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1655 Architecture courses delivered Online

AZ-400T00 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions

By Nexus Human

Duration 4 Days 24 CPD hours This course is intended for Students in this course are interested in designing and implementing DevOps processes or in passing the Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions certification exam. This course provides the knowledge and skills to design and implement DevOps processes and practices. Students will learn how to plan for DevOps, use source control, scale Git for an enterprise, consolidate artifacts, design a dependency management strategy, manage secrets, implement continuous integration, implement a container build strategy, design a release strategy, set up a release management workflow, implement a deployment pattern, and optimize feedback mechanisms Prerequisites Successful learners will have prior knowledge and understanding of: * Cloud computing concepts, including an understanding of PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS implementations. * Both Azure administration and Azure development with proven expertise in at least one of these areas. * Version control, Agile software development, and core software development principles. It would be helpful to have experience in an organization that delivers software. * AZ-104T00 - Microsoft Azure Administrator * AZ-204T00: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure 1 - INTRODUCTION TO DEVOPS * What is DevOps? * Explore the DevOps journey * Identify transformation teams * Explore shared goals and define timelines 2 - CHOOSE THE RIGHT PROJECT * Explore greenfield and brownfield projects * Decide when to use greenfield and brownfield projects * Decide when to use systems of record versus systems of engagement * Identify groups to minimize initial resistance * Identify project metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) 3 - DESCRIBE TEAM STRUCTURES * Explore agile development practices * Explore principles of agile development * Define organization structure for agile practices * Explore ideal DevOps team members * Enable in-team and cross-team collaboration * Select tools and processes for agile practices 4 - CHOOSE THE DEVOPS TOOLS * What is Azure DevOps? * What is GitHub? * Explore an authorization and access strategy * Migrate or integrate existing work management tools * Migrate or integrate existing test management tools * Design a license management strategy 5 - PLAN AGILE WITH GITHUB PROJECTS AND AZURE BOARDS * Link GitHub to Azure Boards * Configure GitHub Projects * Manage work with GitHub Project boards * Customize Project views * Collaborate using team discussions * Agile Plan and Portfolio Management with Azure Boards 6 - INTRODUCTION TO SOURCE CONTROL * Explore DevOps foundational practices * What is source control? * Explore benefits of source control * Explore best practices for source control 7 - DESCRIBE TYPES OF SOURCE CONTROL SYSTEMS * Understand centralized source control * Understand distributed source control * Explore Git and Team Foundation Version Control * Examine and choose Git * Understand objections to using Git * Describe working with Git locally 8 - WORK WITH AZURE REPOS AND GITHUB * Migrate from TFVC to Git * Use GIT-TFS * Develop online with GitHub Codespaces 9 - STRUCTURE YOUR GIT REPO * Explore monorepo versus multiple repos * Implement a change log 10 - MANAGE GIT BRANCHES AND WORKFLOWS * Explore branch workflow types * Explore feature branch workflow * Explore Git branch model for continuous delivery * Explore GitHub flow * Explore fork workflow * Version Control with Git in Azure Repos 11 - COLLABORATE WITH PULL REQUESTS IN AZURE REPOS * Collaborate with pull requests * Examine GitHub mobile for pull request approvals 12 - IDENTIFY TECHNICAL DEBT * Examine code quality * Examine complexity and quality metrics * Measure and manage technical debt * Integrate other code quality tools * Plan effective code reviews 13 - EXPLORE GIT HOOKS * Implement Git hooks 14 - PLAN FOSTER INNER SOURCE * Explore foster inner source * Implement the fork workflow * Describe inner source with forks 15 - MANAGE GIT REPOSITORIES * Work with large repositories * Purge repository data * Manage releases with GitHub Repos * Automate release notes with GitHub 16 - EXPLORE AZURE PIPELINES * Explore the concept of pipelines in DevOps * Describe Azure Pipelines * Understand Azure Pipelines key terms 17 - MANAGE AZURE PIPELINE AGENTS AND POOLS * Choose between Microsoft-hosted versus self-hosted agents * Explore job types * Explore predefined agent pool * Understand typical situations for agent pools * Communicate with Azure Pipelines * Communicate to deploy to target servers * Examine other considerations * Describe security of agent pools * Configure agent pools and understanding