2353 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Nick Constantine

nick constantine

Whitley Bay

I began my running coaching journey in 1976 when I ran in my green flash:) but kept on coaching, attending courses and qualifications/badges throughout my life. I also hold a post-grad degree in Physical Ed, with my first degree in Theoretical physics and Astrophysics. I have practised yoga for 25 years (recently qualified to teach in 2018). I also work in Adult Education as an associate lecturer with the Open University. After 12 years as a coach I decided to further integrate and develop my own running programmes and coaching with a much stronger focus on yoga knowledge and practice (attending professional development workshops from Leslie Kaminoff (https://www.yogaanatomy.org/) and Gary Carter (https://www.naturalbodies.co.uk/), A.G Mohan ( https://www.svastha.net/) ). We are all different, creating personalised programmes that allow runners to feel more relaxed, have a greater understanding of how they move and how they can improve their running form without an increase of injury. I have coached over 2000 runners, with a very mixed profile. From National runners to starting out and broken 'lost mojo' runners, all ages from 12-80! Running with awareness, running with ease, running with relaxation and stillness will set the conditions to allow you to run quicker, pain free and have a deeper sense of 'in the moment' focus when running or walking. I focus on developing a more mindful and holistic approach to movement (using much yoga training), allowing runners to recognise 'if it is somewhere it is everywhere' and 'don't think it, feel it'. We explore 'changing our relationship with gravity' allowing us to feel more relaxed and encourage a lighter and better feeling with the ground. For the BODY, for the MIND, for the BREATH The yoga practice complements and integrates into the running coaching, I don't teach a 'little bit of running' and a 'little bit of yoga'. They two disciplines connect and I hope folk get a sense of the power of combining the two practices. I have helped many people, from beginners to cross country runners to triathletes. Whether you are just beginning a running program or training for a marathon, race, triathlon, or general all-round fitness the soulinmotion running and yoga approach is one that builds a healthy body, instead of breaking it down from misuse or overuse. The background of runners vary from15min 5K female runners, 1h 3min half marathon runners to clients who could barely run/walk. Ages have varied between 12 to 85. I have coached yogi's, cross fit, martial arts, ultra runners, Ironmen and women, clubs, private groups.....jog scotland groups appear a lot as do some sport England. My own science, maths and sports background (BSc(Hons) Physics and Astrophysics, PGCE in Sport and Mathematics together with years of coaching means I always approach any idea with a critical and clinical eye. Find out more? Keep up to date with SoulinMotion via the Newsletter, subscribe here....or link to the Eventbrite site and follow my workshops/classes OR visit the soulinmotion FB page (https://www.facebook.com/soulsinmotion) and the list of events which gives all the free tasters and workshops in Scotland and the NE.

The College Marketing Network

the college marketing network


For just one annual college membership, all members of your marketing team can access all our free services and discounts. As a member college of CMN, you can network with colleagues, keep up-to-date and refresh your skills, much of it without leaving your desk. And when you can join us for an event, take advantage of our networking meetings, early bird rates and discounts ONLY available to CMN members. "Many thanks for everything whilst I've been Head of Marketing at the college. I've found the support offered by CMN invaluable." "Thank you for your support and help in the past and for the valuable opportunities the Network has provided. I shall recommend that the college continues with membership after I leave." "I’d just like to say how valuable I’ve found the CMN, and express my thanks for all of your hard work in making it such a useful forum for best practice sharing." “During my 15 years as Senior Marketing Officer, we have always supported and been a member of the College Marketing Network. I have thoroughly enjoyed attending the many national and regional conferences and found them to be very informative on a national and local level. More recently the introduction of JISC mail has been a revelation, it has provided an instant service to sharing problems and initiatives.” “Can I just say how valuable I have found the Network, particularly JISCmail and having the opportunity to network with other colleagues at events.” Our member benefits include: FREE online training events - Workshop Wednesdays are an ongoing programme of FREE training and CPD for CMN members only which cover trending topics in education and marketing; Resources from the online 2021 conference and other events available to download in the members' area of the website; Private JISCmail online networking group – access to the experience and advice of other CMN members in confidence and from your desk. Join our JISCmail networking group and you can share your challenges and expertise with colleagues across the country. (JISCmail is an email system enabling online discussion within a defined private group – see www.jiscmail.ac.uk/COLLEGEMARKETINGNETWORK); Separate new JISCmail group for internal comms specialists; Member subgroups for Heads of Marketing - similar to JISCmail but these groups meet online via Zoom. You'll be in a group with 6-10 other member colleges who are not your immediate competitors, so you can speak freely and access advice and support from fellow marketers, share ideas and know you are not alone! Sub-groups meet half-termly and also chat via email with a ficus on strategic issues; Mentoring and professional support scheme – free peer-to-peer support between members on request; Our popular Networking and CPD meetings held during Winter and Spring each year are currently suspended and replaced by the online Wednesday Workshops; Significant reductions for our conferences, FE First Award entries and other events. Early bird rates ONLY available to CMN members; FREE information services via email to all your nominated team members – FE sector news, advance notice of CMN events and activities, marketing jobs and more; Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn networks.




