3583 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Sharif Adams

sharif adams

Hi and welcome. I handcraft simple wooden spoons, bowls and pots for everyday use using age-old traditional tools and techniques. I sell my wooden ware at artisan crafts markets and I teach to small groups or on a one to one basis. I also work on a commission basis so there's always plenty to do. My interest in working with wood started in 1998 when I studied violin making at London Guildhall University for three years. I later went on to work with an antique furniture restorer near High Wycombe. While I learned a lot from both these experiences, it was not until I discovered the joy and creative freedom of working with green wood that a little voice in my head quietly said, ‘this is it!’. The bowls I sell are turned on a treadle lathe/pole lathe; an archaic machine, simple to make and maintain, using human energy to keep the work piece revolving. In the middle of winter the best way to keep warm is to turn a few bowls. I cut all of the wood for my bowls and spoons with either a chainsaw, bow saws or large one man cross cut saws. The tools I use for bowl turning are hand forged. I enjoy forging almost as much as I enjoy working with wood. Sometimes I carve bowls using the same tools I use for carving spoons; axes and knives, with the addition of a small adze for hollowing. These are very different in form to the turned bowls and usually I will only make these for sale on request. I do all my work in an old Devon barn, on beautiful Dartmoor where I live. I love to cook good, simple, healthy meals and enjoy foraging for wild foods. I’m always well entertained; watching the wildlife in the woods is so much better than watching the TV. In the evenings I enjoy playing my battered acoustic guitar or the fiddle; the former less badly than the latter.




Studying abroad using your second language can be daunting but at BCIC we understand that you want to succeed. You need a service that will help you: Identify the course that will let you achieve your ambitions Find an educational establishment in a location that suits you and your situation Obtain the necessary visa to study in the UK Travel to your education establishment when you arrive Learn about life in the UK, what to expect, what to bring and what to do Everyone is unique and everybody is different. We recognise this fact at BCIC and that is why we treat all our clients as individuals. We find out about your ambitions and your needs. That way we can match your requirements with the vast range of courses and educational establishments we have to ensure that you: Succeed in your life goals Are secure and comfortable at your place of learning Have many opportunities to experience the riches of life That is why we can offer a wide range of course that includes: English language courses for all levels and ages to improve your linguistic abilities iGCSE/A-Level studies to lay a solid base upon which to build your academic career University Foundation Courses at one of our Universities will prepare you for University life and study Diploma courses to build up a solid foundation of knowledge on your chosen subject Undergraduate Degrees from one of the many fine British Universities Post-Graduate Degree from one of the many outstanding research Universities in the UK Our education partners include: Some of the top privately run schools in the UK The best colleges from which students go to the top universities The finest Universities for business, finance, accounting, arts, media, science, computing To start your journey to achieve your aspirations, please complete the enquiry form and one of our experienced counsellor will respond to your query.

John Cabot Academy

john cabot academy


Our school is named after the famous explorer, John Cabot (c. 1450 to c. 1500). He was born Giovanni Caboto and came from Italy. While he’s known as Giovanni in Italy today, he called himself ‘Zuan’. That is the Venetian form of John, which, despite the spelling, is pronounced a bit like a cross between Jean and Juan (the French and Spanish forms of ‘John’). Hence he became known as John Cabot as an anglicised version of his name. He moved to England to find new opportunities and was given a grant by Henry VII to search and find new lands to claim for both the king himself and for England. John Cabot is most famous for setting sail from Bristol on board his ship, The Matthew (which our Academy logo represents). There is a reconstruction of the ship in the harbour in Bristol’s city centre. It is most likely that he came to Bristol to find financial backing for his voyage where he hoped to find a quicker route to Asia. He sailed to Canada and proclaimed the land he found there as the ‘Newfoundland’ which it is still called to this day. However, he mistakenly believed he was in Asia! As a result of his discoveries, he was the first early modern European to discover North America. He did not come across native Americans during this voyage, but it did impact later voyages of discovery. Other explorers used John Cabot as an example and felt that they could also travel to new countries and take the land and resources they found there. His actions became a blueprint for further colonisation of other countries and it is known that in 1502, another expedition (not Cabot’s) arrived back in England with three native Americans who could have been taken against their will. These people later became servants in Henry VII’s household. However, by this time John Cabot was dead, so he could not have been involved in this.

