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55159 Courses delivered Online


By Inclusive Solutions

Peer Support as an anti-bullying strategy for schools is now routinely recommended by the DCSF and Ofsted. Many schools in the UK have individual schemes which show good practice within their own setting. However, it is rare to find co-ordination of multiple schemes within a Local Authority , or part of a Local Authority, or even within families or clusters of schools. COURSE CATEGORY Behaviour and Relationships Inclusion Peer Support Meeting emotional needs DESCRIPTION Peer Support as an anti-bullying strategy for schools is now routinely recommended by the DCSF and Ofsted. Many schools in the UK have individual schemes which show good practice within their own setting. However, it is rare to find co-ordination of multiple schemes within a Local Authority , or part of a Local Authority, or even within families or clusters of schools. Coordination of schemes provides opportunities for networking, sharing ideas, and mutual support amongst both adults and young peer supporters creates excellent practice. This approach also leads to: * Stability and consistency of training * A wealth of back up materials for adults and young people * Consistent telephone and email support * Opportunities for professional development for teachers, Teaching assistants and Learning Mentors * Opportunity for national accreditation from MBF TESTIMONIALS The Mentoring and Befriending Foundation described this scheme as “a benchmark for Local Authorities LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To discover how a centrally led Peer Support scheme enhances and promotes anti-bullying work across a number of schools. 2. To take away from the day the means and the inspiration to set up a local scheme. 3. To deepen insight into impact of strategic approach to peer support 4. To learn about a real way of reducing bullying across a Local Authority WHO IS IT FOR ? Suitable for * Anti-Bullying Leads * Behaviour Support staff * CAHMS * TAHMS * Learning Support and Guidance Staff * Childrens Services Support Services * Educational Psychologists COURSE CONTENT The training day will be led by Inclusive Solutions, and a representative from a Local Authority who has successfully managed such a scheme for 10 years. This will be an interactive day with lots of opportunity for questions and exploration. What the day includes: * How this work fits with an Inclusive Local Authority * Key aspects and issues in running multiple Peer Support schemes from the centre * Graphics workshop * The 3 legged stool of Peer Support: Selection, Training and Supervision * A chance to view and purchase some of the nationally accredited materials successfully used and developed over many years. f you liked this course you may well like: PEER COUNSELLING AS AN ANTI-BULLYING STRATEGY [https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/peer-counselling-as-an-anti-bullying-strategy/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500

Chairing Meetings

By Inclusive Solutions

COURSE CATEGORY Team Building and Leadership Visioning and Problem Solving Strategic Work Online Course now available via Teachable Platform [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/courses] – Chairing Meetings [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/p/chairing-meetings] Learn at your own pace… lots of text and video support DESCRIPTION Meetings can be dreadful and bad chairing makes them worse. On this day we look at transformational person centred approaches to approaching the chairing of meetings. We provide deeper insights into the psychological processes that make this role challenging. ‘Best Saves’ for those really difficult moments when chairing meetings are creatively explored. We provide a practical, skill based and creative approach best delivered over 2 days. TESTIMONIALS “One of the most valuable things I have come across in the whole year” LEARNING OBJECTIVES * To identify characteristics of meetings that matter- what excellent chairing looks like * To strengthen person centred dimensions to chairing meetings * To clarify the meetings we never want to be part of * To create a visual graphic and words that uniquely illuminate what great meetings and chairing looks like * To explore the various hats that group members and chairs can wear * For participants to improve their chairing skills by receiving feedback * To explore how to bring creativity into stuck meetings * To Explore psychodynamic processes of resistance, projection, splitting and transference- as well as how to process these dynamics WHO IS IT FOR? * Anyone who has to chair meetings COURSE CONTENT * Setting a Good tone/Exploring the ‘whole elephant’ – story so far of experience in chairing meetings – good and bad meetings – graphiced timeline and highs and lows of story so far * Meetings I do not want – negative chairing…. * Thinking Hats and Values – linked to role of chair – where are hats when things are going well and where are they when things are not? * Our shared vision for great meetings and excellent chairing? * Personal planning for future chairing – what do I need to get better at – what should I manage? * Specific skill teaching – re when things go wrong – eg tears, personal attacks, talking in side conversations, silent members, lack of contribution, anger and so on…‘best saves’ explored with group – using live role play – with one chair * Solution Circle demonstration – chairing skills/problem solving modelled – approach when teams stuck… * Emotional elements of chairing – ‘its not personal’ – splitting, projection, transference explored and ‘handling projections’ activity * Vision and Road Blocks – small groups chaired and minuted – creative problem solving – Blocks to vision of great meetings creatively removed or worked around

