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MY OWN EXPERIENCE SET ME ON THE PATH TO HELP MUMS LIKE YOU TO AVOID THE KIND OF BIRTH I HAD THE FIRST TIME, AND GET THE KIND OF BIRTH I HAD THE SECOND TIMEHi, I am Eleanor and I started out my parenting journey by having a textbook-perfect first pregnancy. I did NCT classes (which were nice but not particularly informative), and like so many people these days found a Hypnobirthing class. the whole calm, relaxed and natural birth totally appealed to me (I mean who doesn’t it appeal to?) and I had been doing yoga for years so perfect fit right? Wrong! Alarm bells should have really rung when in one of the self-hypnosis sessions, I found myself peering through one open eye to see if everyone else had subconsciously lifted up their hand. I am creative and intuitive but I am a practical down-to-earth person at heart, and this self-hypnosis stuff seemed, well, a bit of an unknown quantity. My fantasy home water birth kick-started on Sat 14 November 2008. The first day was all focused breathing, affirmations and deep relaxation (well, as much as you can with full on contractions)! Day 2 was more intensive but the hypnobirthing went right out of the window. The problem is that it just wasn’t ENOUGH. I didn’t actually KNOW WHAT DO when a contraction happened. I literally was tearing my hair out looking at the 1 sheet of paper with some suggestions of birthing positions from the NCT.

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