1085 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Edinburgh Alexander Training School

edinburgh alexander training school



If you undertake the full course you will be trained in all aspects needed to become a competent, confident, thoughtful and considerate Alexander teacher, and you will gain a life-transforming professional qualification. Whichever course you choose, we want to provide the best Alexander training possible – enabling you to deepen your Alexander understanding and skills to enrich your life and find greater resilience, poise and joy. You are likely to enjoy some profound mind-body (physical, mental and emotional) changes during the training as you begin to embody Alexander principles and skills. You will benefit from working in a small group setting with a highly skilled training team and a low student-to-trainer ratio (usually around 3-to-1 and never more than than 5-to-1). At EATS our ethos is: Wordle describing EATS culture Supportive: creating an encouraging and affirmative environment for learning through collaborative exploration Enquiring: discussion and critical thinking an essential core of the training, facilitated through the course structure Comprehensive: covering all aspects needed to produce a successful Alexander teacher additional to the core Alexander hands-on skills and understanding – including different learning and teaching styles; setting up a business and marketing skills Fun: exploratory and playful approach to teaching and learning Empowering: within a solid teaching framework, students are encouraged to develop their own understanding, styles and approaches Transformative and life enhancing: ask any Alexander teacher about their training and they’ll tell you what a huge positive impact it has had on their life Collaborative: based on feminist principles of inclusivity, mutual respect and collective, as well as personal, responsibility Diverse and inclusive: EATS thrives on a diversity of individual perspectives and contributions to the collective learning space. We seek an inclusive approach, welcoming students and teachers from different backgrounds and life experiences, encompassing (but not limited to) race, class, gender identity, sexuality, age, mental and physical health, pregnancy and carer role Wide ranging and rich: many different teaching styles and perspectives come from a diverse training team that includes senior visiting teachers from throughout the UK Outward looking: engaging with other disciplines where relevant, for example, neuroscience, myofascial integration, biomechanics, other mindful movement-based practices, and trauma therapies Principle and evidence based: teaching based on the fundamental principles of the Alexander Technique supported by the available research, as well as anatomy and physiology Openness and inquisitiveness: non-mainstream ideas and influences will be explored wherever this can contribute to understanding Rigorous: robust, standardised assessment method for certification. On an ongoing basis, students will be required to actively engage and commit to their own development (on a practical level this includes projects being completed and any missed time made up) Professional: In addition to ‘learning by osmosis’ from the professional culture of the course, there will be specific training around codes of conduct, CNHC, running a practice etc. Students are encouraged to think widely about what they can contribute during and after the training – to STAT and to the wider profession of Alexander teaching Continuous and Ongoing: graduates are encouraged to continue to visit the school on a regular basis to gain experience as a teacher until they feel sufficiently established. A mentoring system provides each graduate with an experienced teacher who they can call on for ongoing advice and support.

