4568 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Laura Batten - Hello Baby Brighton

laura batten - hello baby brighton

My name is Laura Batten (she/her); I'm mum to Joshua (11) and Martha (5), wife to Leigh and I'm the founder of Hello Baby Brighton. We live in the Preston Park area of Brighton and have done for the last fourteen years. Being beside the sea is such a privilege. There's something about being right on the edge of the land - the sense of freedom, the waves and even the pesky seagulls add character! My pregnancy in 2010 with Joshua was very straightforward and complication-free. I absolutely loved being pregnant and felt carefree and marvelled at my growing bump. My labour, however, was a rollercoaster of stops and starts, and I felt out of control and I didn’t know how to help myself. It ended in the birthing pool - which is what I'd wanted - but looking back (knowing what I know now) I was getting in my own way. I wasn't letting my body do what it needed to do and without realising, contributed to my labour stalling. But in those final two hours in the pool with the most incredible midwife, I felt invincible. I knew immediately that I wanted to do this for other women. I'd never even heard of Hypnobirthing back then, so I originally thought about re-training as a midwife. Since then, sadly, I've experienced the pain of three consecutive miscarriages, and I deeply empathise if you've been through this trauma of any type of loss. How I was treated through one particular journey really cemented my passion of becoming a care-giver who can meaningfully change someone's experience of birth in a positive way. I’d had so much pregnancy and birth trauma and anxiety before I came to Hypnobirthing and I wanted to change that for myself, and for others. In 2017 I gave birth to my daughter, at home in the birthing pool, using Hypnobirthing techniques while my son slept upstairs! It was such a calm and empowering experience and I put it entirely down to my practice during pregnancy, and the mindfulness I used. I can't quite communicate in words how it feels to be able to teach women and couples to be completely empowered and have a birth they feel great about afterwards. So many don't think it's possible; they've had a bad experience before or heard horror stories; generally conditioned through the media and society that birth is painful and long; scared to believe that they're capable of a positive experience of birth. Hello Baby Brighton was founded with a passion to not only work with couples to help change their experience of birth, but also with the goal of continuity of care - something which is quite rare these days. From the moment you say ‘hello baby’ (however you have come to be pregnant or intended parents) to the moment you're holding your baby for the first time, it is the most wonderful and crazy journey of very mixed emotions. My Group and Private Mindful Birth Courses give you the tools you'll need to stay calm and focused, throughout pregnancy and during the birth of your baby and my online monthly Pregnancy Relaxation classes will help you feel grounded and looked after. And of course if you choose me to work alongside you as your Doula, we will have many opportunities together in your pregnancy to prepare you physically and emotionally. I trained in Hypnobirthing back in 2016 and have supported hundreds of couples since. I now teach the Mindful Birth Group course - an incredible 1st-4th-trimester package, which is rooted in mindfulness (and hypnobirthing techniques) but gives you so much more. You can read about them here. I would absolutely love to come alongside you in your pregnancy or new parenthood in one of my courses, classes or services. I feel so strongly about the right antenatal education and the magic of a Doula, that even if you don't choose me, please do choose fantastic pregnancy and birth support - it always, always makes a difference, whatever type of birth you have.

