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6 Alchemy courses in Edinburgh

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Sacred Heart Alchemy - Cacao and Shamanic Drum Sound Journey


By Wild Power Alchemy

Sacred Heart Alchemy - Cacao and Shamanic Reiki Drumming Sound Journey Come and experience sound healing with the powerful vibrations of the Reiki Drum and recalibrate your heart, mind, body, and soul, with the supportive resonance of the drum. Step out of the circle of time and into the circle of radical love – Rumi - where we join together in community and give ourselves permission to receive and nourish ourselves in sacred space! In this Sacred Heart Alchemy Cacao and Shamanic Reiki Drumming Sound Journey, I will be weaving together two of my favourite things, the heart-opening elixir of mama cacao and the primordial sound of the drum to bring us back into balance and harmony. This is a journey into the heart and together we will invite the loving medicine of mama cacao, to open our hearts and settle our minds, allowing us to tune into our hearts for guidance on what we need more of in this very moment.  We will then continue the journey deeper into our hearts whilst the sound of the drum takes us into a space of deep relaxation and recalibration. My intention for the monthly Cacao and Drumming is to tune into the season and respond to what is arising in the present moment.   Cacao and Shamanic Drumming Sound Journey Date: Saturday, 25 May 2024 Time: 14:00 - 16:30 Venue:  Santosa Wellness Centre, Edinburgh Exchange: £38.35 (+Booking Fee) There are only 10 spaces available for the ceremony, be quick to book your space! What is Cacao? Cacao is a heart-opening non-psychoactive plant medicine and is one of the many tools available that can help us tune into who we really are.   She supports us in softening our hearts so we can move from fear to love and connect with our inner wisdom.  Drinking Cacao in its purest form allows a deeper connection to ourselves our intuition and inner guidance, which leaves you loved up (with yourself), empowered, and in your heart. We will be working with delicious Peruvian ceremonial grade Criolla Cacao, directly sourced from ancient Cacao gardens in the Rio Ene Region of Peru. Drinking Cacao is optional.  Please do speak to me about other options. IMPORTANT:  If you wish to drink Cacao, please read here. [https://www.wildpoweralchemy.love/whatiscacao]   [https://www.wildpoweralchemy.love/whatiscacao]Whilst Cacao is generally safe for everyone, there are some contraindications, and it is important that you are informed. Shamanic Drumming: The rhythmical beating of a drum is one of the oldest practices of humankind and a powerful approach that promotes health and well-being.  When the body attunes to the supportive resonance of the drum, you begin to switch off and drift into deeper relaxation, assisting the body in releasing any deep-seated stress and tension and bringing the body back to its optimum vibration. Drumming has so many powerful benefits, including reducing anxiety, quietening our minds, helping us to relax and deepen our breath, helping to release old energy that has become blocked in our body and energy system, and overall, it can boost our immune system. IMPORTANT:   Drumming is safe and beneficial for most people; however, drumming is not suitable if you are pregnant, have epilepsy, have a pacemaker or have tinnitus. I look forward to sharing the magic of the drum with you! As part of growing our community, you are welcome to join me after the session for a cup of tea and cake in the coffee shop and connect. Who is Fionn: Fionn is a Shamanic Priestess with over 15 years of experience in energy work and more recently her training includes breathwork and tension/trauma release exercises (TRE).  Fionn is a certified Cacao Practitioner, Shamanic Practitioner and Reiki Teacher who has a deep passion for Cacao, Goddess Archetypes, and all things wild and free! Inspired by the power of the elements, the seasons, the moon and the sun, Fionn’s intention is to support deep personal transformation so we can reclaim our most aligned selves by slowing down and reconnecting to the natural world around us.

Sacred Heart Alchemy - Cacao and Shamanic Drum Sound Journey
Delivered In-Person in Edinburgh2 hours 30 minutes, May 25th, 13:00