Chairing Meetings
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

Whatever your position in the team, good communications skills are vital. They are at the centre of every work place interaction and can make a real difference to your work environment. Here’s a worthwhile day to increase your skills in this area. These skills will not only help your personal growth but they will increase job satisfaction and in turn relationships with adults and children. COURSE CATEGORY Team Building and Leadership Visioning and Problem Solving Strategic Work Early Years DESCRIPTION > “The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say ‘I’. And > that’s not because they have trained themselves not to say ‘I’. They don’t > think ‘I’. They think ‘we’; they think ‘team’. They understand their job to be > to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don’t sidestep it, > but ‘we’ gets the credit…. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get > the task done.” > > PETER DRUCKER. Whatever your position in the team, good communications skills are vital. They are at the centre of every work place interaction and can make a real difference to your work environment. Here’s a worthwhile day to increase your skills in this area. These skills will not only help your personal growth but they will increase job satisfaction and in turn relationships with adults and children. With these new skills you will also increase your abilities in co-operative partnerships and network building. Communication is at the core of what you do; it’s how we influence people. We use it for persuading others, creating alliances, gaining support, motivating others and teaching. Being good at communicating with others will allow you to influence them and this in turn will make you more effective whilst making your job easier. A lot of our time at work consists of acting, taking or giving instructions. Past research shows that lack of good communication at the work place is not uncommon. This has a high cost including tension amongst staff and lower trust levels and effectiveness. Problems can be caused when communication problems result in instructions being misinterpreted. A simple discussion can be turned into a conflict just by poor communication. What communication skills are needed in the 21st century for the most effective leaders and managers of schools, colleges and early years settings? Would the following qualities make sense to you in describing your communication with staff, parents and your wider community? * a high concern for both people and outcomes * a style motivated by relationship building * the flexibility to change leadership styles depending on the challenge * the ability to follow as well as lead * a team leadership style< * able to communicate and engage the emotional support of staff * quiet leadership with restraint, modesty and tenacity Perhaps you would add to or challenge this list of attributes? * How do you deal with ‘yes buts’ and those who don’t do what you ask them to do? * How do you motivate? * How do you encourage? During this training we will explore your communication in a range of challenging situations and build consensus around desirable communication skills. TESTIMONIALS > Be the first to comment on this training… LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To explore effective communication skills for leaders and managers 2. Self reflection and feedback opportunities 3. To develop and extend your repertoire of communication skills 4. Deepen your understanding of team members who don’t do what you ask and expect them to do WHO IS IT FOR? Leaders and managers of schools, colleges and early years settings COURSE CONTENT * Exploration of typical challenging situations- skill practice * Building Shared Vision for communication * Opportunities to develop and extend your communication skills for leadership in a safe environment

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

In this practical workshop session we will explore ways of problem solving around complex situations. The session will be practical and will aim to allow the sharing of experiences and good practice as well promoting innovative approaches to problem solving around systemic, organisational as well as individual inclusion issues. COURSE CATEGORY Behaviour and Relationships Visioning and Problem Solving DESCRIPTION > ‘The question is not should they be here anymore. Now it’s how can we figure > out how best to include them?’ In this practical workshop session we will explore ways of problem solving around complex situations. The session will be practical and will aim to allow the sharing of experiences and good practice as well promoting innovative approaches to problem solving around systemic, organisational as well as individual inclusion issues. Behaviour problems, relationship challenges and personnel dilemmas can all be worked on with these team oriented problem solving processes. We will introduce participants to a range of powerful effective approaches for them to choose from back in their own workplaces. TESTIMONIALS > A great day – going away buzzing with ideas > Excellent! > Inspirational! > Informative! LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Increased confidence regarding problem solving around inclusion in mainstream settings 2. Access to a wider range of practical strategies and techniques to impact on communication, realtionship, learning and behaviour issues 3. Learn new problem solving processes WHO IS IT FOR ? * Early Years and School based Practitioners * Heads and Deputies * Guidance staff * Learning Support teams * SENCOs * Primary and secondary teachers * Parents * Local Authority Support Services * Community workers and carers COURSE CONTENT The course answers the questions : * How can we work out how to include this child best? * Is there a more structured way to run this meeting? * Can we explore the emotional impact the person is having on us and still agree strategies? * How can I get unstuck from this problem? The day will cover: * Solution Circles * Solution Focused approaches * Synectics – using analogies and out of the box creativity * Circles of Adults * Using Imagination to solve problems If you liked this course you may well like: CIRCLES OF ADULTS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/circles-of-adults/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

