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45 Binary courses delivered Live Online


By Inclusive Solutions

This course is an exploration of our understanding of structural racism in the UK and provides a good foundation for anyone wanting to be a responsible ally. Are you working with young people, but struggling with conversations about race? Are you worried that you have been getting it wrong when it comes to race? Do you have questions about race that you are afraid to ask? This course is for you. DESCRIPTION  Racism is a real problem in the UK, but it is much more hidden and covert than it has been in the past. People know its not ok to say the ’N-word’, but sadly, racism has permeated British society much more deeply than this. On this course we will help redefine the idea of racism and explain the complex nature of its modern day manifestation. We will explore how to talk with young people about race and particularly how to challenge when racism occurs.   To achieve this, we need to start with ourselves. We will cover the idea of Unconscious Bias making us react differently to people based on our socialisation. We will cover the concept of White Privilege making it difficult for white people to get into the shoes of someone of another race. We will cover the concept of micro-aggressions that are difficult to report to a superior because they may be misconstrued as a mere “interpretation” of the situation and not an incident of racism. We will introduce the idea of the “racism binary”, and how we need to become more accountable for our own actions, and instead of getting offended, take responsibility when someone says something we did or said was racist. This can lead to a much more useful conversation than trying to defend yourself  by saying “I’m not racist”.  When we live in a world where racism doesn’t exist, only then can we say “I don’t see colour”, because it does exist, and it does have an impact on peoples lives.  When racist incidents happen, people get hurt. Unfortunately, it is an all too familiar feeling for a lot of people in the UK who have been forced to accept it as part of life. Most of these situations will never be resolved, because they will never be reported. Poor handling of racist incidents teach young people not to say anything, thinking it will only make the situation worse. A lot of people believe that racism is never going away, because their experiences have confirmed this belief. There is a lot of work to be done, and the time is now.  This course is an exploration of our own socialisation and personal expressions of race, which will leave you feeling positive and hopeful about the future. Be bold, and join us on this journey into the ever growing multicultural melting pot. Enquire for more information about this thought provoking training day.  LEARNING OBJECTIVES  * Develop understanding of modern racism in the UK * Strengthen knowledge of key terminology  * Understanding how to think like an “Ally”  * Explore strategies for dealing with racism when we encounter it  * Developing our confidence and ability to hold conversations with young people about race  WHO IS IT FOR? * Leadership teams seeking guidance and reflection  * Multi Agency Teams * Social workers * CAMHS teams * Year Managers * Primary and secondary staff teams * College staff * Early Years and School based Practitioners * Heads and Deputies * SENCOs * Advanced Skills Teachers * Primary and secondary teachers * Local Authority Support Services * Voluntary Organisations * People who want to “get it right” CONTENT AM * What makes a good welcome? * Why don’t we talk about race? * History of racism in the UK * Definition of modern racism – how racism manifests in a post-racist world * Unconscious bias  * The ‘racism binary’ – taking accountability for our words/actions * Examining our privilege  * What does your race mean to you? PM * Trust and difference exercises – how can we become more trustworthy? * What is good Allyship? What to do and what not to do * Strategies for dealing with racism incidents  * Restorative Justice  * How can we create dialogue with young people about race? * Affinity groups  * What does the ideal workplace/school look like? * What actions will we take away?

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500

Transgender Awareness and Understanding

By National Gender Training Ltd

Transgender Awareness and Understanding giving you a good overview of all trans issues, pronouns, workplace equality and so much more

Transgender Awareness and Understanding
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request