Olesen Tuition

olesen tuition



Hello, I'm Jens. I'm the founder and director of Olesen Tuition. Originally from the Cologne area, I've been a qualified German tutor for over 20 years. I hold First-class undergraduate and graduate degrees from RWTH Aachen University and the LSE, and I have recently completed a D.Phil. at the University of Oxford. Over the past six years I have also worked as a university fellow, having taught at Oxford, the LSE and RWTH Aachen. I have successfully prepared students of all levels and ages for certificates of the Goethe-Institut (A1-C2) and other test centres; school examinations, such as GCSE and A-Level (AQA and Edexcel), International Baccaleauréat (IB) and French Baccaleauréat (Bac), and Cambridge Pre-U German; university exams at Bachelor, Master and PhD-level; for their relocation to, or job interviews in, a German-speaking country; or I have helped them to gain and improve their competence in the language more generally. Throughout my teaching career, I have brought thousands of students to fluency and many more to intermediate level with a unique combination of tailored vocabulary training, solid grammar foundation and my challenging yet motivating teaching style. In addition to my work, I am an avid traveller (particularly to my beloved Greece), and passionate about fine food and wine. Jens Olesen German Tutor & Founder and director of Olesen Tuition Contact me Introducing my team of excellent native German tutors To meet the increasing demand for high-quality German lessons, I hired a small group of excellent colleagues who teach for my company. As a team, we teach our small German classes, private German lessons, and we offer business German language training for companies in London and abroad. Hi guys! I’m Annika from northern Germany. I studied German as a foreign language at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. Having lived and worked in both Chile and Spain, I enjoy interacting with people from a variety of cultures. In my teaching I make sure to adapt to my students' individual needs in order to help them make the progress they yearn for. It’s very important to me that my students achieve their goals and gain a positive and satisfactory learning experience. I have over 7 years of teaching experience, and I look forward to working with you. Hello, my name is Anja, I have been working as a German teacher with groups and individuals for over 10 years and I am certified examiner. I have been teaching people from all sorts of backgrounds with a wide variety of reasons for learning the beautiful and challenging German language. I enjoy teaching not only because I love German grammar 😉 but also because I am very interested in each person's unique approach to learning a new language and encountering a whole new cultural universe. Hi there, I'm Kai. Originally from northern Germany, I have taught German and German Studies (language classes, Business German, German for singers, cultural studies, film) for over 20 years in the US, Germany and the UK. I know that the most important thing about teaching and learning German is that you will get loads of opportunities to speak, while I'm helping you to understand the necessary tools like grammar and all kinds of useful phrases. German is luckily quite straightforward if you get precise and clear explanations. This will enable you to enjoy speaking with confidence, and we can keep it fun and relaxing while we're working hard - it's possible! In my free time like playing tennis and the piano and read about history and current affairs. Hi, my name is Andreas. I was born in Augsburg (Bavaria) and studied German as a foreign language at the University of Dresden. In 2014 I started to work as a German teacher for the Goethe Institut and VHS in Dresden and Hamburg and since 2019 I also give online German lessons. I am very grateful for my job because I love teaching the German Language and learning about different cultures as I work with students from all over the world. Hi, my name is Uta, and I have been working as a German teacher for over 10 years. I am a qualified teacher for German as a foreign language and have been teaching students from different backgrounds and all levels. I worked for different institutions teaching German in London until I moved back to Germany. I am certified for all Goethe exams. I love teaching German, and I also enjoy learning languages myself. At the moment I am learning Italian, but I also used to learn Finnish, which supposedly is even more challenging than German. Guten Tag, ich heiße Britta und ich komme aus Deutschland. I'm originally from Aachen but I have lived and worked abroad for more than 25 years. I've been teaching German in different language schools, institutes and universities in France, Japan and in the UK and I also give tailor-made private lessons. Though students are different according to language background, interests, personality etc., they all want to learn in a nice, pleasant atmosphere with well-structured input and ... have fun while doing it! While poring over articles and cases, we also enjoy phrases like 'to have a male cat' or 'to have a bird' - which has not much to do with animals in German - look it up. Looking forward to meeting you! Hier ist deine Deutschlehrerin - Ich bin Sylvia und komme aus Bayern. Okay, now I better continue in English. I hope you like learning languages as much as I do. I also love teaching languages and even did my PhD on it. I specialise in helping people to express themselves better in German and to improve their speaking und writing skills, also on an academic level. I know the different language levels and their difficulties, and I am also a trained examiner for international certificates. If you are looking for a motivating, patient, and competent teacher with experience, you have come to the right place. I look forward to working with you. Why working with a native German tutor will help your German The aim of our German tuition is that our students read, write, understand and speak our mother tongue to the best of their abilities. Being native speakers puts us in the position of working on our students' German in all aspects of language learning - from improving their pronunciation and intonation of German words, expanding their vocabulary in "Hochdeutsch" (standardised German) to advancing their understanding of various idiosyncrasies in German grammar. Even though many of these aspects can of course be taught by a non-native teacher, only a trained native speaker of the language will know whether your choice of words is not only appropriate but also natural in the context in which you used it, and will be able to help you speak German without accent. Unlike other German tutors, we don't believe it is possible to focus exclusively on conversational German. While speaking German is an important part of the learning process, even the most basic of sentences tends to require a good understanding of several, often interconnected, grammar rules. Hence, a good understanding of German grammar is essential. Otherwise, you would run before you could walk, and unfortunately the latter strategy is often encouraged by tutors who follow a conversational approach. Instead, our lessons involve speaking, writing, reading, listening, and a thorough grammar training, so that you learn the language properly. Our approach to teaching German- simple but correct With absolute beginners to the German language, we start by looking at the basics, such as how to introduce yourself, express likes and dislikes, and talk about your hobbies. In the process, we explain the conjugation of regular and irregular verbs, and key rules regarding German syntax. We also advise on the proper pronunciation of German words and point you to those letters that sound different than in English. While building your vocabulary on a range of topics from here on, our main focus will be to keep your sentences simple but correct, before gradually adding complexity as we move along. You'll find examples of our explanations of German grammar on our German language blog "Auf Deutsch, bitte!" Beginner students often struggle to express their ideas not because their vocabulary is so basic but because they try to translate literally between their native language and German. Simple but correct stops students from translating by keeping their focus on German grammar, by showing them to simplify their ideas with ease and by encouraging them to make good use of the German words they have learnt. Even fairly complex ideas can be expressed in simple terms when you think of synonyms for what you'd like to say and you concentrate on bringing your point across. The advantages of this approach are grammatical accuracy and confidence in writing and speaking. As soon as our students have developed the flexibility to simplify with ease, we work towards increasing nuance and complexity of their sentences through text work, grammar training and discussions in class. Intermediate and advanced students also benefit from our approach as it helps them to unlearn mistakes they made in the past and develop their fluency in speaking and writing. Having used and refined our method over the last 24 years that we have been teaching the language, we are convinced that our method will allow you to learn German properly. Our German tutoring services in London and online Whether you are looking for one-to-one lessons or prefer to learn in a small group, on the following pages you will find a course option that suits you. Private German tutoring and intensive German courses are designed for students who intend to progress quickly in the language through lessons that are tailored to their individual needs and interests. My German group classes are an affordable alternative to private lessons and ideal for those who learn best in a small group of like-minded students. If you intend to learn German for work or you are looking for German lessons for your employees, my in-house German language training in London will help you achieve your aims. Finally, if you are studying for an exam in German and you are looking for support to get top marks, my German exam preparation tutorials will be the right option for you.

