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Programming with Python

Programming with Python

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About Course

Master the Fundamentals of Programming with Python

Course Description

Embark on an exciting journey into the world of programming with this comprehensive Python course, designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to become a proficient Python programmer. Whether you're a complete beginner or seeking to enhance your existing Python skills, this course caters to all levels of expertise.

What will be discussed in detail?

  • Introduction to Python: Delve into the basics of Python programming, including variables, data types, operators, and control flow statements.

  • Working with Data Types: Explore the fundamental data types in Python, including numbers, strings, booleans, and lists.

  • Python Strings: Master the art of manipulating strings, including slicing, concatenation, and string formatting techniques.

  • Python Lists: Discover the power of lists, one of Python's most versatile data structures, and learn how to create, access, modify, and iterate over lists.

  • Python Casting and Input: Understand the concept of type casting and learn how to take user input from the console.

  • Python Dictionary: Uncover the usefulness of dictionaries, another essential data structure in Python, and learn how to store and retrieve data using key-value pairs.

  • Python Date and Time: Learn how to handle date and time operations in Python, including creating, formatting, and manipulating date and time objects.

  • Python Loop Part 1: Master the 'for' loop, a fundamental looping construct in Python, to iterate over sequences and perform repetitive tasks.

  • Python Loop Part 2: Expand your understanding of loops by exploring the 'while' loop, used to execute a block of code repeatedly while a condition remains true.

  • Creating a Function: Discover the power of functions, reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks, and learn how to define, call, and pass arguments to functions.

  • Python OOP Part 1: Delve into the world of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with Python, and learn the concepts of classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.

  • Python OOP Part 2: Enhance your OOP skills by exploring advanced concepts such as abstract classes, multiple inheritance, and operator overloading.

  • Python Advanced OOP Part 1: Discover more advanced OOP techniques, including class methods, static methods, and decorators.

  • Python Advanced OOP Part 2: Master the concept of exception handling, a crucial aspect of robust programming, and learn how to handle errors and exceptions effectively.

  • Error Handling: Understand the importance of error handling in Python programming and learn how to identify, handle, and prevent errors.

  • Python File Handling: Learn how to read, write, and manipulate files in Python, enabling you to store and retrieve data from external sources.

  • Python Modules: Explore the concept of modules, reusable code libraries, and discover how to import, use, and create your own modules.

Why should you enroll into it?

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of Python programming: Master the fundamentals of Python programming, from basic syntax to advanced OOP concepts.

  • Develop practical coding skills: Apply your theoretical knowledge to hands-on coding exercises, solidifying your understanding and building your confidence.

  • Prepare for a career in programming: Equip yourself with the essential skills required for entry-level programming positions.

  • Enhance your problem-solving abilities: Learn to think algorithmically and develop effective problem-solving techniques using Python programming.

  • Expand your skillset and knowledge: Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, this course will broaden your understanding of Python and its capabilities.

What will be taught? (Learning Outcomes/Learning Objectives)

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of Python programming
  • Work with different data types, including numbers, strings, lists, dictionaries, and Booleans
  • Master control flow statements such as 'if', 'elif', and 'else'
  • Create and manipulate Python functions
  • Implement Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts using classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism
  • Handle errors and exceptions effectively
  • Read, write, and manipulate files in Python
  • Import, use, and create Python modules

What Will You Learn?

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of Python programming
  • Work with different data types, including numbers, strings, lists, dictionaries, and Booleans
  • Master control flow statements such as 'if', 'elif', and 'else'
  • Create and manipulate Python functions
  • Implement Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts using classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism
  • Handle errors and exceptions effectively
  • Read, write, and manipulate files in Python
  • Import, use, and create Python modules

Course Content

Introduction to Python

  • Introduction to Python

Working with Data Types

  • Working with Data Types

Python Strings

  • Python Strings

Python List

  • Python List

Python Casting and Input

  • Python Casting and Input

Python Dictionary

  • Python Dictionary

Python Date and Time

  • Python Date and Time

Python Loop (Part - 1)

  • Python Loop (Part - 1)

Python Loop (Part - 2)

  • Python Loop (Part - 2)

Python While Loop

  • Python While Loop

Creating a Function

  • Creating a Function

Python OOP (Part - 1)

  • Python OOP (Part - 1)

Python OOP (Part - 2)

  • Python OOP (Part - 2)

Python Advanced OOP (Part - 1)

  • Python Advanced OOP (Part - 1)

Python Advanced OOP (Part - 2)

  • Python Advanced OOP (Part - 2)

Error Handling

  • Error Handling

Python File Handling

  • Python File Handling

Python Modules

  • Python Modules
A course by Uditha Bandara Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) RequirementsA basic understanding of computers and operating systemsA willingness to learn and practice codingA computer with internet access and the ability to install Python Audience Beginners with no prior programming experience Programmers seeking to transition to Python Individuals looking to enhance their programming skills and knowledge Anyone interested in pursuing a career in programming


  • Beginners with no prior programming experience
  • Programmers seeking to transition to Python
  • Individuals looking to enhance their programming skills and knowledge
  • Anyone interested in pursuing a career in programming

About The Provider

Xpert Learning is a UK-based online course provider that believes in quality and excellence.

Read more about Xpert Learning

