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Simply Wholistic

simply wholistic

Remember, beauty is never skin deep. Nothing only exists because of the shell it belongs to or has been given. Bearing this in mind, whenever we want to change anything, whether it be physical, mental or emotional, (our appearance, feelings and thoughts) the change only occurs from changing your thoughts, thinking patterns, and your feelings about how you see yourself. For example, we change our looks easily and have any amount of cosmetic surgery we could afford, but unless we feel beautiful inside, we will never feel beautiful outside. We must first love ourselves in order that we can love others. If we don't know how to even treat ourselves with love and compassion, how could we ever treat anyone else with the same? No one is saying it is easy to change the way you think, I certainly know its not. But how much money would it be worth to you to be happy in your life, with all aspects of your life? Could any amount of money ever make up for you being miserable and unhappy in your life? If you truly believe you are happy in life and you think it's all genuine, then all I ask you to do is take all the material things away out of your life and imagine that all you have left is your family, friends, pets, the roof over your head with no objects in there and last of all yourself, your body, including your feelings, thoughts, thinking patterns and physical looks and your good health. Would you still be content and happy, with the most important things in your life you have left? If the answer to that question is no, then don't you think it's time you found happiness within? Instead of just looking beyond that and to other people and material objects in your life, which will give you a little satisfaction for a short time only, which are all purely false hopes. Life is truly amazing if you allow it to be and the moment you allow yourself to be happy and love yourself for who you are is the moment you will never look back on your life and only look forward and be so happy and positive about everything in your life. Life really is so simple, yet we insist on complicating it To help ourselves and our own bodies, prevention is far better than any cure. When you maintain your health and well-being, it is very unlikely you will suffer illness or disease. Rather than seeing yourself as the shell you are and placing the emphasis on that alone, instead turn it all around and focus on the inside and how you feel and think. This is the only way you will ever continue through the aging process and be happy and content through life. To reach optimum health and well-being is not something which will happen over night and to maintain this level is an ongoing process throughout one’s life. Every second of every day our bodies are changing due to our thoughts, thinking patterns, emotions, feelings and actions. Add to this the outside influences such as stress at work, lack of vitamins and nutrients and a good balanced healthy diet and no exercise and your body will begin to feel the strain. If you don’t listen to your body and make simple changes to give your body the right conditions to enable it to heal itself, it will without a doubt become in a diseased state which will manifest into illness later on in life. Chakra’s can be over stimulated as well as under stimulated and this can have positive or negative effect on our health. Colour’s are energy and carry different vibrations, therefore the colour of food we eat can affect our health. The colour of clothes we wear and are surrounded with each day also effect the chakra’s Lots of simple and easy changes can be made by everyone to maintain optimum health and well-being and Holistic Therapies will help clear any blockages or imbalances you may have which will be detrimental to your health should they remain in that state. Preventive measures are far better than anything else you can do for you body and mind and will help maintain good health throughout one’s life. Holistic Therapies treat the whole person, not just the symptom. Treating any symptom, such as conventional medicine, will NEVER CURE any disease or illness only mask the symptoms and usually lead to even more side effects, symptoms and problems in the body. When you take something which is not a natural source and place it into the body you are removing the bodies own natural defence systems which are in place. When you treat a person with Holistic Therapies you are dealing with the root cause of the problem naturally and the real issue behind any illness, disease or symptom, therefore once treated all symptoms will be eliminated in the process. Pain does serve a purpose and its the bodies way of telling us something is wrong or must be changed. The body will always give us indicators when something is not right enabling us to rectify it. However we have become such experts at ignoring the warning signs and alarms bell's or not giving our health the time is deserves that later down the line by continuing to ignore it we now have an even bigger problem on our hands. Holistic therapies such as colour therapy can be used and implemented into your life so simply and have life changing effects without having to change anything in your life. Also great for people so busy, who sadly have limited time for their health. The consultation covers numerous aspects of your health including mental, emotional and physical. Contrary to what you have been lead to believe, when you have emotional problems your physical health will be suffering. The longer the problem is left unresolved, the more likely the problem will manifest into a physical condition. When your emotional condition improves you are well on the way to recovery. The body is the most effective tool to treat any condition which we may have in life. If it is given the correct conditions, it can and will heal itself. The consultation is to deal with the root cause of the problem and not just the symptoms you have. It will give you all the tools to provide you with everything you need to give your body the right conditions to establish good health and with continued use enable you to maintain optimum health. Looking for a quick fix may be a short term solution but it’s not in the best interests of your body’s health, nor will it completely deal with issues which may arise again if you change your way of thinking back to your old pattern and habits. That would only be the same as filling your vehicle up with petrol once and expecting it to run indefinitely, which will never be the case. Problems which people have, don’t just appear over night. Although a session may have a very profound effect on improving your health, it can’t deal with all the issues in one go because your body would not be able to handle all those changes at the same time. Therefore continued therapy is advised to work through all issues, also as a preventative measure and to maintain the bodies correct balance. You know what issues/problems you have to deal with, therefore the biggest step is acknowledging them and starting to deal with them. You must also be ready and willing for all these changes to take place in your life because it will require a little input from you to enable them to happen. Your diet and what you eat. To establish weather it is a contributing factor to how you are feeling and whether your body is undernourished. The colour of food you eat affects your mind and body. The body’s functions are dictated by the chakra’s, main energy centre’s of the body. If you are eating the same foods all the time you will not be providing your body with the colour’s and vibrations which it requires. Every living entity on this planet carries a different vibration, so colour’s really do play an important role in your life. Not just the colour of food you eat, but the colour of clothes you wear, the colours you are surrounded by. Water plays a huge role in the workings and maintenance of the mind and body. Every single function we have as a human being requires the brain to be hydrated to enable the process to happen as it should. If the brain becomes dehydrated then those processes will suffer and not work correctly. Many people have become such experts at ignoring the thirst warning or mistaking it for hunger and reaching for food when the message is really thirst. When the correct amount of water is drunk in sufficient intervals during the course of the day many so called ailments and health issues could subside. I challenge you to try it and discover the magic power water can have for you

