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Bradfield College

bradfield college


Founded in 1850 and set in picturesque Berkshire countryside, Bradfield aims to provide an ‘education for life’ fit for the 21st century.Bradfield is a remarkable place which has inspired generations of young people to venture out and make a difference to their world. Set in a stunning location, the College offers a memorable environment in which to discover and develop potential. At its heart the iconic Greek theatre sees the College community meet annually and shake hands in a corporate act of common purpose. The theatre speaks therefore of Bradfield’s tradition – of the handing on of values, of learning, and of ambition. The pupils who thrive here are characterised by their enthusiasm and their participation. Active and curious learners, they engage in the broadest imaginable field of activity and stretch themselves academically, creatively and physically. Through pursuing their passions they both acquire knowledge and develop self-knowledge, becoming resilient and compassionate young people, characterised by integrity rather than entitlement. Bradfield’s outstanding pastoral care is rooted in its house system, beginning for Year 9 entrants in Faulkner’s, which provides a soft landing for transition to senior school. The relaxed unpretentiousness and family feel of the College enable pupils to learn independence and self-governance within an atmosphere of empathy and tolerance. Together these promote the happiness that is fundamental to the ethos of the school.

Alchemy of Living

alchemy of living



What do we mean by inner transformation? Why would you even want to obtain it? Lets start with why you would want it? What is it you want more of? Most of us have been conditioned in the west to believe that success, peace, happiness and contentment comes from achieving material goals in the outside world; wealth, status, love, diplomas, being in the cool group, the successful elite. Are you exhausted chasing all this in the superficial realms of the outside world of contemporary western society where things always change and everything is a sales pitch of one solution fits all? In the wisdom of the ancient spiritual teachings of the east, you are encouraged to embark on a deeper personal journey within, that creates the changes in you, enabling you to walk through the world with ease and grace no matter how much it changes or challenges you, and not to be influenced by market and media, but by what sings out the truth to your soul.So how do we access this well of abundance with in us? Tantra means Matrix and is the science that enables us to understand the complex intricacies of life in simple steps: the ability to see ourselves for who we truly are - your own unique experiment, make adjustments to the way we perceive the world/reality (expand our consciousness), understand more clearly what is good or right for us (wellbeing, healthy environments, personal & spiritual growth, natural simple living), behaving in the world more effectively to influence the environment around us, and to receive from the environment what we desire (understanding the laws of energy & mastering energy resonance). After many years studying the diverse range of systems in personal development, leadership, medicine and spiritual development, what we discovered is that Tantra and its sister science of Ayurveda bring powerful, tangible, permanent and expanding transformation, both for the body, mind and soul, and for the world we live in. The Alchemy of Living has been created to share these amazing teachings with individuals and motivate them to live a more fulfilling life, to experience a change within and be catalysts in society for a more balanced and harmonious way of being. We also offer therapies using Tantric and Ayurvedic massage, yoga and meditation to help detox and rebalance your holistic being.