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145 ALERT courses delivered On Demand

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Rewards

By OnlineCoursesLearning.com

Sorting out an ideal prize framework is simply the most ideal approach to inspire and others to finish assignments. There are two primary sorts of remunerations that individuals will in general utilize: outward rewards and inborn prizes. Understanding the distinction between the fundamental two sorts of remunerations and how they can be applied to all circumstances, including at work and at home, can help you and others to feel more beneficial. This information likewise assists you with trying not to over-reward people for specific undertakings or practices, which quite often misfires. This course furnishes you with complete data in regards to both outward and inherent prizes. It starts by clarifying outward prizes in detail and proceeds onward to depict inborn prizes. The highlights and significant parts of each award are evaluated, assisting with explaining precisely what every one is. The course at that point proceeds onward to cover the manners by which you can utilize extraneous prizes, to persuade yourself as well as other people. At last, the course covers the significance of commendation, mentorship, instruction and criticism. You will Learn: When utilizing extraneous prizes ought to be finished with alert. The highlights that should be available, to expand the estimation of natural prizes. The most effective method to utilize outward prizes to rouse, without it blowing up. The reasons why you should begin with acclaim. Instructions to utilize inherent prizes to rouse yourself as well as other people at home or at work. Why you ought to give freedoms to progression. Advantages of taking this Course Realizing when extraneous prizes are the most impressive inspirations. Understanding when to utilize extraneous prizes and when to utilize inherent prizes. Realizing why you ought to never blend outward and natural prizes. Realizing why giving outward and natural prizes are more propelling than disciplines or negative results. Understanding the advantages of offering moving work to all staff individuals.

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Rewards
Delivered Online On Demand

Sales Tools and Technology

By OnlineCoursesLearning.com

Deals Tools and Technology Certification Current salesmen utilize various apparatuses and sorts of innovation to convince a possibility to purchase an item or administration. These apparatuses can smooth out the business interaction and help you monitor significant data. In any case, deals devices ought to be painstakingly chosen and utilized with alert. Eventually, they are not a viable replacement for customary deals abilities like making a pitch, understanding a client's necessities and building compatibility. This course will show you how to pick the correct apparatuses for your conditions and use them in a valuable manner that supports your profitability. You Will Learn: The four inquiries you should pose to yourself on the off chance that you are pondering utilizing another business instrument or piece of innovation The most effective method to utilize online media as a business instrument The most effective method to utilize different applications and sites as deals instruments Step by step instructions to guarantee that you just pick devices and innovation that will make your life as a sales rep simpler Why you should take care not to get dependent on deals devices Advantages of Taking This Course: On the off chance that you are a salesman, this course will help you settle on educated decisions when concluding whether to utilize deals devices or another piece of innovation In the event that you deal with an outreach group, this course will help you direct your colleagues when picking devices to help them make deals On the off chance that you are answerable for showcasing in a private company, or work as a sole dealer, this course will acquaint you with famous instruments that can help you contact possibilities In the event that you are liable for preparing others in how to utilize innovation at work, this course will give you a helpful knowledge into the advanced apparatuses regularly utilized by the present sales reps

Sales Tools and Technology
Delivered Online On Demand

Speeding on Site Awareness

By OnlineCoursesLearning.com

INTRODUCTION: Speeding needs to be carefully managed on both public highways and in the workplace. Every year, several people die on UK construction sites in vehicle-related accidents and dozens more are injured. Controlling vehicle speed and movement should be a key priority for anyone responsible for the health and safety of those on site. This course will outline the steps you must take when structuring a site, alerting people to hazards and encouraging workers and visitors to drive at a safe speed. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN * The importance of controlling the speed of vehicles on a work site and what employers and workers must do to comply with relevant health and safety law. * How and when speed limits are useful in controlling speed, how to choose an appropriate speed limit and how to keep pedestrians away from traffic. * How to use traffic calming measures to reduce the speed at which traffic moves around a site. * How to draw up and implement a safe driving policy and how training can reduce or eliminate speed-related incidents at work. BENEFITS OF TAKING THIS COURSE * If you are responsible for managing safety risks in your workplace, this course will help you consider and manage risks posed by speeding vehicles. * If you work on a site with vehicles, this course will alert you to potential risks caused by speeding and how to mitigate them. * If you are an employer, this course will help you meet your obligations under the law with regards to traffic management on site. * If you are responsible for training people who work in dangerous environments, this course will help you ensure that you cover important information workers need to know. COURSE MODULES: * Module 01: Speeding on Site and the Law * Module 02: Setting Speed Limits and Keeping Pedestrians Away From Vehicles * Module 03: Traffic Calming Measures * Module 04: Promoting Compliance with Workplace Policies