Veronica Pollard

veronica pollard


I first came across the Alexander Technique when I was looking for something to help me stop getting tension headaches, lower back pain, and neck problems. Finding a teacher and learning the principles, ideas and concepts of the technique gave me an appreciation of what I was doing to myself that created the pain, as well as how I was putting myself wrong in some other areas of my life too! I learned the good news: that if I was causing my difficulties, then I also had the power to stop causing them. I have become a more flexible, happier, calmer and easier to be with person. I move in a more co-ordinated way and have re-found the joy in moving I remember having as a child. I no longer have any tension headaches, neck problems or lower back aches. I feel more at home with myself than I ever have in the past. I am a teacher trained by the ITM (Interactive Teaching Method Association). This means that I studied for four years and passed four written and one practical exam. I spent six months within the course as a student teacher. I graduated in 2003. I am a member of the ITM Teachers’ Association and have a BSc (hons) degree from the University of Bristol. I have taught individuals, small groups and evening classes, as well as workshops and courses for businesses, colleges, the WEA, the WI and the local council. I have run workshops at festivals such as the Larmer Tree and the Big Green Gathering. I have taught music students at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. I also taught students at the Musical Theatre School in Somerset, and dance students at Bristol Dance Centre. I love teaching this work because I love seeing my students improve their movement, their thinking and the way they see themselves as well as the way they see the world.

Sandra Webber Coaching

sandra webber coaching


Why work with me? Simply put, I help people identify their goals and guide them through the steps required to make changes necessary and achieve the unbelievable. I have done this for myself, for my many clients, and this is what I will do for you, too. I have a wealth of over 30 years experience across a variety of industries, as well as a highly recognised level of formal certification for coaching. Through three decades of this work, I have learnt to truly empower my clients to live the life they dream of. Not only will you achieve your goals, we will accelerate the speed at which you do so. I will create an individually tailored package just for you. By designing a programme to suit your unique characteristics, we pave the way for the best outcome possible. I will help grow your confidence in bringing your ideas to life, both in your personal and professional lives. My pragmatic support and high energy encouragement will help you on your journey. Why will we make such a great team, I hear you say? For one simple reason: I am passionate about personal development and growth. More than that, it is my life! Both personally and professionally. This passion is instilled in my clients, all of whom experience and witness the countless benefits and lifestyle changes resulting from my work with them. If you aren’t growing you are going backwards and falling behind! That isn’t something I want for myself, nor for you, which is where my passion for learning and advancement comes from. Life is about growth, not perfection. If you want to grow, you must learn to step outside your comfort zone. I am committed to help you do that. I will help you achieve what you once believed was unattainable. Why not give me a call for a quick chat? I would love to hear from you and embark on