River Network

river network


One of the UK’s most loved and popular evangelists, Terry has been described as a tonic: humorous, high energy, yet still vulnerable and relational. Using the strong gift of encouragement placed in him, Terry shares the full Gospel message that has so radically changed him: a miraculous testimony of healing and total redemption from brokenness, severe drug addiction & crime. This transformation has seen him become a graduate of and speaker at two bible colleges, further rising to become a CEO within the Christian charity and media sector, influencing and helping thousands worldwide. Terry is a creative communicator with an instant appeal that transcends all cultures, people groups & denominations. His much-appreciated art of motivational faith, coupled with deep insight, helps people to discover (or rediscover) their God-given purpose and spiritual vitality! His manner is at once humorous, friendly & and deeply impacting – and opens the door to life, salvation and healing, in a demonstration of the incredible power of the Spirit. He is also an Ambassador for Compassion UK. JILL Terry’s wife and partner in life, Jill, is a source of strength and inspiration to all Terry is and has accomplished, and she often sings when accompanying Terry on speaking engagements. They come as a great team! Jill loves chocolate, music, and fashion – working as a stylist for some of the world’s leading brands, dressing the housewife to the celebrity! She is also an accomplished worship leader, singer, song-writer and author. Alongside Terry’s testimony of complete transformation, Jill has her own, different testimony. Having watched her parents’ heartache as her older brother suffered tragically under the effects of extreme bullying from a young age, and the dependency that this created in him, Jill determined early in life to be completely independent – a burden to no one and reliant on nobody. This led to unrealistic perfectionistic tendencies and incredible pressure during her twenties. It was not until Jill was in her thirties that she was able to make the paradigm shift to be free of the intensity of perfectionism, leaning into the wisdom of Psalm 138: Psalm 138:8 (AMPC) 8 The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, endure forever—forsake not the works of Your own hands. What a relief it is to realise that it is the Lord who perfects, not us!!! We can only truly please God by having faith in Him, not by how perfect we try to be. Jesus finished all, accomplished all, at the cross, so that now, as the writer of Hebrews declared, we can “fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favour to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].” (Hebrews 4:16Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)) Both Terry & Jill are ordained by RMI and hold RMI Ministerial Association. In 2018 both Terry & Jill received Honorary PhD Doctorates in Christian Ministry from Excel Christian University for over 20 years of Ministry, Leadership, Service & authoring many books & musical publications. One of the UK’s most loved and popular evangelists, Terry has been described as a tonic: humorous, high energy, yet still vulnerable and relational. Using the strong gift of encouragement placed in him, Terry shares the full Gospel message that has so radically changed him: a miraculous testimony of healing and total redemption from brokenness, severe drug addiction & crime. This transformation has seen him become a graduate of and speaker at two bible colleges, further rising to become a CEO within the Christian charity and media sector, influencing and helping thousands worldwide. Terry is a creative communicator with an instant appeal that transcends all cultures, people groups & denominations. His much-appreciated art of motivational faith, coupled with deep insight, helps people to discover (or rediscover) their God-given purpose and spiritual vitality! His manner is at once humorous, friendly & and deeply impacting – and opens the door to life, salvation and healing, in a demonstration of the incredible power of the Spirit. He is also an Ambassador for Compassion UK.

Tutor Stream

tutor stream


Introduction The TutorStream Website helps Students to find Tutors, Tutors to market their services, and for Students to book and pay for Lessons. All of these terms and conditions apply to Students and Tutors, unless they specifically state otherwise, or are marked with a "T", when they only apply to Tutors. Clause 5 only applies to Tutors. These terms and conditions replace any previous versions of them. The TutorStream Website is owned and operated by Tutor Stream Ltd, trading as TutorStream. TutorStream is a limited liability company registered in England and Wales under company number 12338203. TutorStream's registered office is at Kemp House, 152-160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX United Kingdom. TutorStream's other contact details are set out on the Website, which is at https://TutorStream.net. A User may register on the Website as a Student or as a Tutor. A User may use the Website without registering, but if a User does register, certain information will be stored, making future visits to the Website easier. By registering on or using our Website, the User agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are legally binding – every User should read them fully before agreeing to them. (Please print or save these terms for future use as TutorStream will not keep a file copy specifically for the User and TutorStream cannot guarantee that they will remain accessible on the Website in future.) If a User does not wish to be bound by these terms, they should not use the Website. ("T") Where the person who agrees these terms and conditions contracts on behalf of a company/organisation, they hereby confirm that they have authority to act on behalf of that entity. Certain words are defined in clause 16 (Definitions) of these terms and conditions and are capitalised throughout. TutorStream Rights & Responsibilities This clause sets out what TutorStream promises to do: To help Tutors and Students to meet by allowing Tutors to advertise their professional tuition services on the Website, and Students to book and pay for Lessons To maintain a functioning Website, including communication systems, a booking platform and Online Classroom, wherever possible. TutorStream cannot guarantee that the Website will always be available, or that it will always work, but it will try to have it up and running properly at all times. Every now and again, the Website might need to be taken offline for maintenance purposes. To communicate any planned maintenance of the Website or Platform downtime. To use reasonable endeavours (which means to try hard!) to keep the Website free from viruses and worms. To use reasonable endeavours to check the identity of all Tutors and the background checks of Tutors who have Background Checked Status. (But if a Student is concerned about any Tutor, do not meet a Tutor alone.) To decide when a Tutor’s profile is sufficiently complete to be set live on the Website and be accessible by other Users. To communicate new Bookings, confirmation of Bookings and cancellations, to both Students and Tutors via the Website and by email (except where a Student or Tutor has chosen to alter their notification settings to exclude email communication). To endeavour to ensure that each Student’s payment of Lesson Fees and the payment of each Tutor’s Tutor Fees are processed promptly and usually within 9 days of a Lesson, when there is no Complaint or Failed Payment. To endeavour to ensure Complaints are considered promptly and in accordance with these terms and conditions. To endeavour to ensure that refunds to Students are made promptly in accordance with these terms and conditions. To endeavour to ensure that Failed Payments are processed promptly and in accordance with these terms and conditions. To take precautions TutorStream considers appropriate to protect Students' and Tutors' information. To monitor postings made on the Website and messages sent between Students and Tutors. TutorStream does so in the hope of helping Students and Tutors meet, but also to stop misuse of the Website, as set out in these terms and conditions.