This training gives an opportunity to focus on how to embed effective approaches to meeting emotional needs in schools. We explore  a range of ways into meeting emotional needs of pupils across a school. We focus on including pupils with extreme emotional needs. COURSE CATEGORY Meeting emotional needs DESCRIPTION This training gives an opportunity to focus on how to embed relevant ideas and  materials in schools. We explore how to make these materials really come to life as we explore a range of ways into meeting emotional needs of pupils across a school. We focus on including pupils with extreme emotional needs. There are lots of opportunities for personal and professional reflection on engagement with challenging pupils as we provide processes to support reflection, visioning and problem solving. TESTIMONIALS > ‘Thank you so much for the work you did with us yesterday – I have since been > in 2 schools today and have spoken to an number of other colleagues who were > present – all were totally overwhelmed by the session – they loved it.” > > NOTTINGHAM SEAL COORDINATOR > “I was totally blown away, when I realised how passionate people were about > SEAL” > “So nice to reflect and realise what a long way we have come” > “That was so powerful and motivational”.’ LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Shared vision of a school that is truly meeting all social and emotional needs 2. Access to a wider range of practical strategies to impact on meeting emotional and behaviour problems 3. Deeper understanding of how to embed positive Mental Health approaches in a school 4. Opportunity to reflect on professional attitudes and behaviour towards children with emotional challenge WHO IS IT FOR? * All practitioners who are leading on Mental Health work in schools or on behalf of a Local Authority * Full range of agencies committed to meeting social and emotional needs in schools COURSE CONTENT The training explores the questions: * What would a school look like when Mental Health  was truly part of everything that was happening, a shared vision? * How can we truly embed Mental Health approaches and  materials in our school? * What can we do to meet complex and challenging emotional needs in schools? * Can we learn a process to understand at a deeper level highly complex social and emotional needs? This training will cover: * Bringing positive Mental Health approaches to life in schools: creating a shared vision and a set of grounded goals together * Circle of Adults [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/circle-of-adults-live-demo/] process for self-reflection and understanding emotional needs of high profile pupils. We will model and teach how this process links in and strengthens PSHE work in schools. If you liked this try: FRESH APPROACHES TO BEHAVIOUR AND RELATIONSHIPS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/behaviour-fresh-approaches-to-behaviour-and-relationships/] or: RESTORATIVE INTERVENTIONS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/restorative-justice/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

