3298 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Her Next Chapter

her next chapter

Leamington Spa

Tenacious. Terrific. Trustworthy. Truthful. And sometimes Trouble. When you ask my family, friends and coworkers about me, they will probably list these attributes. Or qualities. For good and for bad. I am the only child to my mother Grace and my father Ken who met in Blackpool, England during the Second World War, which means much of my family resides in England. Including my daughter who met my son-in-law during her junior year abroad at Oxford University. I grew up not knowing that my mother had an accent, never understanding the difference between English and American terminology so that even today I will say a word and people will look perplexed, and I realize I am using the English word and not the American one. I’m an only child because my parents decided traveling back to England would be very difficult with more children. My father made a point to keep me from being spoiled which was a double-edged sword because his lack of praise left me with a feeling that I had to try twice as hard as anyone else just to keep up. The end result is one very motivated woman, and I constantly seek continued learning and new challenges. My first words were undoubtedly “When are you going to give me a horse?” and thus Patience Prize and I became a team when I was 14. My father once again made sure I knew the horse was not to be taken for granted when he said, “Now you’ve got a horse, you’d better get a job. And you won’t be paid for mowing the lawn anymore.” My love of animals produced my first job at the local veterinarians cleaning up cages and feeding animals. One small dog had broken her two front legs, was terribly vicious, and no one could touch her. After her surgery she was crammed up in a corner while still asleep, and I moved her into a more comfortable position and, of course, petted her and spoke to her. After that I was the only one who could open her cage and touch her without getting bitten. She must have known my smell. Years passed and I became both a photojournalist and regular journalist with local Berkshire County Massachusetts newspapers. When I returned to college to complete my bachelor’s degree, my journalism provided me with life experience credits and thus I completed my BA in English. What to do next? I had student loans, so I needed either grad school or a second job. My daughter waitressed at a local restaurant open only on weekends and they said they needed a dishwasher, so she said, “My brother needs a job.” Then they asked, “So who else do you have at home?” and she said, “My mom.” Thus, I tried the second job routine as a waitress. We served wine in long-stemmed glasses and carried them on a tray. During one shift I was at a table of two women and the tray started to tilt, and I couldn’t stop it! So, I stood there and watched the wine glasses crash down on the table and splash everywhere. It was not a happy time for all involved. So, I said, “That’s it, I’m going to grad school.” I took my daughter and son to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, we ate at the Russian Tea Room, and I told them they couldn’t bug me for two years. The non-traditional program at Vermont College of Norwich University was a full-time program so I had a full-time job, a full-time grad school program, a son in high school and a daughter in college. During my internship I worked 7:00 a.m. to noon, drove to Albany, New York (a one-hour drive one way), worked at a public relations firm from 1:00 to 6:00 and stopped at the restaurant where my two offspring worked about 7:00 for a glass of wine and a light dinner. Then I realized I didn’t have time to clean the bathroom, so I hired a cleaning lady (very inexpensive in a small town back then) and decided that was an expense associated with grad school. That was a valuable decision. The downside of a small town is that a master’s degree doesn’t allow for many jobs at a living wage. I decided I would move. After networking for several years and finding a church in Washington, DC I moved to northern Virginia on October 2, 1999, never having lived more than 6 miles from where I was born. I got a job the second day. I bought a house that January and a horse, Sonny Madison, in January 2001 and have never regretted my choice or looked back. At some point in 2018 I found Her Nexx Chapter and started writing for them. It provides me with a chance to get in touch with my creative style since my most prevalent job has been a technical writer. Now I’m also the Editorial Project Director and a member of the Advisory Board. It’s a tremendous value to women everywhere, and I always enjoying learning something new and sharing my blogs with the community. So here I am. I’m still horseback riding and trying to keep fit. I try to look for the positive side of life even in times of turmoil – notice I said “try” because sometimes life gets to be a tad difficult. But that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

School of Dialogue

school of dialogue


Arabella Tresilian MAHons PGCE FRSA Dialogue Facilitator, Mediator & Conflict Coach: Mediation, fully-accredited by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) Dispute resolution for Employment, Workplace, Civil, Commercial & Community cases Specialist in health and social care, including mental health, autism & disabilities Download a copy of my one-page profile here: Arabella Tresilian Mediator Profile Overview ‘Arabella Tresilian is a CEDR-accredited mediator, and a conflict resolution trainer, specialising in facilitating dispute resolution and employee wellbeing in the public sector. She has twenty years’ experience as a management consultant, leader and educator, and set up the School of Dialogue to teach conflict resolution skills. Arabella mediates independently and on behalf of the Medical Mediation Foundation, Resolve West and other panels where she specialises in lending her ‘expertise by experience’ in the fields of mental health and neurodiversity. Arabella’s 70+ case history since 2016 include mediations in the fields of Judicial Review, Court of Protection, Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act, Local Government, workplace, employment, community and public sector dispute resolution.’ I am an independent consultant specialising in dialogue facilitation, conflict resolution and partnership-building. My business development experience, studies in educational leadership and experience in dispute resolution combine effectively to allow me to support organisations, employees, families and individuals in finding win-win resolutions within complex scenarios. I have 20 years experience working in a strategic capacity for public, private and third sector organisations in the UK and overseas, and I have specialist consulting experience in the fields of sustainability, education and health/social care. I have also taught and managed at secondary level internationally and in the independent sector in the UK, and founded/directed a theatre company devoted to promoting the understanding of mental health and social exclusion. I am a CEDR-Accredited Mediator qualified to undertake employment, workplace, commercial, civil and community mediation. In 2017 I became a CEDR Associate with the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), joining their world-renowned training faculty. In the community setting, I am a Certificated Mediator with Resolve West (previously Bristol Mediation) resolving neighbour disputes and hate crime cases. I am also the cofounder of Equisphere Employability and a workplace mental health trainer for Bath Mind. In the healthcare setting, I am a mediator, trainer and conflict coach with the Medical Mediation Foundation. I am a Quality Improvement Coach with the Q Community (NHS Improvement & Health Foundation) and a Public & Patient Involvement advisor for the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). I am a Member of End of Life Doula UK and have undertaken Advance Care Planning training with Living Well Dying Well. I am also a qualified Mental Health First Aid Instructor training groups to become Mental Health First Aiders in their contexts. I am a member of the Civil Mediation Council as a Member of the Association of South West Mediators. I abide by the European Code of Conduct for Mediators. I have DBS clearance and am fully insured as a mediator, trainer,educator, mentor and coach. Professional Experience & Skills Overview Facilitation and Organisational Dialogue Strategic development and team coaching in the workplace Communications and engagement for public-facing organisations Design and delivery of multi-organisational commercial partnerships Stakeholder engagement for effective policy development Conflict Intervention and Negotiation Interpersonal mediation and conflict resolution for workplace contexts Conflict coaching and mediation for highly-escalated community conflicts Brokerage of interorganisational partnerships for socio-economic benefit Leadership Design / delivery of Leadership Skills for Employability training for University of Bath Postgraduate certificate in Educational Leadership & Management (2011) Founder of three social enterprises and experienced team leader and manager International Competence Partnerships negotiator for European Green Capital 2015 Merger & Acquisition consultancy – UK/Spain Educator in vocational, business and enterprise skills – Coimbatore, India Training and Coaching Experienced teacher, trainer, mentor and coach specialising in communication Mentor to young leaders in enterprise on Future Talent programme Mental Health First Aider and specialist trainer in mental health with Mind Charity My style and my specialisms I came to the practice of Conflict Resolution and Mediation through two distinct routes. One was through doing management consulting in the public and private sectors, and coming to understand just how much stress, inefficiency and sadness arises from communication and conflict difficulties in the workplace. The other route was through being a patient, a parent of children with disabilities and a family carer, and witnessing how difficult it can be to make plans for the future when the present involves difficult discussions and many people. So I specialise in making sure that people feel comfortable with the process they undertake with me, and that it leads them towards feeling comfortable and confident about their future. I aim to be thoroughly supportive, reassuring and encouraging at all times. My professional work and personal experience in health and social care mean that I am particularly experienced in supporting people who are living with any form of illness, disability, mental health condition or life-limiting condition. I have particular personal experience of working with people who are deaf or hearing impaired, on the autism spectrum, experiencing mental illness and living with dementia or stroke. Why I love being a mediator I came to mediation through a confluence of circumstances which made me think, ‘There must be a better way for people to deal with their difficulties than to threaten legal action, or refuse to engage in communication at all!’ I realised that a great deal of my management consultancy work was really… conflict resolution. It gave me such pleasure and relief when long-held rifts within and between teams melted away after some good, authentic communication. This piqued my interest to find out more about the art of conflict resolution, and I did my first certificated training, and started practising as a community mediator. Later I qualified as a civil and employment mediator, and have been mediating ever since. It’s astonishing to witness people’s lives turn from a turmoil of distressing, intractable ‘stuckness’, to a new phase in which, for example, neighbours can conceive of greeting each other again; or work colleagues re-establish trust between each other after maybe years of mistrust, stress and non-communication. Mediation takes empathy, patience and persistence, and it is a skill I will develop and hone endlessly over years to come, but its core aspect is a belief that people really can find peace again, given the right support and a safe space to explore options for settling differences. Facilitating such processes is a real honour. Nothing beats the sight of former disputants smiling, shaking hands, or even (more often than you would think) hugging, at the end of a mediation.

