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Social Media Strategy and Content Planning for Hypnotherapists

Social Media Strategy and Content Planning for Hypnotherapists

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A vision without a plan is just a dream 

Join Elle Cloke of We Do Social Media and The Social Media Gym to set out your strategy, content and analytics for 2023 and beyond.

This session is designed to help you get clear on what you want to achieve with your social media and create a time saving, overwhelm busting plan that attracts more of the clients you love.

If you want

To know how the professionals plan and use social media

To stop wasting your time and energy trying to figure out what to post when

To bring cohesion and a recognisable brand on your social media

To gain clarity on the posts and content that works for you and your ideal clients

To maximise your reach and impact on social media

To bring a sense of control and calm to this part of your marketing

Take 2 hours out of your week and enjoy this interactive, jargon busting online workshop.

In this session you will: 

Understand the value of a social media strategy

Create goals for your chosen social media platforms

Learn to measure and use your analytics to improve your content and tweak your strategy

Explore the type of content that your ideal clients want from you

Fire up your creativity and confidence

Step into 2023 with a defined strategy and a clear head so you can bring calm, creativity and clarity to your social media.  

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I watch a recording if I can't attend

    Yes. We record the live training and aim to supply it within a few days, so you can do the work alongside anyone who attended live.

  • Does this count towards my CPD hours?

    We advise you to double check with your professional association, but most allow a certain number of hours to be focused on the business side of your practice. 

    This course represents 2 hours of CPD learning, however, we do not supply certificates.

About The Provider