Learn how to create easy to read accessible person centred profiles for children of all ages and young adults. COURSE CATEGORY Person Centred Planning Inclusion DESCRIPTION Person centred planning is a way of expressing a set of inclusive values through a unique range of tools and techniques. The most easily used approach is called creating a one page plan or a person centred profile. All person centred planning tools and processes are driven by a commitment to achieve inclusive outcomes for the person whose plan it is, and the young people involved are always present throughout their planning session. The focus of all person centred approaches is the whole person irrespective of the label they carry. Two people, a process facilitator and a graphic facilitator, typically facilitate plans. The role of the support service staff in this work is as a facilitator not as an expert participant, problem solver, assessor or provider of consultation. One Page Plans are especially effective tools in planning and supporting children and young people with additional support needs and for through-care planning for young people who are looked after or accommodated. Over time person centred working will reveal areas of unmet need in current provision and thereby inform the ongoing strategic planning within any particular region. TESTIMONIALS > Be the first… LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To Explore the values underpinning person centred working 2. To show how One Page Plans naturally capture young people’s strengths and capacities 3. A demonstration of how person centred planning encourages meaningful consultation and participation with young people (particularly for those who cannot make their views known in typical ways 4. To show how Person Centred Planning leads to the building of stronger parent/school partnerships 5. To indicate how person centred planning can promote multi-agency teamwork and shared responsibilities 6. To increase understanding the how of process and graphic facilitation in person centred work. WHO IS IT FOR ? * Teachers and School Staff * Education Services * Social Care Staff * Health Professionals * Transition Coordinators * Family Support Workers * Link Workers COURSE CONTENT An introduction to the person centred planning tool of creating a One Page Plan We would stress that this is an introductory day and that participants will be expected to make plans for their own follow up and further practice of the tools covered in the course of the day. If you liked this course you may well like: PERSON CENTRED REVIEWS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/person-centred-reviews/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

In this practical and engaging workshop there is input on building an effective team around a child, problem solving as a team, improving communication and handling conflict. Communication with parents, problem solving and collaborating is explored. Empathy with parents who are ‘labelled’ is encouraged. COURSE CATEGORY Parents and Carers DESCRIPTION In this practical and engaging workshop there is input on building an effective team around a child, problem solving as a team, improving communication and handling conflict. Communication with parents, problem solving and collaborating is explored. Empathy with parents who are ‘labelled’ is encouraged. A key aspect of this day is ‘reframing’ how we think about the most difficult, hard to work with parents who attract many labels. Participants soon discover that they are more similar than they realise to those labelled ‘others’. The day gives those present opportunities to reflect on their attitudes and practice in relation to parents who are different. Practical ideas for joint problem solving and active engagement are fully explored. TESTIMONIALS > “Made me more aware of how to approach parents and carers” > “It (the conference) couldn’t have been improved. All the speakers were good” > “I’ll have a more positive approach to welcoming people” > “It will encourage us as practitioners to listen and think a little more. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Increased confidence in working with parents 2. Access to a wider range of practical and thoughtful strategies when collaborating with parents and carers 3. Deeper understanding of core values surrounding inclusion of disabled children in collaboration with parents and carers 4. Opportunity to reflect on professional attitudes and behaviour towards parents with a focus on labelling and stigmatisation 5. New skills and processes to make joint work successful WHO IS IT FOR ? * Early Years and School based Practitioners * Children Centre Staff * Heads and Deputies * SENCOs * Advanced Skills Teachers * Primary and secondary teachers * Local Authority Support Services * Social Workers * Health Workers COURSE CONTENT The course answers the questions: * Why is this parent impossible to work with? * Where do I begin to communicate with some parents? * How can I collaborate with parents and carers to include high profile children or young people? Best delivered over the course of a full day we will cover: * The importance of WELCOME * Labelling and reframing: Setting the tone: Reframing language to describe parents * Providing parents with insights about children’s behaviour using stories * Circle of Courage as applied to parents * Circles of Support * The Intentional Building of Relationships * Not doing it alone – The Importance of Teams in developing inclusive practice * Problem solving: Circles of Adults/Solution Circles * Community Guides If you liked this you may like: COMMUNITY CIRCLES [https://inclusive-solutions.com/circles/community-circles/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