pipeline styles 18 - DESCRIBE PIPELINES AND CONCURRENCY * Understand parallel jobs * Estimate parallel jobs * Describe Azure Pipelines and open-source projects * Explore Azure Pipelines and Visual Designer * Describe Azure Pipelines and YAML 19 - EXPLORE CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION * Learn the four pillars of continuous integration * Explore benefits of continuous integration * Describe build properties * Enable Continuous Integration with Azure Pipelines 20 - IMPLEMENT A PIPELINE STRATEGY * Configure agent demands * Implement multi-agent builds * Explore source control types supported by Azure Pipelines 21 - INTEGRATE WITH AZURE PIPELINES * Describe the anatomy of a pipeline * Understand the pipeline structure * Detail templates * Explore YAML resources * Use multiple repositories in your pipeline 22 - INTRODUCTION TO GITHUB ACTIONS * What are Actions? * Explore Actions flow * Understand workflows * Describe standard workflow syntax elements * Explore events * Explore jobs * Explore runners * Examine release and test an action 23 - LEARN CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION WITH GITHUB ACTIONS * Describe continuous integration with actions * Examine environment variables * Share artifacts between jobs * Examine Workflow badges * Describe best practices for creating actions * Mark releases with Git tags * Create encrypted secrets * Use secrets in a workflow * Implement GitHub Actions for CI/CD 24 - DESIGN A CONTAINER BUILD STRATEGY * Examine structure of containers * Work with Docker containers * Understand Dockerfile core concepts * Examine multi-stage dockerfiles * Examine considerations for multiple stage builds * Explore Azure container-related services * Deploy Docker containers to Azure App Service web apps 25 - INTRODUCTION TO CONTINUOUS DELIVERY * Explore traditional IT development cycle * What is continuous delivery? * Move to continuous delivery * Understand releases and deployments * Understand release process versus release 26 - CREATE A RELEASE PIPELINE * Describe Azure DevOps release pipeline capabilities * Explore release pipelines * Explore artifact sources * Choose the appropriate artifact source * Examine considerations for deployment to stages * Explore build and release tasks * Explore custom build and release tasks * Explore release jobs * Configure Pipelines as Code with YAML 27 - EXPLORE RELEASE RECOMMENDATIONS * Understand the delivery cadence and three types of triggers * Explore release approvals * Explore release gates * Use release gates to protect quality * Control Deployments using Release Gates 28 - PROVISION AND TEST ENVIRONMENTS * Provision and configure target environments * Configure automated integration and functional test automation * Understand Shift-left * Set up and run availability tests * Explore Azure Load Testing * Set up and run functional tests 29 - MANAGE AND MODULARIZE TASKS AND TEMPLATES * Examine task groups * Explore variables in release pipelines * Understand variable groups 30 - AUTOMATE INSPECTION OF HEALTH * Automate inspection of health * Explore events and notifications * Explore service hooks * Configure Azure DevOps notifications * Configure GitHub notifications * Explore how to measure quality of your release process * Examine release notes and documentation * Examine considerations for choosing release management tools * Explore common release management tools 31 - INTRODUCTION TO DEPLOYMENT PATTERNS * Explore microservices architecture * Examine classical deployment patterns * Understand modern deployment patterns 32 - IMPLEMENT BLUE-GREEN DEPLOYMENT AND FEATURE TOGGLES * What is blue-green deployment? * Explore deployment slots * Describe feature toggle maintenance 33 - IMPLEMENT CANARY RELEASES AND DARK LAUNCHING * Explore canary releases * Examine Traffic Manager * Understand dark launching 34 - IMPLEMENT A/B TESTING AND PROGRESSIVE EXPOSURE DEPLOYMENT * What is A/B testing? * Explore CI-CD with deployment rings 35 - INTEGRATE WITH IDENTITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS * Integrate GitHub with single sign-on (SSO) * Explore service principals * Explore Managed Identity 36 - MANAGE APPLICATION CONFIGURATION DATA * Rethink application configuration data * Explore separation of concerns * Understand external configuration store patterns * Examine Key-value pairs * Examine App configuration feature management * Integrate Azure Key Vault with Azure Pipelines * Manage secrets, tokens and certificates * Examine DevOps inner and outer loop * Integrate Azure Key Vault with Azure DevOps * Enable Dynamic Configuration and Feature Flags 37 - EXPLORE INFRASTRUCTURE AS CODE AND CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT * Explore environment deployment * Examine environment configuration * Understand imperative versus declarative configuration * Understand