Ksenia Belash

ksenia belash

It’s a pleasure to greet you in my virtual home:) Meeting someone for the first time can feel a little awkward. As a way of introduction, let me share a few random and not so random facts about me: I spent a big chunk of my childhood daydreaming, journeying through whimsical worlds, exploring subtle energies and noticing things that other people strangely wouldn’t notice. I wrote my first poem at the age of 6. This is also when I experienced myself as a cloud during my first ever meditation, guided by my grand dad. One of my favourite treasures was a blue crystal ball that my mum brought home from a lab she worked at - it seemed to have come from a different dimension. For a long time, I made myself believe these things were silly and meaningless. These days, I cherish the magical, the whimsical, the weird and believe the sense of WONDER to be a potent medicine for the soul that I am privileged to share with others. Up until the age of 9, if I closed my eyes, I could see people’s emotional states as auras of different colours. I developed my own colour coding system to identify what was going on - it was quite accurate. Unfortunately, I don’t see auras anymore, but I get a lot of subtle information through my body sensations. Whenever I speak to someone, a whole big experience unfolds within me and, over the years, through studies of the nervous system and what not, I have developed a way of making quite a good sense of it. It is a huge resource that I bring into my work with people. I also see images and metaphors that come seemingly out of nowhere and bring insights into things. I am currently 38. Most people assume I am younger and it can feel mischievously delicious to see them acting in alignment with this assumption without breaking the illusion. I currently live in London, am planning to move to Portugal, was born and raised in Russia and my roots are mainly from Ukraine. I speak seven languages and know both the curses and the gifts of not having one single place of belonging. I came to the UK when I was 20 to study hospitality and tourism management…only to realise, a couple of years later, that my heart longs to create and express itself, not manage. So I got my BA, completed my internship in a Central London office and went on to pursue photography and other visual arts for many years to come. It is only recently that I have connected my early interest in hospitality with what I currently do - which hosting spaces where people can really land and feel at home, in connection with their body, soul and spirit. I spent many years of my life in a relationship that felt utterly destructive to my soul. In 2015, I felt desperate and went to see a therapist. I thought this work was useless and nothing would help. In 2016, I went through a painful separation and then divorce. At that time, I was also feeling completely lost professionally. This period felt like the dark night of the soul, but I have eventually managed to come through, with a different understanding of myself, my strength, my needs and things I stand for in this world. What felt like hell, turned out to be the beginning of my healing journey. A BIT ABOUT MY HEALING JOURNEY Having grown up in an environment where emotional depth, sensitivity to nuance, authentic self-expression and creative ways were not exactly appreciated, I know very well what it's like to feel different, misunderstood, not sure where and if I can ever belong. For many, many years, I believed that something was deeply wrong with and broken about me and how I am. No matter how much I tried, how much I pushed to change myself, I struggled to fit into the loud, noisy, rushing, linear, rationality-oriented world that at times didn't make any sense. Like so many other sensitive souls, I have developed my own ways of coping and fitting in - like hiding bits of myself that I deemed ugly, scary or uncool, swallowing my truth, hiding my thoughts and feelings even from myself to the extent of losing any sense of boundaries, disconnecting from my body and intuition, anxiously chasing after the next new thing and external validation, not giving myself any space to breathe and listen to my inner voice. Living like this was painful and at some point became intolerable, so I reached out for help. In the course of my own healing journey, one of the many things I have discovered that the belief that something was fundamentally wrong and broken about me, was just that - a belief, not a curse that determined how I lived my life. I have also discovered that the most healing thing was not this or that tool, modality or approach. It was not even a cognitive understanding of why things happened. What my inner system and the young parts of my psyche deeply needed in order to heal was an attuned relational space, where I was loved for who I was and allowed to go at my own pace and be fully me, with all of my feelings of brokenness, sadness, envy, confusion, darkness, guilt, lostness, anger, heartbreak, as well as joy, excitement, dreaminess, hope and pride and a myriad of other feelings. What my parts needed, were to be seen and consistently met with acceptance, love, warm curiosity, compassion and understanding by another human being. In the process, I have also discovered the power of connecting with my intuitive body wisdom and befriending my nervous system and what is often referred to as somatic intelligence - a resource I never knew was available to me. As a result, rigid ways of being/thinking/reacting that have felt like "just who I am", started to soften, release and transform, while my sense of authentic self, personal power, self-trust, boundaries and capacity to feel and handle difficult emotions, without becoming overwhelmed, has been steadily growing. Offering healing spaces like that and supporting others like myself on their journeys of growth and healing, has become my passion and vocation.

Mtm Educational Consultancy

mtm educational consultancy


For more than 35 years, MTM Consulting has supported schools (state and independent), universities and other education providers to remain in business and to develop and thrive, whatever the economic climate. We are all about providing solid data, insightful analysis and clear recommendations to enable organisations to plan for future stability and success and to uphold their responsibilities to parents who entrust them with their children’s education. In fact, we’ve worked with more than 500 schools and researched more than 250,000 parents. Our feasibility studies, supply and demand analyses and stakeholder research projects are all designed to help school business leaders to understand the potential of their organisation’s market, where they stand against their competitors, what the market wants and what it does not want. MTM equips education decision-makers with the information and insight they need to make the right choices for the future of their organisations. Education business expertise MTM’s team are all education business specialists with many years of experience. We understand the challenges and opportunities of the education sector and we want to use our expertise to help schools and other education providers to find the right course and achieve success. We are friendly and approachable We want to help We enjoy designing bespoke market research, marketing and business strategies to meet individual clients’ specific needs We encourage questions We communicate throughout We present or report on our findings and recommendations in a way that best suits each client We love to provide all the detail our clients need We follow up to see if we can help further We keep in touch Meet MTM’s expert team… Evidence-based decision-making MTM Consulting’s support of its education clients is based on facts, expertise and experience. Our market research projects focus on providing the data and information required to make crucial decisions on resourcing and activities to: improve recruitment and increase the school roll minimise student attrition and improve retention and raise the organisation’s profile in its target market and the education sector in order to attract families, teaching and non-teaching staff, leaders and governors who will bring their skills and work as a team to ensure the organisation’s future success MTM uses UK-wide demographic information and a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods to acquire exactly the data required to inform clients of the realities of their organisation’s situation. Of course, we don’t expect our education clients to be experts in market research themselves – through a series of friendly, collaborative discussions our team members are able to work with clients to ascertain the information that would be of greatest benefit to them in their decision-making. We ensure that the pricing of our products is transparent, and realistic in relation to education organisations’ budgets. In fact, we have recently revisited our offer in order to break down projects into distinct elements to improve affordability, particularly with smaller organisations in mind. We also offer subscription packages and the opportunity to spread payments over time. MTM’s suite of market research projects is infinitely customisable to suit the needs of individual clients and can be combined to create a totally bespoke market research project designed to meet clients’ needs exactly. Real-world insight, analysis and recommendations for success MTM is a long-established education market research company, which has a true understanding – built over three decades – of education, coupled with unparalleled skills and experience to support education business leaders to make the decisions that will lead their organisations to be steadfast and successful in the long-term, for the benefit of their stakeholders, staff and students. Our researchers have at their fingertips many years’ worth of sector- and country-wide data and are adept at using this to benchmark our clients’ performance. This helps business leaders to develop a real understanding of their organisation’s position and to see ‘the bigger picture’ and the potential in their market. Sometimes it is not just about what the data shows, but what it doesn’t show – our experts are able to draw attention to the gaps in an education organisation’s performance that can be crucial when making decisions on areas of future development. MTM works with a team of business professionals, all with proven track records in their fields, who work with our clients to maximise the opportunities revealed by market research and analysis. Business, marketing and international expertise is on offer to ensure that the client is able to develop a practical action plan – and a set of key performance indicators that will allow it to be assessed and scrutinised – as the organisation heads towards achieving its objectives. Our business professionals are collaborative team-workers, but they also have the strength and experience to draw our clients’ attention to areas of weakness and aims that are unachievable. We know that facing up to realities makes for a healthier business in the long term and ensures that funds and resources are focused on attainable goals. Supporting education It is our great pleasure to see our education clients succeed. There can be no better business to be in than education, and MTM is a staunch supporter of parents’ right to choose the environment in which their children are taught – state or independent, small or large… We work with education providers of all kinds and we are firm believers in the importance of a breadth of offering to suit all families. Early Years: MTM’s Feasibility Studies provide vital market information to schools and groups considering opening a new nursery or re-shaping their existing provision. Independent schools: MTM’s market research, business and marketing strategy projects are designed to help schools to be successful and sustainable in the long-term so that they are able to offer their pupils the education they deserve for the duration of their school careers State schools: MTM offers great insights into pupil and parent satisfaction and staff wellbeing to help schools to engage with the school community and ensure that educational resources are being maximised. School groups: MTM is able to advise groups (independent and state academies) on the potential success of new acquisitions and to help streamline the business of education for efficiency and to ensure maximum resources are available for education. Higher education: universities and higher education providers turn to MTM to help them to understand the opinions of their students on the quality of education they are receiving and the potential effect on their next steps in education and employment. Long-standing relationships with education clients We maintain very strong relationships with our clients, many of whom we have worked with on a regular basis for decades. To see real examples of MTM projects, please read a selection of our case studies. Over the past three decades, MTM has worked with big and small names in independent and state education, early years providers, higher education providers and education suppliers and investors. Rather than engaging MTM as a supplier, we like to think we are part of the team, offering information, skills and experience to support education organisations to maximise their business potential and provide a secure learning experience for their students well into the future. Communication with our clients is on-going and we constantly ask which aspects of our service they have most appreciated, and which could be developed. We act on our clients’ feedback and hone our products and services to make sure that they offer our clients exactly what they need.

