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Equip International

equip international



Equip International exists to Equip God's people in holistic ministry to disciple the nations. By showing how God is reconciling all things to Himself (both physical and spiritual), we have an open door to share the good news of Jesus and show what difference it makes to follow Him. We do this by: Partnering We believe ministry is done best when we all work together. That’s why we partner with other missions agencies, churches, and missionaries to help them better serve those in their ministry contexts. Learn more about who we partner with here. Training At Equip, we believe faith and work go hand-in-hand. Training missionaries in agriculture, appropriate technology, medical procedures, and community health evangelism opens the door for community transformation through Christ. We help missionaries live out their faith in Christ in tangible, relevant ways by serving their communities. Find out more about our training opportunities here. Sending Equip sends adventurous individuals living out their unique call to share the Good News of Jesus Christ around the globe. We seek out and send missionaries ready to make an impact for God's Kingdom in practical, life changing ways. Explore the varied work of our missionaries all over the world, as well as learn how you can become an Equip missionary, We believe in advancing the Kingdom of God through collaboration with other mission agencies, churches, and missionaries to better serve communities in need, ultimately equipping God’s people to fulfill the Great Commission. Mission Organizations As we partner with other Christ-centered missions agencies, we seek to understand their training needs so we can equip them with relevant courses that further the work in their particular contexts. Our specialized, hands-on training goes beyond typical missionary orientation and can enhance the professional development provided by our agency partners. Churches We come alongside churches in their short-term missions ministry, providing customized training to church members in preparation for their upcoming trips. Also, if a church is sending a missionary, we provide a host of courses that can prepare individuals and couples for long-term missions service. Missionaries Missionaries come to us with an entrepreneurial vision for serving others, and we help them refine that calling and formulate a plan on how to get where they want to go. Our help to them may be as simple as providing a course to help them gain a necessary skill or as long-term as becoming their sending agency.

Chetna Holistic

chetna holistic



I have been actively engaged in self healing, therapies , yoga and related researches for the past ten years, to become an holistic therapist and yoga teacher.  Today my goal is to support others in their journey, through the help of different techniques according to their needs, while adapting my knowledge to suit and what I feel is the best for my clients. I discovered yoga in 2013 and practiced intensely with an amazing teacher from India in Kerala. I realised at that moment that yoga could offer a real balance to the mind, body and soul.  The pain in my body was gone, I felt emotionally balanced and happy.  I then decided to go to India to pass my 200Hours in the beautiful mountain of Himalaya. I lived six months in the yoga school assisting my teacher during classes and deepening my knowledge. Two years later, I travelled back to India in Rishikesh and studied my 300Hours teacher training while gaining considerable knowledge of Pranayamas and Kriyas. The knowledge I share today comes from India, the root of Yoga. Every class I teach, people will reconnect with themselves more and more, leading to the rebalance of their inner space, mind, body and soul. Yoga it is also a state of mind, along with the practice of pranayama & meditation it can become a way of living. This is what I can offer to every class & student for the betterment of themselves. My classes receive high praise as people find themselves connecting to their body and their breath. I offer an opportunity to really discover yoga and its benefits in day-to-day life. People tend to feel taller, more present, happier, more relaxed, more confident; the benefits are endless. I have a deep knowledge on pranayama, asanas and their benefits, meditation, yoga nidra, yoga philosophy, yin yoga, restorative yoga, ashtanga vinyasa yoga and looking forward to completing a training yoga for pregnancy soon. “Yoga is falling in Love with yourself again & again”   Qualifications: Teacher Training 200H In India( McLeod Ganj) Chinmay yoga certified by Yoga Alliance Teacher Training 300H In India Rishikesh certified by Yoga Alliance Vipassana in Thailand Chaing Mai Thai yoga massage in Thailand Chiang Mai Reiki level 1 & 2 in India McLeod Ganj Emotionnal Freedom Technique In India McLeod Ganj

Fresh Start Motorcycle

fresh start motorcycle



Fresh start motorcycle are Professional motorcycle DSA Approved Motorcycle Training School (ATB) That Teaches in CBT, DAS and Enhanced Rider Skills.7 days a week. Rider Training in all aspects of road riding. being less the 1 mile to the DSA Test center in Atherton As a family run business we small enough to really care about you, and what best suited in your training programme and needs. Yet big enough to cope.We have a Small friendly team of trainers only useing DSA approved trainers we are all also FBos trained. (FIRST AID in FIRST BIKE ON THE SCENE) Togetter we have lots of experience it all types of problems that you may have. A good selection of bikes with lower seat hight if required, our aim is for you to reach your goal. No short cuts or corner cutting here- just high – quality training at a value for money price. If you are planning on learning to ride, or improve you’re riding skills Fresh Start Motorcycle can help you We are based close to the DSA motorcycle test centre in Atherton Manchester; we are the closest training school to this test centre. It’s less the 1 mile away. so from the start you will be learning to ride in the area you most likely be taking your test We have a very large safe off road training areas for CBT and for practice sessions for your mod 1 test ect. Extremely good motorcycle and facilities, based in a motorcycle shop called speed demons we have a classroom seating, toilet, And you also get £10% off some items that you may buy in the shop; you can even buy a motorcycle or have one serviced all under one roof Why did I start my own Motorcycle Trainings School? It was when I was attending a my daughters graduation the advice the lecture gave to the young people now going out into the work place was this “If you can do what you enjoy doing as if when you go on vacation and make this your vocation you will never work another day in your life”This thought really hit home to me. Living and working in North London for 30 years I wondered what did really want to do. Where would I like to be? What did I enjoy doing Etc.? This was the easy part, I enjoyed my Motorcycle riding, and my charity work with Advanced Motorcyclist Group where I had become an observer with them. I enjoyed teaching others become safer better riders and seeing them enjoy their new riding skills. So career change to do what I enjoyed was required. A Fresh Start, a new way of life. The hard part was getting the training and qualifications and passed the DVSA test. In order to run a DVSA (ATB). My own motorcycle training school when completed the dsa exams I first moved and run a Motorcycle training school in west Cumbria.2003 then with the law changes with the 2 part test it ment a relocation and we moved to manchester area and been ruinning the training school in mancheter Atherton area since 2008 But in 2008 there was changes in the motorcycle test was conducted with the now know 2 part test with new test centres (mptc) required in order to do the new off road manoeuvres, but it meant over a 50 mile trip to the my nearest test centre. Because of this I felt I had to relocate and move my established business closer to one of the new DSA test centres, this we did at the start off 2008. Now we are based in Atherton Manchester only 1/2 mile from the DVSA test center i belive that we are the closest training school to any dvsa motorcycle mod 1 test area ,