idempotent configuration 38 - CREATE AZURE RESOURCES USING AZURE RESOURCE MANAGER TEMPLATES * Why use Azure Resource Manager templates? * Explore template components * Manage dependencies * Modularize templates * Manage secrets in templates * Deployments using Azure Bicep templates 39 - CREATE AZURE RESOURCES BY USING AZURE CLI * What is Azure CLI? * Work with Azure CLI 40 - EXPLORE AZURE AUTOMATION WITH DEVOPS * Create automation accounts * What is a runbook? * Understand automation shared resources * Explore runbook gallery * Examine webhooks * Explore source control integration * Explore PowerShell workflows * Create a workflow * Examine checkpoint and parallel processing 41 - IMPLEMENT DESIRED STATE CONFIGURATION (DSC) * Understand configuration drift * Explore Desired State Configuration (DSC) * Explore Azure Automation State configuration (DSC) * Examine DSC configuration file * Explore hybrid management * Implement DSC and Linux Automation on Azure 42 - IMPLEMENT BICEP * What is Bicep? * Install Bicep * Understand Bicep file structure and syntax 43 - INTRODUCTION TO SECURE DEVOPS * Describe SQL injection attack * Understand DevSecOps * Explore Secure DevOps Pipeline * Explore key validation points * Explore continuous security validation * Understand threat modeling 44 - IMPLEMENT OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE * Explore how software is built * What is open-source software * Explore corporate concerns with open-source software components * Explore common open-source licenses * Examine license implications and ratings 45 - SOFTWARE COMPOSITION ANALYSIS * Inspect and validate code bases for compliance * Explore software composition analysis (SCA) * Integrate Mend with Azure Pipelines * Implement GitHub Dependabot alerts and security updates * Integrate software composition analysis checks into pipelines * Examine tools for assess package security and license rate * Interpret alerts from scanner tools * Implement security and compliance in an Azure Pipeline 46 - STATIC ANALYZERS * Explore SonarCloud * Explore CodeQL in GitHub * Manage technical debt with SonarCloud and Azure DevOps 47 - OWASP AND DYNAMIC ANALYZERS * Plan Implement OWASP Secure Coding Practices * Explore OWASP ZAP penetration test * Explore OWASP ZAP results and bugs 48 - SECURITY MONITORING AND GOVERNANCE * Implement pipeline security * Explore Microsoft Defender for Cloud * Examine Microsoft Defender for Cloud usage scenarios * Explore Azure Policy * Understand policies * Explore initiatives * Explore resource locks * Explore Azure Blueprints * Understand Microsoft Defender for Identity 49 - EXPLORE PACKAGE DEPENDENCIES * What is dependency management? * Describe elements of a dependency management strategy * Identify dependencies * Understand source and package componentization * Decompose your system * Scan your codebase for dependencies 50 - UNDERSTAND PACKAGE MANAGEMENT * Explore packages * Understand package feeds * Explore package feed managers * Explore common public package sources * Explore self-hosted and SaaS based package sources * Consume packages * Publish packages * Package management with Azure Artifacts 51 - MIGRATE CONSOLIDATING AND SECURE ARTIFACTS * Identify existing artifact repositories * Migrate and integrating artifact repositories * Secure access to package feeds * Examine roles * Examine permissions * Examine authentication 52 - IMPLEMENT A VERSIONING STRATEGY * Understand versioning of artifacts * Explore semantic versioning * Examine release views * Promote packages * Explore best practices for versioning 53 - INTRODUCTION TO GITHUB PACKAGES * Publish packages * Install a package * Delete and restore a package * Explore package access control and visibility 54 - IMPLEMENT TOOLS TO TRACK USAGE AND FLOW * Understand the inner loop * Explore Azure Monitor and Log Analytics * Examine Kusto Query Language (KQL) * Explore Application Insights * Implement Application Insights * Monitor application performance with Application Insights 55 - DEVELOP MONITOR AND STATUS DASHBOARDS * Explore Azure Dashboards * Examine view designer in Azure Monitor * Explore Azure Monitor workbooks * Explore Power BI * Build your own custom application 56 - SHARE KNOWLEDGE WITHIN TEAMS * Share acquired knowledge within development teams * Integrate with Azure Boards * Share team knowledge using Azure Project Wiki 57 - DESIGN PROCESSES TO AUTOMATE APPLICATION ANALYTICS * Explore rapid responses and augmented search * Integrate telemetry * Examine monitoring tools and technologies 58 - MANAGE ALERTS, BLAMELESS RETROSPECTIVES AND A JUST CULTURE * Examine when get a notification * Explore how to fix it * Explore smart detection notifications * Improve performance * Understand server response time degradation * Reduce meaningless and non-actionable alerts * Examine blameless retrospective * Develop a just culture