Shamanic session: healing / ikigai / divination


By Invisible Caims

Sessions can happen ONLINE or IN PERSON.  Please read below to choose the session that is more appropriate for you (you'll be asked to select one in the booking process)  If you have questions please drop me an email info@schoolofshamanism.co.uk Don't worry if you do not know what to select, just come and I'll be happy to help you:-) Shamanism is probably the oldest way to see through our hearts and not our eyes to connect with the nature of our creation. It allows us to go behind and beyond the surface of things, to understand why and how certain situations occur in our lives. Shamanism is a spiritual practice that goes beyond every beliefs and culture and is about trying to reach our full potential as we walk on planet earth, so connecting ourselves to the whole. Shamans were described as the first physicians, magicians, artists, storytellers, spiritual beings. But shamans are healers that make changes in invisible realms to help healing in the ordinary reality of the community. Shamans see in the darkness (which is the meaning of the Siberian word “Shaman”) while connecting with the divine outside the time in an altered state of consciousness. We can work together using different methods: A) Shamanic healing  We can work together to solve one of these imbalances in your life, where you feel:  lost and without life purpose, unhappy and unsatisfied, anxious and worried, overwhelmed and stressed, without energy and hope, uncertain about your future, stuck in repetitive dynamics, unable to manifest abundance, incapable of making decisions,not aligned with your heart, disconnected from the universe,impatient and impulsive, not focused and balanced, with low esteem and more? B) Ikigai coaching to find your soul mission through shamanic work   Ikigai is the manifestation, the realization of who you are. It has always been with you, it is your reason for being. Some people are lucky to find a job that corresponds to their true passion. They earn a living doing what they love. But there are a lot of people that do not have such a privilege or can’t find the courage for such a big change.The Japanese people from the island of Okinawa have a word for you: Ikigai. It’s your “reason for being”, where you combine what you love with what you are good.  Ikigai is 'what makes you happy to get out of bed in the morning' and is formed by the union of two words: iki which means 'life' and gai  that  is 'what is worthwhile' which the ancients called “happiness”, your soul mission.  Our session together will be a deep inner journey, suitable for those who already know their life mission and those who have no clue at all about it or just are not aware how to combine their gifts and skills. You will reconnect with your inner voice and true skills to realize your true life mission. C) 1-1 Shamanic Divination and find your 9 power animals  Everyone has nine power or totem animals that emulate each person’s abilities, talents and challenges.  For example if a person is connected to Wolf as a power animal, that person is a born teacher, pathfinder, innovator. This does not mean that the person has acknowledged the gifts. The 9 animals are one for each of Direction (4 plus above, below, within) and two animals that walk aside you each time and that maybe have come to you in dreams for years or that you are simply drawn to. Through the use of cards, while connecting to my Spirit Allies, I will find out which animals are your main guides into your life.  Afterwards you will have the opportunity, while tuning with the 9 animals,  A) to ask a burning question. Divination does not mean to foresee future, but to tune your own wisdom to be guided about how to read your inner light simply using a stone.  You will need 3 medium/big stones with some marks on them and we will then choose 1 and I will guide you through the full process, both online or in person.  B) or to receive your full essence and symbol from me though "soul remembrance : I will undertake a shamanic journey for you to retrieve the essence of your gifts and talents and a symbol to be blown into your solar plexus. This can be done online or in person GIADA'S JOURNEY Creative and Spiritual Explorer of the human well-being running events for 20 years worldwide Shamanic Teacher *Toltec tradition: three years formal training with Two Birds at Anam Cara, Scotland *Japanese Yamabushi tradition with Selene Calloni Williams Shamanic and Integral Yoga Teacher Ikigai Coach and Forest Therapy Guide qualified with Selene Calloni Williams at the Imaginal Academy Professional Esoteric Numerologist graduated at The Connaissance School of Numerology, England Cacao Alchemist Practitioner obtained with Firetree Alchemy, Scotland Corporate Mental Health Coach achieved with WeFocus, Denmark and twenty years working in corporate Practitioner of Buddhist teachings, meditation and the Five Tibetan Rites Yoga Founder of Drink In Art exhibitions of local artists in private flats Founder of School of Shamanism (formerly Invisible Caims) workshops, classes, therapies, retreats Founder of Art and Spirituality centre for creativity and well-being Co-author of a non-profit book with 33 Italian women about our stories in different countries By attending to our classes, workshops, 1to 1 sessions and retreats you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment  Bookings are non-refundable.  Disclaimer  By booking any event or 1-1 session -online or  any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims/School of Shamanism, Art and Spirituality and any business partners working with for the event  from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results,  theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise.  When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance.   Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens  in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties. Giada Gaslini and Art and Spirituality do not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.   

Shamanic session: healing / ikigai / divination
Delivered Online & In-Person in Edinburgh2 hours, Jun 7th, 11:00 + 5 more
£55 to £350

Introduction to silver clay jewellery making


By The Arienas Collective

Learn how to create your own hallmark quality silver clay jewellery at The Arienas Collective creative workshop hub in Edinburgh City Centre.