Gold Leaf Services

gold leaf services


A Family Run Company Established in 1973 Serving The Gilding And Decorative Industries Ken Rees - Founder of Gold Leaf Supplies Ken Rees Founder In 2023 we will be celebrating our 50th year in business. Phew! Over the years, we have built a reputation for supplying high-quality products with an equally high level of service. We are passionate about gilding and specialist decoration techniques and we love to hear about your projects. At Gold Leaf Supplies we pride ourselves on our innovative approach to servicing the gilding and decorative trades. We are always exploring ways of expanding our services and seeking new horizons through interesting and exciting product ranges. Sue Govani - Director of Gold Leaf Supplies Sue Govani Director Steve Rees - Director of Gold Leaf Supplies Steve Rees Director Company History Gold Leaf Supplies is a family business, which was established as Services Supply Company in 1973 by Mr Ken Rees who was a senior partner in the business. Although Ken retired in 2008, he still had an involvement in the Company until his peaceful passing in May 2018. Having worked in the Italian Marble business for many years, Ken initially set up the business to supply gold leaf and associated products to the stone trade. The main emphasis being on offering an exceptionally high level of service and personal contact. Since 1973, our client base has expanded and diversified considerably, and we have increased our product range accordingly to meet our clients’ needs. We now cater to a diversified range of National and International clients involved in gilding, signwriting, glass manufacture, bookbinding, furniture restoration and manufacture, framing, interiors, architectural decoration, specialist decorating and monumental carving to name but a few. You can view examples of the prestigious projects that we have supplied for in our client gallery As the emphasis of the business changed so did the Company trading name - to Gold Leaf Supplies. From 1st March 2008, we became a Limited Company - Services Supply Company Ltd T/A Gold Leaf Supplies. Although the product range has diversified, and the company has grown, the philosophy introduced in 1973 has remained the same - "We offer quality products at competitive prices and a continuing high level of service." The business remains within the family and Kens’ son, Steve Rees and daughter, Sue Govani joined the company in 1989 and 1991 respectively. Steve has a background in Business whilst Sue’s background is in Art and Design bringing different skills and ideas to the business. Both are Company Directors and very hands on with the day to day running of the business. Steve is mainly involved with the purchasing and logistics. He has a memory like a filing cabinet and a sound technical knowledge relating to gilding techniques. When he has any free time, you will find him on the ski slopes or out walking with his beloved dogs. Sue is more involved with the creative side of the business and enjoys the sales, marketing and client facing events. Passionate about artistic techniques and applications, Sue is usually found trying out the new product ranges in her spare time. She is learning to gild is spending a little more time being a hands on creative which she finds a very meditative process. We all have enormous respect for the art of gilding and its traditional values whilst at the same time recognise and are inspired by the many diverse and contemporary ways that gold and silver leaf is being used today. Our Team It is important to receive your raw materials on time and we appreciate the tight deadlines that most businesses work to, therefore for approved accounts, most of our products are despatched the day instructions are received and delivered on a next day delivery basis. Where large projects are involved, supplies can be scheduled on a phased delivery. One of our strengths is that we can and have often been called upon to supply large quantities at short notice. Our prime objective is not only to supply, but also to provide a full service to our clients and our team makes every effort to ensure this objective is achieved. We have knowledgeable staff who are always on hand to offer advice and we respond quickly to any enquiries that you may have. Please feel free to contact us at any time. Sue Jewell Accounts Manager Sue J has been with us for almost 15 years and has been instrumental in setting up all of our accounts and bookkeeping administration. Since October last year Sue decided to reduce her hours to work part time to fit around her grandchildren and has been working remotely since lockdown. Accounts practices come naturally to Sue and she is continuing to teach all the office staff her accounting methods. She is still very much involved with managing and overseeing the office systems and administration on a weekly basis remotely although she no longer has direct contact with clients. Niki Rathkey Accounts Administrator and Order Processing Niki has been with GLS for two years now and handles all our day-to-day accounts and order processing. It is a busy desk, but Niki is always on hand with a smile to answer any accounting queries that you may have. She is like a magpie when it comes to our shiny products and uses a lot of them in her stone painting and interior projects. She has also built up a sound knowledge about how our products work and will answer most queries related to this. Niki has a strong background of secretarial and administrative skills and has previously worked for a variety of Accounts practices. Isabel Barriga Brown Accounts Assistant and Order Processing Isabel is a new starter for GLS who joined us in October 2021 but has quickly become an indispensable member of the team. Together with Niki they are the accounts team that keep our day-to-day orders ticking over and our records straight! She is very creative and artistic and helps a lot with our social media ideas and creative projects. Again, Isabel loves trying out the projects in her own home and is also learning to gild. She’s our social secretary and makes sure we get together outside as well as inside of work. Adam Rees Technical and IT Adam has worked at Gold Leaf Supplies for around 10 years and during that time he has built up a very good technical knowledge about the products and their uses. He is happy to answer any technical questions that you may have. He is very patient and interested in the challenges that customers projects often present. He will always go out of his way to find a solution and is interested in testing new products and applications. Adam also has responsibility for the Website and all our internal IT requirements. Ralph Davies Warehouse Manager Ralph has been with GLS for over 8 years and takes care of all the goods inwards, stock control and order despatch. Ralph is meticulous and methodical which is a good thing in a busy warehouse. He runs a very tight and organised ship and is a real character! Nothing is ever too much trouble! He always goes the extra mile to make sure your orders are packed well and despatched on time. Fred Govani Warehouse Assistant Fred is Sue’s husband and since taking early retirement during lockdown he comes into the Company part time to help out in our busy warehouse. Due to his previous and extensive work experience he also has a valuable input into logistics and systems practices. Debbie Rees Colour sampling coordinator. Debbie is Steve’s wife who also runs an online homeware store called Elsie Boo Collections. She helps out at GLS by preparing all of our Gold leaf and other metallic materials shade cards that our clients find so useful to have in their workshops or to show their own customers to help them make colour decision choices. Debbie makes sure that we are all stocked up with these and also helps us keep on top of office filing.

