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Imperial Tai Chi Academy

imperial tai chi academy

Shane has been involved with the martial arts since the early eighties. He started studying martial arts by learning Pentjak Silat Perisai Diri in 1983. He then moved to Chow Gar Tong Long Kung Fu with the Australian School of Kung Fu and Tai Chi with Si-Fu Tony Conley in 1986. After training full time, and becoming a senior instructor, he started teaching Tai Chi classes full time in 1990, mostly around the southern suburbs of Brisbane, Redlands and Ipswich. The club was originally called Powerline Health and Lifestyle, then after several years it changed to the Imperial Tai Chi Academy. The club Si-Sook Kung is Denis Sue -Tin and Si-Fu is Guy Sue-Tin. Studying Chinese medicine for four years, lead Shane to a greater understanding of the need to promote the natural benefits of the practice of Tai Chi. Body, mind and spirit are brought together by Tai Chi which generates a feeling of good health and vitality. The martial arts component of Tai Chi reinforces good health, both mental and physical, by promoting exercises which strengthen the body and promote overall fitness. So for Shane, Tai Chi became a relevant and meaningful activity for all ages. Shane has been teaching in the community for over 30 years and is proud to be able to make a difference to people's mobility and health. He believes it is particularly important for our seniors to continue doing some form of exercise, and Tai Chi is ideal, as it provides a gentle, slow deliberate movement that is adaptable for varying levels of mobility and fitness.

Plan Be Coaching

plan be coaching

Priscilla is a Senior level accredited Coach, Positive Psychologist, and CBT Practitioner. Her expertise lies in coaching groups and individuals to overcome their performance inhibiting thoughts and gain confidence and clarity to peruse their high ambitions and live a life which reflects their full potential. Through a combination of scientifically grounded techniques from the study of Positive Psychology, CBT, NLP, and her own personalised coaching framework, Priscilla helps her clients grow their coping toolbox and dispel the negative beliefs, behaviours, and performance-inhibiting thoughts which make them feel stuck and unable to progress. Prior to becoming a coach Priscilla spent 7 years within the Metropolitan police. First, as a response officer and later as a Detective within the child abuse and sexual exploitation unit. Her career within the police gave her first-hand experience of working in a high-stress, high-risk environment with tight deadlines and a substantial workload. The tug of a demanding career competed tirelessly with raising a family. This internal conflict which manifested in stress and anxiety eventually led to her defining her own version of success and embarking on her Plan B(e), her current career as a Positive Psychology Coach. As a coach Priscilla’s mission is to empower others to live in a world where they are no longer held back by a fear of failure or low self belief. Instead, they are able to clarify their own version of success and live towards it courageously. I believe I am qualified to be your coach because I have the the scientific knowledge to help you reach your goals and the personal experience of feeling stuck and low in confidence. I was diagnosed with GAD (general anxiety disorder) and PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) so I have first hand knowledge of the effect these can take on your mindset, life and business. I have also learnt how to master my mindset and overcome the mental obstacles that can keep us stuck. I obtained an MSc in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology graduating with a 1st Class distinction. I have been accredited as a Senior level coach with hundreds of hours in coaching practice. As a coach I use tools that are grounded in psychology and proven through data to work and make a positive impact. If you are dedicated to the process I can guarantee you results and you will get there far quicker with me as your coach and ally. I have experience of working in a high stress, demanding environment, that can be volatile and challenging. I have experience of juggling a business, with raising children and have learnt to thrive despite the demands of both.