Connect Education Resources

connect education resources

Coconut Thinking is an advisory that supports schools and learning organizations nurture ecosystems grounded in relationships that contribute to the thriving of the bio-collective—any living thing that has an interest in the healthfulness of the planet. We help you create, develop, stress test, and implement their ideas for sustainable and regenerative learning design. In other words, we work alongside you to shift your learning ecosystem, and the experiences within it, toward life-affirming practices. This might include: designing and leading workshops; creating and implementing professional development initiatives; serving as a critical friend on projects, initiatives, and plans; collaborating on endeavors that liberate learning; bouncing ideas about what might just be possible; and anything else that takes us toward more regenerative ways of becoming. We also connect schools with practitioners, artists, and industry experts to create collaborative spaces that respond to contextual challenges: learning together through contribution to the bio-collective, shoulder to shoulder across generations. What happens when we prioritize relationships among all living things? We believe learning is more than a twelve-year individual journey in educational institutions, more than something that can be measured, standardized, sorted, and labeled. We believe in learning for and as the bio-collective, recognizing that we are interconnected and that nothing exists in isolation. We don’t want to overthrow the system, we want to work with those who can imagine something else is possible. We ask ourselves one guiding question: How do our responses contribute to the thriving of the bio-collective? In our view, learning is not an end in itself. Learning is a process that happens when one experience changes behavior in a subsequent experience, behavior that is expressed in the form of responses to our dynamic contexts. Learning is like potential energy that is converted to kinetic energy through these responses. We believe that this energy should be used to contribute to the thriving of the bio-collective.

Kwes Kent Woodland Employment Scheme

kwes kent woodland employment scheme


KWES Kent Woodland Employment Scheme is a charity established in 2012 to offer employment (in the form of apprenticeships) to people seeking forestry employment, but having difficulty finding it. Those difficulties stemmed most often from lack of skills and experience, but were worse for those entering the jobs market from an institutionalised life, for instance in the armed forces or prison. KWES’s interest was mainly in mixed broadleaf woodlands – “boots on the ground” forestry in woods managed on a commercial basis. KWES has never been involved in arboriculture, (tree surgery or working at height), nor with hobby or recreational forestry. The word “apprenticeship” signifies a three-way contract, involving the apprentice, an employer and a training organisation. The government’s “trailblazer” apprenticeship scheme set up in 2017 runs (and provides a small level of funds) under rules administered by the Department for Education. It envisages two-year apprenticeships, with the apprentice typically working four days a week in the employer’s business, and being released for one day each week to be taught more theoretical knowledge in the trainer’s accommodation. Looking at this from the employer’s point of view, it gets the services, (part time and part subsidised), of a worker who starts with no skills or experience, but can be expected to gain these over the two year period. “Employing” him/her is thus a pure burden at first for the employer, but its apprentice should be more or less paying his/her way at the end of a couple of years, especially if s/he is still quite young. However, the real value to the employer is that its former apprentice, to be fully “employable” after qualification, needs in most industries another, say, two years of experience – and s/he can realistically only gain this in that same employer’s business, (which explains how the government can say that apprenticeships “lead to a continuing job”). It is the wage-rate that the employer pays his ex-apprentice during this period which gives the employer real value from the whole operation.

Wellman Fitness

wellman fitness


This was me 12 years ago, aged 16 and weighing 15 stone and 8 pounds. I battled with my weight for much of my childhood, averaging a weight gain of a stone a year. This had a significant and negative impact on my emotional wellbeing and I became very creative in my attempts to cover the embarrassment I felt about my physical presentation. Not only was my self- esteem on the floor, so was my confidence. I remember Fridays at school very well, it was the day we had swimming which meant having to expose my physical form in front of my peers which I found humiliating and difficult to deal with. This ended with me trying every trick in the book to avoid swimming including skiving and feigning illness. My weight issues impacted on my passion for golf too, during the summer months I continued to wear a jumper in an effort to hide my body. I tried to lose weight through yo-yo dieting, self-education and slimming pills but nothing seemed to work and I was left feeling de-motivated and with my self-confidence at an all-time low. By the time I reached young adulthood, I had become very frustrated with the way I looked and knew that it was preventing me from reaching my full potential in life and I accepted that I had to make changes. I plucked up the courage to join my local gym and have never looked back. It was hard initially, I felt I was being judged by my size and initially the embarrassment did not leave me. All summer I would be training in the gym doing a mixture of cardio, weights and circuit training, this was in addition to playing several rounds of golf each week. My aim was to stay active all summer and this strategy achieved results; pounds were dropping off each week and my confidence grew as a result, I was more confident with the girls and was able to go swimming without being self- conscious.

M-Theory Music

m-theory music


My name is Mike Hawthorne, founder of M-Theory Music. Here's a bit about me: Music has been a central element in my life from as far back as I can remember. Listening to, playing, creating, performing, DJing, producing, and teaching music have all featured throughout the years. While I am a proficient drummer, bassist, ukulele-ist (???), producer, and DJ, the guitar has always been my main instrument. I can't pinpoint where my love for guitar came from, but I do know that I was always drawn to it when I was younger. After getting into metal, grunge, punk and indie as a young teenager, the guitar made even more sense and my love for it grew and continues to do so to this day. I started learning the guitar approx 25 years ago, and very shortly after that, started sharing my learning with my friends. I found that I loved passing on the skills and knowledge almost as much as I enjoyed playing the instrument, and I took my first "proper" student (ie, not one of my friends!) when I was 17. I have been teaching people ever since then. I see it as a vocation and a personal duty to share the love of music with as many people as possible, and I'd still be doing it even after a lottery win! Since 2001, I have had at least one student on the go at any given time. I taught privately for many years, ans then began teaching with a local music service in 2010. In 2015 I was able to give up the "day job" and teach full time, something for which I am eternally grateful. I get to make a living out of my passion, I get to meet and form positive relationships with lots of wonderful people, and I get to share the joy of playing music with them... i keep wondering when i'm going to wake up!