Welcome to my journey of how to Teach Me Islam came to launch.  Assalamu Alaykum,  My name is Nabeela, CEO of TEACHMEISLAMAPP.  I hold a Masters’s equivalent degree in Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence. I am also a qualified Early Years Educator. With 9 years+ of solid experience in Education. Since then, I am now also a qualified Business Analyst. With 9 years of experience on my side, I have become aware of this untapped potential for the facility that was missing within our community. I realised that the demand for qualitative Islamic teaching with progressive results for parents and students is high. It has been my dream to scale out, unite and build a limitless platform, bringing different social groups together, no matter the age, gender, religion or background.  Teach Me Islam is the first of it's kind, an award winning pioneering virtual organisation. An easy and accessible online platform and application that is designed to offer you the flexibility to book high-quality Islamic private tuition lessons from the comfort of your home. Delivered to you by British-educated, security-assured DBS-verified, rightly qualified Islamic tutors who nurture our students through their programme that transforms our student's lives spiritually.  We use a revolutionary three-tier programme steeped in rich Islamic history from Arabic comprehension of the Holy Quran to the teachings of the Prophets and their noble companions. Enjoy interactive and highly-organised lessons through our easy-to-use platform, in a digestible style designed to build confidence and help you or your loved ones learn in a coherent way that is both effective with long-term practical results in our student's lifestyles. Suitable for adults and children, both men and women.  Learn through interactive online lessons at your pace with friendly and familiar tutors who share similar values and beliefs. Contact us via our contact form on our website for a free phone call consultation for all the details. 

The Business School (UK) Ltd

the business school (uk) ltd

Thurcaston, Leicester

We are The Business School UK and our passion is training and development. We work with all groups: from individuals through to public sector and blue chip organisations.  Above all, we deliver a first-rate learning experience designed to ensure success.  We provide training in all its forms, from face-to-face through to use of our extensive Virtual Learning Environment. We are approved by The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK), and by The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management to deliver approved courses from Levels 2 through to 6.  We also provide bespoke training to meet the needs of individuals or organisations, which can be accredited by The Institute of Leadership and Management, as we are an accreditation partner.  As well we can offer further courses through the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment, and through Focus Awards .   A particular speciality of ours is to provide only the training that is necessary to achieve a requirement; we do this by accreditation of prior learning and working closely with the appropriate professional institute to create a cost-effective, bespoke but relevant course that meets professional standards. Our aim is to work closely with employers to design training and support to meet specific needs, within the culture of the organisation, whatever size and sector.  By establishing strong relationships and partnerships, we are proud of our ability to ensure learning is fully applied in the workplace, adding value to both employers and learners.  Studying with us, you are never alone; we have expert tutors who are on hand to provide guidance with all aspects of any of the courses and are always happy to help.  The quality of our tutors is a particular strength of ours; we select only the best quality and most experienced, who are dedicated in the delivery of the best performance, leading to excellent results. We work in a variety of sectors, but in particular we have excellent strengths in the public sector (including Defence, Local government, NHS and the Emergency Services), oil and gas, manufacturing, logistics, communications, education, Logistics/Supply Chain and Facilities Management.  In addition we have strong roots in Leadership and Management across all sectors.  Our Operations Director, has more than 30 years education, learning and training experience, covering the design, development and delivery of leadership and management, HRM, communication and soft skills, business coaching and strategy. She is a Fellow of The Institute of Leadership and Management, a former visiting lecturer at The University of Wales (Trinity St David) and at the National Fire Service College, and was the Chief External Verifier for CILT (Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport) in the UK. She is also a licensed Myers Briggs Type Indicator® practitioner, and is accredited as a Stress Management Consultant. Helen has held trustee positions at a variety of charitable organisations, including the Federation of Holistic Therapists, Citizens Advice Bureau and the Psychosynthesis Trust, in addition to work on various governing bodies.  David Ockleton, our Business Development Director,  has had successful careers both in the Armed Forces and Industry, working in most parts of the World. He has extensive experience of Supply Chain and Logistics in general, Business Change, Leadership and Management, Security and Counter Terrorism. David is a Chartered Fellow of CILT (UK) and a former CILT (UK) External Verifier. He is also a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, a Member of the City and Guilds Institute and a Member of the Institute of Explosive Engineers.  He was previously the Chairman of the Qualifications Development Assessment Committee for CILT(UK).

