1644 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

Gain Academy

gain academy


GAIN Academy began with a simple conversation between two friends…… Jen - ‘I need to find some more work’ Nic - ‘shall we start our own training academy ?’ Jen - ‘yeah boi!’ Nic - ‘yeah, let’s do it!’ Skip ahead a few weeks and ta da, GAIN Academy was born! This simple conversation between the two best friends, quickly turned into a business plan to provide quality, fit for purpose, informative and fun training courses within the fitness industry. GAIN Academy is more than just your average course provider…. It’s a place where learners can begin or grow their fitness career to a HIGH standard, feel supported and because Nic and Jen are a little bonkers…… have fun and feel inspired!. GAIN Academy differ from other training providers due to the LEARN – BUILD – GAIN ethos. Stage 1 – LEARN the fundamental skills and knowledge from our core qualifications Stage 2 – BUILD on your career with our progression courses Stage 3 – GAIN more from our bespoke, fit for purpose GAIN BOLT-ons GAIN Academy ‘building your career’, from start to wherever you want to take it. WHAT? Mission/vision statement GAIN Academy provides training and education in the fitness sector to new and establish personal trainers and fitness instructors. Our courses are designed to provide learners with real life, current and quality skills and understanding across a variety of much needed topics. At GAIN Academy we truly believe that knowledge is power and so we will ensure that all learners not only have great skills but they also have the knowledge and understanding of how and why to use them. Values G - Gain & grow your skills A - Achieve a greater understanding I - Inspire and motivate N - No limits to your career WHO? Nic & Jen The boss ladies! Nic and Jen have been best friends for over 18 years and have shared many experiences in both work and home life. They first met back in 2003 when Jen signed Nic up for an NVQ course and the two immediately got on! Jen could see that Nic had bags of potential whilst working at Fitness First and so when a role came up for a sport NVQ assessor with Jens Employer she put Nic’s name forward... Of course she got the job and so a working relationship was born. This very quickly built into a true friendship and the two have been inseparable ever since. They have supported each other through marriages, new homes, children, jobs and now the set up of their own company. Between them they have over 40 years experience of working in the fitness industry and the busy pair have first hand experience in many sporting disciplines... from powerlifting and triathlons to boxing and fitness modeling, they definitely understand their industry and this will be evident in your courses and training with GAIN Academy.

Bluestream Recruitment

bluestream recruitment

Harwell Oxfordshire

Bluestream is an independent recruitment consultancy, specialising in contract, permanent and temporary jobs in Admin, Secretarial & PA, Customer Service, Engineering, IT/Technology, Multilingual, Sales & Marketing and Space, Satellite Communications & Energy sectors. Over the past decade we have built our reputation on the delivery of exceptional recruitment service to leading businesses throughout the UK and Europe. We want to support candidates through their career arc and help clients find the best talent for their company and keep them! We are therefore proud to also provide HR and Learning & Development Services. Not only can we find you the best candidates, but we are also able to offer you support with HR issues from performance appraisals to absence management as well as HR policies and contracts. In addition, we are now excited to offer expert Learning & Development support to help you develop and retain your best talent. We can support you in developing your staff using coaching and help you enhance your employee engagement strategy to fit your business and your people. Please visit our HR Support page for more information about how our HR expert, Amanda Fielding, can support your business. Visit our Learning & Development Services page to find out more about our Learning and Development offerings, provided by our coaching expert, David Savage. Our values At Bluestream we are truly passionate about supporting clients and candidates through the recruitment process, ensuring a friendly, yet professional experience, which is always honest, transparent, and respectful. We do not believe in chasing and throwing CVs in all directions and hoping some may stick! We take time and effort to get to know you, whether you are a client or a candidate. That is why we can match the right person to the perfect position. Our candidate-focused approach delivers competitive advantages for our clients and rewarding careers for our candidates. Our story so far Belinda Elliott became the driving force behind Bluestream in 2009 in Abingdon, Oxfordshire. Dedicated and determined to not be ‘just another’ recruitment agency Belinda relocated Bluestream to Harwell Science Campus, Oxfordshire in February 2011. Situated perfectly between new and exciting start-up companies and large well-established businesses we can support our clients and candidates here in South Oxfordshire and throughout the UK & Europe. Eager to provide more holistic client support, in 2022 we expanded our services to offer our clients HR and Learning & Development Services. Not just another recruitment agency... At Bluestream we like to help and support our local business community by hosting HR related workshops and events, keeping employers up to date with the latest employment law and new enterprises. For information about forthcoming events visit our Events page.