Speeding on Site Awareness
Delivered Online On Demand

How to Write Better Emails

By OnlineCoursesLearning.com

The most effective method to Write Better Emails Certification In the present quick moving, data driven society, there is no getting away from email. Near 3.8 billion individuals across the globe use email consistently for everything from staying in contact with loved ones to guaranteeing that their business runs easily. Lamentably, in spite of the commonness of this innovation, very few individuals realize how to compose messages that convey data plainly, briefly or in a way that can be effectively perceived or tended to. This course expounds on the methodologies and procedures you can utilize to compose better messages. We start by setting out in detail the most ideal way you can guarantee that your message is perused and goes over plainly to your beneficiary. Then, we proceed onward to examining approaches to guarantee your email hangs out in the beneficiary's inbox, by giving you data you can use to make headlines that stand out. We at that point proceed onward to talking about the body of the email, telling you the most ideal approach to structure your substance. At last, we alert you on a couple of basic irritations numerous individuals experience when getting email, to assist you with keeping away from them. You Will Learn: Why legitimate spelling and sentence structure ought to be preferred over emoticon and text-talk Step by step instructions to make a title that will stand out enough to be noticed The most effective method to zero in on the body of the email to guarantee your message goes across well Why quickness is a urgent ability to realize when drafting messages The "lethal sins" of email composing Advantages of Taking This Course: Figuring out how to compose successful messages that impart your message obviously Understanding the means associated with developing a suitable headline Understanding why you need to zero in on being compact and clear altogether types of correspondence Figuring out how to utilize your email customer's unmistakable component appropriately Understanding what not to do when inspecting, composing and reacting to messages

How to Write Better Emails
Delivered Online On Demand

Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

By Packt

Are you fascinated with Netflix and YouTube recommendations and how they accurately recommend content that you would like to watch? Are you looking for a practical course that will teach you how to build intelligent recommendation systems? This course will show you how to build accurate recommendation systems in Python using real-world examples.

Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI
Delivered Online On Demand

Certificate in Sanctions Compliance


By LGCA | London Governance and Compliance Academy

In this day and age, it’s crucial to know everything there is to know about international economic sanctions. With AGRC’s Certificate in Sanctions Compliance, you will acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to comply with any sanction imposed and protect your business from penalties and reputational damage. Over the past several decades, international economic sanctions have become a central instrument in global governance, being employed by both sovereign states and international organisations. More recently, there has been a shift towards ‘smart’ or targeted sanctions that aim at the political and economic elites of targeted countries (e.g., through asset freezes and travel bans) rather than a more comprehensive sanctions approach (e.g., large-scale trade or oil embargoes) that has a detrimental effect on civilian populations. In the era of financial globalisation, such ‘smart’ sanctions entail increased compliance obligations for state institutions and private organisations which, if not met, carry significant fines, penalties, and other adverse consequences. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Study method Online, self-paced Duration 25 hours Access to content 365 days Certification Certificate in Compliance Additional info Exam(s) / assessment(s) is included in price -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION This certificate provides a thorough understanding of sanctions and an opportunity to explore the recent global trends in economic sanctioning, while tracing the roles of the relevant actors within this complex framework. You will examine the motives and rationale behind such decisions, the effects and consequences experienced not only by the targeted parties but also those doing business with them, either directly or indirectly. The certificate is structured to offer the relevant knowledge with reference to practical examples that will enable for a sanctions compliance strategy to be conducted in an effective manner, essential to mitigating the sanctions risk. Topics Covered • Definition of sanctions • Framework and legal basis • The international framework • Multilateral sanctions • Unilateral sanctions and key sovereign states • The legal and institutional framework • Categories of restrictive measures • Administration of sanctions • Managing and mitigating sanctions risk • Sanctions compliance programmes • Processes and systems • Sanctions screening and evasion Expected Learning Outcomes Upon completing this certification, you will be able to: • Understand sanctions and the importance of compliance • Understand why it’s important to comply • Review and understand the global sanctions framework • Define a sanctions compliance programme and governance framework • Define sanctions lists and screening • Manage alert investigations • Understand sanctions risk • Determine how much your institution is vulnerable to sanctions risks • Apply modern methodologies that will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your programme • Protect your institution from dealing with embargoed individuals or entities • Understand the best practices for sanctions compliance controls WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? * Financial crime and regulatory compliance professionals * Professionals working within the sanctions environment who wish to certify their knowledge * Operational staff who need to understand the importance of sanctions compliance * Regulators * Consultants * AML, compliance, and risk professionals * Anyone working in financial services interested in attaining a better understanding of how sanctions work REQUIREMENTS No previous knowledge or experience is required, although it is assumed that participants have good knowledge of English and sound educational background.