By Inclusive Solutions

In this course we deepen participants understanding of systemic racism and the spectrum of privilege. It challenges the participants to examine their behaviours and take close looks at some of the views they have held since a very young age, e.g. this area is a “bad” area, because it has a high proportion of black/brown people living in it, or that young black men in tracksuits are “thugs”. We think about where these messages come from and how people are indoctrinated by the media. COURSE CATEGORY Inclusion Team Building Leadership Emotional needs DESCRIPTION In this course we deepen participants understanding of systemic racism and the spectrum of privilege. It challenges the participants to examine their behaviours and take close looks at some of the views they have held since a very young age, e.g. this area is a “bad” area, because it has a high proportion of black/brown people living in it, or that young black men in tracksuits are “thugs”. We think about where these messages come from and how people are indoctrinated by the media.  We explore the reasons why white people are so defensive when it comes to talking about race. We discuss having racial biases and the implications of them, such as unconsciously insulting people around us in the workplace. When we become aware of how our behaviours can affect people, we then look for solutions.  The course is designed for groups of professionals to come together as a team to try and take responsibility for the racism that goes on in their workplace – empowering the leadership to have difficult conversations with team members and create a paradigm shift across the entire organisation.  Please come with an open mind, and you might be surprised at what you find out. We are striving for a world where racism is an open conversation and not a topic that we shy away from.  TESTIMONIALS “That was a really insightful session and thought provoking. I would love to attend more sessions on racism. Thank you for the engaging questions and delivery” “Lots of things to reflect on!” LEARNING OBJECTIVES Participants will: 1. 1. Confront their own racism and unconscious biases  2. Become aware of the ways they treat people differently based on race  3. Think about practical changes they can make in their workplaces  WHO IS IT FOR? * Leadership teams seeking guidance and reflection  * Educators who want to get it right  * People who have had not had much contact with people outside their own race * People who believe they are “not racist”  COURSE CONTENT * Background – brief history of systemic racism  * Racism as a binary – the problem with thinking only “bad” people can be racist  * Trust – how do we feel around people we don’t trust?   * Difference – how do we act when we feel different?  * What do Good Manners look like around people of different cultures?  * What does Good Allyship look like in the workplace?  * Why don’t we talk about race?  * What does your race mean to you?  * Examining our privilege – activity  * Interracial friendship video * Visioning – what does the ideal workplace look like?  * Setting Actions – what achievable actions can we set to bring us closer to our dream future? 