Introduction to silver clay jewellery making
Delivered In-Person in EdinburghFull day, Sept 21st, 09:00 + 1 more

Harvest of the Heart - Weekend Retreat


By Wild Power Alchemy

Facilitated by Neil and Fionn this 2-day retreat is an opportunity for you to reconnect to the rhythms of the season and harness the potent energy of the budding spring energy, create joy and bring your dreams to life.

Harvest of the Heart - Weekend Retreat
Delivered In-Person in EdinburghFull day, Sept 14th, 08:00 + 1 more

1:1 Shamanic Breathwork Sessions - Facilitating Inner Alchemy


By Wild Power Alchemy

Experience the power of the medicine within.  The power of your breath. Breathwork is a powerful modality to create a deeper connection to your breath and the body’s own natural healing power.  Breathwork offers you a reset button for your nervous system, which creates safety to release old stories and limiting beliefs allowing you to come back into your heart and into a renewed version of yourself. In our lives we have all experienced events that we have not been able to fully process and this stress / trauma / tension becomes stored in our bodies.  This can manifest in physical symptoms, mental and emotional conditions that prevent you from living your life to the fullest.   Rebirthing Breathwork (Conscious Connected Breathwork Practice) helps you to release any stored emotions and trauma to the surface to be released, allowing you to awaken your body rejuvenate your spirit, and reconnect with your authentic self. Many people experience a deep sense of freedom, expansiveness and deep transformation after serveral Rebirthing Sessions (myself included!).  This is a beautiful place starting point for profoun personal growth. One-to-one private sessions are held at my home in a dedicated therapy room and in these sessions, I give you my full and undivided attention, so that you can receive the loving presence and guidance you deserve. Exchange / Introductory Offer: * 2 hour 1:1 Breathwork Sessions:  £66.35 (+booking fee) * 3 x 2 hour 1:1 Breathwork Sessions:  £190.35 (+booking fee) Various dates are available, if none of these are suitable please reach out to discuss alternative dates with me. What to expect: * First Session:  Initial consultation * First Session:  Introduction to Rebirthing Breathwork * 60 Minutes of Rebirthing Breathwork * Drumming and Energy work during the breathwork * Integration and grounding  * Sharing of insights. * Any follow-up exercises depending on your intention. It is recommended that clients have 2-5 sessions to feel the benefits and for deepeer work a series of 10 session every 2-3 weeks is advised. You are the medicine. You have the power to create the life you want and deserve. All you have to do is breathe! Benefits of Breathwork: *     Regulates our nervous systems *     Creates safety in our bodies so we can release old patterning & limiting beliefs *     Shifts old trauma, pain & stagnant energy held in our physical bodies *     Gain clarity on who we are, our purpose and goals *     Balances mind body and soul *     Reduces anxiety, stress, depression and anger *     Helps with depression *     Helps with trauma and post-traumatic stress *     Aids positive self-awareness  *     Improves energy levels & boosts immunity. *     Increases self-esteem, self-awareness and confidence *     Improved deep sleep *     Increased energy levels Your Facilitator: Fionn is a Shamanic Practitioner and her intention is to support deep personal transformation so that we can reclaim our most aligned selves through various practices.  Fionn’s own experience with Breathwork has been life-changing and feels inspired to share the wisdom of the medicine we hold within ourselves.  The power of our breath.   DISCLAIMER By purchasing a ticket to a 1:1 Session with Fionn, you acknowledge you have read the following: Breathwork is a powerful healing modality and although a safe, deeply relaxing and enjoyable process, it can result in certain physiological changes in the body that can produce a mild altered state of consciousness with physical and/or emotional release. It is each participant’s responsibility to listen to their body and look after their own physical, emotional and mental well-being as well as be mindful of their own capabilities and act accordingly.  Please be aware that sessions can produce tingling of the hands, face or feet and emotional experiences like crying, trembling, laughing or screaming with excessive energy moving through your body. As a precaution, the following conditions are contraindicated for anyone thinking of practising this style of Breathwork: •    Pregnancy  •    Detached Retina or Glaucoma •    Recent Surgery •    High Blood Pressure (not controlled with medication) •    Cardiovascular disease including angina, previous heart attack or stroke. •    Diagnosis of aneurysm in the brain or abdomen •    Uncontrolled thyroid conditions and diabetes •    Respiratory Issues / Asthma  •    Epilepsy •    Prior diagnosis of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or previous psychiatric condition. •    Hospitalisation for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis within the last 10 years. Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions which would impair or affect the ability to engage in any activities that involve intense physical and/or emotional release. It is crucial that you consult your healthcare provider before engaging in an active breathwork practice if you are unsure if it is a suitable practice for you.

