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Total UNIX networking for engineers

Total UNIX networking for engineers

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Completion Certificate
  • 24/7 Technical Support


  • Delivered Online or In-Person

  • You travel to organiser or they travel to you

  • Redhill

  • 5 days

  • All levels


UNIX networking training course description

A course covering the complete range of standard UNIX networking products from the basic TCP/IP configuration through DNS, NIS, NFS and Samba. Hands-on exercises follow most theory sessions.

What will you learn
  • Install and configure fundamental network services.
  • Describe TCP/IP, Apache, DNS, NIS, NIS+, NFS, Samba and sendmail.
  • Configure and administrate TCP/IP.
  • Install and administrate a DNS server.
  • Configure and administrate a NIS+ network.
  • Administrate NFS.
  • Setup a sendmail server.
UNIX networking training course details
  • Who will benefit:
  • System Administrators.
    Network Administrators.

  • Prerequisites:
  • Linux engineer certification 1 (LPIC-2)

  • Duration
  • 5 days

UNIX networking training course contents

  • Organizing Email Services
  • The UNIX Mail System, Mail Transfer Agent, Mail Delivery Agent, Mail User Agent, Email Protocols, SMTP, POP, IMAP, Using Email Servers, Sendmail, Postfix, Local Email Delivery, Procmail Basics, Sieve, Remote Email Delivery, Courier, Dovecot.

  • DNS
  • DNS and BIND, Configuring a DNS Server, Starting, Stopping, and Reloading BIND, Configuring BIND Logging, Creating and Maintaining DNS Zones, BIND Zone Files, Managing BIND Zones, Securing a DNS Server, ailing BIND, DNSSEC, TSIG, Employing DANE.

  • Offering Web Services
  • Web Servers, HTTP, The Apache Web Server, Installing and configuring Apache, Hosting Dynamic Web Applications, Secure Web Servers, Proxy Servers, Installing and configuring Squid, Configuring Clients, Nginx Server, Installing Nginx, Configuring Nginx.

  • Sharing Files
  • Samba, Configuring Samba, Troubleshooting Samba, NFS, Configuring NFS, Securing NFS, Troubleshooting NFS, FTP Servers, Configuring vsftpd, Configuring Pure-FTPd.

  • Managing Network Clients
  • Assigning Network Addresses, DHCP, UNIX DHCP Software, Installing and configuring a DHCP Server and clients, Authentication Service, PAM Basics, Configuring PAM, PAM Application Files, Network Directories, LDAP Basics, OpenLDAP Server, LDAP Clients.

  • Setting Up System Security
  • Server Network Security, Port Scanning, Intrusion Detection Systems, External Network Security, iptables, Routing in UNIX, Connecting Securely to a Server, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Security Resources, US-CERT, SANS Institute, Bugtraq.

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