Person centred rehabilitation is designed to create a better life for an individual by the provision of an intense input designed to being about social change. This usually entails a series of visits focused on getting the person out and about to increase confidence, social skills and presence in their local community and to pursue goals and dreams. Usually, the work is carried out under the close clinical supervision of a practicing psychologist. COURSE CATEGORY Inclusion Person Centred Planning Visioning and Problem Solving Peer Support DESCRIPTION PERSON CENTRED REHABILITATION Person centred rehabilitation is designed to create a better life for an individual by the provision of an intense input designed to being about social change. This usually entails a series of visits focused on getting the person out and about to increase confidence, social skills and presence in their local community and to pursue goals and dreams. Usually, the work is carried out under the close clinical supervision of a practicing psychologist. PERSON CENTRED PLANNING [https://inclusive-solutions.com/person-centred-planning/] A Person Centred Planning event would be carried out using the PATH [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/path-process-step-by-step-guide/] or MAP [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/maps-process-step-by-step-guide/] process – majoring on dreams and goal setting leading to precise action planning. Facilitators would carry out the PATH [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/path-process-step-by-step-guide/] or other person centred process. A large graphic will be one of the outcomes of the meetings this is a great visual record and a shared memory of the event. This will also inform the priorities for the later follow up inclusion facilitation work. Following the PATH [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/path-process-step-by-step-guide/] event a ‘scoping report’ is created outlining what Inclusion Facilitation could offer and highlighting what dreams and goals the individual has. INCLUSION FACILITATION [https://inclusive-solutions.com/person-centred-planning/] The PATH is also provides a good opportunity for the Facilitator to meet the focus person in a comfortable positive environment. Agreed visits from the Inclusion Facilitator are then carried out over a 3 month period. After this intensive input the Inclusion Facilitator will hand over to the existing family, carers and PA team to carry on where he or she has left off. This transition time is planned from the outset. An experienced psychologist needs to be there to support the facilitator at all times and will guide all work done by the inclusion facilitator. IS THIS JUST SUPPORT WORK? No! This is proactive engagement – doing whatever is required. This is not passively or reactively providing what is asked for – we are actively pursuing a good life for the individual. The work is built on careful research around a person’s interests and what opportunities exist locally There is community mapping There is work to tackle an individual’s own resistance and reluctance to engage more socially There is a need to engage with people in social settings that the individual attends to build bridges and connections – we are bridge builders You will need to build circles around a person There is a need to create the conditions in which friendships can flourish There is a need for direct psychological supervision and support throughout This work is short term and intense. The facilitator’s main aims will vary depending on the dreams and goals of the focus person. The basic aim of the inclusion facilitator is to better the focus person’s quality of life. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1  To create a better life for the Individual. 2  Give Individual and family a clear vision of a good life and to support first steps towards this 3  To maximise individuals inclusion and connection with the wider community. 4  To help with friendship, social connection and education 5  To increase confidence, social skills and presence in their local community and to pursue goals and dreams. WHO IS IT FOR? Anyone who is involved in the rehabilitation of children or adults who have become disabled through accident or trauma and who is committed to helping them get their life back on track. COURSE CONTENT Understanding ordinary needs – the dimensions of social inclusion * Pursuing the dreams and goals of the individual * Improving social skills * Community Mapping * Being comfortable in social environments * Developing conversational skills * Having a positive mindset * Staying physically active * Building relationships * Help in meeting new people * Create natural circles of support * Creating a community circle * Having positive body language * Employment of support staff * Pursuing personal interests   If you like this you will almost certainly enjoy: Person Centred Planning using PATH and MAPs [https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/person-centred-planning-using-path-and-maps/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