1:1 Shamanic Breathwork Sessions - Facilitating Inner Alchemy
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

1-1 Shamanic Yoga Session


By Invisible Caims

A personalized 1-1 session of Shamanic Yoga is a session of healing of the body according to the blockages and limitations that appear to your eyes, which give us the key to solve in a marvellous way what your soul needs. This yoga is suitable to everyone and it is very easy and creative.  SHAMANIC YOGA  is ancestral, ancient, pre-vedic. It has the element of ecstasy, of a non ordinary state of consciousness, where you work with nature, animals, yantras, mantras, mudras, rituals, initiations in the imaginal forest, in the natural code, non the social code.  Merceliade says that this yoga is the oldest form of yoga and we find it in various traditions: Hindu tradition (Shaktism), Himalayan (Naropa, Milarepa etc), South America (Andean yoga), Siberia, Mongolia, Japan (Yamabushi), Taoism, Alchemy. Shamanic yoga is not an exercise of the body, but a mystical, esoteric and initiatory healing practice that is distinguished by two characteristics; the first is ecstasy, the ability to communicate with the invisible, regaining the state of non-duality that is the typical goal of the yogin’s path. Ecstasy is not achieved by hypnosis or drugs or external means, but by means of instruments such as the drum, the breath and is not the trance of the medium. The shaman does not speak through the voice of spirits but draws knowledge directly from them. The second characteristic is the ability to bring back through narration or storytelling what has been grasped in the invisible worlds, during the shamanic journey, and to convince the matter to transform into reality what is told. Through narrative I awaken forces that then I can bring to life.  Giada’s teachings are also combined with INTEGRAL OR PURNA YOGA founded by Sri Aurobindo “Purna’ means ‘complete’ and Purna Yoga distils and integrates the vast aspects of yoga into an invaluable set of tools for transformation and healing.  It offers more than just physical exercise. Purna Yoga teaches the mind, body and emotions how to be at home with the spirit. Purna Yoga is the art of loving oneself by living from the heart. By attending to our classes, workshops, 1 to 1 sessions and retreats you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment  Bookings are non-refundable.  Disclaimer  By booking a class or workshop or retreat or 1-1 session -online or  any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims and any business partners working with Invisible Caims  from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results,  theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise.  When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance.   Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens  in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties.  Invisible Caims does not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.   

1-1 Shamanic Yoga Session
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Edinburgh
£25 to £140

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Alchemy of Living

alchemy of living



What do we mean by inner transformation? Why would you even want to obtain it? Lets start with why you would want it? What is it you want more of? Most of us have been conditioned in the west to believe that success, peace, happiness and contentment comes from achieving material goals in the outside world; wealth, status, love, diplomas, being in the cool group, the successful elite. Are you exhausted chasing all this in the superficial realms of the outside world of contemporary western society where things always change and everything is a sales pitch of one solution fits all? In the wisdom of the ancient spiritual teachings of the east, you are encouraged to embark on a deeper personal journey within, that creates the changes in you, enabling you to walk through the world with ease and grace no matter how much it changes or challenges you, and not to be influenced by market and media, but by what sings out the truth to your soul.So how do we access this well of abundance with in us? Tantra means Matrix and is the science that enables us to understand the complex intricacies of life in simple steps: the ability to see ourselves for who we truly are - your own unique experiment, make adjustments to the way we perceive the world/reality (expand our consciousness), understand more clearly what is good or right for us (wellbeing, healthy environments, personal & spiritual growth, natural simple living), behaving in the world more effectively to influence the environment around us, and to receive from the environment what we desire (understanding the laws of energy & mastering energy resonance). After many years studying the diverse range of systems in personal development, leadership, medicine and spiritual development, what we discovered is that Tantra and its sister science of Ayurveda bring powerful, tangible, permanent and expanding transformation, both for the body, mind and soul, and for the world we live in. The Alchemy of Living has been created to share these amazing teachings with individuals and motivate them to live a more fulfilling life, to experience a change within and be catalysts in society for a more balanced and harmonious way of being. We also offer therapies using Tantric and Ayurvedic massage, yoga and meditation to help detox and rebalance your holistic being.