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Web3 Development for Beginners - No Coding Skills Required

Web3 Development for Beginners - No Coding Skills Required

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  • On-Demand course

  • 5 hours 35 minutes

  • All levels


Blockchain revolutionizes industries, offering decentralized, secure digital asset storage and transfer. This course explores fundamental blockchain and Web3 concepts-architecture, consensus, and benefits. Delve into blockchain economics, crucial for understanding network incentives and sustainability.

Welcome to this course, where we demystify the realm of blockchain and programming, tailored for beginners. We kick off by unraveling the basics of blockchain, seamlessly transitioning into programming to ensure that even newcomers grasp the essentials. As we journey deeper, we delve into advanced topics such as Layer-2 blockchains and the intricacies of Ethereum. Navigate through practical insights into essential blockchain components using tools such as Etherscan. Progressing to NodeJS and JavaScript, we establish the foundation for understanding programming languages vital in the blockchain realm. You will also learn about the Solidity Fundamentals, equipping you to confidently read and write smart contracts. Uncover programming logic and explore Standards, unraveling the norms that underpin blockchain integrity. The course then delves into the fascinating world of blockchain economics, examining how economic principles shape decentralized ecosystems. Dive into ERC20 tokens, NFTs, supply and demand, markets, and liquidity pools, fostering a holistic comprehension of blockchain dynamics. By the course's conclusion, you will possess a robust understanding of blockchain and Web3 fundamentals, empowered with the ability to confidently read, write, and deploy smart contracts using the Solidity programming language.

What You Will Learn

Learn how a blockchain works
Learn Solidity to read and write smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain
Learn to deploy with an ECR20 token
Learn to connect an NFT to OpenSea
Deploy and utilize smart contracts, gaining practical implementation skills
Grasp blockchain economics to navigate and contribute to decentralized ecosystems


This course is perfect for those eager to explore Web3 development without any prior programming experience. Whether you are interested in NFT and token development, a developer new to blockchain, or simply looking to broaden your horizons in DeFi, NFTs, and Web3, this course is designed for you. Geared toward beginners, all it requires is a keen interest in blockchain technology. With step-by-step guidance, you will quickly grasp smart contracts and decentralized applications, unlocking exciting possibilities in the rapidly evolving world of Web3.


This course follows a hands-on approach, guiding you through the nuances of smart contracts-self-executing agreements operating on blockchain networks, notably Ethereum. With a focus on practical learning, you will actively engage in writing smart contracts using Solidity, the predominant programming language in this field.

Key Features

Master blockchain and Web3 fundamentals for a strong foundational understanding * Develop frontend-to-blockchain connections for seamless application integration * Gain hands-on experience in writing smart contracts using Solidity

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About the Author

Ralph Kuepper

Ralph Kuepper has worked in the web and software industry for over 15 years. He started his own company when he was 17 years old while still attending high school and college. Over the years, he has worked on projects for companies such as Adidas, KIA, and Honda. Coming from a traditional background of developing backends and websites using PHP and a monolithic approach, he has embraced and fine-tuned a Swift-based microservice approach for the last 4 years. His company, Skelpo Inc., has been actively involved in the development of the Vapor framework and has contributed a variety of open source microservices as well as related packages.

Course Outline

1. Introduction

In this section, we will gain a foundational understanding of key concepts and set the stage for our exploration into this revolutionary technology.

1. Promotional Video

In this video, the author welcomes you to the course. He also explains Web3 and how to develop it.

2. Introduction

In this video, we delve into the fundamentals of Web3, unraveling its significance and impact on the digital landscape.

3. Web3 Introduction

In this video, we provide a comprehensive introduction to blockchain technology. Understand the core principles and mechanisms that make blockchain a revolutionary force in the world of digital transactions.

4. Blockchain Introduction

In this video, we take a beginner-friendly approach to programming, breaking down essential concepts for those new to the coding world.