Spirit of the Inca

spirit of the inca


Lying flat on my back for 16 days back in 1980 something, I was in so much physical pain that I could not move. It was then that I began to realise that I needed to change my life! I had been literally 'floored'! Stopped in my tracks. I had nowhere to run, or hide. "It wasn't by chance that during that time I came across a reflexologist who helped me to see that this was a turning point in my life. As a result of that meeting, and the healing that followed, I trained to become a reflexologist. My healers journey had begun and everything changed. "Over the course of the next few years, I noticed that some clients healed and others did not. My curiosity and desire to be of service led me to explore all kinds of therapeutic processes... counselling, gestalt, person centred therapy, psychosythesis. It was a great help in understanding how the mind affected the body. And I noticed that now I was able to help more people to heal.. and yet I noticed that still some clients did not. "My wondering about this led me fully into the healing arts and I began to understand that we each have a soul's journey. I had to ask myself: 'Why am I here?' 'What am I meant to be doing with my life?' "At the level of the soul I needed to know that my life has meaning and purpose beyond the everyday, and I learned that creative expression is vital to my wellbeing, as is finding a meaning and purpose that fits who I am. During this time I had many teachers. I trained to be a yoga teacher, I discovered 5 Rythms dance, and explored ways to use my voice... each time reaching out beyond my comfort zone, beyond who I thought I was.. to discover aspects of me that had been hidden or surpressed in the simple act of living this everyday reality. "My wondering led me to run a women's group for ten years. I wanted to explore what it means to be a woman in today's world. Together, we explored the sacred feminine, the goddess, the myths that we live by, we explored sacred landscapes, ceremony and ritual and found ways to connect with Mother Earth, a connection lost in working world today. During those years I took groups on Outward Bound courses in the landscape of Dartmoor. It was as much my journey as it was for those who shared it with me. We all learned a lot about ourselves, about what we were truly capable of. Incredible transformations took place in us all. Above all I learned the resilience of the human spirit, how stepping beyond fear creates inner trust and confidence... and that when we truly face our fears and embrace them we liberate ourselves then our presence liberates others. "Finally my journey led me to Shamanic Training. I have worked with a number of shaman in my life, and now, Incorporating the processes and techniques that I have learned both from the Inca tradition and many other great teachers along the way, I have developed a training which is powerful, beautiful and for me is the final piece in the puzzle. "Working at the level of energy affects all of the bodies: the soul's journey, the mental body, the emotional body and the physical body. I have also learned on this journey that it is a sacred journey, a journey towards wholeness... and the more I heal of myself, the more I affect those around me in a positive, life enriching way. "This is the work that I do in the world, it's the gift that I bring. "My medicine stones form a powerful healing tool called a Mesa. "My Mesa contains the wisdom that comes from my personal healing, the transformation of old worn-out stories of powerlessness, turned into power; of pain and suffering turned into compassion; and ancient wisdom handed down through the ages, through a lineage of medicine men and women whose grace, dignity and childlike innocence reminds me of what we have lost in the Western world. "And now I teach others how to build theirs."