Bike For Good Glasgow West

bike for good glasgow west


Bike for Good is a charity and social enterprise which started in July 2010 in a small stall in Glasgow’s Barras market. With a few donated bikes, a cobbled-together tool kit and a team of volunteers with a huge amount of passion and drive, Bike for Good (then known as Glasgow Bike Shed) was born! We now have three thriving Community Hubs in Glasgow and an amazing team of 42 staff members and 50 + volunteers who are changing thousands of lives through cycling. We have a West Hub, a South Hub and a hub on Civic Street which you can read more about here. You can learn more about the members of our amazing team. Many of our wonderful volunteers have shared their experiences of working with Bike for Good through our online case studies. Bike for Good provides access to low cost but good quality bikes whilst diverting tonnes of waste from landfill. These bikes are kindly donated by members of the public and are then refurbished and sold in our two Community Hubs. Find out more about how to donate your bike. On average, our team of mechanics refurbish over 1000 bikes per year, diverting tonnes of waste from landfill while also providing access to affordable bikes to the public. Find out more about how to buy a refurbished bike. As well as the environmental impact of this work, the income from bike sales helps to fund our work in the community. To keep your bike in tip-top condition, our expert mechanics offer a comprehensive bike maintenance and repair service. The aim is to keep you cycling all year round. In addition, we offer a comprehensive programme of inclusive projects which promote, support and encourage greater levels of cycling. Cycling has a multitude of benefits for society, from environmental improvements to health promotion and financial savings. We have created a series of projects and services which seek to highlight this to the public and fill a gap in current provision. Our work is structured under three impact themes: Active Travel – promotes cycling as a sustainable form of transport through the delivery of: Refurbished bike sales and bike servicing Bike and e-bike loans Community Dr Bikes (pop up bike maintenance sessions) Maintenance classes Bike Buddies programme Weekly cycle training sessions E-cargo bike loans Confidence building led rides Extensive film and speaker event programme Skills and Development – improves the life chances of young people and adults who are not engaged in full time education or employment through the delivery of: Maintenance classes City and Guilds qualifications Build your own bike courses Fix your own bike sessions, including ones for young people Govanhill Gears Kids Club (led ride and learn to ride activities) Bespoke volunteering and development programme Women and non-binary specific maintenance programme Health and Wellbeing – improves the mental and physical wellbeing of people with long-term health conditions through the delivery of: 1:1 cycle confidence building sessions Weekly group rides Supporting partner organisations and participants to create their own cycling groups/hubs Providing an affordable transport option to those on a low income via reduced price Nextbike memberships Weekly women and non-binary specific cycle training sessions You can find out more about these services and how to access them through the Get a Bike, Repair a Bike, Get Cycling and Develop Your Skills pages. Recently we launched a subsidiary organisation (in partnership with Vélogik) called Motion Forward which provides business to business service and fleet maintenance. A share of the income from Motion Forward will help deliver our charitable work. vision, mission and values Our projects and services are all designed to help achieve our vision and mission: vision A healthy and inclusive environment where everyone in the community benefits from more people cycling. mission We enable people to ride a bike. We believe that cycling is the most effective and sustainable form of transport; we believe it enhances our chances for a healthy life and environment. values Passionate – We are passionate about cycling as a tool for positive change. Supportive – We work at the heart of communities, empowering people and building partnerships. To make this happen, we nurture a collaborative work environment. Environmentally aware – We protect and preserve the environment for the benefit of all. Expertise – We continuously develop our skills and share them with our volunteers and staff, and throughout the community.



