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Atlas Analytics: Intelligence Analysis Training
Atlas Analytics: Intelligence Analysis Training logo

Atlas Analytics: Intelligence Analysis Training


About Atlas Analytics: Intelligence Analysis Training

Make a difference. Make an impact. We deliver training, coaching and mentoring in the use of government-grade intelligence skills, techniques and technology. We help our clients to identify opportunities, avoid risks, operate more securely and ultimately to be more profitable, whether their currency is information, influence or pounds. Our operational experience and academic expertise are key reasons why our clients are consistently satisfied by our work. We are proud to be associated with a small, select network of other companies whose skills we use and who regularly use ours. Our work is conducted with the greatest consideration for ethical, moral and legal boundaries, and our training solutions and the recommendations we make are necessary, proportionate and underpinned with integrity.

Key Details



Primary Location

  • 601, International House, 223 Regent St
  • London
  • United Kingdom
  • W1B 2QD

All Locations

  • 601 Industry International House, 223 Regent Street, London
  • 223 Regent Street, London
  • 601, International House, 223 Regent St, London