Executive Ahead

executive ahead


We bring together the best of two worlds — advanced academic research in strategy and comprehensive expertise from business — to deliver customised training for industry leaders and help them address specific situations of strategic change. We form teams of strategy scholars and business experts who are best positioned to anticipate and understand critical shifts in an industry. Together they design a unique learning experience around a strategic problem that organisations in that industry are going to face. Then they deliver engaging sessions of collaborative learning that greatly improve participants’ strategic thinking. We can help you... Think ...to understand change As a leader, you deal with continuous change. You look at the ever new opportunities and challenges arising from technological innovation, from advancements in knowledge and science, from new trends in society, and from transformations in the natural environment. And you wonder. The history of business offers countless examples of dominant firms that have been wiped out by a change that they did not see coming. Understanding the nature and magnitude of change is key. It is the first step towards formulating a new strategy and designing a new role for your organisation. But problems are increasingly complex and interconnected. Traditional knowledge and standard ‘business school frameworks’ don’t always apply to these extraordinary situations. Through tailored, problem-based learning, we help you gain complete understanding of the changes to come. Learn ...to create a new vision Every minor shift in any industry has the potential to turn into that ‘big change’. The change that creates new scenarios of use, defines new business roles and relationships and gives rise to new leaders. To remain relevant, today’s leaders must gain a different understanding of strategy. We take you on a journey that will reframe your thinking. We help you ‘see’ today the impact that transformations in the business environment will have on your organisation tomorrow. Together we assess options, we travel pathways and we explore sinergies to find innovative solutions for the future. Together we create a new vision.

Mansfield First Aid

mansfield first aid

Mansfield Notts

Courses All organisations should make sure that they have a sufficient number of employees who have undertaken the relevant first-aid training. Employers must ensure that their provision is ‘adequate and appropriate in the circumstances’. The best way to do this is by undertaking a risk assessment. If your unsure you can contact us for advice. It is the employers responsibility to decide what the requirements of the organisation are. This can be done by assessing any specific work hazards and ensuring that sufficient first-aid equipment, facilities and properly qualified personnel are available to deal with the consequences of these hazards. Also consider if your teams would benefit from Mental Health First Aid training. This could lower absenteeism and you could be awarded accreditation as positive mental health employer. Course Training Locations We have several training venues dependant on the particular course and quantity of delegates. We operate primarily within the district of Mansfield. But, we can travel internationally. If you have any queries into the particular course venues or your worried about how to get to the venue please get in touch via the contact form or call the numbers located at the bottom of this page. Basic Life Support and safe use of an Automated External Defibrillator (RQF) Who is this qualification for? This qualification is aimed at individuals wishing to take further training or to develop their knowledge and skills in this basic life support. It is recommended for first-aiders in the workplace and is also suitable for schoolchildren, as recommended by The Resuscitation Council (UK). How long will it take? To complete this qualification learners should expect to undertake approximately 2-3 hours of learning, with a minimum contact time of 2 hours. Topics covered These include how to manage an unresponsive casualty who is breathing normally, how to manage an unresponsive casualty who is not breathing normally, and safe use an automated external defibrillator.

Av4u (Trading As Add Vantage 4 U)

av4u (trading as add vantage 4 u)


AV4U is for you and about you. We want to help you to take control of your life and to have the skills and behaviours which will help you to be successful at whatever you choose to do. The skills and behaviours you get through AV4U are the ones that employers consistently say they need. Our programme complements and enhances your formal qualifications and gives you what employers consider to be necessary to be successful in any field. AV4U’s programme helps you to: Enhance your motivation and ambition for success Have greater self confidence Strengthen your resilience and perseverance Build and improve your relationships with a wide range of people including your tutors, employers, friends and family Take responsibility for your learning and behaviour Develop open mindedness, tolerance and respect Improve your wellbeing Completing AV4U’s programme makes you more attractive to employers and will help you do better at school, university and at work. AV4U involves easy steps which allow you to take control of your future: A short easy-to-use online diagnostic questionnaire. This will tell you what your behavioural style is. It is a form of reality check. It will show how behaviours affect your effectiveness and adaptability, highlight your strengths and give you practical steps to help you maximise your chances of success in life. Mentoring support. You will have your own mentor who will help you understand your behavioural style, recognise how others see the world and develop your skills to adapt and get the most from what you do and your relationships with others. Support materials. We provide you with a handbook and other materials to help you get the most from your mentors and have control of your own development. Development plan. With your mentor’s help you will be able to create your personal development plan, including specific practical and achievable steps, record your achievements and quantify the benefit they have given you. For further information, please contact us