AZ-400T00 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions
Delivered Online5 days, Sept 3rd, 13:00 + 1 more

Definitive Segment Routing for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

DEFINITIVE SEGMENT ROUTING COURSE DESCRIPTION This Segment Routing (SR) training course is a comprehensive program designed to equip network professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to implement and manage SR in modern networking environments. Segment Routing is a cutting-edge network architecture that enhances network flexibility, scalability, and efficiency. This course offers in-depth coverage of SR principles, protocols, and practical implementation techniques. Hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory rather than teach specific manufacturer equipment. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain packet paths when implementing SLB. * Explain how Segment Routing works. * Explain the relationship between SR and MPLS. * Use SR for Traffic Engineering. * Troubleshoot Segment Routing. * Implement TI-LFA using Segment Routing DEFINITIVE SEGMENT ROUTING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: This course is ideal for network engineers, architects, and administrators who want to stay up-to-date with the latest networking technologies and enhance their expertise in Segment Routing. * Prerequisites: Concise MPLS for engineers * Duration 3 days DEFINITIVE SEGMENT ROUTING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to Segment Routing (SR) What is SR? Source based routing, SPRING, history, segments, why SR? SR benefits.SR usage: Traffic Engineering, Shortest path, local protection. Relationship between SR and MPLS, SRv6. Hands on Investigating the base network. * Segment Routing architecture SR domains, SR paths, SR segments. Segment types. Segment IDs, combining segments, IGP extensions, control plane components. Hands on Configuring SR, exploring how SR works, * Segment Routing protocols SR-MPLS. MPLS label stack operations. Segment Routing Global Block (SRGB). SRLB. IS-IS and OSPF extensions for SR. Prefix segments, adjacency segments. SRGB/IGP interactions. Multidomain SR policies. SPF, Strict SPF. Hands on Analysing IGP SR extension operation. Investigating the SRGB. * Segment Routing Traffic Engineering RSVP-TE versus SR-TE. SR policies. Anycast and binding SIDs. SR flexible algorithm flex-algo, Performance measurement delay. Hands on Optimising network paths for various applications. * SR integration with 'older' technologies MPLS and LDP integration with SR. Hands on Integration. * Topology Independent Loop Free Alternative Classic LFA and IP/MPLS protection mechanisms. TI-LFA protection options. Hands on TI-LFA operation with SR and LDP traffic. * Scenarios SDN. Managing SR with SR controllers. Analyse, optimise, automate. Network slicing. * BGP peering segments Path Computation Elements, BGP Link State. BGP prefix segments, BGP peer segments. Egress peer engineering. SR enabled VPNs. Hands onBGP segment routing. * Troubleshooting Segment Routing IP toolkit: ping and traceroute. MPLS toolkit: MPLS ping, MPLS echo request/reply, MPLS ping, MPLS traceroute and path discovery. Router show commands. Hands on Used throughout the course during exercises. * SRv6 Note this is an optional extra day. See our one day SRv6 course for details. IPv6 headers review, routing headers, IPv6 segment, SRv6 segment Identifiers. IPv6 Segment Routing Header. SRH procedures. Hands on Configuring SRv6, Analysing SRv6 operation.