British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association

british hang gliding and paragliding association

Meridian Business Park

Welcome to the British Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association (BHPA) website. From its head office in Leicester the BHPA supports a country-wide network of recreational clubs and registered schools, and provides the infrastructure within which hang gliding and paragliding in the United Kingdom (UK) thrive. Hang Glider (Courtesy Mike Scholes) The BHPA oversees pilot and instructor training standards, and provides technical support such as airworthiness standards, and coaching courses for qualified hang gliding and paragliding pilots. Initial hang gliding or paragliding training must be undertaken at a BHPA registered school. Most schools offer training in a wide range of flying disciplines, so it's important to understand the differences between the disciplines before choosing a school. The Learn to Fly section of this web site explains the relative merits of each discipline, the types of flying involved, and provides an insight into the training methods used. As you near the end of your initial training with one of our registered schools, it's important to start looking for suitable recreational club to join. Obtaining your Club Pilot rating marks the end of your formal instruction and qualifies you to leave the school and fly within a BHPA recreational club. The BHPA supports a network of UK hang gliding and paragliding recreational clubs who are able to offer the supportive flying and social environment vital to the safe development of your flying skills, as you join other recreational flyers on the hill, and continue your progression through the BHPA Pilot Rating Scheme (PRS). As your accumulated airtime increases and your flying skills improve, you will probably start to think about your long term goals and aspirations, and working towards your Pilot Rating, the next rung on the PRS ladder. Club coaches can offer advice and support with the flying tasks that need to be completed, and the theory exam you will need to sit. An online BHPA Mock Pilot Rating Exam is also available. This will allow you to test your current knowledge and help you to understand the subject areas you will need to revise before sitting the real exam. When you first leave your school and join a club, you may choose to spend your first few hours' flying with no specific aim other than to safely accumulate airtime. However, it is well known that pilots make safer more efficient progress when they are given particular tasks to undertake. With that in mind, a panel of experienced BHPA coaches have devised a new pathway to learning, the BHPA Pilot Development Structure. This offers an alternative to the more formal Pilot Rating System, and for newly qualified pilots aims to: encourage interaction between new pilots, their club and its coaches provide a structured way to progress, acquire knowledge and build skills through attainable goals reduce flying related incidents and promote safe flying Paraglider (Courtesy Derek Frith) The BHPA also has a disability initiative called Flyability. This reports directly to the BHPA's Executive Council on disability related matters within the sport. Flyability doesn't simply take people with disabilities flying, it strives to motivate people with disabilities to become involved in the sport of hang gliding and paragliding and to train as pilots. Much of Flyability's work in the sport, focuses around changing peoples perception of disability and their attitudes toward people with disabilities. Disability awareness, education and advice play key roles in Flyability's aims and objectives, as does the development of specialist equipment, training and flying techniques. The BHPA also publishes Skywings, the only magazine dedicated to free flying in the United Kingdom. This glossy full colour magazine is distributed by mail to around 6,500 BHPA members each month as part of their membership package. Powered hang glider (Courtesy Ian Ferguson) Skywings magazine is also read by countless more hang gliding and paragliding pilots and organisations around the world who have purchased an International Skywings magazine subscription from our on-line shop. Freely available electronic copies of Skywings magazine are also published each month on our Skywings page. These can be viewed online as a flipbook magazine, or downloaded as a pdf document. When viewing the magazine online on a device with a small screen, we recommend that you select the single page option in the menu at the top of each issue.