Josie Warshaw Ceramics

josie warshaw ceramics


Josie Warshaw Ceramics Get Creative With Clay josiewarshaw@aol.com 07773865917 www.josiewarshaw.co.uk Instagram josiewarshawceramics Kingsgate Workshops Trust Studio 43 110-116 Kingsgate Road NW6 2JG Craft Courses https://www.craftcourses.com/courses/make-and-decorate-a-bowl-get-creative-with-clay Ceramics: Throwing Lessons / Beginner /Intermediate Learn the basics of throwing on the wheel or hone your skills with expert tuition from an experienced potter. Learn to centre clay and make closed and open shapes on the wheel at a time that suits you. Cost is £25 per hour and includes materials, tools and tuition. minimum 2 hours. Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl This friendly, relaxed, workshop takes place in a peaceful studio in the Kingsgate Workshops Trust building. This taster type clay session is a great way to get away from the busy world outside for a few hours. By the end of this session you will have completed a bowl using the coiling method. This session can be treated as a one off or something you can repeat. If the course is booked with a friend or as a group there is a reduction in price. Please negotiate group reductions via email. When making your bowl you will also have a finished surface that you can decorate in a variety of ways applying any design or you can leave it blank or write an inscription onto its surface. A decorated bowl is an excellent celebratory gift to give to a friend or a relative. Or you can use it yourself! You will be guided through making a bowl using the coiling technique by joining, then pinching out ropes of soft clay. The clay wall is then pared to obtain a satisfying curve, that can be scratch decorated or slip painted on the same day with your personal design. You will have guidance each step along the way. When you have made your bowl it will be glazed for you.. Finished work can be posted or collected. £65 or £105 for plus 1 Josie Warshaw Ceramics at Kingsgate Workshops Trust After training at Harrow School of Art Josie established her studio at Kingsgate Workshops Trust. Over the years she has combined her studio practice with teaching in adult educational settings including; Camberwell School of Art, Camden Arts Centre, The Architectural Association and The City Lit. Her commissioned history, techniques and technical overview, books; “The Complete Practical Potter” and “Beginners Ceramic Handbook” "The Practical Potter"have been translated and sold in countries around the world and are available for purchase in a number of different languages. Josie continues to offer relaxed and friendly teaching and studio time to beginners and more advanced students at her Kingsgate studio. Lessons are offered to individuals and small groups in hand-building, throwing and surface decoration. Reviews 2016/ 2017/18 Such a great course! by Wiggy - March 2017 Josie is a wonderful teacher, had a really good time learning how to make bowl in her studio. Would love to do this every Saturday. Will come again ) A great introduction Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl Craft Courses Its' a great experience: Josie is very knowledgeable, and makes it a pleasurable and rewarding experience. It was laid back but at the end of the afternoon all of us had produced a wonderful decorated bowl, in the interesting environment of her studio. Elisabeth -12th February 2018 #12942 By Verity - January 2017 This was a surprise present so I wasn't sure what to expect but it was such an awesome course and a great way to spend an afternoon. Josie was really helpful and a fantastic teacher, I'd definitely recommend her courses. Amazing and Relaxing Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl (Booked online with Hotcourses) By Hugo - January 2017 I really didn't know what to expect when I bought this course with my girlfriend, but it was fantastic and we learnt so much about how to shape clay. It was very relaxing and the time seemed to fly by! I would highly recommend this course Amazing By Hugo - January 2017 First time using Hotcourses so I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it was really interesting and fun. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to relax and make a bowl! A relaxing, creative experience Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl By Andrew - January 2017 After purchasing a course for my girlfriend’s birthday we were not sure what to expect. What a lovely experience it was and a way to pass a few hours and to produce something tangible with your own unique stamp on it. Everyone's bowl ended up completely different and it was great to make pottery, really learning how clay works and performs. Josie has a relaxed teaching method, encouraging and informative. Would highly recommend. Andrew & Asha A great experience By toby - September 2016 We weren't sure what to expect when signing up for this but it turned out to be the most enjoyable experience with Josie being extremely helpful and friendly in showing us the coiling technique, would definitely recommend! Worthwhile creative experience By Lisa - July 2016 Never did I think that the simple activity of making a bowl could open up such a myriad of experiences. From getting my hands dirty digging in the clay, to coercing this medium so it took on a form. For a first experience the clay and Josie’s skilful but gentle guidance, dictated the road travelled, a useable beautiful, and personal bowl emerged. And then a colour feast to paint it. Thank you Josie Thanks so much Josie Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl By Aaron - July 2016 I was bought this course as a birthday present and did not know what to expect as I have never done any ceramics work before. Safe to say I thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, the space was quiet and Josie was extremely knowledgeable about her subject, guiding us firmly yet also allowing us creative freedom. I would highly recommend this course to anyone. I also cheekily made two bowls in the time I was there, which Josie kindly did not get mad about! Amazing and relaxing experience!!! Get Creative with Clay Beginner or Intermediate Make and Decorate a Bowl (Booked online with Hot courses) By Diego - July 2016 It was my partner's and my first time doing pottery. At first we thought to have only one class to have a new experience but after taking a one-day course with Josie, we are talking to do that again and again. It had such a good atmosphere and Josie conducted the course in a friendly and professional way. She passed us her experience and knowledge making sure we were having a great time! Best workshop ever! Ceramics: 1-1 Intensive Throwing Lessons / Beginner /Intermediate By Tyler - April 2016 As a first timer was fairly nervous and there's only so much research you can do. Josie was patient, knowledgeable and helpful - I felt very at ease and I learnt A LOT. The workshop was very informative I was provided with information sheets of all of the process's I requested and if it wasn't at hand Josie will research for you to answer all of your questions and provide you with as much help as possible. Really good price for everything you get as well which is all of your materials and some of the best teaching I've experienced. Very thorough explanations and demonstrations with clear instructions, personally I feel its important to have a 1:1 class as well if you want a more intensive learning experience. For myself I felt I need to be guided through the process with constant observation to receive help as you go and then learn from your mistakes much faster. Josie helped me with my current university project, she is a truly a great potter with a great passion for passing on the knowledge, I can't thank her enough.

