653 Educators providing Advertising courses delivered Online

Dexter Moscow

dexter moscow

Yes, my name is Dexter Moscow! It sounds made up, but the name is on my birth certificate. It certainly would be a great stage name. Although I’ve yet to realise my childhood dream of appearing as a leading man on the silver screen, a considerable amount of my practical selling experience comes from my many years appearing in front of the camera on QVC The Shopping Channel, selling £millions of products for major technology companies and other notable retailers. In addition, for 16 years, I worked behind the camera as their Chief Guest Trainer, coaching and training guest presenters and celebrities to excel at the art of ‘selling on telly’, effectively selling to an invisible audience. This experience of creating a compelling selling proposition informs my approach to sales coaching and communication in the corporate arena. I have also been an estate agent, and my early career was in advertising, working for an agency with Mafia connections. As a speaker, I talk on several topics relating to communication, selling, influence and persuasion and present on TV to corporates at symposiums and conferences. The processes and frameworks I used when coaching others on selling on TV are the same when we seek to communicate our message. I have written a book called Stand Up and Sell that enables those who follow these tried and tested processes to be more effective in their sales and presenting activities. With so much business still being conducted online, which I call this Televisual Age, I am revising my book title to Sit Down and Zoom.  As a trained voiceover, I have also been the ‘voice of god’ at award functions. My claims to fame are having popcorn thrown at me by Julia Roberts in Notting Hill, being sworn at by Kate Winslet in Branner’s Hamlet and my life as a background artist. I also have various other anecdotes about my work with Nigella Lawson, Lulu, and others and what goes on behind the scenes at QVC.  

Millie Whizz

millie whizz


Is it merely to pass exams so we can get to the top schools and universities? Is it to enable us to further our careers? Or is it to help us become well-rounded, independent thinking, confident individuals who are then able to take a full part in society? “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” (Nelson Mandela) I don’t claim to have all the answers, but after more than twenty-one years as a teacher, in both, the maintained and the independent sector, (and eight years in the advertising and publishing industry prior to that), one thing is clear: We get one chance and one chance only at education, and teachers get one chance with us. I set up Millie-Whizz to provide an individual, holistic approach to teaching, to complement the excellent work teachers do in schools because sometimes this is not enough. It’s a numbers’ game, after all. The idea was not to provide tutorials which simply focus on doing paper after paper, question after question, in the hope that something would sink in. Millie Whizz is a tutoring service that explains the whys and hows so that pupils not only learn what method they should use to solve a particular problem, but they actually understand the reasoning and are therefore empowered to apply that knowledge. The ethos of Millie Whizz is based upon helping children and young adults to overcome difficulties in their learning so that achieve great results in their school work, their exams and in life. Sometimes it is their fear of learning; sometimes it is their lack of motivation; sometimes it is boredom and lack of inspiration. So it follows then that a person who is happy in their learning will want to learn more. This leads to success in all areas, not just in their education. Feeling successful gives us an enormous boost, which leads to increased happiness and ultimately, to freedom. So how can we apply this freedom to education? The knowledge and understanding pupils gain, empowers them to experiment with formulae and arguments so that they begin to question the “What if…?” Tutoring is not just for those who struggle, but it works equally well for those who need to be stretched in their thinking so that they reach their full potential. If you do what you’ve always done and in doing so, achieve the same level of success each time, wouldn’t you want someone to show you a more effective way of maximizing your results? With global economies opening up and highly qualified people from all over the world wanting a piece of the action, there will, undoubtedly, be more competition than ever in the jobs market in years to come.