Lowimpact is a co-op with ideas, inspiration, information and advice on low-impact living: how to reduce your negative impacts on nature, and increase positive ones. We network with other groups who are building the components of a new economy that doesn’t damage people, communities and environment, and we work with specialists building new monetary / exchange systems that form the core of this new economy. If you believe that humanity is on the wrong path, then you’ll find plenty of resources here to help get ourselves onto a better one. Explore our topics to find ways to bring about changes in your own life, large and small. Tell us what you’re doing, and offer advice to others. We recognise that large, centralised institutions are keeping us on the wrong path, intent on maintaining a status quo that gives them their wealth and power. Read about our ‘new economy’ agenda, and if you agree, then help build it! There are no leaders or gurus. You’re just as important as anyone else. Welcome – please explore, play, contribute and take what feels right for you. Watch and read our interviews with fascinating and inspiring people building the components of a new system; post your thoughts – we’re interested in hearing ideas and hosting respectful debate; change your consumption habits; get your business into our directory; help start a mutual credit club in your community, and build the elements of a new economy around it; hone your arguments; think; discuss; do; help shape a movement to reduce our impact on nature, build community and increase happiness.

Duncan Skelton Coaching

duncan skelton coaching

I coach global CXOs who serve important missions and are deeply curious about what is really possible. For 24 years as a technical leader and engineering manager I built innovative tech in small UK startups, through acquisition, to Silicon Valley giants. I’ve successfully guided individuals in expanding their leadership and helped them create high performance. Scaling your leadership, expanding your range, is difficult and uncomfortable edge-work. You need discipline, dedication and motivation to stay the course. Running my 10th and fastest marathon at 49 years old required letting go of perceived limits and underlined the importance of working with a coach who held the possibility for me when I could not. You are capable of more than you dare imagine — to explore your limits is an act of courage. There are no guarantees when you rope-up and set out in pursuit of a dream — only uncertainty amid possibility. So you want someone you can trust holding your ropes. My leadership experience, thirty years of rock climbing around the world and leading climbing expeditions mean I know how to partner people in courageous acts of exploration. I know how to coach you safely through uncertainty, paralysing fear and getting back up after a fall. In addition to 6 years building successful engineering groups at Google in London and New York I was lead facilitator on Google’s internal flagship leadership development program. I’ve worked internationally in the US, UK, Sweden, Finland and India. I’ve lived overseas and traveled extensively, and met many brilliant, inspiring people, like you, with massive potential.

Reform Academy

reform academy


Bold ideas, big conversationsReform’s report, 'Academy chains unlocked', presents results from the first survey of academy chain chief executives. It recommends reform to the funding and oversight of chains to raise standards across the country. Since first introduced under Labour, academy schools have been the main way that governments have sought to raise the standard of schools. Their popularity with policymakers means that two fifths of state-educated children in England now attend an academy. While there are different forms of academies, all have greater responsibility over the curriculum, staffing and finances than other state-funded schools. Yet the evidence that academies have improved school education is not clear cut. Labour’s academies have almost certainly led to sustainable improvements in pupil outcomes. However, the Coalition Government’s academies have had variable impact, with some lowering, some sustaining and others improving education in those schools, depending on the starting point of the school. Taken in its entirety, the evidence suggests that the recent academies are not having the transformative impact on education that was expected by government. The Conservative Government has changed its approach to academies. It now expects all new academies to join or establish an academy chain – groups of two or more academies run by the same sponsor – believing that chains will help unleash the potential of academies to spread educational excellence across the country. Yet, as with individual academies, the evidence on academy chains shows variable impact on pupil attainment. There is a dearth of information explaining why, as no research has established a full enough picture of what academy chains do.