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500

MySQL for developers


By Systems & Network Training

MYSQL FOR DEVELOPERS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This MySQL Developers training course is designed for MySQL Developers who have a good understanding of a MySQL database and experience of using SQL commands. The course provides further practical experience in more advanced MySQL commands and SQL statements including Stored Routines, Triggers and Event Scheduling. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Provide the skills needed to write more advanced queries and database maintenance statements on a MySQL database. * Use advanced features of the MySQL Client. * Use advanced data types. * Manage the structure of databases and tables. * Manage and using indexes. * Write complex SQL query statements. * Use advanced SQL expressions. * Use advanced SQL functions. * Perform advanced Insert, Update, Delete, Replace and Truncate Operations. * Use user variable syntax and properties. * Import and export data from within MySQL. * Import and export data from the command line. * Perform complex joins to access multiple tables. * Perform complex subqueries. * Create, manage and us views. * Use prepared statements. * Create and use stored routines. * Create and use triggers. * Obtain database metadata. * Optimize queries. * Work with the main storage engines. * Debug MySQL applications. MYSQL FOR DEVELOPERS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: MySQL Developers who have a basic understanding of a MySQL database and SQL commands as covered on the Introduction to MySQL course. * Prerequisites: MySQL foundation * Duration 5 days MYSQL FOR DEVELOPERS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction Administration and Course Materials, Course Structure and Agenda, Delegate and Trainer Introductions. * Client/server concepts MySQL client/server architecture, Server modes, Using client programs, Logging in options, Configuration files, Precedence of logging in options Hands on Using client/server * The MySQL client program Using MySQL interactively, The MySQL prompts, Client commands and SQL statements, Editing, Selecting a database, Help, Safe updates, Using script files, Using a source file, Redirecting output into a file, Command line execution, Mysql output formats, Overriding the defaults, Html and xml output, MySQL Utilities. Hands on Using the MySQL client program * Data types Bit data type, Numeric data types, Auto_increment, Character string data types, Character sets and collation, Binary string data types, Enum and Set data types, Temporal data types, Timezone support, Handling Missing Or Invalid Data Values, SQL_MODE options. Hands on Using data types * Identifiers Using Quotes with identifier naming, Case sensitivity in Identifier naming, Qualifying columns with table and database names, Using reserved words as identifiers, Function names Hands on Using identifiers * Databases Database properties, Creating a database, Selecting a database, Altering databases, Dropping databases, Obtaining database metadata, The SHOW command, The INFORMATION_SCHEMA database, The SHOW CREATE command Hands on Using databases * Tables and indexes Table properties, Creating tables, Create table using Select or Like, Temporary tables and memory tables, Altering tables, Adding columns, Changing column widths and types, Renaming columns, Dropping columns, Adding constraints, Dropping constraints, Renaming tables, Change the table storage engine, Multiple alterations, Dropping tables, Emptying tables, Obtaining table metadata, Show create table, The information_schema, Index introduction, Structure of a mysql index, Creating and dropping indexes, Creating an index, Altering a table to add an index, Specifying index type, Dropping indexes, Obtaining Index Metadata. Hands on Creating, altering and dropping tables/indexes * Querying for data The SQL select statement and MySQL differences, Advanced order by, Order by and collation, Order by with enum datatype, Order by with Set datatype, Ordering with distinct and group by Special features of union, Limit and order by clauses, Group By clause, Group_concat, Using Rollup in a Group By clause. Hands on Querying for data * SQL Expressions and functions Components of expressions, Nulls, Numeric expressions, String expressions, Temporal expressions, Comparison functions, Flow control functions, Numeric functions, String functions, Temporal functions. Hands on Using expressions and functions * Updating data Update operations and privileges, Inserting rows, Insert using a set clause, Inserting duplicate values, Replacing rows, Updating rows, Update using the order by and limit clauses, Deleting rows, The delete and truncate statements. Exercise: Inserting, updating, replacing and deleting data * Connectors MySQL client interfaces, MySQL connectors, Oracle and community conectors, Connecting to MySQL server using Java and PHP connectors, MySQL and NoSQL, Innodb integration with memcached. * Obtaining database metadata What is metadata?, The mysqlshow utility, The show and describe commands, Describing tables, The information_schema, Listing tables, Listing columns, Listing views, Listing key_columns_usage. Hands on Obtaining database metadata * Debugging Mysql error messages, The show statement, Show errors, Show count(*) errors, Show warnings, Show count(*) warnings, Note messages, The perror utility. Hands on Debugging * Joins Overview of inner joins, Cartesian product, Inner joins with original syntax, Non equi-join, Using table aliases to avoid name clashes, Inner Joins With ISO/ANSI Syntax, Outer Joins, Left outer joins, Right outer joins, Full outer joins, Updating multiple tables simultaneously, Updating rows in one table based on a condition in another, Updating rows in one table reading data from another, Deleting from multiple tables simultaneously, Deleting rows in one table based on a condition in another. Hands on Coding joins * Subqueries Types of subquery, Multiple-column subqueries, Correlated subqueries, Using the ANY, ALL and SOME operators, Using the EXISTS operator, Subqueries as scalar expressions, Inline views, Converting subqueries to joins, Using subqueries in updates and deletes. Hands on Coding subqueries * Views Why views are used, Creating views, View creation restrictions, View algorithms, Updateable views, Altering and dropping views, Displaying information about views, Privileges for views. Hands on Using views * Import and Export Exporting using SQL, Privileges required to export data, Importing using SQL, Messages when loading data, Privileges required to load data, Exporting from the command line, Mysqldump main options, Importing from the command line, Mysqlimport main options. Hands on Importing and exporting * User variables and prepared statements Creating User variables, User variables in a select, Prepared statements, The prepare statement, The execute statement, The deallocate statement, Using prepared statements in code, with connectors. Hands on Using variables and prepared statements * Introduction to stored routines Types of stored routines, Benefits of stored routines, Stored routine features, Differences between procedures and functions, Introduction to the Block, Declaring variables and constants, Assigning values to variables, Definer rights and invoker rights, Using SELECT in stored routines, Altering and dropping stored routines, Obtaining stored routine metadata, Stored routine privileges and execution security. Hands on Writing simple stored routines * Stored routines - program logic The IF .. THEN .. ELSEIF construct, The CASE statement, The basic loop, The while loop, The repeat loop, The iterate statement, Nested loops. Hands on Writing stored routines with program logic * Stored routines - exception handlers and cursors Dealing with errors using Exception handlers, Cursors, What is a cursor?, Cursor operations, Declaring cursors, Opening and closing cursors, Fetching rows, Status checking. Hands on Writing stored routines with program logic * Procedures with parameters Creating procedures with parameters, Calling Procedures With Parameters. Hands on Writing stored routines with parameters * Functions What is a function?, The create function statement, Executing functions, Executing functions from code, Executing functions from SQL statements, The deterministic and SQL clauses. Hands on Writing functions * Triggers Trigger creation, Restrictions on triggers, The create trigger statement, Using the old and new qualifiers, Managing triggers, Destroying triggers, Required privileges. Hands on Writing triggers * Basic optimizations Normalisation of data to third normal form, Using indexes for optimization, General query enhancement, Using Explain to analyze queries, Choosing an INNODB or MYISAM storage engine, Using MySQL Enterprise Monitor in query optimization. Hands on Making use of basic optimizations * More about indexes Indexes and joins Hands on Investigating indexes and joins

