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Brian Timoney Actors' Studio Limited
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Brian Timoney Actors' Studio Limited



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  • One of the best experiences of my life! Brian is a great teacher and he was able to help every single person in the course improve immensely over the course of the year. I had the opportunity to work with incredible people and I learnt a great deal about acting as an art form and a business. Also, at the end of the year everyone will get the opportunity to show their skills in the Showcase and, hopefully, get an agent, which is something extremely valuable. An incredible year!

  • If I had the chance to do the course all over again I absolutely would. It was the best decision I ever made. It gave me the chance to grow creatively and it transformed my acting for the better. On the Ultimate Acting course, Brian teaches you to just be free, to take risks, and just to be your authentic self in front of the camera and on stage, which is such a thrilling and new experience. So if you’re sitting at home and you’re watching a film or a TV show or you’ve just seen a stage produ...

  • I would like to start by saying the ultimate acting programme is by far the most incredible experience you will ever experience, every month is a different challenge and just when you feel you’re getting somewhere and begin to get comfortable Brian then wants more out of you, you have to WORK. I came to Brian fearful and nervous because of how passionate I am about the craft and within 12 months he made me feel so confident and excited within myself that I no longer have the fear of the ques...

  • My year on the Ultimate Acting Course was exactly what I was looking for. I felt that I was at a point in my career where I needed a stronger foundation to my acting technique and came across the Timoney Method when reading Brian’s book which I also highly recommend. What I found within the book, and also on the course, is the understanding that the most important thing for an actor is to be present in the scene and connected to their scene partner without the need to plan exactly what they w...

  • Be warned! Once you do Brian Timoney's Introduction to Method Acting Boot Camp, there is no turning back! I arrived thinking I wanted to be an actor but left knowing I had to be one. Over the course of 3 days, I got a taste of what it feels like to act authentically, and I also learned the beginnings of how to truly feel and live in the moment. This liberating experience showed me what I am capable of and made me believe, for the first time, that my dream is actually possible to achieve. Even...