Definitive Segment Routing for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

HTTP streaming methods


By Systems & Network Training

HTTP STREAMING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course looks at the delivery of video streams using HTTP adaptive streaming. Both MPEG DASH and HLS are investigated. Hands on sessions primarily involve using Wireshark to analyse streams. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use Wireshark to analyse and troubleshoot HTTP video streams. * Explain HTTP adaptive streaming works. * Evaluate and compare MPEG DASH and HLS. * Use tools to create HTTP adaptive streams. HTTP STREAMING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working in the broadcast industry. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers * Duration 2 days HTTP STREAMING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is HTTP streaming? The old way. Progressive downloads versus streaming. Why not UDP and RTP for delivery? Adaptive bit rate streaming. Standards. Hands on Base network setup. Using WireShark for HTTP streams. * HTTP protocol stack IP, TCP, IPv6. HTTP. HTTP 1.0, HTTP 1.1, HTTP 2.0, HTTP header fields. HTML 5. Hands on Analysing HTTP. * Adaptive bitrate streaming principles Chunks, fragments, segments. Manifest files. Encoding, resolution, bitrates. Addressing, relative and absolute URLs, redirection. When does the client switch streams? Switch points. Hands on Walk through of client behaviours on a stream. * HTTP streaming architecture Server components, distribution components, client software. CDN, caching, multiple servers. Hands on Analysing CDN and Internet delivery. * TCP and HTTP streaming interactions TCP ACK, TCP connections, unicast only. TCP flow control, TCP and performance. Hands on TCP window sizes. * MPEG DASH Stakeholders, DASH architecture and model, codec agnostic, XML, Media Presentation Description, Media Presentation, segment formats. Hands on MPEG DASH analysis. * HTTP Live Streaming and others Stakeholders. Media segments, media playlists, master playlists. Adobe HTTP dynamic streaming, Microsoft smooth streaming. Hands on Analysing HLS. * Tools mp4dash, mp4fragment, libdash. Apple developer tools for HLS. Hands on Creating segmented content. * Security HTTPS, encryption, content protection. Hands on Encryption analysis. * Summary Choosing a streaming method. Impact of live versus VoD. Web sockets.

HTTP streaming methods
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential Lawful Intercept


By Systems & Network Training

LAWFUL INTERCEPT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Packet based networks require a different approach to Lawful Intercept (LI) than that used in circuit switched networks. This course focuses on what Lawful Interception and Data Retention (DR) means to communications service providers in the IP and NGN areas. The course assumes a basic knowledge of IP networking (i.e. DNS, TCP/UDP, IP, RTP) and the building of services on an IP platform (e.g. SIP, SDP, FTP, HTTP). The course first looks at the regulatory context for LI and DR and how this is translated to a practical architecture. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Recognise the legal and regulatory obligations to provide LI and DR. * Identify the components of the handover architecture for each of LI and DR. * Identify the preferred location of points of interception and points of retention in the IP network. * Map intercepted material to handover protocols. * Understand the data mapping defined in the available standards for both LI and DR. LAWFUL INTERCEPT TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical and managerial staff needing to implement public networks. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation * Duration 1 day LAWFUL INTERCEPT TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is meant by LI and DR? Review of regulation: Data protection Directive; Data Retention Directive; RIPA. * LI architectures Handover and Interception: ETSI standards ES 201 671 and TS 102 232. * LI handover protocol IRI and CC handover; correlation; manual interfaces. * DR architectures Handover of query results; points of retention. * DR query command set Retrieval of retained records. * Security concerns Operation privacy; target privacy; storage and transmission integrity. * Implementation Identifying PoI and PoR for provided services. * LI and DR wrap up Interaction with other services, storage obligations (volume, time, availability).