The People Speak

the people speak


The People Speak CIC inspires communities to be creative and provides training and opportunities to people in East London. The company’s activities will provide benefit to all of the various community groups in East London and beyond, by creating an inclusive, non-judgemental, non-hierarchical space for inter and intra community dialogue. We seek to promote creative dialogue between people of all ages, classes, genders, ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds.  The company’s activities primarily benefit local community groups in Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Newham. We work with people of all ages, classes, genders, cultural and religious backgrounds that live side-by-side in these boroughs. Through formats like Talkaoke – a pop-up talkshow – we promote speaking, listening and exchange of ideas and perspectives between these groups, helping to strengthen community cohesion and dialogue and supporting creative and collaborative initiatives, which positively impact their neighbourhoods. We work with a wide range of organisations and charities to deliver our activities nationally, including facilitating community consultation to inform local cultural, community and placemaking strategies. What we do: Provide creative and interactive group activities for the communities in Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Newham and the wider UK by using a multi-arts approach, technology and creative facilitation; including online events Facilitate regular discussion forums such as Talkaoke – the pop-up talk show; Facilitate community consultation to inform local, cultural, community and placemaking strategies; Provide open-door creative support for people who come to our premises in Aberfeldy Street, Poplar Provide training and opportunities to local young people and emerging creatives. Benefits to the community: Supporting local participants to learn new skills creatively explore their interest and meet people outside of their usual lived experience, Providing activities and events that are free for all communities to access, Strengthening community cohesion through running events and activities that bring all sections of the community together, Empowering people from across communities by ensuring their voices and ideas are listened to and reflected in plans that directly impact where they live, Developing diverse and disadvantaged young people and emerging creatives’ skills, particularly around facilitation and listening, digital and live production and delivery.

Hello Europe

hello europe


The language we use when we talk about refugees and migration is so often tragic. Newspapers publish heartbreaking pictures, we read statistics which boggle the mind in their numbers, learn stories which appall in their tales of suffering. At the same time running through the difficult realities are threads of potential, of optimism, resilience and of capacity for hope. It is here that Ashoka strives to work. For more than thirty years, Ashoka has identified and supported the world’s best social entrepreneurs – leaders with innovative new ideas which can transform broken systems for the better, in fields from health to human rights, education to civic engagement, economic development to environment. In this time we’ve elected nearly 4000 Ashoka Fellows in 90 countries across the world. In a collaboration between Ashoka Germany and Zalando, Hello Europe was created in 2016 to identify the most powerful and proven solutions to challenges surrounding migration, integration and refugee movements with the aim of bringing them to scale in regions most in need. Over time a European, cross-border network of solutions began to emerge, and we began to identify a new paradigm around migration and integration. Now 3 years on, Hello Europe aims to provide a vision of the kind of work happening in Europe and around the globe, which is creating a better society for people on the move as well as for those who meet them. There is a lot at stake: by providing the refugees with only enforced isolation, a lost education, and half-hearted integration, nobody wins. Political will or citizen will are not enough to solve this ever-shifting, accelerating problem – we need the nimble speed of new ideas, the passion of social entrepreneurs, the weight of government and the influence of business combined to transform the landscape for refugees and migrants. “In early 2016 – a critical time in Germany – the Hello Festival in Berlin was so many things at once: a very moving experience, a vivid demonstration of the transformative power of citizen solutions for migration, and a place where unusual partnerships began: between social entrepreneurs, ministries, companies, foundation, and welfare organisations. I am excited this is now happening across Europe!” — RAINER HOELL, ASHOKA GERMANY