Nick Dale Photography

nick dale photography

Here’s a brief biographical profile and outline of my photography career. If you want to see a few pictures of me, click here. If you have any questions, just click the chat button or get in touch at nick@nickdalephotography.com or on +44 7942 800921 . Photographer | Writer | Speaker | Teacher | Judge I dreamed of becoming a photographer when I was 15, but my mother wanted me to go to Oxford instead! I ended up reading English at Oxford and working as a strategy consultant for a few years before retiring at the age of 29. I then travelled round the world for seven years, doing four ski seasons and working on an internet start-up in San Francisco before finally returning to London in 2005. At that point, consulting work felt too stressful, so I decided to go 'quality of life'. I'm now a private tutor and international award-winning wildlife photographer. I became a tutor in 2009 when I happened to read an article in the paper called 'Ten Ways to Beat the Recession', and I started taking pictures again when I received a random email inviting me to go on safari and climb Mount Kenya. I've been a wildlife photographer since 2013, taking pictures in 26 countries on all seven continents and winning various awards including the Sunday Times/Audley Travel Big Shot. I spend a lot of time in Africa, and I’ve been on over 300 game drives and boat rides there. I’ve also worked as a Resident Photographer at various safari lodges: 2019: Klein’s Camp, Serengeti Under Canvas, Grumeti Serengeti Tented Camp and Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp 2020: Gabus Game Ranch and Etosha National Park in Namibia 2022: Ol Jogi in Kenya and Muchenje in Botswana. I'm always happy to answer questions from guests, whether it’s about camera settings, the rules of composition or just identifying all the different species of wildlife. Back at camp, I'll give the odd talk on camera technique, give feedback on their images and show them some of my own. Maybe I’ll see you out there…! Artist’s Statement I have a passion for wildlife, and I want to celebrate all its facets in my photography, including power, beauty, cuteness and humour. These are the qualities I want to share with people. I’m not a conservationist, so I don’t take pictures of endangered animals to put on posters for Greenpeace or Friends of the Earth. I take them because I love close encounters with the natural world, and I want to share the excitement, relaxation, tenderness and wonder they evoke. I started out taking 'portraits' of animals. That was all very well, and a lion might look beautiful sitting on the African savannah at sunset, but there isn't much energy in that sort of picture. What I try to do now is to focus on action shots. I still take portraits - and sometimes I don't have a choice! - but my ideal image is much more likely to be a cheetah chasing down a Thomson’s gazelle than a bird sitting on a branch! My favourite animals are the predators, and the advantage of a long lens is that it can create the impression of being right up close and personal with some pretty dangerous beasts. It’s that sense of excitement that I try to capture in my work, and I'm happy to use whatever technology I can find to do the job. Cameras 2 x Sony a1 mirrorless cameras 2 x Sony VGC-4EM Vertical Grip for A1 2 x Sony 160GB TOUGH CFexpress Type A Flash Memory Cards Lenses Sony FE 12-24 mm f/2.8 G Master lens Sony FE 24-70 mm f/2.8 G Master lens Sony FE 70-200 mm f/2.8 G Master OSS II lens Sony FE 400 mm f/2.8 G Master lens Sony FE 600 mm f/4 G Master lens Sony SEL E Mount 14TC 1.4x Teleconverter - White Sony SEL E Mount 20TC 2x Teleconverter - White All that, combined with the wonders of Lightroom and Topaz Labs, gives me the best possible chance to show off the wonders of Nature. Contact If you’d like to hire me for a talk, a lesson, a photo shoot or a safari, please contact me on +44 7942 800921 or at nick@nickdalephotography.com. 99 Ormonde Court Upper Richmond Road London SW15 6TR Mobile: +44 7942 800921 Skype: nicholas_dale Facebook: facebook.com/nickdalephotography Flickr: flickr.com/photos/nickdalephotography Instagram: instagram.com/nickdalephotography LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/nickdalephotography Pinterest: pinterest.com/nickdalephotography Twitter: twitter.com/nickdale_photo YouTube: youtube.com/@nickdalephotography View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize Donations If you’d like to support my photographic career by making a donation, please click the button below. DONATE Sales Sold over 25,000 images to buyers including National Geographic, Africa Geographic, BBC Wildlife Magazine, The Evening Standard, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, Daily Mail Online, The Sun, The Sunday Express, The Times and Lonely Planet. Sold my best-selling shot of a jumping Adélie penguin over 2,000 times - and it even appeared on a poster inside the hero's locker on the US TV show Atypical! Provided the cover photo for SMT magazine. Sold 65 fine art prints to private collectors around the world. Sold over 1,000 copies of my Expert Photography ebooks on Social Success Strategies and Wonderful Wildlife. Sold over 200 greeting cards and postcards at various exhibitions, Gerhold in Putney and Willow Bough Tea Rooms. Worked for clients including a tennis club, a milliner, a local councillor, a tuition agency and a procurement consultancy. Publications Wrote ebooks on wildlife photography and social media for Expert Photography, books on Predators & Prey, India, Antarctica and a local wedding, plus Resident Photographer: Tanzania & Kenya. Wrote articles for Expert Photography, Fusion Art, Outdoor Photography, Wildlife Photographic, PhotoPXL, Clipping Path Creative and SLR Lounge. Interviewed by Fusion Art for A Day in the Life. Posted articles, images and videos online: Nick Dale Photography website: 1.0k unique monthly visitors Facebook: 4.1k followers, 22.0k engagement, 700.6k people reached, 1.1m impressions (last 28 days) Instagram: 322 accounts engaged, 2.6k accounts reached, 14.4k total followers (last 30 days) LinkedIn: 492 connections Pinterest: 399 followers, 64k impressions, 2.4k engagements, 49k total audience, 1.8k engaged audience (last 30 days) Twitter: 18 followers YouTube: 50.1k subscribers, 205k watch hours and seven videos with more than a million views - (here, here, here, here, here, here and here). Awards Shoot The Frame’s October 2022 and May 2020 Shoot The Wild competitions The Best Modern and Contemporary Artists Prize 2022 The Faces of Peace Art Prize 2022 Tailor-Made Tour Company of the Year 2022 for England in the Travel & Hospitality Awards International Prize Leonardo da Vinci - The Universal Artist 2022 ATIM's Top 60 Masters for 2022 (see magazine feature on p25 and video starting at 26:26) Wildlife category in the Professional Photographer of the Year 2021 Best International Wildlife Photographer 2021 in the Southern Enterprise Awards hosted by SME News 2021 LUX Life Photography Coach of the Year - UK National Geographic: Photo of the Day award twice (here and here), both images being chosen for the Daily Dozen and Best of Photo of the Day 2017 and winning over 25,000 likes on Instagram Monthly finalist in the Greatest Maasai Mara Photographer of the Year 2021 Gold in the Animal Portrait category of the 2020 World Nature Photography Awards Sunday Times/Audley Travel Big Shot competition Wildlife Series in the 15th Pollux Awards/The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards Best of Contest in 35 Awards’ Wildlife: Mammals competition Guru’s Top Pick in the Gurushots Up Close with Birds challenge Best of Show in Grey Cube Gallery's Nature exhibition (see video) February 2020 Arthola competition Wildlife Worldwide Photography Competition 2019 (Animal Action category) Fusion Art: Artist Spotlight (Photography & Digital) in April 2020 (see video) and Best in Show at the 3rd Annual Animal Kingdom Art Exhibition (see video) Art Room Gallery: Nature competition (see video) Exodus Travels Monthly Photo Competition The Societies of Photographers: Gold Awards in the Wildlife, Nature and The Natural World categories Society of International Nature & Wildlife Photographers (SINWP): In the Wild Photography Competition (leading to stories in The Times, Express, The Sun, The Daily Star and the Mail Online, followed by an interview on London Live!) Various: Picture Frames Express's All Creatures Great and Small plus BBC Wildlife, Chiiz, Digital Photographer, Dodho, Wild Planet and Outdoor Photography competitions ePHOTOzine: two Daily Competitions, two Photos of the Week, 10 Editor’s Choice, 26 Highly Commended, 19 Guest Editor, 119 Readers' Choice and 213 User Awards Exodus Travels: 2018 calendar (February image) Facebook groups EP Cover Photo of the Week and Admin’s Choice from Expert Photography Photo of the Day and Photo of the Week for the International Photography Group Photo of the Day and Administrator’s Choice for Light and Shade Top Post of the Day from Nature & Creativity Cover Page and Weekly Contest for Nature Photography Administrator Choice for Photographers of the World Photo of the Week for Photography Certificate of Excellence, Weekly Contest, Cover Page and Admin Choice for the Professional Photographers Community Faunistic Selection for Renaissance Photography Top of the Day, Photo of the Day and Cracker of the Day for Save Earth Admin’s Choice from Superb Photography Cover photo for Wildlife & Nature Photography Certificate of Excellence from World Photographer - Wonderful Photography Magazine Award for World’s Top Photographers Instagram: Featured photo for @wildlifeplanet.ig, Featured Artist for @all_animals_addiction and @raw_africa_ and Daily Features for @instaperfect_capture, @wildlife__perfection, @OnlyAfrica, @kings_animals_love and Bonvac_Fauna Artist of the Week for Artlimes, Photographer of the Month for Picture Frames Express, Artist in Focus for LUMIarts and featured in Pond5’s Instagram Takeover and the May 2020, January 2021 February 2021 and March 2021 APÉRO catalogues. Exhibitions Chosen to take part in the Butterfly Effect online art exhibition put on by Contemporary Art Curator Magazine. Held solo exhibitions at the Norman Plastow Gallery in Wimbledon Village, Lumi Arts in Pimlico and 508 King's Road, where I am an artist-in-residence. Took part in Glaziers' Art Fair, Parallax Art Fair, PhotoX Awards 2018 at the Menier Gallery and various group shows at 508 King's Road and Gabriel Fine Arts. Took part in the Indian Photography Festival Exhibition and see | me exhibitions on Facebook and in New York. Was chosen for the online art galleries at Art Bridge, Artfinder, Art Gallery, Arthola, The Art Online Gallery, Artlimes, Printscapes and Saatchi Art. Sold six prints of a leopard at Greatest Maasai Mara Photographer of the Year exhibitions in Melbourne, Brisbane, Cape Town, Atlanta, Dallas and Johannesburg. Other Worked as Resident Photographer at Klein’s Camp, Serengeti Under Canvas, Grumeti Serengeti Tented Camp and Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp in Africa for four months in 2019. Worked as Resident Photographer at Gabus Game Ranch in 2020. Gave talks for The Societies of Photographers, on two Antarctic cruise ships and at The Athenaeum Club, Grumeti Serengeti Tented Camp, Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp, the SW19 Women's Institute, the Putney Women’s Institute, Malden Camera Club, Watford Camera Club, Putney Library, the London Institute of Photography and Beckenham Photographic Society. Helped judge the 2019 Canary Wharf Wildlife Photography Competition. Ran photography workshops at Canary Wharf and Putney Library. Gave private lessons to various amateur photographers. Recorded six wildlife photography videos with Coinaphoto, covering Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America and the polar regions. Had my work reviewed by Anthony Morganti on YouTube Became lifetime member of the Circle for the Foundation of the Arts (CFA). Joined the Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers in October 2013.