Certificate in Sanctions Compliance
Delivered Online On Demand

Ergonomics - Steps to Reduce Workplace Related Injuries Certification

By OnlineCoursesLearning.com

DESCRIPTION Every year, millions of people around the world are injured at work. Occasionally, these injuries are fatal. Not only do workplace accidents result in pain and suffering for the casualty, but they also come at a cost to the organisation in terms of profit, productivity and reputation. In this course, you will learn how and why taking ergonomic factors into account when designing a job or workplace lowers the chances of an accident. You will discover how successful businesses manage the most common workplace risks and why it is important to consider the work culture as a whole when making changes designed to improve worker safety and wellbeing. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: * What is meant by the term “ergonomics” and why it is necessary to consider the nature of the job, worker characteristics and organisational factors when making decisions that could impact upon worker health and safety. * What the term “procedure” means, how procedures are carried out, what to bear in mind when designing a procedure, how and why procedural errors occur and the link between procedures and competence. * How to ensure that workers undertake manual handling tasks in a safe and efficient manner and how to limit the number of manual handling tasks carried out at work. * Why fatigue is a risk factor in the workplace and how to ensure the welfare of shift workers. * Why it is important to promote a culture of safety at work, why making changes can pose difficulties and how to overcome resistance to change. BENEFITS OF TAKING THIS COURSE:- * You will be in a position to identify health and safety risks in the workplace, to identify job design problems and to alert your supervisor or manager to issues that require attention. * If you work in an HR role, or have been given special responsibility for health and safety at work, you will benefit from this introduction to the interaction between ergonomic factors and accident prevention. * If you are a manager, this course will help you to educate your team with regards to health and safety issues, thus promoting a safe working environment. * If you are in a senior management position, this course will give you the confidence and knowledge you need to inspire the active development of a positive safety culture. * If you are interested in a career in ergonomics or health and safety, this course will provide you with an overview of the key issues confronting organisations today.   COURSE MODULES/LESSONS * Module 1: Steps to Minimize Workplace Related Injuries * Module 2: Reducing Risk of Injury When Designing Interiors * Module 3: Preventing Injury via Appropriate Manual Handling * Module 4: Shift Work, Fatigue and Safety * Module 5: Building a Safe Organizational Culture

Ergonomics - Steps to Reduce Workplace Related Injuries Certification
Delivered Online On Demand

Prevention and Control of Infection (Online)