The Market Research Society (MRS)

the market research society (mrs)


Research, insight and analytics stand at the heart of all well-informed commercial, social and political decisions. Insight into what makes a product, business initiative or government policy work is often the hidden – yet defining – factor between success and failure. It is our sector that provides the deeper intelligence needed for our world today. Here is a definition of market and social research from the MRS Code of Conduct. "Research is the collection, use, or analysis of information about individuals or organisations intended to establish facts, acquire knowledge or reach conclusions. It uses techniques of the applied social, behavioural and data sciences, statistical principles and theory, to generate insights and support decision-making by providers of goods and services, governments, non-profit organisations and the general public." The Market Research Society (MRS) is the UK professional body for research, insight and analytics. We recognise 5,000 individual members and over 500 accredited Company Partners in over 50 countries who are committed to delivering outstanding insight. As the regulator, we promote the highest professional standards throughout the sector via the MRS Code of Conduct. MRS supports the sector with specialist training and qualifications, professional membership, company accreditation, cutting-edge conferences, glittering awards and advice on best practice. Professional development – Through qualifications, CPD, mentoring, skills mapping and specialist training, we upskill individuals and organisations within the sector. Thought leadership – We publish the award-winning Impact magazine, provide 40 e-books and free webinars, as well as the scholarly International Journal of Market Research (IJMR). We also run the research sector's own think tank MRS Delphi Group which publishes white papers on burning issues such as privacy, data integration and prediction. Awards – MRS hosts the sector’s key awards including the Excellence Awards, the Operations Awards and MRS Awards for outstanding individuals and organisations. Events – Our comprehensive events programme including specialist conferences, the Annual Conference, Speaker Evenings, regional and specialist events plus a Roadshow. The changing sector Our sector is growing and changing. 73,000 professionals now work in research and insight with the UK sector worth £4.8 billion, an increase of £2 billion since 2012. Analytics alone has grown 350% in four years. A new set of skills are increasing required to work within insight including storytelling, commercial acumen and agile thinking. These were the findings of a joint MRS/PwC report 'The Business of Evidence 2016'. What MRS does for the sector MRS consults with business and government leaders to ensure that research stays at the forefront of commercial and political agendas. We work on your behalf to ensure the sector stays relevant and recognised. The MRS Code of Conduct– Adherences to the MRS Code, as a regulator practitioner or supplier, is a pre-requisite for many key commercial tenders and government rosters. Procurement best practice – We consult with business and government on best practice procurement for research. Regulatory exemptions – We liaise with telephone regulators and suppliers to ensure that Company Partners are clearly differentiated from other telephone activities, such as direct marketing, and exempt from regulatory requirements. Market insight – We provide the MRS League Tables, MRS Annual Survey and the MRS Quarterly Trends Analysis to reveal the key market and industry trends. Freephone verification service – We provide a Freephone service where everyone can check the validity of research suppliers through our online register or via 0800 9759596. What else we provide MRS also provides a host of support services and initiatives to ensure professionals and organisations stay connected, relevant and able to generate business. Research Jobfinder– the specialist jobs board for the insight sector, Research Jobfinder features over 700 positions. Research Live– the definitive daily news site for the sector also featuring in-depth articles from Impact magazine. Research Buyers Guide (RBG) – Used by client researchers and procurement professionals, RBG is the only source of accredited research suppliers in the UK and Ireland. Fair Data– Fair Data is a recognised data compliance mark that enables consumers to make educated choices about their personal data. Research for Small Businesses– Tips and case studies for how SMEs can use research to grow their business.

The Diaspora Community Projects (Diaspora)

the diaspora community projects (diaspora)