Act Fast Nl

act fast nl


Act Fast is a well-established Independent School near Scunthorpe in North Lincolnshire. Act Fast has grown organically as the need for a high standard of provision has emerged and developed. The premise of Act Fast’s provision is that we are promoting the value of education to previously disaffected young people. what we do We operate a bespoke curriculum at Act Fast, which is both written and delivered by in house staff and is in line with the DfE Independent Schools Standards. We overtly deliver lessons in the following subject areas: Maths up to Functional Skills level 2 standard English up to Functional Skills level 2 standard Motor Vehicle Technology with the Institute of the Motor Industry up to level 2 standard PSHE (Including RSE) against a verified and recognised scheme Motocross, delivered by qualified and experienced staff Physical Education through a range of on-site and off-site activities. Art/Crafts Music Further to this, lessons in the following subject areas are delivered as embedded features of the timetabled lessons. Human and Social Understanding Aesthetic and Creative Scientific Technological British Values Our learners know if they work hard, they are awarded by riding the motorcycles here at Act Fast. This has proven to be successful, helping young adults to achieve their qualifications and have a positive attitude towards learning. Curriculum Act Fast has made a commitment to give every young person who is capable of the opportunity to reintegrate and to take a range of exams. For those subjects that Act Fast does not currently deliver, as we develop learners opportunities will increase. We are an accredited exam centre through OCR, NCFE, ABC, D of E, and when required will extend this to meet the needs of our learners. Our curriculum also enables and encourages learners to develop their interests and talents. We have a number of students here who have found their passion for music, learning how to play the guitar, as well as a large number of young, talented motorbike riders who love learning about riding, fixing and maintaining the bikes. It’s important to us to support our learners in keeping them physically and mentally healthy. We have access to: Mental Health Champions, outreach support and therapeutic counselling services, available to all our learners. We have regular sports activities within our timetable to encourage physical exercise, as well as access to local gyms and leisure centres. These activities help to prepare young people to access their community in adulthood. Hidden Curriculum Act Fast’s curriculum, throughout the range of its delivery, is heavily invested in the “Hidden Curriculum”. The Hidden Curriculum argument is that the most valuable lessons our young people receive here are to arrive on time, respect authority, follow instructions, keep regard for safety, take responsibility for their actions, behave in an acceptable standard, liaise with other people respectfully, and respect other people’s personal choices, encouraging equality and diversity. Other ways in which we promote equality and diversity include: Challenging negative attitudes amongst students. Setting clear rules regarding how people treat each other. Treating all students and staff equally and fairly. Using resources that have multicultural themes. Creating lessons that reflect and promote diversity in the classroom. Making sure that all students have equal access to participation and opportunities. Ensuring that all procedures and policies are non-discriminatory. Making sure that classroom materials never discriminate against anyone. Safeguarding protected characteristics throughout our culture and ethos. All of these things, to a greater extent than formalised subject lessons, will make them responsible, independent, resilient and above all else employable young people once they finish their school career. Act Fast has trained and qualified staff to recognise some of the barriers to learning that students face. These barriers might be due to Adverse Childhood Experiences and with knowledge and understanding of such issues Act Fast staff can help students overcome them to maximise their potentials. Referral, Application and Introduction After a referral is made to Act Fast, we invite a representative from the referring body (usually the Inclusion Officer), the learner and the learner’s parents into Act Fast for a familiarisation visit. During that visit the learner is given a tour of the facility, is introduced to key staff members and receives an explanation of the culture of Act Fast. Learners are given the opportunity to voice any concerns and any questions they have are answered. We set a high expectation on behaviour here, and partly because expectations are high, but also because more established learners mentor new arrivals, new learners very soon fall into compliance with our way of doing things. Act Fast works because our learners buy into the culture. This is the first opportunity that a young person has to involve themselves in how we operate here. Application forms must be completed prior to a young person starting at Act Fast. Once applications are complete, the referring body typically takes a few days (sometimes up to a week) to arrange their transport. Personal data will be stored and processed at this point, and details entered into our MIS system, Arbor. We insist on a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) meeting with stakeholders and the young person present within the first month. This allows any teething troubles to be voiced and solutions to be sought. Further PLP meetings are held regularly, no less frequently than once a term. At those meetings, Act Fast staff will deliver a report detailing the engagement of the young person, levels of educational attainment, attendance, general engagement, and commentary on the likelihood of a reintegration being successful. Reintegration planning must be tailored to suit the needs of the individual. Staff Investment Our staff all take part in quality training including regular CPD sessions and ongoing programmes of accreditation such as SSS online training (recently completed by all staff members). Training needs identified are acted on as soon as practical. The organisation believes and invests in the continuous professional development of its people. Our commitment to CPD is such that every member of staff has received CPD accredited training in the last 12 months. Our qualified teachers ensure pedagogical content methods are in place to deliver high standards of teaching for our young learners. We engage with our staff continuously here and know of the main pressures on them, including managing workload. We aim to support every staff member to help guide them throughout their career at Act Fast. Educational Framework It is our aim to provide an educational framework which is heavily invested in the hidden curriculum. By that, we mean that as well as lessons formalised in Maths and English for example, our young people develop an understanding of: working to a process arriving on time respecting authority abiding by the rules accepting that their first choice may not always be the right choice following instructions not expecting to leave early attending every day These are the skills whereby a young person will be employable post 16. Without these key skills, a young person is unlikely to be able to function in the workplace. We develop the hidden curriculum, embedded in everything we do, in order that our learners gain an understanding of their expectations being matched by the expectations of attendance, compliance and engagement We have a tracking system in place for our core subjects. We also use a “readiness to learn” scale, whereby a learners attitude, engagement, and involvement in their own work is measured. Bespoken When evolving Act Fast into an independent school I was very mindful that Mainstream school had not been a successful outcome for the majority if not all of our learners. It was imperative that we were bespoke and able to meet the needs of all our learners and not just the few. For this reason we created our own curriculum that is more sympathetic to our learners’ needs. Our teachers create an environment that allows our young people to focus on learning. 1:1 support as well as small group teaching (where appropriate) is in place to make teaching more effective, allowing tutors to concentrate on each individual learner’s needs. We believe in student voice here at Act Fast. Our EHCP’s (Educational Health Care plans) allow us to capture our learners’ views. It’s not only in our annual reviews that we give learner’s opportunity to be heard. For example, one young adult suggested we invested in a bigger bike here, so we put arrangements in place and made this happen. We encourage our learners to make their voices heard. Below are some examples of student voice council meetings held at Act Fast and how they shape decisions made at the school. Student Voice Meeting 040322 We have effective arrangements to identify learners who may need early help or are at risk of neglect, abuse, grooming or exploitation. We strongly promote our policies and legislation such as safeguarding, diversity and equality of our staff and learners at Act Fast. Ofsted Report 2022 Best Bits: “Act Fast school is a place where the proprietor and staff go the extra mile to support the pupils who attend. It has a unique vision of how to ‘hook’ pupils back into education, and it is successful in doing so. Act Fast has started to re-engage pupils who have experienced difficulties in their education”. “Parents believe that, finally, a school ‘gets’ their child. The wider curriculum, built around motor-cross, is a distinctive feature of the school. It motivates pupils to attend and to behave well. For those pupils who do not wish to ride the bikes, staff work with them to find alternatives. The proprietor and staff have limitless ambition for what pupils can achieve in their personal development. At the heart of this is a patient, careful building of relationships, and, in many cases, a re-building of trust between the pupil and their experience of education.” “The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) has a strong understanding of the requirements of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Recently, the SENCo has started to work with a senior leader to more effectively incorporate pupils’ SEND targets from their education, health and care (EHC) plans into teachers’ planning.” “Leaders have also recently taken action to improve the school’s support for pupils’ reading. For instance, a primary specialist has been appointed with experience of teaching phonics to the weakest readers. The English lead is in the process of building a programme to encourage pupils to read widely and for enjoyment. Leaders’ wider curriculum for pupils’ personal development is, to very large extent, a strength of the school.” “The proprietor’s vision for getting young people who have had difficult experiences of school back into education is impressive. It is backed up by an innovative personal development curriculum, built on a range of activities that take place in the afternoons. These include a variety of motor vehicle-related opportunities, as well as visits out of school to a range of venues. Recently, for instance, pupils have started to be taken to a local engineering firm to participate in a scheme to broaden their career aspirations. Pupils know that there is a plan in place for them to make a suitable next step into further education or training at the end of Year 11.” Improvements: “Leaders’ PSHE curriculum includes reference to the protected characteristics and the school is a respectful community: however, coverage of the protected characteristics in the curriculum strategy is not as detailed as it could be, so pupils’ understanding is not as developed as it could be. Leaders should revisit their curriculum thinking for PSHE so that teaching of the protected characteristics is made more overt.” “The current curriculum is based on a limited set of qualifications in two subjects. For a registered special school, this lacks ambition. As a result, pupils experience a narrow curriculum, including a limited suite of qualifications. Leaders should take action to broaden and deepen their curriculum so that pupils have opportunities to study a wider range of subject content, organised coherently and cumulatively over the entire secondary and post-16 phases; and, for those who are capable, to a higher level of accreditation.” “Leaders have not taken the required action with regard to the statutory guidance for the teaching of RSHE. Consequently, parents have not been made aware of the school’s policy and their parental rights within the policy. Also, the teaching of Inspection report: Act Fast NL Ltd. RSHE is not clearly planned in the school’s curriculum. Leaders should take action to be compliant with the statutory guidance and to ensure that curriculum thinking incorporates structured RSHE teaching.”