My Community Coach

my community coach


CoCo has a team of staff and volunteers dedicated to building confidence, self-esteem and support positive lifestyle changes in young people via the conduits of education, sport and culture. Our staff have a background in mentoring and life coaching, project management, social inclusion, vocational training, and sports coaching. Our community based values are manifested in our training activities in the classroom, and our team activities which take place in positive open spaces and parks around Brighton and Hove. CoCo works with a variety of local organisations and stakeholders to achieve its goals and deliver its activities. For example, we work directly with youth clubs, Job Centre Plus, and youth/employment networks (Brighton’s Women’s Centre, the Chamber of Commerce, Brighton and Hove Youth Collective, and The Platform) to engage directly with young people that are interested in career planning, job search, our vocational courses, or sport team building activities. We also have close ties with sports clubs such as Hassocks Tennis Club, Preston Park Tennis Club, Pavilion and Avenue Tennis Club, Preston Panthers FC, Withdean FC and Patcham FC. With these clubs we organise team building events, joint sports days and in house training to develop soft and employability skills via sport. Our team has worked with hundreds of young people across Sussex to provide vocational training, mentoring and employability training. Our reach is growing and in 2017 hope to reach even more young people. Specifically, our qualified staff provide VET courses such as City and Guilds Level 1 Principles of Coaching Sport, Level 1-2 Employability Skills and Level 2 Travel and Tourism Destinations. We also provide Coaching and Mentoring Sessions with a qualified life coach, cultural activities and overseas team sports tours in Europe. Our aim is to support young people not in employment, education or training, aged 18-24, early school leavers now long term unemployed, general unemployed young people, and we place special emphasis on the participation of young women and the more socially excluded members of society. We use our links with local colleges, the local authority, community groups and youth networks to support young people into vocational training, improve their confidence and support them into further vocational training, work experience or employment. Activities locally in the UK Vocational Training Centre Registered with City and Guilds Employment, advice and careers service: Information advice and guidance for young people looking for work; Mentoring and coaching; connections with youth organisations, community groups, employment networks Confidence Building, Team working and development of soft and employability skills: Sports coaching; Cultural and rural/active tourism around Sussex and going on hikes in the countryside, team games, confidence building exercises in parks around Sussex Culture, sports and language trips abroad: working with local sports/youth/college groups to travel abroad and compete in tournaments. Receiving organisation in the Erasmus programme

Bourne Education Trust Enterprises

bourne education trust enterprises

Bourne Education Trust (‘BET’) was established in 2011 and has grown steadily since then. It is largely Surrey based with 20 of its 26 schools there, but has also expanded into Hampshire and Richmond. It is made up of 20 academies, 5 associate schools and one free school due to open in September 2024. Of its 26 schools, 13 are primaries, 9 are secondaries, 2 are alternative provision and, with the new free school, 2 are specialist schools. It is responsible for the education of approximately 12,500 pupils and employs just over 1,300 staff. The Trust is organised into both phases and clusters to support specialist and cross-phase collaboration. Pupils working independently The size of BET's schools range from a one-form entry primary to an 8-form entry secondary school with a sixth form. Schools are equally important and carry the same influence in terms of decision-making within the Trust. Each school has its own Head and Local Governing Committee. The Trust is led by a core team of Alex Russell, Chief Executive Officer ('CEO'), Kate Sanders, Chief Operating Officer ('COO'), and Penny Alford, Chief Education Officer ('CEdO'). Since 2012 it has taken 9 schools from special measures or requiring improvement to good or outstanding. The rest have maintained their good status whilst in the Trust. BET has transformed the finances in 12 of its schools so that no school in the Trust is in deficit. BET’s values are summarised by our strapline: ‘Transforming schools; changing lives’. We absolutely believe that all children regardless of context or background deserve a great education, hence our involvement in schools and communities that have not always experienced this. Whilst we want our schools to retain their own identity, all BET schools share environments that are extremely warm and welcoming, professional, relentlessly positive, highly aspirational and characterised by happy and safe pupils with excellent relationships between them and the staff. In all classrooms and beyond pupils enjoy creative and effective teaching and learning that fosters belief and confidence. Auriolbet 113 Our philosophy is to have schools working as effectively as possible and serving their community. We err towards independence but never forget we are one organisation working together. Our schools welcome the support of the Trust and its collective ethos but relish their remit as local schools and the responsibility that brings. We are highly focussed on our work on equality, diversity and inclusion ('EDI') and environment, social and governance ('ESG') to ensure our organisation is highly sustainable and a driver for social justice. This permeates through our Trust-wide think tank, BET Futures, our CPD offer and our quality assurance approach.

