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35 Educators providing Academic Writing courses delivered Live Online

Reviews Are Matter

reviews are matter


The Importance of Reviews in Choosing a Writing Service When it comes to juggling the heavy workload, students may find that using writing services can be revolutionary. Finding a trustworthy and dependable provider might be difficult, though, given the variety of possibilities. Reviews are quite important at this point since they act as a lighthouse for students navigating the sea of writing services. Unbiased Insights from Real Customers Review offers the main benefit of impartial opinions [https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/studybay.com] from real clients who have used the service directly and whose reviews can prove that the service is legit and safe. Many facets of the writing business, including job quality, timeliness, customer service, and general satisfaction, are well-examined in these reviews. Students can make an educated choice by thoroughly understanding what to expect by reading through reviews. Identifying Reputable Services Reviews are a really useful instrument for differentiating between legitimate and maybe less trustworthy writing providers. Excellent customer service and high-quality work are key indicators that a certain service keeps its word. Negative evaluations, however, might act as warning signs and direct students away from services that might not live up to their expectations. Popular Review Platforms Students may look into writing services using a number of well-known review sites: Trustpilot [https://www.trustpilot.com/]: Writing services are among the many areas for which this site is well known for its large collection of reviews. SiteJabber: A great tool for assessing writing services, SiteJabber focuses on offering user reviews and ratings for internet companies. Reddit: Although it's not a review site specifically, students can participate in conversations and ask their peers for advice on writing services on its many subreddit groups. Scenarios Where Writing Services Are Beneficial Students could require the help of a writing service in many different circumstances: Tight Deadlines: With so many homework and tests, students may become overburdened by deadlines. Writing services guarantee that tasks are finished on time without sacrificing quality. Complex Topics: Some scholastic courses or themes might be quite difficult and call for in-depth study and understanding. Writing services frequently use subject matter specialists who can guide students through these intricacies. Language Barriers: Students from abroad or whose first language is not English could find it challenging to express themselves clearly. Writing services may help make sure their work is clear of grammatical problems and flawlessly composed. Lack of Writing Skills [https://careerlaunchpad.arcadia.edu/blog/2023/01/09/what-are-writing-skills/]: Not all students are born writers, which might result in worse scores or lost chances. Writing services might offer the help required to improve the caliber of written work. Through careful consideration of evaluations and the use of well-known review sites, students can select a writing service with knowledge. Reading through both good and bad evaluations is crucial to comparing the advantages and disadvantages and determining if the service can satisfy certain requirements. Academic obstacles can be surmounted, writing abilities can be enhanced, and academic performance can be increased by students using the appropriate writing service.

Courses matching "Academic Writing"

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22nd July Eli Keren #Agent121. Looking for: NON-FICTION


By I Am In Print

LOOKING FOR: NON-FICTION Eli Keren started his publishing career at Curtis Brown before joining United Agents as an assistant in 2016. In 2021 he became an associate literary agent, representing a growing list of clients across fiction and non-fiction, actively seeking books that are going to make a positive impact in the world in some way, big or small. His role as an agent at Curious Minds Literary Agency began in 2024. Before working in books, Eli was a research scientist designing and synthesising novel drugs (white coat and everything), and science books remain a particular passion of his. In 2022 he wrote and taught a HOW TO WRITE A PROPOSAL course, and in 2023 was elected treasurer of the Association of Authors’ Agents, and in 2024 he judged the inaugural Bloomsbury Academic Writing Fellowship. Eli specialises in helping academics, scientists and researchers to bring their area of expertise to the mass-market in authoritative, ideas-led books in the fields of smart science and current affairs. He is particularly interested in popular science and cultural history, as well as issues-led books and social justice. Eli only occasionally works with memoir.  He is very keen to see non-fiction LGBTQ+ themed books. He enjoys books written by writers who are obsessed with a niche subject and skilled enough communicators to make others fall in love with their subject too.  Ultimately he wants to find books that are going to change the world for the better.  Eli would like you to submit a covering letter, 1 -2 page synopsis and the first 5,000 words of your completed manuscript in a single word document. (In addition to the paid sessions, Eli is kindly offering one free session for low income/under-represented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk [agent121@iaminprint.co.uk] to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print).  By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Wednesday 10 July 2024

22nd July Eli Keren #Agent121. Looking for: NON-FICTION
Delivered Online15 minutes, Jul 22nd, 09:00 + 5 more

ESOL - Academic English (modular) - Online Tuition


By GLA Tutors Home or Online

This course is designed to help adult learners develop the necessary language skills for academic success in an English-speaking environment. Through a combination of reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises, participants will enhance their abilities to comprehend and produce academic texts, engage in critical thinking, and effectively communicate their ideas in written and spoken English.  Course Duration: 12 weeks (24 sessions) Course Objectives: By the end of this course, participants will: 1. Improve their academic vocabulary and understanding of complex grammatical structures. 2. Enhance their reading comprehension skills for academic texts. 3. Develop effective note-taking strategies for lectures and presentations. 4. Enhance their academic writing skills, including essay structure and research techniques. 5. Improve their ability to deliver academic presentations and participate in discussions. 6. Gain familiarity with academic conventions and citation styles. Course Outline: Week 1: Introduction to Academic English - Assessing participants' language proficiency and academic goals - Overview of the course syllabus and expectations - Introduction to academic vocabulary and common idiomatic expressions Week 2: Reading Comprehension - Scanning and skimming techniques for efficient reading - Strategies for understanding main ideas and supporting details - Vocabulary building through reading academic texts Week 3: Note-taking Skills - Effective note-taking during lectures and presentations - Organizing and summarising information - Practice exercises and listening activities Week 4: Academic Writing: Paragraph Structure - Understanding the components of a well-structured paragraph - Developing topic sentences and supporting ideas - Practice exercises on paragraph development Week 5: Academic Writing: Essay Structure - Introduction to essay structure: introduction, body, and conclusion - Crafting clear and concise thesis statements - Developing coherent and well-supported arguments Week 6: Research Skills and Citations - Introduction to academic research techniques - Evaluating sources for credibility and relevance - Understanding and applying citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA) Week 7: Grammar for Academic Writing - Review of essential grammar structures for academic writing - Practice exercises on sentence structure and complex grammar - Common grammatical errors to avoid in academic writing Week 8: Academic Writing: Research Papers - Understanding the research paper format and structure - Conducting literature reviews and integrating sources - Drafting and revising research papers Week 9: Academic Speaking: Presentations - Preparing and delivering effective academic presentations - Using visual aids and engaging the audience - Practicing presentation skills through individual and group activities Week 10: Academic Speaking: Discussions and Debates - Participating in academic discussions and debates - Expressing opinions and supporting arguments effectively - Listening and responding critically to others' viewpoints Week 11: Academic Writing: Critical Analysis - Analyzing and critiquing academic texts - Developing critical thinking and evaluation skills - Writing critical analysis essays Week 12: Review and Final Projects - Reviewing course content and addressing individual needs - Finalizing and presenting individual projects - Course evaluation and feedback session Note: This syllabus is a guideline and can be customised based on the specific needs and preferences of the participants. You can opt in and out of different modules. 

ESOL - Academic English (modular) - Online Tuition
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