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ONE SPACE LEFT! 8th October Louise Buckley #Agent121. Looking for: ADULT FICTION


By I Am In Print

LOOKING FOR: ADULT FICTION Louise Buckley has worked in publishing for well over a decade. She was inspired to enter the publishing industry after completing an MA in Creative Writing and then spent a hugely enjoyable year working as a bookseller for Waterstones, wishing that she could have a hand in publishing books. After a year working at Dorling Kindersley, she then spent almost five years working in the commercial fiction division at Pan Macmillan, where she published a mix of commercial bestsellers and award-winning authors. Most recently, she was an Associate Literary Agent at Zeno Agency Ltd. As an agent she represented a roster of commercial and literary fiction, including Anne Griffin’s When All is Said, which spent five weeks at number one in Ireland and sold into 17 territories. She is delighted to be working with Hannah at Hannah Sheppard Literary Agency. Louise is looking for:- Literary and upmarket fiction that focusses on the underdog, the repressed, the suppressed. Louise is especially interested in novels that represent working-class people or children going through difficult circumstances (think Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart, My Name is Leon by Kit de Waal or Boys Don’t Cry by FÍona Scarlett). Irish literary and book club fiction. Think Claire Keegan, Louise Kennedy or Anne Griffin. In commercial fiction she loves novels set during the Second World War, such as The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah, The Beekeeper of Aleppo by Christi Lefteri or The Midwife of Auschwitz by Anna Stuart. Louise recently read and loved The Last List of Mabel Beaumont by Laura Pearson and would love to see anything in the same ‘older person going on a journey’ category, a more recent The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. Louise had a lot of fun publishing a ‘pet fiction’ novel as an editor (Molly and the Cat Café) and would love to find an author who can write an Alfie the Doorstep Cat/Dog. She has a soft spot for novels featuring time-travel or parallel universes, a ‘what if’ that plays around with conventions. At the literary end this would be books like Life After Life by Kate Atkinson, The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes or This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. At the more commercial end Louise loved Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister, Dark Matter by Blake Crouch and Oona Out of Order by Martina Montimore. She also enjoys novels set in the real world but featuring a hefty dose of magic or the supernatural. They can be commercial or literary, present-day or historical. Think Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch, Threadneedle by Cari Thomas, A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness or The Gifts by Liz Hyder. And also cosy fantasy in the vein of Legends and Lattes or The House in the Cerulean Sea. Cosy or humorous crime. Recently, Louise absolutely loved Over My Dead Body by Maz Evans. When she was an editor Louise published the hit Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll and would love to represent incisive, intelligent suspense written by authors such as Jessica Knoll and Gillian Flynn, or something a little more subversive and blackly comic like My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite. More generally, Louise would also love to see novels with a disabled protagonist or someone (like myself) who is living with an invisible disability. As an ex-primary school teacher, she also warmly welcomes submissions from teachers, especially if the submission falls into one of the other categories she has listed. Following-on from this, she enjoys reading stories that follow a ‘beating the system’ narrative. Louise is NOT looking for: -romance -romantasy -epic, traditional fantasy -space opera -straightforward women’s fiction -children’s fiction of any kind -non-fiction Louise would like you to submit a covering letter, 1 page synopsis and the first three chapters or 5,000 words of your manuscript in a single word document. (In addition to the paid sessions, Louise is kindly offering one free session for low income/under-represented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print).  By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Friday 27 September 2024

ONE SPACE LEFT! 8th October Louise Buckley #Agent121. Looking for: ADULT FICTION
Delivered OnlineTue, Oct 808:00 + more

Professional Diploma in UX Design

By UX Design Institute

Professional Diploma in UX Design
Delivered OnlineTue, Oct 808:00 + more

SOLD OUT! 15th October Penny Holroyde #Agent121. Looking for: PICTURE BOOKS, YOUNG FICTION, CHAPTER BOOKS, MG, YA


By I Am In Print

LOOKING FOR: PICTURE BOOKS, YOUNG FICTION, CHAPTER BOOKS, MG, YA Penny Holroyde has worked in children's publishing for almost 30 years from foreign rights at Walker Books to Rights Director at Candlewick Press in the USA, before becoming an agent specialising in children's books with the Caroline Sheldon Literary Agency. In 2015 Penny co-founded Holroyde Cartey with Claire Cartey, former art director in children's books at Hachette. The agency focuses exclusively on authors and illustrators for the children's book market. Penny has a particular love for picture books but is looking for authors and illustrators working across fiction and non-fiction for all children's ages from pre-school to crossover. She's always looking for humour in picture books and chapter books and heart with some messaging in MG. In YA she's looking for strong character with contemporary settings. She'd also be interested in seeing some horror in YA. Penny is offering 121 sessions for young fiction, middle grade, YA and picture book writers. For chapter books, MG and YA fiction, please submit a covering letter, synopsis and the first three chapters of your manuscript in a single word document. For picture books, please submit a covering letter and two texts. Please send EITHER picture books OR another genre, not both in one submission. (In addition to the paid sessions, Penny is kindly offering one free session for low income/under-represented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print).  By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Monday 7 October 2024

SOLD OUT! 15th October Penny Holroyde #Agent121. Looking for: PICTURE BOOKS, YOUNG FICTION, CHAPTER BOOKS, MG, YA
Delivered OnlineTue, Oct 1510:00 + more

The SHARE Project - Self-Help & Relaxation Exercises for SEN/EBSA Parent Carers

By AUsomeMums

Self-help and relaxation skills and exercises for stressed, burned out SEN parents and carers

The SHARE Project - Self-Help & Relaxation Exercises for SEN/EBSA Parent Carers
Delivered OnlineMon, Oct 1419:00 + more

Self LOVE Workshop


By This Divine Life

As we become more loving we experience more love in general in our lives and in all our relationships. If you would like to experience more love in your life, then this workshop is for you.