Ranelagh School

ranelagh school


The opportunity to educate other people’s children is a rare privilege, bringing with it a huge responsibility to provide the best all-round education possible as we aim to prepare young people for happiness and success in their adult lives. At Ranelagh we take this responsibility extremely seriously. We care about the individual and pride ourselves in the warmth of a community in which all our students feel valued. We live in exciting and fast changing times and this means that providing an outstanding, progressive and well-rounded education is more important than ever. Of course examination results matter and at Ranelagh our students consistently achieve excellent results in all areas of the curriculum, giving them access to the top universities in the UK and overseas. In its latest Ofsted inspection report of March 2015, Ranelagh is judged to be an outstanding school that ‘provides an excellent education for all of its students, preparing them well for their futures and for life in modern Britain.’ However, this is just one aspect of the education at Ranelagh and students are supported to show ambition both within and beyond the classroom. As a Church of England School, supported by the diocese of Oxford, education at Ranelagh is provided within the context of Christian belief and practice. In its latest SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) report of April 2019, Ranelagh is referred to as ‘a school in which a deeply held, strongly Christian vision shapes all aspects of its work’; the school is described as a place in which that vision is lived out as ‘a harmonious, vibrant, and successful learning community’. This is a happy school in which we encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promote Christian values through the experiences we offer each individual. School should be fun and happy children are more likely to be successful. We see it as our responsibility to bring out our students’ talents, to broaden their interests and to develop their personal qualities. The Ranelagh Student Learner Profile qualities underpin everything that we do and are an integral part of our culture and ethos. We aim to foster confidence, resilience, curiosity, creativity, empathy and independence so that students are ready to make a really positive contribution to their wider community. Tradition is important at Ranelagh and still shapes some of our guiding principles but we seek to build on the past while looking to the future. This is, and will remain, a forward-thinking school that enthusiastically embraces innovation and new opportunity. I hope that you will accept my invitation to visit Ranelagh. It is a truly remarkable school, and it will be a privilege to welcome you here.

Queen Elizabeth Grammar School Penrith

queen elizabeth grammar school penrith


This is a busy, happy and successful school with well motivated and conscientious pupils, a highly experienced and committed teaching staff, and outstanding parental support. We have a very clear recognition here between teachers and pupils that we are on the same side, we are working together. We all share the same vision to do our best to ensure that everyone achieves their full potential in the time they are in the school. Queen Elizabeth Grammar School is about taking the best aspects of the traditional grammar school ethos and blending them with the most useful elements of good practice in modern education. The grammar school ethos is about offering an academic curriculum, encouraging our pupils to have high aspirations and working in a disciplined environment which has a high regard for the community, for honesty and mutual respect. There is considerable extra-curricular provision in sport and the performing and creative arts. We also have an extensive programme of educational visits. ‘Preparing our students to succeed in tomorrow’s world’ is our ethos statement. This is achieved in a happy, safe culture where students and staff work together towards shared goals. Academic outcomes at both GCSE and ‘A’ Level are excellent and are well above national averages every year. Students also excel in sports and the arts, with a rich array of extra-curricular activities on offer to all year groups .The musical drama productions and sporting achievements are particularly impressive and indicative of what our students can achieve beyond the curriculum. The dedicated and committed staff at QEGS bring out the best in every student. Students are presented with many opportunities and encouraged to be aspirational in everything they do. All staff work closely with parents to ensure that students get the right level of challenge and support to flourish. Additional support is always available through our excellent pastoral system, where necessary. The school has been graded ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted at our last inspection, but we are never complacent about this and are constantly striving to raise expectations and achievement, for all members of our community. Tradition is important at QEGS and our ethos is infused with the traditional values of respect, honesty, responsibility and self-discipline. At the same time we are preparing our students to excel in the 21st century with its many and varied challenges. We make effective use of the latest technology and are constantly developing our learning resources and pedagogy. A new suite of classrooms for the Modern Foreign Languages Department opened last year, for example, with the latest interactive facilities to aid student learning. Queen Elizabeth Grammar School is a thriving community where every student is valued and every student succeeds. If you would like more information, or to arrange a visit, please contact the school.