Tumble Jungle

tumble jungle


Tumble Jungle is more than just a gymnastics and kid's birthday party entertainment center in the Norwalk, Westport, and Darien, CT areas. It is a one-of-a-kind community where children and families can learn and play together in a fully integrated environment. With our unparalleled staff of instructors and our expansive, state-of-the-art facility, Tumble Jungle is Fairfield County’s #1 family enrichment center for kids gymnastics, sports, education and camp activities. Tumble Jungle is a holistic physical educational environment for 1-year-olds to 12-year-olds. We are the pioneers and developers of integrated education, gymnastics, sports and creative camp activities programs in the Fairfield County area. Our comprehensive curriculum includes “mommy-and-me” and separation classes for toddlers, plus enrichment and after-school programs in martial arts, recreational gymnastics, and more. During the summer months, we also offer Summer Day Camp along with our regular kids gymnastics and open play time programs. Through innovative, play-based environments, our professional staff nurtures each child’s individual skills and unique needs, giving them the foundation to develop self-confidence and a love of learning. Experienced, Friendly Day Camp Instructors Tumble Jungle offers many classes throughout the week, from “mommy and me” and gymnastics to martial arts and many more. Our recreational kids gymnastics classes are one of a kind with high-energy instructors! Our evening instructors are involved with USAG and workshops. Many instructors are active gymnasts, while others have been coaching for years. The instructors take time to access each student to focus on their personal needs in order for them to succeed in their class. Skills and routines are taught with the child’s confidence and abilities in mind. They use new drills and ideas to keep the class fun and active. Come check us out and enjoy a free trial!

The Meee Partnership

the meee partnership



The Magic that is the Meee Team It’s easy to look at other people’s lives and be amazed at what they’ve achieved. But success of any type is never just one heroic individual battling the odds to win. There is always magic behind the magic that we may not immediately see or be aware of. No one achieves anything alone. This amazing team of people is all the above and magic in every way. We are a sum of why we do what we do, and together we create and do truly magical things. Here are our stories as to why we do. Sid Madge, Founder, Madgician Sid Madge I absolutely love brands. And, for over 30 years, I worked for and led some of Europe’s most renowned creative agencies, supporting many of the world’s biggest companies. Then, in 2015, my life changed forever. While giving a talk to a group of teenagers I was shocked to hear how they thought about and described themselves. For many, this lack of self-esteem had spiralled into a cycle of anxiety and depression. I’d already seen how brands could transform the fortunes and futures of businesses - and that sparked an idea: what if I could use this knowledge to bring out the potential in others? That’s how Meee began. Now I use the ideas and methods of branding to inspire, educate and challenge the deep-set beliefs that hold us back. I use words, imagery, colour, numbers, music and a variety of sense-based tools to change the way people see, think and feel. Not just to transform their outlook on the world, but to help them make sense of what can seem like insurmountable life challenges. Today the purpose of Meee is to inspire everyone, everywhere, every day to find, live and give their magic. And so far, we’ve helped change the lives of over 20,000 people. My ambition is to take Meee to millions more, bringing that spark of magic to individuals, organisations and communities around the world. To spread the Meee message, I’ve built a team of (not so) like-minded individuals - from mavericks to misfits, disruptors to developers. If you’d like to join our team of magic makers and givers and help others find their spark, then please get in touch. Joss Mathieson, The people magic guy Joss Mathieson Do you know that moment when the penny drops, the lightbulb goes on and suddenly the future looks brighter? When you realise that there is opportunity, where before there seemed to be barriers? Where you feel a surge in confidence and believe this is your moment to shine? That’s what gets me out of bed every morning, helping people to experience that moment and appreciate that they are truly capable of magic. When people feel they are in a safe space, they can think boldly and build the courage to step out of their comfort zone and into their zone of genius. And it’s even better when people in a team or a whole organisation do it together, which amplifies their magic and rubs off on others. During a 25-year career working for a number of complex and diverse international companies like Barclays and GlaxoSmithKline, I’ve been lucky enough to work with lots of magical people, learning from them, driving for better and inspiring others to join in. When I first met Sid in the mid-noughties, we found a spark which has endured and got stronger to this day. It’s a joy to use that spark, the amazing tools and life-changing experience of Meee to help lots more people be their best selves.