MySQL for developers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner

By Mpi Learning - Professional Learning And Development Provider

This course shows you how to apply various approaches and algorithms to solve business problems through AI and ML, follow a methodical workflow to develop sound solutions, use open-source, off-the-shelf tools to develop, test, and deploy those solutions, and ensure that they protect the privacy of users. This course includes hands-on activities for each topic area.

Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Transgender Awareness & Understanding

By National Gender Training

To give you a good understanding of the long medical journeys a trans person undergoes, together with an understanding of the reference terms in common use, including language and terminology, cis-gender, non-binary, intersex, the pathways from M to F and F to M with the key stages in each pathway, the lived experiences of the facilitators plus a short life story video, LGBT facts, gender clinics, how to support a trans child, equality in the workplace, the laws surrounding gender and equality and how they affect you, and so much more…… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who is this course for? Everyone is the simple answer. Everyone and particularly those in a public-facing role, be that the police or other emergency services, to business managers, ship captains and shop floor workers. What will it cost? The 2023 charge per head is £65.00 plus VAT (78.00) for Teams public sessions. From 2024 the price per person will be £75.00 plus VAT (£90.00). Face to face groups are available at a discounted rate. Video training costs depend on the number of licences purchased – please ask for details. How large are the groups? We will only normally accept a maximum of 20 people in each presentation, as this allows everyone the opportunity for questions, and allows us to keep to the 3.5-hour duration. We can, however, work with larger groups by negotiation. How will I benefit from this course? You will learn about the full pathways to allow you to be more understanding, and you will understand how to address a trans person without causing offence Do we get handouts? We will email the list of resources to you after the event What is the course content? Language & terminology, intersex, non-binary, use of pronouns, pathways from male to female & female to male, key stages in each pathway, supporting trans children, facts and figures, personal life stories of the facilitators together with a video presentation, equality in the workplace, important legislation and how it affects you and more How are the courses delivered? We use the Microsoft Teams platform, which you can download for free, and deliver face to face when it is safe and permitted to do so. E-learning is now available on licence, please ask for details There is a lot of hatred towards the trans community, will I get harangued? Yes, there is hatred but by educating people on this subject we aim to achieve a more inclusive society, not just in the UK, but around the world also. I want to book a complete session for my staff, is there a group discount available? Yes, for any large group booking we are negotiable. Is this course recognised? Yes, it is a fully accredited CPD course for which you will receive a certificate upon completion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPCOMING PUBLIC/OPEN COURSES These dates are open to individuals and small groups that want to attend individually. Please request more details using the link provided.  The remaining dates for this year and the first part of 2024 are: * 26th October 2023 – 0930 to 1300. Teams presentation * 14th December 2023 – 0930 to 1300. Teams presentation * 20th February 2024.  0930 to 1300. Teams presentation  * 25th April 2024.    0930 to 1300.  Teams presentation 

Transgender Awareness & Understanding
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Computing - GCSE Syllabus - Online Tuition