We are pleased to announce that ,The Diaspora Community Projects (Diaspora) is now approved by VTCT Awarding body to deliver Beauty courses. Also proudly announce that we are also approved for Barista Training and Hospitality and Catering Diploma Courses We a BME led community organisation that has been at the forefront of the economic development, training and career advancement of people from local communities with particular focus on employment support for the marginalised communities. Aim to benefit adults and children and their families every year, through live welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood and women empowerment, aim to driven in over many remote villages and slums across the world. Education is both the means as well as the end to a better life: the means because it empowers an individual to earn his/her livelihood and the end because it increases one's awareness on a range of issues – from healthcare to appropriate social behaviour to understanding one's rights – and in the process help him/her evolve as a better citizen. We are accredited training providers for a number of job-related skills training programmes including NVQs and apprenticeships. They include Health and Social Care, Business & Administration, Security (SIA) As part of our employment support scheme, we work in partnership with various national and local organisations to offer training and employment opportunities to the local community. This service comes with our bespoke quality one-2-one career advice and support to give the long-term unemployed an opportunity to kick-start their career. Currently, we have on offer a number of training and employment support courses which include Free NVQ levels 2&3 in Health and Social care, Business & Administration, Leadership & Management and Customer Service. On employment opportunities, we are now delivering Security, Cleaning and Health Care recruitment services. Through our very successful training programmes which include work placements, we can guarantee highly trained and motivated staff in cleaning, healthcare Assistants/Support Workers and Security Officers under our new win-win work programme. Under this programme, established businesses get our highly trained and vetted staff from ourselves to work for them. with minimal cost for the labour as well as offering an opportunity to improve living standards of local people. In addition, working with us helps your businesses in contributing to highly valued social responsibility strategies embraced by most national and international organisations. Since 2005, DCP has developed itself as a social enterprise ie engaging in trading activities to support most of its community work. Working as a social enterprise DCP has managed to win confidence within the public and private sector alike and with this we have seen sales increase steadily in the past few years despite the economic down turn that has made many charitable organisations and businesses close. Because of our unique market target as well as our excellence in quality service, many private and public organisations have been able to work with us as we provide a vital link to working with the most vulnerable and marginalised members of the society. At DCP we have our fingers on the pulse of our communities, ready to help transform how they learn, how they find jobs and how they do them, how they access public services and how they develop creativity to make the most of time and effectively contribute to the economy in the UK an abroad. We also specialise in offering a wide range of development and support services to individuals (employed and unemployed) and businesses, (consultancy) both in the private and voluntary sectors. Due to the nature of our business, we work with a team of highly skilled and experienced people –paid and on voluntary basis to provide the best service you can expect in the third sector. We have a clear commitment to diversity and experience achieving a balanced social mix for the youth and adults and partnership with key stakeholders like the Department of Work & Pension (DWP) , Job centre Plus, local colleges and schools. When it comes to recruiting quality staff and trainees, our success is partly due to our approach to embedding IAG and skills development throughout our programmes combined with 1-2-1 personal support and continuing counselling, mentoring, coaching and inspiration. Together with our associated partners in the UK, DCP is continually testing and pioneering new ideas in different development spheres such as training/assessment, regeneratio