Generation Women

generation women


I spent the first half of my career in a thick fog, and of course I got lost and ended up somewhere I didn’t want to be. I felt lost, miserable, and what little confidence I had was waning by the minute. I also became a total bore. I was consumed by how unhappy I was. I couldn’t even apply for another job because I didn’t know what I’d do. So I felt stuck. I had, by many measures, a great job, a great salary, in a great company. But I was in the wrong place. I was ambitious with nowhere to direct it, so it evolved into frustration! It took a fair bit of effort to turn it around, which started with working out what I wanted and developing some much needed confidence to get there. Thankfully I had a good basis with my Psychology degree, throw in a mountain of self-help books, a coaching and NLP qualification, a mountain of training on presenting and the like…and a real desire to build my brand, visbility, and expertise, meant I built a reputation for business and leadership transformation. That experience of having a big impact, being recognised, and having real influence made me feel like I could achieve anything. My values, purpose, and strengths were all aligned and I felt amazing! It came as quite a shock then to be confronted by my inner feminist one day. I’d had my first daughter (I now have 2), and was having a cheeky nap. You know how it is, I love my sleep! So for the first time ever, I sat her down in front of Nickelodeon so I could get some zzz’s. I was happily snoozing away when the advertising started to filter through to me. The ‘boys toys’ were all exciting and adventurous. The ‘girls toys’ made me want to vomit. All about being pretty and vacuous. I jumped off the sofa with an ‘oh hell no’! Ever since I was a little girl I’ve been driven by fairness. I think it may be because I’m the youngest of 4 and nothing ever seemed fair from my standpoint. My sister tells me of times I used to fight for gay rights at the dinner table and I was always arguing for what I felt was right (because it is). The one thing I’d never have called myself back then, or until that day, was a feminist. No, I’d been well trained by society to see feminists as embarrassing, hairy, dungaree-wearing angry women who made a show of themselves. This moment set a chain of events into action that lead me to start a political party where I live, and gave me the direction for the business I would later start.

Woodford County High School

woodford county high school


What first strikes visitors to our school is a palpable sense of community. The atmosphere is vibrant, purposeful and very friendly. Relationships are strong and supportive. There’s always a lot going on and, to an extent which is perhaps unusual, girls of different ages work unselfconsciously together, collaborating on the colourful range of events and activities that make up the fabric of the Woodford school year and contribute to the distinct ethos of the place. What first strikes visitors to our school is a palpable sense of community. The atmosphere is vibrant, purposeful and very friendly. Relationships are strong and supportive. There’s always a lot going on and, to an extent which is perhaps unusual, girls of different ages work unselfconsciously together, collaborating on the colourful range of events and activities that make up the fabric of the Woodford school year and contribute to the distinct ethos of the place. It’s a happy and cohesive community and an environment which liberates young women to take the risks and embrace the challenges that will prepare them for their future roles and responsibilities as leaders in tomorrow’s society. Woodford’s success is the result of striking a fine balance between tradition and innovation. Our values are traditional ones and we offer an unashamedly academic curriculum. We are keenly aware, however, that we are preparing our students for a working life none of us can yet anticipate. Our focus, therefore, is on developing the skills, attributes and habits of mind that will equip them as life-long learners. Woodford leavers are articulate, self-confident and skilled in the use of modern technologies. Our aim is to launch them into the world as self-starters, focused but flexible, armed with the courage to grasp opportunities and the resilience and humour to negotiate setbacks along the way. Above all we want them to be equipped to lead happy, fulfilling and useful lives, wherever and however they choose to lead them. Woodford enjoys an enviable reputation for intellectual, artistic and sporting achievements. In all of these domains, and others beside, we encourage and support our students in exploring their own potential, nurturing existing talents and interests and discovering new ones along the way. Our community, of course, is made up of individuals. To ensure we enable each and every girl to fulfil her potential, an emphasis is placed on personalisation, on proactive mentoring and on pastoral care. And the academic curriculum is complemented by a wide and stimulating range of extra-curricular activities. There is something for everyone. Our students will embark upon adult life conscious of their worth, ambitious for their futures and aware that they are lucky indeed to have been educated here. Woodford is a very special school. If you want to see how special, you are warmly invited to pay us a visit.