By Academy for Health and Fitness

Infection prevention and control are more important than ever. Germs spread from person to person through a regular sequence of events. This Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) aims to help people prevent germs from infecting people by breaking the chain of infection. We can prevent infection by breaking a link in the chain. Understanding how to properly prevent and control the spread of infection is essential in ensuring that individuals do not unintentionally cause people they come into contact with to get infected. The qualification covers the importance of risk assessment and the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), as well as the causes and transmission of infection, cleaning, proper waste management practices, and decontamination. By the end of this Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course, you will have a solid understanding of preventing and controlling the spread of infection in the workplace and at home. You will also learn how to identify infections and their types. Learning Outcomes After completing this Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course, the learner will be able to: * Understand the responsibilities of healthcare organisations in terms of current infection prevention and control legislation. * Know how to obtain information about infection prevention and control within the organisation. * Know the term healthcare-associated infections. * Understand the chain of infection and how this informs infection prevention and control practice. * Understand the routes of transmission of microorganisms. * Understand individual roles and responsibilities for the three levels of decontamination. * Use single-use items appropriately. * Conduct a risk assessment in respect of ensuring infection prevention and control. * Know how to manage patients with specific alert organisms safely. * Explain different alert organisms and conditions that pose an infection risk. Why Choose This Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) Course from Us * Self-paced course, access available from anywhere. * Easy to understand, high-quality study materials. * Course developed by industry experts. * MCQ quiz after each module to assess your learning. * Automated and instant assessment results. * 24/7 support via live chat, phone call or email. * Free PDF certificate as soon as completing the course. ***Others Benefits of this Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) Course * Free One PDF Certificate * Access to Content - Lifetime * Exam Fee - Totally Free * Unlimited Retake Exam [ Note: Free PDF certificate as soon as completing the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course] Detailed course curriculum of this Course Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) Module 01: The Principles of Infection Prevention and Control * Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections * Understand legislation and policies relating to prevention and control of infections * Understand systems and procedures relating to the prevention and control of infections * Understand the importance of risk assessment in relation to the prevention and control of infections * Understand the importance of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the prevention and control of infections * Understand the importance of good personal hygiene in the prevention and control of infections Module 02: Causes and Spread of Infection * Understand the causes of infection * Understand the transmission of infection Module 03: Cleaning, Decontamination and Waste Management * Understand how to maintain a clean environment to prevent the spread of infection * Understand the principles and steps of the decontamination process * Understand the importance of good waste management practice in the prevention of the spread of infection <-----------------------> Assessment Method After completing each module of this Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) Course, you will find automated MCQ quizzes. To unlock the next module, you need to complete the quiz task and get at least 60% marks. Once you complete all the modules in this manner, you will be qualified to request your certification. Certification After completing the MCQ/Assignment assessment for this Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course, you will be entitled to a Certificate of Completion from Training Tale. It will act as proof of your extensive professional development. The certificate is in PDF format, which is completely free to download. A printed version is also available upon request. It will also be sent to you through a courier for £13.99. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course is ideal for a wide range of learners who wish to understand the prevention and control of infection within healthcare settings. REQUIREMENTS There are no specific requirements for this Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course because it does not require any advanced knowledge or skills. CAREER PATH This Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course will make your CV stand out from the crowd and will prepare you for future lessons. CERTIFICATES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Digital certificate - Included

Prevention and Control of Infection (Online)
Delivered Online On Demand

Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online)


By Academy for Health and Fitness

<< Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) >> Infection prevention and control are more important than ever. Germs spread from person to person through a regular sequence of events. This Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) aims to help people prevent germs from infecting people by breaking the chain of infection. We can prevent infection by breaking a link in the chain. Understanding how to properly prevent and control the spread of infection is essential in ensuring that individuals do not unintentionally cause people they come into contact with to get infected. The qualification covers the importance of risk assessment and the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), as well as the causes and transmission of infection, cleaning, proper waste management practices, and decontamination. By the end of this Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course, you will have a solid understanding of preventing and controlling the spread of infection in the workplace and at home. You will also learn how to identify infections and their types. Learning Outcomes After completing this Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course, the learner will be able to: * Understand the responsibilities of healthcare organisations in terms of current infection prevention and control legislation. * Know how to obtain information about infection prevention and control within the organisation. * Know the term healthcare-associated infections. * Understand the chain of infection and how this informs infection prevention and control practice. * Understand the routes of transmission of microorganisms. * Understand individual roles and responsibilities for the three levels of decontamination. * Use single-use items appropriately. * Conduct a risk assessment in respect of ensuring infection prevention and control. * Know how to manage patients with specific alert organisms safely. * Explain different alert organisms and conditions that pose an infection risk. Why Choose This Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) Course from Us * Self-paced course, access available from anywhere. * Easy to understand, high-quality study materials. * Course developed by industry experts. * MCQ quiz after each module to assess your learning. * Automated and instant assessment results. * 24/7 support via live chat, phone call or email. * Free PDF certificate as soon as completing the course. ***Others Benefits of this Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) Course * Free One PDF Certificate * Access to Content - Lifetime * Exam Fee - Totally Free * Unlimited Retake Exam [ Note: Free PDF certificate as soon as completing the Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course] Detailed course curriculum of this Course: Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) Module 01: The Principles of Infection Prevention and Control * Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections * Understand legislation and policies relating to prevention and control of infections * Understand systems and procedures relating to the prevention and control of infections * Understand the importance of risk assessment in relation to the prevention and control of infections * Understand the importance of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the prevention and control of infections * Understand the importance of good personal hygiene in the prevention and control of infections Module 02: Causes and Spread of Infection * Understand the causes of infection * Understand the transmission of infection Module 03: Cleaning, Decontamination and Waste Management * Understand how to maintain a clean environment to prevent the spread of infection * Understand the principles and steps of the decontamination process * Understand the importance of good waste management practice in the prevention of the spread of infection ----------------------- Assessment Method After completing each module of this Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) Course, you will find automated MCQ quizzes. To unlock the next module, you need to complete the quiz task and get at least 60% marks. Once you complete all the modules in this manner, you will be qualified to request your certification. Certification After completing the MCQ/Assignment assessment for this Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course, you will be entitled to a Certificate of Completion from Training Tale. It will act as proof of your extensive professional development. The certificate is in PDF format, which is completely free to download. A printed version is also available upon request. It will also be sent to you through a courier for £13.99. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course is ideal for a wide range of learners who wish to understand the prevention and control of infection within healthcare settings. REQUIREMENTS There are no specific requirements for this Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course because it does not require any advanced knowledge or skills. CAREER PATH This Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course will make your CV stand out from the crowd and will prepare you for future lessons. CERTIFICATES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Digital certificate - Included

Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online)
Delivered Online On Demand

Prevention and Control of Infection (Online)

By Training Tale

Infection prevention and control are more important than ever. Germs spread from person to person through a regular sequence of events. This Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) aims to help people prevent germs from infecting people by breaking the chain of infection. We can prevent infection by breaking a link in the chain. Understanding how to properly prevent and control the spread of infection is essential in ensuring that individuals do not unintentionally cause people they come into contact with to get infected. The qualification covers the importance of risk assessment and the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), as well as the causes and transmission of infection, cleaning, proper waste management practices, and decontamination. By the end of this Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course, you will have a solid understanding of preventing and controlling the spread of infection in the workplace and at home. You will also learn how to identify infections and their types. Learning Outcomes After completing this Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course, the learner will be able to: * Understand the responsibilities of healthcare organisations in terms of current infection prevention and control legislation. * Know how to obtain information about infection prevention and control within the organisation. * Know the term healthcare-associated infections. * Understand the chain of infection and how this informs infection prevention and control practice. * Understand the routes of transmission of microorganisms. * Understand individual roles and responsibilities for the three levels of decontamination. * Use single-use items appropriately. * Conduct a risk assessment in respect of ensuring infection prevention and control. * Know how to manage patients with specific alert organisms safely. * Explain different alert organisms and conditions that pose an infection risk. Why Choose This Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) Course from Us * Self-paced course, access available from anywhere. * Easy to understand, high-quality study materials. * Course developed by industry experts. * MCQ quiz after each module to assess your learning. * Automated and instant assessment results. * 24/7 support via live chat, phone call or email. * Free PDF certificate as soon as completing the course. ***Others Benefits of this Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) Course * Free One PDF Certificate * Access to Content - Lifetime * Exam Fee - Totally Free * Unlimited Retake Exam [ Note: Free PDF certificate as soon as completing the Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course] Detailed course curriculum of this Course Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) Module 01: The Principles of Infection Prevention and Control * Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections * Understand legislation and policies relating to prevention and control of infections * Understand systems and procedures relating to the prevention and control of infections * Understand the importance of risk assessment in relation to the prevention and control of infections * Understand the importance of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the prevention and control of infections * Understand the importance of good personal hygiene in the prevention and control of infections Module 02: Causes and Spread of Infection * Understand the causes of infection * Understand the transmission of infection Module 03: Cleaning, Decontamination and Waste Management * Understand how to maintain a clean environment to prevent the spread of infection * Understand the principles and steps of the decontamination process * Understand the importance of good waste management practice in the prevention of the spread of infection <-----------------------> Assessment Method After completing each module of this Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) Course, you will find automated MCQ quizzes. To unlock the next module, you need to complete the quiz task and get at least 60% marks. Once you complete all the modules in this manner, you will be qualified to request your certification. Certification After completing the MCQ/Assignment assessment for this Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course, you will be entitled to a Certificate of Completion from Training Tale. It will act as proof of your extensive professional development. The certificate is in PDF format, which is completely free to download. A printed version is also available upon request. It will also be sent to you through a courier for £13.99. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course is ideal for a wide range of learners who wish to understand the prevention and control of infection within healthcare settings. REQUIREMENTS There are no specific requirements for this Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course because it does not require any advanced knowledge or skills. CAREER PATH This Prevention and Control of Infection (Online) course will make your CV stand out from the crowd and will prepare you for future lessons. CERTIFICATES CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Digital certificate - Included

Prevention and Control of Infection (Online)
Delivered Online On Demand