05:00 Compassionate thinking & reasoning 00:05:00 Feeling compassion 00:05:00 Creating safe place & chair work in CFT 00:06:00 Case formulation 00:05:00 Conclusion 00:02:00

Compassion Focused Therapy
Delivered Online On Demand

MBCT Based Self Compassion Development

By Course Cloud

COURSE OVERVIEW Learn how to be kinder to yourself and find ways to cope with difficulties in life by taking this MBCT Based Self Compassion Development course. We can often place too much stress on ourselves in life and at work. With this training, you can discover the principles of MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy) and be capable of handling extreme or heightened emotions during any incident or event, improving your potential for productivity and reliability. This Self Compassion coaching will enable you to control inner harshness and self-judgement that can be harmfully internalised. Using expert tuition, you will be guided towards developing self-compassion and acceptance of your identity. Using thought defusion, reflection exercises, spirituality, and meditation, you will attain a more positive and content state of mind. This will help you overcome challenges and become a happier person during everyday interactions. Enrol now and be kind to yourself.  This best selling MBCT Based Self Compassion Development has been developed by industry professionals and has already been completed by hundreds of satisfied students. This in-depth MBCT Based Self Compassion Development is suitable for anyone who wants to build their professional skill set and improve their expert knowledge. The MBCT Based Self Compassion Development is CPD-accredited, so you can be confident you're completing a quality training course will boost your CV and enhance your career potential. The MBCT Based Self Compassion Development is made up of several information-packed modules which break down each topic into bite-sized chunks to ensure you understand and retain everything you learn. After successfully completing the MBCT Based Self Compassion Development, you will be awarded a certificate of completion as proof of your new skills. If you are looking to pursue a new career and want to build your professional skills to excel in your chosen field, the certificate of completion from the MBCT Based Self Compassion Development will help you stand out from the crowd. You can also validate your certification on our website. We know that you are busy and that time is precious, so we have designed the MBCT Based Self Compassion Development to be completed at your own pace, whether that's part-time or full-time. Get full course access upon registration and access the course materials from anywhere in the world, at any time, from any internet-enabled device.  Our experienced tutors are here to support you through the entire learning process and answer any queries you may have via email.

MBCT Based Self Compassion Development
Delivered Online On Demand

Complete Compassion - Zen Meditation Workshop


By Create Harmony

A meditation and mindful movement workshop exploring the four boundless meditations of loving-kindness, compassion, joy and peace, along with some other meditations and contemplations to bring these positive qualities to life.

Complete Compassion - Zen Meditation Workshop
Delivered Online On Demand

Compassion Focused Therapy

By The Teachers Training

OVERVIEW Compassion Focused Therapy Course is yet another 'Teacher's Choice' course from Teachers Training for a complete understanding of the fundamental topics. You are also entitled to exclusive tutor support and a professional CPD-accredited certificate in addition to the special discounted price for a limited time. Just like all our courses, this Compassion Focused Therapy Course and its curriculum have also been designed by expert teachers so that teachers of tomorrow can learn from the best and equip themselves with all the necessary skills. Consisting of several modules, the course teaches you everything you need to succeed in this profession. The course can be studied part-time. You can become accredited within 05 Hours studying at your own pace. Your qualification will be recognised and can be checked for validity on our dedicated website. WHY CHOOSE TEACHERS TRAINING Some of our website features are: * This is a dedicated website for teaching * 24/7 tutor support * Interactive Content * Affordable price * Courses accredited by the UK's top awarding bodies * 100% online * Flexible deadline ENTRY REQUIREMENTS No formal entry requirements. You need to have: * Passion for learning * A good understanding of the English language * Be motivated and hard-working * Over the age of 16. CERTIFICATION CPD Certification from The Teachers Training Successfully completing the MCQ exam of this course qualifies you for a CPD-accredited certificate from The Teachers Training. You will be eligible for both PDF copy and hard copy of the certificate to showcase your achievement however you wish. * You can get your digital certificate (PDF) for £4.99 only * Hard copy certificates are also available, and you can get one for only £10.99 * You can get both PDF and Hard copy certificates for just £12.99! The certificate will add significant weight to your CV and will give you a competitive advantage when applying for jobs. Compassion Focused Therapy Introduction 00:01:00 Course Overview 00:01:00 Introduction to CFT 00:03:00 The Circle of Compassion 00:04:00 Therapists role in CFT 00:05:00 Connecting with compassionate qualities 00:05:00 Evolution old vs new brain 00:04:00 Three circle model of emotion and threat system 00:05:00 The drive system & the safeness system 00:06:00 The social shaping of the self 00:04:00 Attachment history & attachment style 00:04:00 Operant conditioning & functional analysis of behaviour 00:05:00 Respondent conditioning, social learning, and mindfulness 00:05:00 Mindfulness practices 00:04:00 Obstacles in mindfulness training 00:05:00 Working with self criticism 00:05:00 Method acting approach 00:05:00 Extending compassion 00:05:00 Compassionate letter writing 00:05:00 Compassionate thinking & reasoning 00:05:00 Feeling compassion 00:05:00 Creating safe place & chair work in CFT 00:06:00 Case formulation 00:05:00 Conclusion 00:02:00

Compassion Focused Therapy
Delivered Online On Demand