8297 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Camp Crusoe

camp crusoe


Camp Crusoe is the quintessentially British summer camp experience where campers feel connected, valued, challenged, and supported. We take having fun incredibly seriously and believe that as modern childhood is all too short we must help our kids make the most of every moment of it. While school work is a vital part of our children’s development, so too is holiday time: Camp Crusoe is very much a fun and adventurous camp and not a summer school! We are the perfect size. There are plenty of opportunities to make new friends with no more than 80 campers per session. We know every camper by name, what interests them, if they need extra support or just an open stage to shine. Over the course of camp, community bonds are forged that last well after campers return home, sometimes a lifetime. Having seen first hand how our American cousins get it so right when it comes to summer camps, we feel it is essential that every child has the opportunity to get away from home each year and enjoy a new environment, testing themselves, trying new things and making new friends, all while having fun in the great outdoors. Too much time seems to be spent cooped up with electronic gadgetry of one sort or another when there is so much fun to be had outdoors, playing with other kids in a safe and controlled setting. Our extensive program of activities from water-sports to drama, archery to photography, appeal to every type of child, offering the opportunity for each camper to grow in confidence, improve their decision making skills and maybe discover a new lifelong hobby. We don’t try to cram too much in and allow just the right amount of time for campers to hangout, make new friends and play together. We are a small, independent camp run by a close-knit team of friends and family who are committed to enriching children’s lives. The core group have many years experience working with children both on summer camps and in the classroom, and are supported by a highly trained and motivated team of camp counsellors, many of whom have worked at camp before and are planning a career working with children. Camp Crusoe is about allowing children the time and space to be exactly that - children. Fun and personal development is our ultimate aim, but we also know from experience how much children learn at camp, both about themselves and about being part of something larger than them. We hope you agree and come join us for the Camp Crusoe experience!

Precious Metals Workshop

precious metals workshop


Established in 2010 by Goldsmith Ian Nicholson [http://www.thisisian.com/] and located in Edinburgh’s creative space Out of the Blue [http://www.outoftheblue.org.uk/], the Precious Metals Workshop (PMW) is Edinburgh’s leading independent workshop for goldsmiths, silversmiths, jewellers and hobbyists. We run courses [https://www.preciousmetalsworkshop.com/courses] for all levels of skills and provide access to a large range of tools and facilities necessary to create jewellery. We are a safe space for creative minds, home to a family of makers [https://www.preciousmetalsworkshop.com/jewellers] who share their knowledge and skills while inspiring each other and benefiting from an artisan vibe within the workshop. We operate several programs based on helping people start their own jewellery careers, providing a free bench and facilities access as well as weekly business mentoring. See our Inclusions [https://www.preciousmetalsworkshop.com/inclusions] page for further information on this. At the PMW we are very aware of our supply chains. There is continued exploitation in the mining of metals and gems and we are proud to support two third-world women’s mining groups. Please see our Facets [https://www.preciousmetalsworkshop.com/facets] page for further information. The Precious Metals Workshop is a community of makers, where we share our knowledge, skills and inspire each other as creative individuals. We provide a range of specialised equipment including soldering stations suitable for casting, pickling tanks, wheel and barrel polishers, ultrasonic tank, bubble etching tanks for copper and silver, fly press, ring stretchers, stone setting tools, heavy duty vices, bench drills, hammering stumps, silversmithing hammers, draw bench and plates, metal guillotine, rolling mill, large and small kilns. We have an extensive collection of resource books on techniques and practices to support both our emerging and established makers.




C2E Mission Statement Our vision is for all organisations in the UK, regardless of size, sector or profile to fully embrace good working equality practices and profit from the manifold benefits to be had from employing fairly for their organisation, their employees and the community. C2E Delivery Charter Committed2Equality is a National Equality Standard, designed for organisations to enable them to reach their equality potential and demonstrate their equality and diversity working practices. The Committed2Equality Standard validates actions and engages with organisations helping to build knowledge and a greater understanding of equality and diversity issues in the workplace and in community. In attaining the Committed2Equality Standard, achieving equality at work and improving competitive advantage, organisations are supported by C2E's Delivery Network providing the value added proposition, knowledge and expertise. C2E further assists organisations to meet their inclusion goals through partnerships and by engagement with other equality bodies. C2E and its Delivery Network provides accurate and current equality and diversity guidance C2E informs organisations of their legal duties and helps them understand their equality and diversity obligations C2E will make organisations aware that they have choices of the methods with which to provide acceptable evidence of their equality and diversity practices C2E will support organisations to meet the contractual requirements of Public Bodies, Local Authorities and Central Government and will verify compliance with their equality and diversity duties as suppliers C2E will support organisations in building the skills necessary to manage their equality and diversity practices in a responsible manner The C2E Standard and Accreditation demonstrates and evidences organisation's equality and diversity practices C2E is a Founder Member of The Association of Equality Scheme Providers (AESP) and subscribes to the AESP Code of Conduct

Troed y Rhiw Organics

troed y rhiw organics

Troed y Rhiw is a 23 acre mixed organic farm situated in Ceredigion’s coastal belt, less than two miles from the sea. Established in 2008, it is owned and run by Nathan Richards and Alicia Miller. The farm’s ethos is built around a belief in the necessity of farming sustainably in the 21st century. This means a whole farm holistic approach to food production which starts with the microbial worlds within our soil and encompasses everything from habitat protection and creation, to the role that the farm has within the local community. Along with horticulture production, we also have a small herd of Highland cattle which contribute to the farm’s fertility and provide meat for the family and our customers. We focus on local food, serving our immediate community through a box scheme delivered within thirty miles of the farm, local producer’s markets, and retail outlets such as restaurants and green grocers. Staying local means our food is fresh, mostly picked and sold on the same day, and fresh food is the key to good cooking. The farm supports a range of wildlife. Pipistrelle and Brown Long-eared bats roost in the specially designed bat loft in the roof of our stone dairies. Rabbits, badgers and foxes all live in and around the farm. There is a wide range of bird life living on the farm including Jays, Nuthatches, Blue Tits, Wagtails and other garden birds as well as birds of prey, from Barn Owls and Red Kites to Buzzards which hunt in the surrounding countryside. A Heron regularly visits our pond during the summer months. The farm hosts a colony of bees kept in fourteen hives. A wide variety of butterflies and moths flourish on the farm encouraged by the farm’s diverse habitat and because we don’t use any pesticides.