Cie International Education Group

cie international education group

North Yorkshire

CIE International Education Group 23 CIE International Education Group CIE International Education Group Ltd was registered in the UK in 1995. During the past 20years, the CIE group has made great progress in the business of School and Higher education,establishing various centres in China and cooperative arrangements in the UK, along with thedelivery of short course programmes, such as teacher training staff development andsummer schools. It is also involved in TV / video production, property lettings, tradedelegation work, translation / interpretation, travel and tourism, advertising, andconsultancy services, in both the UK and China. In 1998, CIE linked up with Yantai University and established Yantai CIE International Business College. It has successfully adapted the advanced, modern British education system and employed all foreign teacher personnel. It soon became one of the most outstanding educational organisations in Shandong Province. It is now under the name of Yantai Laishan CIE Foreign Language Training School. In 2006, CIE has established Beijing Haidian CIE Foreign Language Training School, and concentrated on English teachers’ training inside and outside China. It has organised hundreds of English teachers from Bank of China, Southwest Jiaotong University, Yantai Education Bureau, Jining Education Bureau, etc. come to the UK to have professional English training programmes. It also published various books, includes “My Intellectual Journey to the UK”, “The Bells Rang from British Schools”. From 2008, CIE group has developed strong links with a number of Education Bureaus in China, and has delivered the teachers training programme every year, and provided various training aspects such as, English teaching methods, English language, British and American culture, staff development, etc. There were multi thousands of teachers from all over of China have been trained by CIE group. In 2015, Beijing Haidian CIE Foreign Language Training School has worked together with The Read School, Beijing Zhongguancun Foreign Language School, and established the International High School Course Programme. The students who have passed this course will be sent directly to CIE’s partner universities for further education. CIE group is also the official UK agent appointed by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of China. CIE group can also provide the following services: - Study abroad (UK, America, Canada, New Zealand): university selection, advisory - UK property investment and advisory - UK summer school and winter school programmes - Seeking and supplying professional teachers and experts to Chinese educational organisations Dr. Yuxian JIN is the Chairman of CIE International Education Group Ltd. He graduated from and lectured in the People’s University of China, was awarded a PhD by the University of Leeds, UK, then appointed by Trinity and All Saints College (University of Leeds) as a senior lecturer in 1992. Dr Jin set up CIE in order to contribute to the development of education and of China in general.

Generation Women

generation women


I spent the first half of my career in a thick fog, and of course I got lost and ended up somewhere I didn’t want to be. I felt lost, miserable, and what little confidence I had was waning by the minute. I also became a total bore. I was consumed by how unhappy I was. I couldn’t even apply for another job because I didn’t know what I’d do. So I felt stuck. I had, by many measures, a great job, a great salary, in a great company. But I was in the wrong place. I was ambitious with nowhere to direct it, so it evolved into frustration! It took a fair bit of effort to turn it around, which started with working out what I wanted and developing some much needed confidence to get there. Thankfully I had a good basis with my Psychology degree, throw in a mountain of self-help books, a coaching and NLP qualification, a mountain of training on presenting and the like…and a real desire to build my brand, visbility, and expertise, meant I built a reputation for business and leadership transformation. That experience of having a big impact, being recognised, and having real influence made me feel like I could achieve anything. My values, purpose, and strengths were all aligned and I felt amazing! It came as quite a shock then to be confronted by my inner feminist one day. I’d had my first daughter (I now have 2), and was having a cheeky nap. You know how it is, I love my sleep! So for the first time ever, I sat her down in front of Nickelodeon so I could get some zzz’s. I was happily snoozing away when the advertising started to filter through to me. The ‘boys toys’ were all exciting and adventurous. The ‘girls toys’ made me want to vomit. All about being pretty and vacuous. I jumped off the sofa with an ‘oh hell no’! Ever since I was a little girl I’ve been driven by fairness. I think it may be because I’m the youngest of 4 and nothing ever seemed fair from my standpoint. My sister tells me of times I used to fight for gay rights at the dinner table and I was always arguing for what I felt was right (because it is). The one thing I’d never have called myself back then, or until that day, was a feminist. No, I’d been well trained by society to see feminists as embarrassing, hairy, dungaree-wearing angry women who made a show of themselves. This moment set a chain of events into action that lead me to start a political party where I live, and gave me the direction for the business I would later start.

Hammersmith Academy

hammersmith academy



Since we opened in 2011 Hammersmith Academy has been striving to do something different. I founded HA because I wanted to create an inspiring school in the local community that had a clear vision, fostered self-confidence in its students and provided a Private School level of education for all. At HA we have adopted the Growth Mindset: excellence isn’t given at birth, but earned through hard work and determination. We focus on pushing our students to attain the highest qualifications they can, but they will only do that if they also develop a strong character. Qualifications open the door, but character gets you through it. Our longer lessons, peer to peer leadership, and mandatory ‘Session 3’ extra-curricular programme, ensure a richer, more in-depth delivery of the national curriculum, in which students take responsibility for each other and have ample opportunity to embrace subjects and skills they feel passionately about. We set high expectations and challenge our students to aspire to be outstanding in all areas of school life. From their uniform, to their attitude to learning, to their conduct in and outside of the classroom, we expect an exemplary approach at all times. Students and staff adopt a professionalism that would be standard in any job, to fully prepare our young people for the world of work. Our students and our staff work exceptionally hard, and you can see that in the sheer amount of quality work and experience that is achieved on a day to day basis. You can see evidence of this in any of our termly newsletters, or on our social media. In my experience of working in inner-city education, and my own time at school, I sometimes saw an attitude that assumed some people ‘can’t do’, and I knew this was wrong. I see that people, of any age, will respond to clear boundaries and clear vision. If you show your students you have belief in them and encourage them to have belief in themselves, their confidence grows and they surprise themselves with what they can achieve. Our students will leave school not only academically qualified, but confident, mature and ready to prove themselves.