Self LOVE Workshop
Delivered OnlineFlexible Dates

SOLD OUT! 16th October Rachel Neely #Agent121. Looking for: ADULT FICTION


By I Am In Print

LOOKING FOR: ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION Rachel Neely began her publishing career in 2016 at HarperCollins, before moving to Hachette where she worked as an editor for the next six years, specialising in crime and thrillers along with book club novels and contemporary fiction, most recently as a Commissioning Editor at Orion. Rachel joined Mushens Entertainment at the start of 2022 as an Associate Agent, assisting Juliet Mushens with her client list, including multiple Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling authors. Simultaneously she began signing her own clients. In August 2023 she was promoted to Literary Agent and is actively growing her list, looking for book-club fiction, dark academia, rom-coms, tragic love stories, crime and thrillers. Please note she is not the right agent for sci-fi, espionage novels, YA or children’s books. She signs both commercial and literary authors, and is always looking for a distinctive voice matched with a compelling plot. She also is especially drawn to darker stories that centre characters with tragic fates, dark pasts or buried trauma. She is also keen to find authors from underrepresented groups who can bring a fresh perspective to well-worn story arcs, or capture experiences shared by many but, as of yet, underexplored in fiction. She would love to see a commercial locked-room thriller in the vein of The Midnight Feast, The White Lotus or with shades of Succession; novels about cults such as The Girls; a voice-led serial-killer thriller reminiscent of How to Kill Your Family; compelling dark academia to rival The Secret History; a high-concept but tragic love story that will make her ugly cry in the vein of The Time Traveller’s Wife or One Day; and anything that has an outsider trying to break into the world of the privileged and morally bankrupt. Besides those above, her favourite novels include The List, The Talented Mr Ripley, The Lovely Bones, Other People’s Clothes, The It Girl, The Girl Before, Notes on an Execution, My Dark Vanessa and My Sister the Serial Killer. Rachel would like you to submit a covering letter, 1 - 2 page synopsis and the first 5000 words of your manuscript in a single word document.  (In addition to the paid sessions, Rachel is kindly offering one free session for low income/underrepresented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print).  By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Monday 7 October 2024

SOLD OUT! 16th October Rachel Neely #Agent121. Looking for: ADULT FICTION
Delivered OnlineWed, Oct 1608:00 + more

Virtual Mini-Retreats


By Contemplative at Home

Life is hectic. Finding time out feels almost impossible. We want to pray, we want to reflect, but when we do find a snatched moment to ourselves, we remain distracted. I've designed this space to help you reconnect with your breath, to gently stretch your body, and to listen... to the voice of your inner wisdom, and to the voice of your Beloved.  We will meditate with scripture, we will journal, we will use creative means to listen to the Spirit. We will sit with Love. I hope you will come away feeling centred, refreshed and assured of your belovedness.  Two hours, on Zoom. "Come away with me to a quiet place" The sessions will be shaped around the following themes this year: October: Teresa of Avila November: Letting Go December: Advent / Expectant Hope January: The Gifts of Winter Darkness February: Love March: Lent April: No Session May: Resurrection / Spring June: TBC July: The Gifts of Summer August: No Session You are invited to participate from the comfort of your own home. Ideally you'll be able to find a little space where you won't be interrupted. You might wish to ask those you share space with to help you protect this time by respecting your privacy. All who sign up will be sent a link to the recording of the retreat which will remain live until the following session. If you would like to participate via recording, simply register for the event. It would be great if you could let me know that you won't be with us in real time. Past Participants are Saying: "A really well led session allowing time for reflection and prayer." - Ellie Virtual Mini-Retreats are hosted by Lissy Clarke, Spiritual Director, Yoga Teacher and the voice behind the meditations at Contemplative at Home.  NB: Virtual Mini-Retreats are FREE for members who support the show at £15/ month and above (thank you!! ✨) - but you must still register to secure a place on a particular date, as places are limited. Memberships can be started or stopped at any time. More information here.

Virtual Mini-Retreats
Delivered OnlineFri, Oct 1815:00 + more

SOLD OUT! 24th October Megan Carroll #Agent121. Looking for: MG, YA, ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION


By I Am In Print

LOOKING FOR: MG, YA, ADULT FICTION, ADULT NON-FICTION, NON-FICTION FOR 7+ Megan Carroll is looking for writers in a variety of areas, and from a wide range of backgrounds – she is particularly keen to hear from Black, Asian, and LGBTQIA+ writers. Her main areas of focus this year are adult fiction and non-fiction, as well as non-fiction for 7+, and MG and YA fiction. In Fiction, Megan is keen to see high-concept love stories (think The Flat Share or The Lock In) for both commercial and reading group readers. She’d love to see those familiar romance tropes – enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, love triangles, forbidden love etc. – with underrepresented characters at the centre. She is also looking for historical fiction and gothic horror (think Laura Purcell, Stacey Halls and Silvia Moreno-Garcia) – anything that has a creepy, uneasy undertone is likely for Megan’s list. Megan is also actively looking for upmarket fiction and would love to see layered family drama, contemporary stories about life today and darkly comic novels that explore a specific time, place or experience. In Non-Fiction, Megan is keen to hear from experts in their field talking about topics relating to film, music, true crime, popular culture, history and issues from largely unrepresented perspectives. She is keen to see memoir, narrative non-fiction and essay collections. In Children’s and YA, she is keen to see contemporary YA with humour, and romance at the heart – fun and emotional stories that appeal to the interests and issues of the teenage readers. She’d also love to see thrillers and horror stories for this age group too. It’s unlikely that high fantasy novels for YA readers will be right for her, but she is keen to see stories with fantasy elements in a real world setting. On the younger end, Megan is looking for funny, contemporary middle grade – think Louise Rennison and Karen McCombie – and anything creepy and spooky for 8-12 year old readers too. She’d love to find something like Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events and is keen to find original adventure stories in both fantasy and realistic settings. Megan would like you to submit a covering letter, 1 page synopsis and the first three chapters or 5,000 words of your manuscript in a single word document. (In addition to the paid sessions, Megan is kindly offering one free session for low income/under-represented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print).  By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Wednesday 16 October 2024

SOLD OUT! 24th October Megan Carroll #Agent121. Looking for: MG, YA, ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION
Delivered OnlineThu, Oct 2411:00 + more

October Activation - Anchor Your Personal Power

By Katarina Heuser

Discover your special powers, receive insights and deep healing together with an abundance of light codes taking your life to the next level!

October Activation - Anchor Your Personal Power
Delivered OnlineFri, Oct 1817:00



By I Am In Print

LOOKING FOR: ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION, MG/YA inc GRAPHIC NOVELS Gyamfia Osei has joined Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd and is looking for writers of Children's and YA, commercial adult fiction and narrative non-fiction.   Gyamfia began her career in publishing working as a Bookseller at Waterstones, before joining Caskie Mushens as a literary assistant in 2018. She relocated to Amsterdam for two years, where she managed international sales for The Pepin Press and held the role of Editor for Plural Magazine, before returning to London in 2021 to start building her own list of authors at The Good Literary Agency. Gyamfia is now an agent at Andrew Nurnberg Associates, representing a diverse list of clients writing children’s books and a bespoke adult list focusing on commercial fiction and narrative non-fiction. Gyamfia is currently looking for contemporary children’s stories that are full of heart and joy-driven books that celebrate kids from underrepresented backgrounds (think Clare Weze, Kimberly Whittam and Elle McNicoll). Unique picture books, funny middle-grade and teen projects (think Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging and Glow Up Lara Bloom) are currently at the top of her list this year. She is very interested in finding a graphic novel or illustrated project for either MG or YA readers.  She is very open when it comes to Children’s non-fiction but would be particularly interested to consider unique cookbooks aimed at young chefs, books exploring mental health/wellness and projects that bring the experiences of marginalised children to the forefront. In the adult fiction space, Gyamfia enjoys well-plotted, fast-paced narratives with authentic characters who lodge themselves in her mind long after she’s finished reading (think Big Little Lies, Verity and Girl A). She’s open to a broad range of genres, but would be particularly keen to see cosy crime, global stories and tightly plotted domestic noir.  In the adult non-fiction space, she would be happy to consider commercial narrative non-fiction and cultural history projects (think Brit(ish), It’s Not That Radical and Everything I Know About Love). Gyamfia would like you to submit a covering letter, 1 page synopsis and the opening three chapters (max 5,000 words). For picture books please send two texts and a covering letter. For non-fiction please supply a cover letter and proposal with up to 5,000 words of your sample text. (In addition to the paid sessions, Gyamfia is kindly offering one free session for low income/under-represented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print).  By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Monday 7 October 2024

Delivered OnlineFri, Oct 1812:00 + more