Sheffield Contributing School

sheffield contributing school

Sheffield is a rural, contributing primary school with a decile rating of 9. The roll is stable, and has ranged from around 85 - 110 pupils over recent years. There are 5 classes, and the teachers are supported by support staff. The school is situated 60 kilometres west of Christchurch, nestled among the foothills of the Southern Alps. Lakes, rivers, ski-fields, national parks, Christchurch and countless other recreational activities are less than 30 minutes away. The school grounds are extensive. Ongoing landscaping and property initiatives have developed further native bush areas and places for the students to work and play. The school buildings comprise five traditional open plan classrooms. A library, an administration area, learning support room, an adventure playground, a sandpit, and a new resource building complete the permanent fixtures. The school is well resourced in all curriculum areas. Particular emphasis in recent times has been the development of high quality ICT equipment. Each classroom has access to a television, a large number of laptops and iPads and a learning management system. Special needs assistance has been built into the school budget. Teacher aides and part-time teachers work with individuals and groups of children for short blocks of time, sometimes withdrawing children, other times working within class programmes. A number of children have ongoing resourcing for individual special needs and have part-time teacher or teacher aide assistance funded by the Ministry. Teachers implement programmes which extend and challenge children of all abilities.Support services attend the school regularly. These include the Public Health Nurse, Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour, Speech Language Therapist and other specialists. The school P.E.A.K. values are at the heart of everything we do at Sheffield School. As a result, relationships between students, staff, board and parents are positive and the school enjoys fantastic support from the Sheffield community. The Board of Trustees and PTA are very proactive, supporting a wide range of initiatives which benefit the students. Parents are involved in many aspect of the programme including PTA, fundraising, sport, camps, transport, classroom programmes, library and options programmes. The children are a pleasure to teach. They are well supported from home and come to school keen to learn. There are very few behaviour problems in classrooms or in the playground and bullying is not tolerated. Children’s interests are broad and include athletics, swimming, tennis, cricket, netball, rugby, soccer, hockey and basketball. Keas, Scouts and Guides are operating in the area. There are many cultural activities available including a dance school, speech and drama clubs, gymnastics, art classes and various music tutors. Sheffield School maintains close ties with the other schools in the Malvern district, coming together regularly for sporting and cultural events. The school has recently participated in ICTPD project, as part of the Malvern cluster of schools. ICTPD (Information and Communication Technology) is a Ministry of Education funded initiative, which offers exceptional professional development opportunities to those involved.

Faith Brooke Academy

faith brooke academy


Founded in 2013, Grace Brook Academy is a Christian School, located in Syokimau. We enrich the lives of our pupils, their families and the community through dedication to the principles of academics, discipline and faith. Our diverse student body, comprised of children from different regions, benefits from a progressive, modern, and congenial school setting, designed to foster academic achievement. We provide a safe, positive, learning environment that encourages the scholastic achievement of our pupils, as well as the development of their spiritual and social lives. Our staff is committed to providing high quality relationships, including faith in God, and practical skills as part of our school and life preparation. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Grace Brook Academy is to provide a Caring, Christ-centered education producing students who thrive in the word. This is derived from the acronym CARE – Christ-centered: GBA sees its primary purpose to be a welcoming school where students can be exposed to the rich life of God’s love by knowing Christ personally. It is our desire that every student comes to a point where Christ is the center of their life, influencing every thought that they have and action they make, and in so doing they can spread His Word even further. Accessibility/Affordability: Allowing Christ to influence every thought and action, we model our school after Jesus’ example of making Himself available to all that would come to Him. He did not set Himself aside for the most privileged or most affluent, but rather was welcoming to all that wanted to hear Him. Following His lead, our goal is to be accessible to the greatest number of students and families possible. Real-Relationships: Motivated by love, God sacrificed His own Son, so that we could have a real eternal relationship with Him (John 3:16). Likewise, the evidence that we have a vital relationship with Christ shows up in the way we love one another. Having a personal relationship with Christ is central to every other relationship we have and as we pursue this relationship with Him, He will increase our desire to serve one another. Educational Excellence: Finally, as a school, these values are expressed in an excellent Christian education. We don’t believe excellence is compromised with accessibility and therefore we dedicate ourselves in the pursuit of academic excellence unmatched by both public and other private schools. It is our desire that each student develop a lifelong love of learning and improving themselves for the future. Our Vision To be a leading Christian based institution for early childhood education and to become a center for academic excellence. Objectives and Goals Grace Brook Academy is committed to preparing all students to thrive in the 21st century by providing a solid foundation in Christ and an education that will allow them to excel in college and beyond. GBA strives to develop critical thinkers who can give well-reasoned answers to challenging questions.