Essential Lawful Intercept
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total IPsec for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

IPSEC TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This hands on course focuses on IPsec VPNs. Rather than focusing on one implementation this course concentrates on the technologies and protocols of IPsec. Starting with an overview of the complete IPsec architecture the course then moves onto ESP packet analysis along with encryption and authentication provided. IKEv1 and IKEv2 are both covered in detail. Having covered IPsec with pre shared keys the course then moves onto IPsec with certificates followed by IPsec issues. The course is vendor neutral with hands on with both Cisco and Microsoft implementations. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain how IPsec works. * Explain the role of AH, ESP and IKE. * Configure IPsec. * Troubleshoot IPsec. IPSEC TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with IPsec. * Prerequisites: Definitive IP VPNs for engineers. * Duration 3 days IPSEC TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is IPsec? How to spell IPsec, IPsec is IP security, confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, replay protection, what is a VPN? Network layer security, IPsec and IPv4, IPsec and IPv6, the suite of protocols, the standard, IPsec RFCs, IPsec history. Hands on Analysis of 'normal' IP packets. * IPsec architecture The IPsec protocols, AH vs ESP, Why two headers? transport mode, tunnel mode, Remote access VPNs, site to site VPNs, security associations, SA database, Security Parameters Index, implementations: Host tack, Bump in the Stack, Bump in the Wire. Hands on Configuring IPsec. * AH What AH does, the stack, The AH header, What is authenticated? Device authentication. AH in transport mode, AH in tunnel mode. Hands on AH packet analysis. * ESP What ESP does, the ESP header, ESP in transport mode, ESP in tunnel mode, ESP and SA, ESP and SPI. Hands on ESP packet analysis, policy configuration. * IPsec encryption IPsec is a framework, standard algorithms, ESP keys, the role of IKE, key lifetimes, how IKE generates the keys, DES, 3DES, AES, cipher block chaining, counter mode, other encryption. Hands on Encryption configuration. * IPsec authentication Authentication types, IPsec authentication, Authentication algorithms: MD5, keyed SHA-1, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-RIPEMD, other authentication algorithms. Hands on Authentication configuration. * IKE Internet Key Exchange, IKE and the SAD, the two phase negotiation, ISAKMP, ISAKMP header, pre shared keys, digital signatures, public key encryption, Diffie Hellman, proposals, counter proposals, nonces, identities, phase 1 negotiation: main mode, aggressive mode, base mode. Phase 2 negotiation: quick mode, new group mode. Hands on IKE packet analysis. * More IKE PFS, IKE and dynamic addresses, XAUTH, hybrid authentication, CRACK, ULA, PIC. User level authentication. IKE renegotiation, heartbeats. Hands on Troubleshooting IPsec. * IKEv2 The IKEv2 exchange, IKE_SA_INIT, IKE_AUTH, CREATE_CHILD_SA, IKEv2 packets, the informational exchange. Comparing IKev1 vs IKE v2. Hands on IKEv2 configuration and analysis. * PKI What is PKI?, Digital certificates, Certificate authorities, CA servers, RA, VA, certificates, CA hierarchy, CRLs, certificate formats. Hands on installing and configuring certificate servers. * IPsec issues NAT, IPsec overhead and fragmentation. * Summary IPsec strengths and weaknesses. Where to get further information.

Total IPsec for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Oracle Database: Managing Multitenant Architecture