By GLA Tutors Home or Online

COMPUTER SCIENCE GCSE SYLLABUS The GCSE Computer Science Tutor Syllabus is designed to provide tutors in England with a comprehensive framework for teaching the GCSE Computer Science curriculum effectively. This syllabus aims to equip tutors with the necessary knowledge and skills to support students in their understanding and application of core computer science concepts.  Module 1: Introduction to Computer Science - Overview of computer science and its relevance in today's world - Understanding the components of a computer system - Introduction to algorithms and problem-solving techniques - Exploration of programming languages and their uses Module 2: Computer Hardware - Understanding the main components of a computer system, including CPU, memory, and storage devices - Exploring input and output devices and their functionalities - Understanding the role of operating systems and software in computer systems Module 3: Software Development - Introduction to programming concepts and languages (e.g., Python or Java) - Understanding variables, data types, and operators - Building algorithms and logical reasoning skills - Introduction to flowcharts and pseudocode - Implementation of simple programs and debugging techniques Module 4: Data Representation - Understanding binary, hexadecimal, and denary number systems - Representation of text, images, and sound using binary - Introduction to data compression and encryption techniques Module 5: Computer Networks - Understanding the basics of computer networks, including LAN, WAN, and the Internet - Introduction to network topologies, protocols, and security - Exploring the impact of digital communication on society Module 6: Cybersecurity and Ethical Issues - Understanding the importance of cybersecurity and data protection - Introduction to common threats and vulnerabilities - Exploring ethical issues related to computer science, such as privacy and intellectual property rights Module 7: Algorithms and Programming Techniques - Advanced programming concepts, including conditionals, loops, and functions - Introduction to sorting and searching algorithms - Exploring data structures, such as arrays and lists Module 8: System Architecture - Understanding the structure and function of a CPU - Introduction to memory hierarchy and cache - Exploring the Von Neumann architecture and its limitations Module 9: Computational Thinking and Problem Solving - Advanced problem-solving techniques using computational thinking - Introduction to algorithms for complex problems - Exploring algorithmic efficiency and optimization techniques Module 10: Exam Preparation and Revision - Reviewing key concepts covered throughout the syllabus - Practicing past exam questions and providing guidance on exam techniques - Supporting students with exam preparation strategies Please note that the duration and depth of each module can vary depending on the level of expertise required and the specific needs of the learners. Additionally, it's important to adapt the curriculum to the learners' proficiency levels, whether they are A Level/GCSE students or adult learners with different experience levels.

Computing - GCSE Syllabus - Online Tuition
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online

VMware Carbon Black EDR Administrator

By Nexus Human

Duration 1 Days 6 CPD hours This course is intended for System administrators and security operations personnel, including analysts and managers Overview By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives: Describe the components and capabilities of the Carbon Black EDR server Identify the architecture and data flows for Carbon Black EDR communication Describe the Carbon Black EDR server installation process Manage and configure the Carbon Black EDR sever based on organizational requirements Perform searches across process and binary information Implement threat intelligence feeds and create watchlists for automated notifications Describe the different response capabilities available from the Carbon Black EDR server Use investigations to correlate data between multiple processes This course teaches you how to use the VMware Carbon Black© EDR? product and leverage the capabilities to configure and maintain the system according to your organization?s security posture and policies. This course provides an in-depth, technical understanding of the Carbon Black EDR product through comprehensive coursework and hands-on scenario-based labs. COURSE INTRODUCTION * Introductions and course logistics * Course objectives PLANNING AND INSTALLATION * Hardware and software requirements * Architecture * Data flows * Server installation review * Installing sensors * SERVER ADMINISTRATION * Configuration and settings * Carbon Black EDR users and groups PROCESS SEARCH AND ANALYSIS * Filtering options * Creating searches * Process analysis and events BINARY SEARCH AND BANNING BINARIES * Filtering options * Creating searches * Hash banning SEARCH BEST PRACTICES * Search operators * Advanced queries THREAT INTELLIGENCE * Enabling alliance feeds * Threat reports details * Use and functionality WATCHLISTS * Creating watchlists * Use and functionality ALERTS / INVESTIGATIONS / RESPONSE * Using the HUD * Alerts workflow * Using network isolation * Using live response

