1193 Educators providing Consultant courses delivered Online

Exploring Choices

exploring choices


Heather Rushton: Director of Exploring Choices Ltd. Heather has been a teacher, adviser, senior officer with national and international experience. She has extensive experience of working in Children’s Services within the public sector, particularly in Education but also in, partnership working and integrated services. Heather has held very senior positions in schools, local authorities and nationally. Starting working life as a teacher, Heather became a head teacher, adviser, senior adviser and Director for School Improvement. Heather has worked with and for children in areas of high social deprivation, she has a sincere desire to give children the very best start in life. She has worked in large Local Authorities, metropolitan areas and across regions as a Children’s Services Adviser. Her experience includes improving departmental performance, Health, Children’s Social care, Youth and Education. Heather is curious about what is happening in children’s lives and exploring why it has happened. Her skills to evaluate lead to pertinent identification of changes that need to be made to help them easily benefit from education, care or health programmes. Heather has significant experience with SEN, Literacy and Early Years, Prior to becoming an independent consultant Heather lead the national improvement programme with the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes working with 152 Local Authorities, and 64 voluntary agencies, SCIE, RIP, NfER and RIP. As an independent consultant. Heather inspires confidence in individuals, supports staff to see new ways of working and improve outcomes. Picture David Connor has extensive experience of working in Children’s Services within the public sector, particularly in Education but also in commissioning, partnership working and integrated services. David's experience includes over twenty years in teaching including Headships in three schools, university lecturing with a specialism in Early Years education and work in Eastern Europe developing systems and structures for the delivery of effective education. Following his work in schools, David joined a Local Authority advisory service, initially as an adviser for primary education and then as a senior adviser with responsibility for a team of forty advisers and consultants before eventually becoming Chief Adviser for a large Local Authority with over 430 schools. After a spell as Deputy Director of Education, he was promoted to the post of Strategic Deputy Director of Children’s Services with responsibility for departmental planning, evaluation and quality assurance (Education and Social Care), information and data, external partnerships, commissioning – public, private and voluntary sectors, oversight of schools and workforce development. Since 2010, David has worked as an Independent Consultant undertaking commissions for the Centre for Excellence, National Children’s Bureau, National College and Children’s Improvement Board. This has included evaluations of Local Authority structures and services and assessment against the Test of Assurance, support to Local Authorities to develop new systems and structures for Children’s services and school improvement systems, a scoping study for the development of a Knowledge Transfer Centre in Northern Ireland and the provision of support to aspiring leaders in Children’s Services.

Cindy Theodore

cindy theodore


Meet Cindy Trance Medium & Certified Intuitive Consultant Welcome if you’re new here! I am a trance medium, spiritual teacher and qualified therapist, practicing at the Light Centre Belgravia in London, UK. I also love teaching Reiki level 1 to parents and kids who are great channels. I am a natural medium, raised by a great healer, my wonderful great grandma; but for most of my life I denied my mediumistic abilities because of fear of the unseen world. My awareness of the Spirit World had awakened again when I went through a major life change after having my 2nd son in 2014. The journey started with deep healing, work on myself, followed by an amazing personal development. After the lengthy soul-searching, I got a clear understanding of my life purpose. I understood intuitively that my true gift was being able to help others share unspoken or deeply harboured narratives. Some of the people I meet through my work have powerful and affecting tales to share. They have been survivors of mental, physical and sexual abuse at the hands of others who did not hold their best interests at heart. I too have had to go on a confronting journey of healing, and today I offer myself as a bridge for others. My work now, as both survivor and light worker to people who are still wandering lost in the dark, is helping navigate a pathway from hopelessness to life-affirming power. Whatever the challenge you have when you come to see me, I am able to use the combination of all my abilities to help you ...assisted by the unseen world. My work as a healing medium has the advantage of being compatible with any type of medical treatment. I am not a doctor and as such do not make diagnosis. Think of energy healing simply as a good auxiliary of care in strengthening your energy field. Since my awakening I attended teachings of Trance medium Elizabeth Roberts at the College of Psychic Studies in South Kensington, London. I also regularly attends Trance mediumship weekly intensive courses at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, England. Today I am honoured to serve Spirit and connect you with your loved ones as well as help you along your life path physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually! Today I continue my development following teachings from Trance Medium Janet Neville, psychic medium Sharon DeBarolo Carmack DSNU and Trance medium Andrej Djordjevitch. I aim to show you how to be free of the programming of society and how to live more squarely in the present moment. Love & light Cindy

Lisa Stone Careers And Coaching

lisa stone careers and coaching


I provide coaching and careers guidance. I work as a freelance consultant, based in Beckenham (in the London borough of Bromley). Here you can read more about me and how I work. For many years I worked for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Deanery, which in 2013 merged and became part of Health Education England. My work was focused on careers, training and education for the NHS. I became a careers adviser in 2009, gaining a PG Dip in Careers Education at the University of Warwick. During this period, I mainly worked with doctors, either on a 1:1 basis or in group sessions. I helped them choose their medical specialities, as well as supporting them through a competitive interview process. Since the summer of 2017 I have worked as a freelance coach and careers consultant. I provide business to business careers consultancy and also work with private clients. My private coaching clients are mainly adults, from college students to people that want to undergo a career change. I help with career choice, coaching and careers guidance to improve any aspect of work or work/life balance. I also work with people who need help and advice to set up their own businesses. How I work My philosophy is to work with clients using ‘unconditional positive regard’ as the foundation stone of my practice. Carl Rogers, a humanistic psychologist in the 1950s, first developed this as a concept. This means I work from a place of having utmost respect for my client. I work in a holistic way, which helps the client find their own learning and life and helps people who want to change. I may explore with the client: questions relating to life purpose, the quality of relationships (work and home), feelings, career and health. BPS qualified in the use of psychometric assessments, I am trained in the Type Dynamics Indicator. I am also on on the Careers Development Institute registered list of career development professionals.