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for Administrator Architect Database Administrator Overview To provide an acceptable response time to users and manage resources effectively, you learn how to monitor performance and manage resources within the multitenant container database and its pluggable databases, and within each pluggable database. Another important aspect is the data movement between non-CDBs and pluggable databases, and between pluggable databases. It is also important to understand the procedures of upgrading an Oracle Database multitenant container database or an Oracle Database pluggable database. Finally, students discover the way multitenant container database and pluggable databases are created and monitored in the Cloud. This course covers all aspects of the multitenant architecture, providing detailed information on the components of an Oracle multitenant container database and its regular and application pluggable databases. You learn why and how to create and manage a multitenant container database and its regular and application pluggable databases, with storage structures appropriate for the business applications. You practice cold and hot cloning, plugging unplugged pluggable databases in multitenant container databases using various methods. CDB BASICS CDB AND REGULAR PDBS APPLICATION PDBS AND APPLICATION INSTALLATION PDB CREATION CDB AND PDB MANAGEMENT STORAGE SECURITY BACKUP AND DUPLICATE RECOVERY AND FLASHBACK PERFORMANCE MONITORING RESOURCES ALLOCATION DATA MOVEMENT UPGRADE METHODS

Oracle Database: Managing Multitenant Architecture
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Archaeological Surveyor Complete Bundle - QLS Endorsed

By Imperial Academy

10 QLS Endorsed Courses for Archaeological Surveyor | 10 Endorsed Certificates Included | Life Time Access

Archaeological Surveyor Complete Bundle - QLS Endorsed
Delivered Online On Demand

Essential optical transmission


By Systems & Network Training

ESSENTIAL OPTICAL TRANSMISSION COURSE DESCRIPTION Transmission is the process of sending information along a medium of, copper, fibre or wireless. This course looks at transmission techniques for fibre networks. The course aims to demystify the technologies involved by explaining all the buzzwords used in optical transmission. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe various optical transmission technologies. * Explain how SDH and OTN work. * Explain how WDM, CWDM and DWDM work. * Explain PON, GPON and GEPON. ESSENTIAL OPTICAL TRANSMISSION COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working in telecommunications. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 2 days ESSENTIAL OPTICAL TRANSMISSION COURSE CONTENTS * Transmission basics nsmission basics Systems, media, signals. Signal degradation, noise, distortion, attenuation. Digital, analogue. Modulation, encoding. * Fibre transmission Fibre vs copper, optical transmission, fibre characteristics, fibre component parts. Multi Mode Fibre (MMF). Single Mode Fibre (SMF). Fibre connections. Lasers. Attenuations, dispersion, optical signal noise ratios (OSNR) and their effects. Channel Spacing and Signal Direction. Limiting factors to single wavelength. * SDH Timing and synchronisation of digital signals, the plesiochronous digital hierarchy (PDH), the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH), service protection with SDH. TDM. Standards, basic units, frames, STM1 frame, bit rates, STM0, STM1, STM4, STM16, STM64, STM256, SDH architecture, rings, Add drop multiplexors. SDH network topologies, structure of SDH equipment, SDH synchronisation, protection switching in SDH networks, SDH alarm structure, testing of SDH, equipment and systems, Ethernet over SDH. * OTN G.709, OTN interface structure, Optical transport modules, ONNI, OCh, OUT, ODU, OPU. G.709 amendments. * WDM overview Multiplexing, TDM, WDM benefits. WDM standards. CWDM vs. DWDM. Four Wave Mixing (FWM). Impact and countermeasures to FWM on WDM. * DWDM ITU G.694.1, channel and spacing. Optical Terminal Multiplexers (OTM). Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers (OADM). Adding versus dropping. Optical Amplifiers. Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifiers (EDFA). Transponders and Combiners. Optical and Electrical Cross Connects (OXCs/DXCs). Cross Connect types (Transparent/Opaque). Advantages and disadvantages of various Optical cross connects. * FTTx Fibre installation and air blown fibre, FTTH, FTTC, FTTN, FTTD, FFTH topologies and wavelengths, active or passive optical network. * PON variants Gigabit passive optical network (GPON), Gigabit Ethernet passive optical network (GEPON), Time division PON (TDM-PON), XG-PON, Wave Division Multiplexing PON (WDM-PON), 1Gbps, 10Gbps, 40Ggps, 100Gbps FSAN (Full Service Access Network) NGA (Next Generation Access), Strategies for TDM-PON to WDM-PON migration, Architecture of NG-PON (hybrid WDM/TDM PON), Additional services than triple play.