VMware Carbon Black EDR Administrator
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Mastering Python Programming (TTPS4820)

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for This introductory-level Python course is geared for experienced users who want to use Python in web development projects, or system administrators and web site administrators who want to use Python to support their server installations, as well as anyone else who wants to automate or simplify common tasks with the use of Python scripts. Basic familiarity with any programming or scripting language would be helpful, along with a working, user-level knowledge of Unix/Linux, Mac, or Windows. Overview This course is approximately 50% hands-on, combining expert lecture, real-world demonstrations and group discussions with machine-based practical labs and exercises. Our engaging instructors and mentors are highly experienced practitioners who bring years of current 'on-the-job' experience into every classroom. Throughout the hands-on course students, will learn to write essential Python scripts using the most current and efficient skills and techniques. Working in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will learn to: Create working Python scripts following best practices Use python data types appropriately Read and write files with both text and binary data Search and replace text with regular expressions Get familiar with the standard library and its work-saving modules Use lesser known but powerful Python data types Create 'real-world', professional Python applications Work with dates, times, and calendars Know when to use collections such as lists, dictionaries, and sets Understand Pythonic features such as comprehensions and iterators Write robust code using exception handling Mastering Python Programming is an introductory and beyond-level practical, hands-on Python training course that leads the student from the basics of writing and running Python scripts to more advanced features such as file operations, regular expressions, working with binary data, and using the extensive functionality of Python modules. Extra emphasis is placed on features unique to Python, such as tuples, array slices, and output formatting. This comprehensive, practical course provides an in-depth exploration of working with the programming language, not an academic overview of syntax and grammar. Students will immediately be able to use Python to complete tasks in the real world. AN OVERVIEW OF PYTHON * What is python? * Python Timeline * Advantages/Disadvantages of Python * Getting help with pydoc THE PYTHON ENVIRONMENT * Starting Python * Using the interpreter * Running a Python script * Python scripts on Unix/Windows * Editors and IDEs GETTING STARTED * Using variables * Builtin functions * Strings * Numbers * Converting among types * Writing to the screen * Command line parameters FLOW CONTROL * About flow control * White space * Conditional expressions * Relational and Boolean operators * While loops * Alternate loop exits ARRAY TYPES * About array types (AKA sequences) * Lists and list methods * Tuples * Indexing and slicing * Iterating through a sequence * Nested sequences * Sequence functions, keywords, and operators * List comprehensions * Generator Expressions WORKING WITH FILES * File overview * Opening a text file * Reading a text file * Writing to a text file * Reading and writing raw (binary) data * Converting binary data with struct DICTIONARIES AND SETS * About dictionaries * Creating dictionaries * Iterating through a dictionary * About sets * Creating sets * Working with sets FUNCTIONS * Defining functions * Parameters * Global and local scope * Nested functions * Returning values SORTING * The sorted() function * Alternate keys * Lambda functions * Sorting collections * Using operator.itemgetter() * Reverse sorting ERRORS AND EXCEPTION HANDLING * Syntax errors * Exceptions * Using try/catch/else/finally * Handling multiple exceptions * Ignoring exceptions MODULES AND PACKAGES * The import statement * Module search path * Creating Modules * Using packages * Function and Module aliases AN INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON CLASSES * About o-o programming * Defining classes * Constructors * Methods * Instance data * Properties * Class methods and data REGULAR EXPRESSIONS * RE syntax overview * RE Objects * Searching and matching * Compilation flags * Groups and special groups * Replacing text * Splitting strings USING THE STANDARD LIBRARY * The sys module * Launching external programs * Math functions * Random numbers * Reading CSV data DATES AND TIMES * Working with dates and times * Translating timestamps * Parsing dates from text * Formatting dates * Calendar data WORKING WITH THE FILE SYSTEM * Paths, directories, and filenames * Checking for existence * Permissions and other file attributes * Walking directory trees * Creating filters with fileinput * Using shutil for file operations ADVANCED DATA HANDLING * Defaultdict and Counter * Prettyprinting data structures * Compressed archives (zip, gzip, tar, etc.) * Persistent data NETWORK PROGRAMMING * Using requests * Grabbing web content * Sending email * Using SSH for remote access * Using FTP WRITING REAL-LIFE APPLICATIONS * Reading input files a la Unix * Parsing command-line options * Detecting the current platform * Implementing logging ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans Mastering Python Programming (TTPS4820) training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the Mastering Python Programming (TTPS4820) course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