Mindmaps Wellbeing

mindmaps wellbeing


Download wellbeing workplace brochure here [https://www.mindmapswellbeing.com/brochure-request/] Our vision is to change the culture of workplace wellbeing. To achieve this, we believe all organisations can address the needs of mental health and wellbeing, raising awareness and understanding. By fostering an initiative-taking approach to wellbeing at work, for themselves, staff, and customers, maintaining positive strategies to workplace wellbeing creating a culture and environment where people thrive. To achieve this, we offer a range of mental health related training and guidance services to ensure employers are mentally aware in every aspect of their business. We seek to challenge stigma and discrimination in the workplace related to mental ill health through expert and professional services which develop an open and supportive environment. Where staff feel confident to discuss their mental health with their employer, to feel supported in the workplace and to maintain the mental wellbeing of everyone. Our unique approach ensures training is tailored to our audience. The Story of Mindmaps Wellbeing; After spending a solid 18 years working in various roles for the NHS, Tim recognized the significance of applying a preventative approach to mental ill health. He believed that educating workplaces and communities on the importance of mental health first aid and awareness training would equip individuals with the necessary tools to look after their own mental wellbeing and to support others.  By teaching people, the early signs of poor mental health, Tim hoped to prevent potential crises from occurring. With a sharp vision in mind, Tim shared his ambition with his friend Mikey, who was a business development manager with extensive operations experience. Recognising the value of Tim's project, Mikey eagerly joined forces to help him achieve this goal.

Fidas Safeguarding Training

fidas safeguarding training


I am Dorothea Scales. I have founded Fidas Consent Training because I want to share my knowledge and experience of dealing with sexual assaults and rapes which I gained during my career as a Detective Sergeant. I have combined my passion for safeguarding with my enthusiasm for training – having an MA in education and being a qualified teacher gave me the skills set to develop and deliver my courses. Since leaving the Police in October 2021, I have already delivered to hundreds of students, pupils and their teachers, to Designated Safeguarding Leaders and University students, colleges, youth organisations, charities, and apprentices   I have combined my expertise as an ex-Detective Sergeant in Safeguarding and my experience as a teacher, to develop my completely unique consent workshops, presentations and now a cost effective eLearning package . I have trained Detectives, Police cadets and Police Special constables and probationers. I have developed courses for Police officers in dealing sensitively with victims of rape and confronting myths and misconceptions. I have lead  leading a Pilot project for Durham County Council in delivering consent workshops to local secondary schools.   Fidas Consent Training is about sharing my passion for safeguarding the truly vulnerable and giving every person an informed choice about consent.   As a qualified, experienced, and passionate safeguarding specialist, I have 16 years’ experience as a Police Officer, protecting the rights of children, young people, and adults. I have always been driven by making a positive difference to the vulnerable. During my time in education and the Police, I have developed additional skills in risk management, people leadership and managing the most complex investigations which demand a sensitive and compassionate response. Victim focused and people centred in my work, I championed change in the police and built strong alliances with partner organisations As a Detective Sergeant within the Safeguarding unit I dealt with victims and suspects of rape and sexual assaults on a daily basis, often from report to court. I know and understand all the devastating consequences of not understanding or ignoring consent and want to share my experience with young people for a better future. I am a qualified Teacher and Safeguarding instructor committed to sharing my experience and expertise through my training courses. I have proactively developed partnerships to increase my impact and have worked closely with Social Services (adult and children’s team), schools, colleges and universities, MIND, healthcare professionals, domestic abuse charities and refuges, RAPE Crisis and regional police forces, which gives the training I am offering a particular knowledge-based advantage.  During my time in the Police I undertook a study which demonstrated why specialist rape teams are the way forward for all around victim care and successful prosecutions.   My Qualifications: MA in History, Education and Italian University of Durham, PGSE – postgraduate degree in education- qualified teacher status, Level 3 and 4 in Policing, NVQ, Sexual Assault Liaison officer, Tier Three victim interview trained– Achieving best evidence in victim interviews (including children under the age of 8) ICIDP (qualified Detective) Serious and complex Interviewing victim, witnesses and suspects Detective tutor ABELS – achieving Best Evidence Language screen Promotion to Detective Sergeant (in Safeguarding) Custody Sergeant Trained in misconduct and complaints procedures Investigations into counter corruption Investigator into sudden childhood death Counter corruption development programme Safeguarding First Responder Judge’s commendation for victim care in sexual abuse Chief Superintendent’s commendation for victim care Investigator into sudden childhood death Trauma processing and Trauma resilience in Policing Ofqual certified First Aid Mental Health Instructor Level 3, Ofqual certified Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting children (RQF) Level 3 RSE certified