This course is an exploration of our understanding of structural racism in the UK and provides a good foundation for anyone wanting to be a responsible ally. Are you working with young people, but struggling with conversations about race? Are you worried that you have been getting it wrong when it comes to race? Do you have questions about race that you are afraid to ask? This course is for you. DESCRIPTION  Racism is a real problem in the UK, but it is much more hidden and covert than it has been in the past. People know its not ok to say the ’N-word’, but sadly, racism has permeated British society much more deeply than this. On this course we will help redefine the idea of racism and explain the complex nature of its modern day manifestation. We will explore how to talk with young people about race and particularly how to challenge when racism occurs.   To achieve this, we need to start with ourselves. We will cover the idea of Unconscious Bias making us react differently to people based on our socialisation. We will cover the concept of White Privilege making it difficult for white people to get into the shoes of someone of another race. We will cover the concept of micro-aggressions that are difficult to report to a superior because they may be misconstrued as a mere “interpretation” of the situation and not an incident of racism. We will introduce the idea of the “racism binary”, and how we need to become more accountable for our own actions, and instead of getting offended, take responsibility when someone says something we did or said was racist. This can lead to a much more useful conversation than trying to defend yourself  by saying “I’m not racist”.  When we live in a world where racism doesn’t exist, only then can we say “I don’t see colour”, because it does exist, and it does have an impact on peoples lives.  When racist incidents happen, people get hurt. Unfortunately, it is an all too familiar feeling for a lot of people in the UK who have been forced to accept it as part of life. Most of these situations will never be resolved, because they will never be reported. Poor handling of racist incidents teach young people not to say anything, thinking it will only make the situation worse. A lot of people believe that racism is never going away, because their experiences have confirmed this belief. There is a lot of work to be done, and the time is now.  This course is an exploration of our own socialisation and personal expressions of race, which will leave you feeling positive and hopeful about the future. Be bold, and join us on this journey into the ever growing multicultural melting pot. Enquire for more information about this thought provoking training day.  LEARNING OBJECTIVES  * Develop understanding of modern racism in the UK * Strengthen knowledge of key terminology  * Understanding how to think like an “Ally”  * Explore strategies for dealing with racism when we encounter it  * Developing our confidence and ability to hold conversations with young people about race  WHO IS IT FOR? * Leadership teams seeking guidance and reflection  * Multi Agency Teams * Social workers * CAMHS teams * Year Managers * Primary and secondary staff teams * College staff * Early Years and School based Practitioners * Heads and Deputies * SENCOs * Advanced Skills Teachers * Primary and secondary teachers * Local Authority Support Services * Voluntary Organisations * People who want to “get it right” CONTENT AM * What makes a good welcome? * Why don’t we talk about race? * History of racism in the UK * Definition of modern racism – how racism manifests in a post-racist world * Unconscious bias  * The ‘racism binary’ – taking accountability for our words/actions * Examining our privilege  * What does your race mean to you? PM * Trust and difference exercises – how can we become more trustworthy? * What is good Allyship? What to do and what not to do * Strategies for dealing with racism incidents  * Restorative Justice  * How can we create dialogue with young people about race? * Affinity groups  * What does the ideal workplace/school look like? * What actions will we take away?

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

Learn how to carry out a Person Centred Review based on the values of person centred thinking. COURSE CATEGORY Person Centred Planning Inclusion Strategic Work Visioning and Problem Solving DESCRIPTION Person centred planning is a way of expressing a set of inclusive values through a unique range of tools and techniques. The most commonly used person centred tool is a Person Centred Review – and it shows these values in action. All person centred planning tools and processes are driven by a commitment to achieve inclusive outcomes for the person whose plan it is, and the young people involved are always present throughout their planning session. The focus of all person centred approaches is the whole person irrespective of the label they carry. Two people, a process facilitator and a graphic facilitator, typically facilitate plans. The role of the support service staff in this work is as a facilitator not as an expert participant, problem solver, assessor or provider of consultation. Person Centred Reviews like MAPS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/maps-process-step-by-step-guide/] and PATH [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/path-process-step-by-step-guide/] are especially effective tools in planning transitions and annual review processes for young people with additional support needs and for through-care planning for young people who are looked after or accommodated. Over time person centred working will reveal areas of unmet need in current provision and thereby inform the ongoing strategic planning within any particular region. TESTIMONIALS > Be the first…. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To Explore the values underpinning person centred working 2. To show how person centred planning with Person Centred Reviews naturally captures young people’s strengths and capacities 3. A demonstration of how person centred reviews encourage meaningful consultation and participation with young people (particularly for those who cannot make their views known in typical ways 4. To show how Person Centred Planning leads to the building of stronger parent/school partnerships 5. To indicate how person centred planning can promote multi-agency teamwork and shared responsibilities 6. To increase understanding the how of process and graphic facilitation in person centred work. WHO IS IT FOR ? * Teachers and School Staff * Education Services * Social Care Staff * Health Professionals * Transition Coordinators * Family Support Workers * Link Workers COURSE CONTENT * An introduction to the person centred planning * Person Centred Reviews – live demonstrations of process in action followed by real time coaching of facilitation skills. We would stress that this is an introductory day and that participants will be expected to make plans for their own follow up and further practice of the tools covered in the course of the day. If you liked this course you may well like: PERSON CENTRED PLANNING USING PATH AND MAPS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/person-centred-planning-using-path-and-maps/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500