Veitch Aviation Training Services

veitch aviation training services


Keeping in view the dire need of true aviation professionals for aviation industry particularly in Pakistan, the Institute of Aviation Studies (IAS) was established in University of Management and Technology (UMT) during Spring-2011 and initially offered 4-year BS Aviation Management (AM) program which gave a new dimension to the aviation education to produced specialized human resource. IAS kept on offering the most fascinating career of students who desire the aviation as a spirit of their dream to learn & teach the adventurous way to sky. It was the beginning of a vision that has produced so far more than 150 alumni who drove innovations in different slots of aviation industry, productively. 2013 was the year when a flight simulator, with a mock-up of aircraft Cessna-172, and Air Traffic Control (ATC) as the training devices were made and set in UMT premises for students of aviation as a part of their BSAM program. These training devices are also utilized for ICAO English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) for pilots of all categories Similarly, a huge demand of qualified & licensed professionals in the field of Aircraft Maintenance in Pakistan and particularly in this region pushed us to launch 4-year BS Aircraft Maintenance Engineer`s Technology (AMET) program in 2014 along with the license course of Part-66 (B1.2 & B3) under an EASA-approved,Part-147, Maintenance Training Organization (MTO) named as AERO-Bildung, GmbH, Germany with hands-on experience on operational aircrafts at an airport in Pakistan. In same year i.e. February, 2014, high officials of Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) visited UMT and after assuring ICAO & PCAA required standards, authorized IAS with three certifications as under: Authorization of ground courses for Private Pilot License/Commercial Pilot License/Instrument Rating/Airlines Transport Pilot License.(PPL/CPL/IR/ATPL) Authorization of ground course for Flight Operation Officer/Flight Despatcher. (FOO/FD) IAS,UMT as an English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) Center for all categories of pilots in Pakistan The University of Management and Technology is the only university in Pakistan which has been authorized Institute of Aviation Studies to impart training &ground courses for aviation students of UMT and pilots (PPL/CPL/IR/ATPL) and to act as an examination center for pilots in Pakistan. In the year of 2014, only in UMT, BSAM degree program was value-added by introducing PCAA-approved “Flight Operation Officer/Flight Despatcher” (FOO/FD) Course for every BSAM student of IAS free of cost, enabling them to directly appear before PCAA examination for FOO/FD license. In 2014, Institute of Aviation Studies, UMT became the member of USA-based “University Aviation Association” (An international association of the world`s universities having aviation department in their set-up). In 2015,IAS,UMT held a collaboration simultaneously with four flying clubs in Pakistan for the purpose of hands-on experience on operational aircrafts for the students of BS AMET program as a part of their AMET license of Part-66 (B1.2 & B3). Kept on flying higher & higher, in 2016, IAS of this university launched a 2-year “MSc. Air Transport Management” program with the collaboration of Turkish Aviation Academy,(an IATA approved aviation training academy & subordinate organization of Turkish Airlines) at Istanbul, Turkey. In a bid to further expand education in aviation field, UMT stepped-out of university premises in 2017 and established a sub-campus of IAS at Walton Airport. Lahore under the title of “Walton Aviation Training School” for hands-on experience, trainings & courses for aviation students and all category of pilots in Pakistan. In 2017, an FAA, EASA&PCAA-approved flight simulator, with motion, brought from USA and installed at Walton Aviation Training School, Walton Airport, Lahore first time in Pakistan to provide upto 30hrs log able flying training for pilots i.e. PPL/CPL/IR/ATPL. In 2018, IAS-UMT is the only university in Pakistan, which is approved by INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION (IATA), to join its global training partner network as an IATA AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTER (ATC) and allocated IATA ATC 3-letter code as "UMT"

Career Path Academy

career path academy

The BEST NJ Real Estate School to get Licensed, Period. Get Your New Jersey Real Estate License with Career Path Academy Career Path Academy the premier New Jersey Real Estate School to get your real estate salesperson license or broker license with and become a realtor faster with us. We have Flexible Schedules, Full Time, Part Time, and Flexible Scheduling options available. Taking this class is the first step in starting a new career in real estate. Enroll now for the best price with the best NJ real estate school around. We are licensed by the NJ real estate commission, a division of the NJ Department of Banking and Insurance to offer New Jersey real estate licensing courses. Take the NJ real estate license class with Career Path Academy, take the course, and get licensed. We have instructor-led live interactive courses, webinars are actually taught in Zoom Meeting Mode, not the webinar mode to allows the student remotely attending classes to openly ask questions as freely as if they were taking in-person classes at our location. DISCOUNT SPECIAL Enroll and pay now for salesperson classes by Zelle or Cash We will give you $25 off our regular price (cannot be combined with any other discount) Learning Update: The In-person classes continue to be disrupted due to cases of positive Covid tests and quarantine periods. For that reason, we are currently running classes online via live, instructor-led meetings that are a lot more like in-person classes than you'd think. We never liked the mandated shut-downs of businesses and schools but trying to please all students and instructors, keeping up with reporting to the state and keeping the classroom disinfected, gas prices for travel, etc. it seems for the time being, this is actually a pretty good option doing remote learning for the time being, as long as the governor continues allowing it. This is not your typical Zoom-style online course. Our virtual classroom experience includes a live video stream of your instructor teaching, slide presentations, video clips, whiteboard illustrations & diagrams, custom handouts to download and the ability to have your questions answered in real-time in the open forum as if you were sitting in the classroom but all from the comfort of home. We also include recordings of the class at no additional cost, quizzes and so much more. Before signing up for a class with another school, don't fall for gimmicks they try to pass off as premium, premier or ultimate packages or as some kind of "extra" which is and should be included like we do. First off check out their instructors to see if they are licensed actively in New Jersey as they should be. Look up their names here: https://tinyurl.com/njrelicensesearch These are included or free, it's just information they tell you about but market as a bonus upgrade packages to tell you that you can get licensed in 3 states by taking our class. Yeah, get licensed here in NJ, and in NY and PA just by using your completion certificate from us to get an education waiver in those states but you still need to take an exam and affiliate with a broker to get licensed there. Some never bring up the book, we include it, others it's extra up charge, to certify your 75 hours with the state that shouldn't be extra, teaching you about math or giving you study guides or learning about property management or talking about investing are standard parts of the course. Schools are required to go over certain topics in order for you to be able to pass the state exam. Schools should not be "placing" you with any brokerage or doing recruiting from the classroom. We give you a list of questions to ask and tell you what to look out for when selecting a broker as opposed to getting interviewed by them. Our courses include bonus materials and resources no other schools offer teaching you how to get started on a shoestring budget without skimping on quality tools and resources you WILL need once you get licensed. Our examples and videos included in the course are topic related and give real-world examples so you can better understand how to perform once in the business and know what not to do. All of our instructors are Licensed NJ Brokers or Broker-Salespersons and our student pass rates are extremely high. We guarantee you'll pass and you can retake the class as many times as you'd like within 1 year to ensure it. We give students 6 months to complete the school coursework and include your first 2 exam attempts.