Essential optical transmission
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive Salt for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

DEFINITIVE SALT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Salt is a remote execution framework and configuration management system. This course covers Salt from the basics. After a quick first taste the course moves onto execution modules, salt states, minion and master data, jinja, Salt extensions and then topology and configuration options. Hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory rather than teach specific manufacturer equipment. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install and use Salt. * Describe the architecture of Salt. * Manage configurations with Salt. * Extend Salt. DEFINITIVE SALT TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with Salt. * Prerequisites: Linux fundamentals. * Duration 2 days DEFINITIVE SALT TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction What is Salt? High- level architecture, Some quick examples, system management, configuration management, A brief history, Topology options, Extending Salt. * Quick start: First taste of Salt Single-master setup, from packages, bootstrap scripts, Starting up, Basic commands, salt: the main workhorse, salt-key: key management, salt-call: execution on the minion, salt-run: co-ordination of jobs on the master, summary of commands, Key management, viewing keys, accepting keys, rejecting keys, key files, Minion targeting, minion ID, list (-L), glob, regular expressions (-E), grains (-G), compound (-C), targeting summary, Additional remote execution details, Conclusion. * Execution modules: The functional foundation sys: information and documentation about modules, sys.doc basic documentation, sys.list_modules, sys.list_functions: simple listings, cmd: execute via shell, cmd.run: run any command, pkg: manage packages, virtual modules, pkg.lists_pkgs: list all installed packages, pkg.available version: see what version will be installed, pkg.install: install packages, user: manage users, user.add: add users, user.list_users, user info: get user info, saltutil: access various Salt utilities, Summary. * Configuration management: Salt states Salt files overview, SLS example: adding a user, working with the multi-layered state system, Highstate and the top file, the top file, State ordering, require: depend on another state, watch: run based on other changes, odds and ends, Summary. * Minion data / master data Grains are minion data, performing basic grain operations, setting grains, targeting with grains in the top file, Pillars are data from the master, querying pillar data, querying other sources with external pillars, Renderers give data options. * Extending Salt: part I Introduction to Jinja, Jinja basics, Templating with Jinja, filtering by grains, Custom execution module, Custom state modules, Custom grains, External pillars, Summary. * More on the matter Runners, manage minions, manage jobs, The orchestrate runner, The event system, The reactor system, Summary. * Extending Salt: part II Python client API, reading configuration data on a master and minion, using the master client (localclient) API, Using the caller client API, Custom runners, writing a custom runner, using the runnerclient API, Summary. * Topology and configuration options Master configuration, directories and files, logging, access control, files server options, Topology variations, masterless minions, peer systems, syndication masters, multiple masters. * Brief introduction to salt-cloud Overview, Setup AWS and salt-cloud, installing salt-cloud, cloud providers, cloud profiles, cloud maps, Introspection via salt cloud, Creating infrastructure, More information. * Using vagrant to run Salt examples YAML.

Definitive Salt for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Advanced Java programming


By Systems & Network Training

ADVANCED JAVA TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A tour of the more advanced features of Java following on from the Introduction to Java course. JDBC and JavaBeans are covered in separate courses. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use Java to implement OOA/D. * Use within Java programs - Internationalisation - Object serialisation - Reflection - RMI - Swing - JAR files * Write Servlets and Java Server Pages ADVANCED JAVA TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Those wishing to program in Java. * Prerequisites: Introduction to Java programming * Duration 5 days ADVANCED JAVA TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What you should already know * OO features in Java Static initialisers, object destruction, finalisation, constructor chaining, shadowing, Abstract classes and interfaces, inner classes, nested classes, member classes, local classes, anonymous classes. * Internationalisation Locales, Unicode, local customs, localising messages. * Object Serialisation Simple and custom serialisation, class versioning. * Reflection Obtaining class and member information. * RMI Restrictions, RMI architecture, Stubs, skeletons, rmic, the registry server, The RMI API. * Swing An overview, examples, comparison vs. AWT, data transfer cut & paste. * Servlets Servlet API, Java Web server, The servlet life cycle, chaining servlets, Hybrid servlets. * JAR files and signed applet JAR files and signed applet

Advanced Java programming
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