5. Programming Introduction

In this video, we take a beginner-friendly approach to programming, breaking down essential concepts for those new to the coding world.

2. Blockchain Fundamentals

In this section, we will dive deep into the core principles of blockchain technology.

1. How Does the Blockchain Work?

In this video, we dissect the inner workings of the blockchain. Gain a deeper understanding of the technology that underpins cryptocurrencies and decentralized systems.

2. What Blockchains You Need to Know?

In this video, we guide you through the key blockchains that are shaping the digital landscape.

3. What Is Layer-2 Blockchains?

In this video, we explore the concept of Layer-2 blockchains, understanding their role in scalability and efficiency.

4. Deep Dive into Ethereum

In this video, we take a deep dive into Ethereum, uncovering its architecture and functionality.

5. Etherscan, Wallets, and Other Tools

In this video, we introduce essential tools such as Etherscan and wallets that empower our interaction with the Ethereum blockchain.

3. Programming Fundamentals

In this section, we will break down the basics of programming.

1. Programming Boiled Down for 5-Year-Olds

In this video, the author will explain programming fundamentals for a 5-year-old.

2. NodeJS and JavaScript

In this video, we will learn about the programming fundamentals of NodeJS and JavaScript.

3. Solidity Fundamentals

Explore the fundamental aspects of this programming language, essential for creating decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain.

4. Programming Logic

In this video, we unravel the principles of programming logic.

5. Standards

In this video, we explore the importance of Standards in the world of programming and blockchain.

4. Blockchain Economics

In this section, we will uncover the intersection of economics and blockchain.

1. Why Blockchain Economics Matter?

In this video, we delve into the significance of blockchain economics. Understand why economic principles play a pivotal role in the success and sustainability of blockchain ecosystems.

2. ERC20 Tokens

In this video, we demystify ERC20 tokens, a fundamental standard for creating tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.

3. NFTs

In this video, we explore the fascinating world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

4. Supply and Demand

In this video, we discuss the economic fundamentals of supply and demand within the context of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

5. Markets

In this video, we take a closer look at blockchain markets. Understand how digital assets are traded and valued, and the factors that contribute to the dynamic nature of blockchain markets.

6. Liquidity Pools

In this video, we explore the concept of liquidity pools in decentralized finance (DeFi).

5. Blockchain Development

In this section, we guide you through the initial steps of blockchain development. Get your tools ready as we embark on a journey to deploy and interact with smart contracts.

1. Getting the Tools Ready

In this video, we prepare the toolkit necessary for blockchain development.

2. Let's Deploy with an ERC20 Token

In this video, we walk through the process of deploying a smart contract with an ERC20 token.

3. Now Let's Deploy and Set Up an NFT

In this video, we extend our deployment skills to NFTs. Follow the step-by-step process to deploy and set up a Non-Fungible Token, adding a unique touch to your blockchain journey.

4. Set Up Metadata for an NFT

Learn how to set up metadata, adding valuable information and characteristics to your Non-Fungible Tokens.

5. Connecting an NFT to OpenSea

In this video, we guide you through the process of connecting your NFT to OpenSea, one of the leading NFT marketplaces.

6. Verifying a Contract on Etherscan

In this video, we walk you through the crucial step of verifying your smart contract on Etherscan.

7. Connecting a Smart Contract to a Website

In this video, we explore the integration of smart contracts with websites. Learn how to connect your decentralized applications to the web, enhancing accessibility and usability for users.

8. Extended Smart Contract Features

In this video, we delve into advanced features and functionalities that can be integrated into our smart contracts.

6. Where to Go from Here

This is the last section of the course, where the author explains the next steps to follow after the course.

1. General Guidance

In this video, the author shares some general guidance and practices after completing the course.

2. Helpful Tools and Thank You

In this last video, the author takes you through the helpful tools used in the course and thanks the students for taking up the course.

Course Content

  1. Web3 Development for Beginners - No Coding Skills Required

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