AV8 Flight School

av8 flight school

Where do I start? If you want to fly and operate drones professionally, the General VLOS Certificate (GVC) is the most practical and effective way to reach your aims. Legally you don't need any special training or certification to fly drones commercially (just a Flyer ID, Operator ID and correct insurance), however for most operators the limitations on where you can fly and how close you can get to people are far too restrictive to be practical. This is referred to as the Open Category. It is possible to fly with fewer restrictions in Open Category via the A2 Certificate of Competence (A2 CofC), however there are some strong caveats with regards to its usefulness and longevity (see the A2 CofC below for more info). The way to remove and reduce the limitations on where you can fly is by obtaining a CAA Operational Authorisation (an "OA") so you can operate in what's called the Specific Category. To obtain an OA, you first need to complete a GVC course with an approved training provider, like AV8. The OA is a formal permission that allows you to fly drones up to 25kg inside congested and built up areas and to within 50m of people. The important distinction to note is that this 50m separation distance is measured as an invisible "bubble" around the drone, as apposed to the 50m "cylinder" that applies in the Open Category. This effectively means that, subject to certain safety precautions, you have enormous freedoms in where you can fly, even to the point of flying overhead people if you're more than 50m above them if it can be done safely (and for no longer than necessary). An OA also provides you with a far more professional client-facing image, so much so that its estimated that around 80% of the UK's £42bn drone industry is only available to operators with an OA, since most clients specify it as a baseline requirement. If you're planning on flying for another drone operator, it will also very likely be a requirement that you have. a full GVC. The GVC is a pilot competency course designed to provide you with everything you need to obtain an Operational Authorisation (OA) from the CAA. It consists of some online study, an exam conducted under formal conditions, the creation of an operations manual, and finally a practical flight test. Once you've completed the course, you're awarded both the GVC and A2 CofC (our courses are modular!) and you can then use your shiny new certificate to apply to the CAA (see below for more info on the OA). Having a GVC brings a lot of flexibility and professionalism to your drone operations. You learn about flight operations, meteorology (the weather), flight performance, as well as the practicalities of planning and conducting safe and legal drone flights. Depending on your circumstances, the course can be finished in as little as a week, however most students complete it over the course of 4 to 6 weeks on a part time basis. The theory section of the course is completed online via our virtual learning environment; super easy to use and navigate and there are lots of quizzes and knowledge checks to keep you on track. Once you're ready, the exam is online and on-demand 24/7/365 (literally!). You'll connect with a proctor (a human being) who'll help you get set up and ready. The exam is multiple choice and covers the same areas as the knowledge checks. Because of the way our courses are structured we have a near 100% first time pass rate, however if you happened to have a bad day we provide you with some additional support and retakes of the exam are always free. With the exam complete you'll be able to log in to Flight Docs, our very own automated system for creating your operations manual. It takes around 30 minutes, after which you'll have a full compliant and formatted document sitting in your inbox. The final step is your practical flight test. We have a network of flight examiners across the whole of the UK from which you can choose the one closest and most convenient to you. We also provide you with the details of how the flight test is performed right at the start of your course so you can practice whilst you study. The test itself consists of planning for the flight, setting up, completing the various manoeuvres, responding to simulated emergencies and closing your operation down. It may seem a little daunting but we guide you every step of the way.