Mastering Python Programming (TTPS4820)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Python 3 Essentials

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for Experienced Programmers and Systems Administrators. Overview Throughout the course students will be led through a series of progressively advanced topics, where each topic consists of lecture, group discussion, comprehensive hands-on lab exercises, and lab review. This course is ?skills-centric?, designed to train attendees in core Python and web development skills beyond an intermediate level, coupling the most current, effective techniques with best practices. Working within in an engaging, hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert Python practitioner, students will learn to: ? Create working Python scripts following best practices ? Use python data types appropriately ? Read and write files with both text and binary data ? Search and replace text with regular expressions ? Get familiar with the standard library and its work-saving modules ? Use lesser-known but powerful Python data types ? Create 'real-world', professional Python applications ? Work with dates, times, and calendars ? Know when to use collections such as lists, dictionaries, and sets ? Understand Pythonic features such as comprehensions and iterators ? Write robust code using exception handling An introductory and beyond-level practical, hands-on Python training course that leads the student from the basics of writing and running Python scripts to more advanced features. AN OVERVIEW OF PYTHON * What is python? 1 -- An overview of Python What is python? Python Timeline Advantages/Disadvantages of Python Getting help with pydoc THE PYTHON ENVIRONMENT * Starting Python Using the interpreter Running a Python script Python scripts on Unix/Windows Editors and IDEs GETTING STARTED * Using variables Built-in functions Strings Numbers Converting among types Writing to the screen Command line parameters FLOW CONTROL * About flow control White space Conditional expressions Relational and Boolean operators While loops Alternate loop exits SEQUENCES * About sequences Lists and list methods Tuples Indexing and slicing Iterating through a sequence Sequence functions, keywords, and operators List comprehensions Generator Expressions Nested sequences WORKING WITH FILES * File overview Opening a text file Reading a text file Writing to a text file Reading and writing raw (binary) data Converting binary data with struct DICTIONARIES AND SETS * About dictionaries Creating dictionaries Iterating through a dictionary About sets Creating sets Working with sets FUNCTIONS * Defining functions Parameters Global and local scope Nested functions Returning values SORTING * The sorted() function Alternate keys Lambda functions Sorting collections Using operator.itemgetter() Reverse sorting ERRORS AND EXCEPTION HANDLING * Syntax errors Exceptions Using try/catch/else/finally Handling multiple exceptions Ignoring exceptions MODULES AND PACKAGES * The import statement Module search path Creating Modules Using packages Function and Module aliases CLASSES * About o-o programming Defining classes Constructors Methods Instance data Properties Class methods and data REGULAR EXPRESSIONS * RE syntax overview RE Objects Searching and matching Compilation flags Groups and special groups Replacing text Splitting strings THE STANDARD LIBRARY * The sys module Launching external programs Math functions Random numbers The string module Reading CSV data DATES AND TIMES * Working with dates and times Translating timestamps Parsing dates from text Formatting dates Calendar data WORKING WITH THE FILE SYSTEM * Paths, directories, and filenames Checking for existence Permissions and other file attributes Walking directory trees Creating filters with fileinput Using shutil for file operations 17 ? Advanced data handling Defaultdict and Counter Prettyprinting data structures Compressed archives (zip, gzip, tar, etc.) Persistent data ADVANCED DATA HANDLING * Defaultdict and Counter Prettyprinting data structures Compressed archives (zip, gzip, tar, etc.) Persistent data NETWORK SERVICES * Grabbing web content Sending email Using SSH for remote access Using FTP WRITING REAL-LIFE APPLICATIONS * Parsing command-line options Detecting the current platform Trapping signals Implementing logging Python Timeline Advantages/Disadvantages of Python Getting help with pydoc

Python 3 Essentials
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry