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Selenium WebDriver 4 with Java - Zero To Hero

Selenium WebDriver 4 with Java - Zero To Hero

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  • 38 hours 52 minutes

  • All levels


This course will teach you how Selenium WebDriver is used to test web applications. You will start by understanding the concepts of Java and gradually move toward understanding Selenium, TestNG framework, Maven, Jenkins, Cucumber, Gherkin, and a lot more interesting topics that will make you a pro in automation testing.

Selenium WebDriver is an open-source automation tool that works easily across multiple OS and browsers and supports multiple frameworks. There is no doubt that these qualities have made Selenium WebDriver one of the most powerful tools to test web applications. This course will teach you the essential Selenium WebDriver skills that will help you start your career in automation testing. This course starts by taking you through the basics of Selenium WebDriver and helping you with the installation process of Java. Next, you will get a solid understanding of Java concepts and the TestNG framework. Moving along, you will learn to work with advanced reporting and use log47 to log messages. Next, you will get to grips with the page object model, page factory, and data-driven framework, and execute tests on a remote machine using Selenium Grid 2.0. Later, you will learn to use Maven to manage builds and implement continuous integration with Jenkins. Toward the end, you will learn to execute database and performance test cases and run behavior-driven testing using Cucumber and Gherkin. By the end of this course, you will have all the necessary skills needed to perform automation testing on web applications with Selenium WebDriver using Java.

What You Will Learn

Perform cross-browser testing using Selenium Grid
Implement continuous integration testing using Jenkins
Verify data integrity with the GUI of the application
Create attractive reports using the advanced reporting tool
Run performance tests with Selenium WebDriver automation
Find out how to convert Selenium test to Cucumber


Whether you are new to software testing or an experienced quality assurance professional who is looking to learn Selenium to step into automation testing, this course is for you. Prior experience in automation or coding is not required as every topic in this course is taught from scratch.


With the help of practice exercises, interview questions, and interesting activities, this course will help you learn the basic and advanced concepts of Selenium WebDriver using Java. You will be able to perform automation testing on web applications and lead Selenium projects on your own.

Key Features

Get a solid understanding of web automation frameworks * Learn how to lead a Selenium automation project from scratch on your own * Develop skills and confidence to pass any Selenium automation interviews

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About the Author

Let's Kode It Kode It

Let's Kode It is here with a mission to teach everyone a new skill-doing what they have always wanted to do. They are a group of software professionals with more than 10 years of expertise in different areas of software industries and working as team leads in multinational companies. All their instructors have master's degrees from reputed universities. Their expertise lies in various fields of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)-from application development and testing to system administration. Be it programming or creating a professional-looking MS Word document, they believe anyone can code and that coding is not something out of this world. Their goal is to offer high-quality technology courses, which will suit a newbie as well as an intermediate.

Course Outline

1. Selenium Introduction

This section introduces you to the course and provides an overview of the course.

1. Course Outcome

This video explains what you will learn from this course.

2. Instructor Introduction

This video introduces you to the course instructor.

3. Why Selenium?

This video explains the reason for using Selenium WebDriver for GUI automation. You will also learn the history of Selenium IDE and Selenium RC.

4. Selenium WebDriver Architecture - How the WebDriver Works?

This video explains the concept and architecture of Selenium WebDriver and explains how it works.

5. How to Reach Me Anytime and Ask Questions

This video highlights the various ways to reach the instructor and ask questions.

2. Setup and Installation of Required Tools and Plug-Ins

This section highlights some essential information about the Java version and plug-ins for the course.

1. Java Overview and Version Selection

Gain a comprehensive understanding of Java as we delve into an overview and guide you through the selection of the appropriate version for optimal performance in Selenium WebDriver.

2. Java Install and Setup - Mac

Step-by-step instructions tailored for Mac users, ensuring a seamless installation and setup process for Java, a fundamental component in harnessing the power of Selenium WebDriver.

3. Java Install and Setup - Windows

Navigate the intricacies of installing and setting up Java on Windows, fostering a robust foundation necessary for successful integration with Selenium WebDriver.

4. Installing Eclipse - Windows

This video shows how to install Eclipse IDE on Windows.

5. Eclipse Installation - Mac

This video shows how to install Eclipse IDE on macOS.

6. Maven Download and Setup - Windows

Unlock the potential of Maven on the Windows platform as we guide you through the download and setup process, enhancing your ability to manage dependencies efficiently.

7. Maven Download and Setup - Mac

Explore the installation and setup nuances of Maven on Mac, empowering you with the tools needed to streamline project management and enhance collaboration.

8. Installing Maven Plug-in In Eclipse

Elevate your Eclipse environment by seamlessly integrating the Maven plug-in. Follow our tutorial to enhance your development workflow and maximize efficiency.

3. Java Concepts - Data Types

In this section, you will learn about variables and data types, default variable values, reference data types, string methods, and arrays.

1. First Program and Some Tips

This video explains how to write the Hello World program in Java.

2. Variables and Data Types

This video explains the various variables and data types in Java.

3. Default Variable Values

This video explains the default variable values in Java.

4. Reference Data Type - Strings Example

This video explains the concept of strings in Java, which is the most used data type, and focuses on the immutability of strings.

5. String Methods - Part 1

This is the first part of the two-part video that explains how to use the built-in Java methods for string manipulation.

6. String Methods - Part 2

This is the second part of the two-part video that explains how to use the built-in Java methods for string manipulation.

7. Arrays

This video explains the concept of arrays in Java.

4. Classes and Methods - Object-Oriented Concepts

In this section, you will learn about classes and methods and the concept of return type.

1. Methods Introduction

This video explains the concept of methods in Java.

2. Methods - Practical Example

This video presents a practical example of methods in Java.

3. Understanding Return Type

This video explains the concept of return type in Java.

4. Class Introduction

This video introduces you to various classes in Java.

5. Getters and Setters - Practical Examples

This section is about getters and setters. It introduces you to getters-setters, the 'this' keyword, and constructors.

1. Getters-Setters and This Keyword - Part 1

This is the first part of the three-part video that explains the concept of getters, setters, and the 'this' keyword in Java.

2. Getters-Setters and This Keyword - Part 2

This is the second part of the three-part video that explains the concept of getters, setters, and the 'this' keyword in Java.

3. Getters-Setters and This Keyword - Part 3

This is the third part of the three-part video that explains the concept of getters, setters, and the 'this' keyword in Java.

4. Constructors

This video explains the concept of constructors in Java.

6. Selenium WebDriver - Setup

In this section, you will learn how to set up the Selenium WebDriver.

1. Environment Setup and First Project Creation

This video demonstrates how to add Selenium 4.x JAR files to the project on Windows and Mac systems. The tutorial covers downloading the latest stable version of Selenium WebDriver, organizing JAR files in folders, creating a new Java project in Eclipse, and adding external JAR files to resolve errors in the code, providing a foundational setup for future Selenium coding.

2. First Project Creation Using Maven

Learn how to create your first Selenium web project using Maven in Eclipse. This tutorial covers setting up a new Maven project, configuring group and artifact IDs, deleting unnecessary default files, adding Selenium dependencies via Maven, updating the Java version, and resolving import errors in Eclipse. The step-by-step guide provides a solid foundation for Selenium automation with Maven in the Eclipse IDE.

3. How to Add Selenium WebDriver JavaDoc

This video explains how to attach JavaDoc to the Selenium WebDriver project.

4. Selenium 4 New Syntax

This video explains the syntax that has changed in the Selenium WebDriver 4 version.

7. Selenium WebDriver - Running Tests on Various Browsers

In this section, you will learn how to run tests on Firefox with Selenium 2.x and 3.x, run tests on Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, resolve Internet Explorer (IE)-related issues, and run tests on Safari. The author also discusses a few interview questions related to invoking tests with Selenium WebDriver in various browsers.

1. Running Tests on Firefox

This video demonstrates how to run tests on Firefox.

2. Running Tests on Google Chrome

This video demonstrates how to run tests on Google Chrome.

3. Running Tests on Edge

In this video tutorial, you will learn how to run automated tests on the Microsoft Edge web browser using Selenium WebDriver, enhancing your web testing capabilities across different browsers.

4. Requirements to Run Tests on Safari

This video shows the configurations needed to run tests on Safari using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

5. Running Tests on Safari

This video demonstrates how to run tests on Safari.

6. Setting Drivers in the System Path - Mac

This video shows how to set drivers in the system path of Mac systems.

7. How to Set Drivers in the System Path - Windows

This video shows how to set drivers in the system path of Windows systems.

8. How to Use Selenium Manager

Learn the ins and outs of Selenium Manager, uncovering essential tips and tricks for efficient test case management in your Selenium automation projects.

9. Interview Questions

This video highlights some interview questions related to invoking tests with Selenium WebDriver in various browsers.

8. How To Inspect Elements On Different Browsers

In this section, you will learn how to inspect elements using Firefox DevTools, how to use the Firefox add-on-Try XPath, how to inspect elements using Chrome DevTools, some tricks to generate XPath, and how to install FirePaths.

1. Introduction

This video provides an introduction to the section and explains how to inspect elements on different browsers.

2. How to Inspect Elements Using Firefox DevTools?

This video explains how to inspect elements using Firefox DevTools.

3. Inspecting Elements Using Chrome DevTools

This video explains how to inspect elements using Chrome DevTools.

4. SelectorsHub Installation

This video explains how to install SelectorsHub add-on/extension on Firefox and Chrome browsers.

5. How to Use SelectorsHub

This video explains how to inspect elements using SelectorsHub.

6. Tricks to Generate XPath

This video shows some quick tricks to generate an initial XPath that can be used to customize.

7. Best Element Inspect Tool

This video explains the features of Chrome DevTools and why it is the best tool to inspect elements.

8. How to Inspect Disappearing Elements

Dive into the techniques and best practices for inspecting and interacting with disappearing elements in your web applications, ensuring robust test automation.

9. Multiple Ways to Locate Elements

In this section, you will learn multiple ways to find elements using id and XPath, name, linkText and partialLinkText, class name, and tagName.

1. Finding Elements Using id and XPath

This video shows how to locate elements with id and XPath using the driver.findElement("element id")) and driver.findElement(By.xpath("element xpath")) commands.

2. Finding Elements Using Name

This video shows how to locate elements with the name attribute using the driver.findElement("element name attribute")) command.

3. Finding Elements Using LinkText and PartialLinkText

This video shows how to locate elements with linkText and partialLinkTest using the driver.findElement(By.linkText("Text")) and driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("Text")) commands.

4. Finding Elements Using Class Name

This video shows how to locate elements with class name using the driver.findElement(By.className("class name")) command.

5. Finding Elements Using TagName and Interview Question

This video shows how to locate elements with tagName using the driver.findElement(By.tagName("tag name")) command.

10. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Selectors - Advanced Locators

In this section, you will learn how to use ids with CSS Selectors to find elements, use multiple CSS classes to find elements, use wildcards with CSS Selectors, and find child nodes using CSS Selectors.

1. Using Id with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Selectors to Find Elements

This video explains how to use CSS Selectors with id or any other attribute to locate elements on a webpage.

2. Using Multiple Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Classes to Find Elements

This video explains how to use CSS Selectors with the class name to locate elements on a webpage.

3. Using Wildcards with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Selectors

This video explains how to use wildcards with CSS Selectors to find elements on a webpage

4. Finding Child Nodes using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Selectors

This video explains how to find child nodes using CSS Selectors.

11. XPath - Advanced Locators

In this section, you will learn the difference between the Absolute and Relative XPath, how to build an effective XPath by various methods, and how to find parent and sibling nodes. You will also be presented with some common interview questions.

1. Difference Between Absolute and Relative XPath

This video illustrates the difference between Absolute and Relative XPath.

2. Building an Effective XPath

This video shows how to build an effective XPath.

3. Using Text to Build an Effective XPath

This video explains how to use the text() function to build an effective XPath.

4. Building XPath Using the Contains Keyword

This video explains how to use the contains() function to build an effective XPath.

5. Building XPath Using the Starts-With Keyword

This video explains how to use the starts-with() function to build an effective XPath.

6. Finding Parent and Sibling Nodes

This video explains how to find parent and sibling nodes in XPath.

7. Exercise with Solution + Interview Question

This video shows how to utilize the concepts of finding elements with different types of XPath and presents some interview questions related to locating elements on a webpage.

12. Selenium WebDriver - Working with WebElements

In this section, you will learn how to work with WebElements in Selenium WebDriver.

1. JUnit Introduction

This video provides an introduction of JUnit.

2. Clicking and Typing on a Web Element

This video shows how to interact with elements on a webpage.

3. Navigating Between Webpages

This video explains how to navigate between webpages.

4. Finding the State of a WebElement (Disabled and Enabled Elements)

This video explains how to find the state of a WebElement using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

5. Working with Radio Buttons and Checkboxes

This video shows how to work with radio buttons and checkboxes on a webpage using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

6. Working with a List of Elements

This video shows how to retrieve multiple elements in a list and manipulate the list.

7. Understanding Drop-Down Elements

This video explains how drop-down elements differ from other elements on a webpage.

8. Working with a Drop-Down Element

This video shows how to work with a dropdown element with the help of an example.

9. Understanding Multiple Select Elements

This video explains the concept of multiple select elements on a webpage.

10. Working with Multiple Select

This video shows how to work with multiple select elements with the help of an example.

11. How to Work with Hidden Elements

This video explains how to work with hidden elements.

12. Working with Hidden Elements

This video shows how to work with hidden elements with the help of an example.

13. Working with Profiles and Options

In this section, you will learn about Firefox profiles, how to use Firefox profile in web automation codes, and how to bring up Chrome with extensions.

1. Firefox Profiles Introduction

This video introduces you to Firefox profiles and highlights their significance in Selenium WebDriver automation.

2. Using Firefox Profile in Web Automation Codes

This video demonstrates how to use Firefox profile in the Selenium WebDriver automation codes.

3. Chrome Options - Bringing Up Chrome with Extensions

This video shows how to bring up the Chrome browser with already installed extensions.

14. Selenium WebDriver - Useful Methods and Properties

In this section, you will learn some of the useful methods and properties of Selenium WebDriver.

1. Getting the Text on an Element

This video explains how to get the text on an element using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

2. Getting Value of an Element Attribute

This video explains how to get the value of an element attribute using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

3. Generic Method to Find Elements

This video presents a generic method to find elements using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

4. Generic Method to Find Element List

This video presents a generic method to find a list of elements using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

5. Checking Whether the Element Is Present

This video explains how to write a utility method to check whether the element is present on the webpage.

6. Generic Methods - Code Refactoring

This video explains how to refactor code using generic methods.

15. Selenium WebDriver - Wait Types - Handling Synchronization Issues

In this section, you will learn about wait types-handling synchronization issues in Selenium Web Driver.

1. Implicit Wait Versus Explicit Wait

This video illustrates the difference between implicit wait and explicit wait.

2. Implicit Wait

This video explains the concept of implicit wait using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

3. Explicit Wait

This video explains the concept of explicit wait using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

4. Generic Method to Work with Explicit Wait - Part 1

This is the first part of the two-part video that explains how to implement a generic method to work with explicit wait using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

5. Generic Method to Work with Explicit Wait - Part 2

This is the second part of the two-part video that explains how to implement a generic method to work with explicit wait using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

6. Interview Questions

This video illustrates a few common interview questions and answers on the topics discussed in this section.

16. Selenium WebDriver - Advanced Interactions

In this section, you will learn some of the advanced concepts of Selenium WebDriver, such as calendar selection, autocomplete, and capturing screenshots of a webpage.

1. Calendar Selection - Working with Date Pickers

This video shows how to work with calendar date pickers on different web applications.

2. Calendar Selection - Practical Example

This video explains how to work with calendar date pickers with a practical example using Selenium WebDriver and Java programming language.

3. Calendar Selection - Real-Time Example

This video demonstrates with a real-time example how to work with calendar date pickers using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

4. AutoComplete - Working with Dynamic Dropdowns

This video explains how to work with autocomplete list on any web application using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

5. AutoComplete - Additional Examples

This video will explore some additional examples with AutoComplete.

6. How To Take Screenshots

This video explains how to take screenshot of a web page using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

17. Selenium WebDriver - JavaScript Execution

In this section, you will learn how to execute JavaScript commands using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

1. Executing JavaScript Commands

This video explains how to execute JavaScript commands using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

2. Finding the Size of the Window

This video shows how to determine the size of the window by executing JavaScript commands using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

3. Scrolling Element into View

This video shows how to scroll elements into view by executing JavaScript commands using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

4. Clicking Element Using JavaScript Execution - Part 1

This is the first part of the two-part video that explains how to click elements with the JavaScript execution feature using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

5. Clicking Element Using JavaScript Execution - Part 2

This is the second part of the two-part video that explains how to click elements with the JavaScript execution feature using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

18. Selenium WebDriver - Switch Window and iFrames

In this section, you will learn how to switch window focus, how to work with iFrames, and handle JavaScript pop-ups.

1. Switching Window Focus

This video explains the concept of multiple windows on a web application and demonstrates how to switch focus between them while automating.

2. Switching to Window

This video demonstrates how to switch window focus using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

3. Working with iFrames

This video explains the concept of iFrames on a web application and how to traverse the Document Object Model (DOM) to find attributes of iFrames.

4. Switching to iFrame

This video demonstrates how to switch iFrame focus using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

5. Handling JavaScript Pop-Up

This video shows how to handle JavaScript pop-up using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

19. Selenium WebDriver - Working with Actions Class

In this section, you will learn how to perform mouse hover actions, how to drag and drop elements on a webpage, and work with slider actions.

1. Mouse Hover Actions

This video shows how to perform mouse hover actions on elements and then click on the sub-menu using the Action class of Selenium WebDriver and Java.

2. Dragging and Dropping an Element on a Webpage

This video shows how to drag and drop elements on a webpage using the Actions class of Selenium WebDriver and Java.

3. Working with Sliders Actions

This video explains how to work with sliders using the Actions class of Selenium WebDriver and Java.

20. Selenium WebDriver - Keypress Events

In this section, you will learn about Selenium WebDriver- keypress events.

1. Introduction

This video provides an introduction to the section and explains how to simulate keyboard keypress events using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

2. Pressing Keyboard Keys

This video shows how to perform keyboard actions using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

3. Sending a Key Combination

This video explains how to send a key combination using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

4. Keypress Events Using Actions Class

This video explains how to send keypress events through the Actions class using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

21. Popular Interview Questions - Selenium WebDriver Exceptions

In this section, you will learn about popular interview questions on Selenium WebDriver exceptions.

1. NoSuchElementException

This video shows how to handle "NoSuchElementException" in Selenium WebDriver and Java.

2. Element Not Clickable at Point Exception

This video shows how to handle "element not clickable at point" exception in Selenium WebDriver and Java.

3. Stale Element Exception - Part 1

This is the first part of the two-part video that explains how to handle "Stale Element Exception" in Selenium WebDriver and Java.

4. Stale Element Exception - Part 2

This is the second part of the two-part video that explains how to handle "Stale Element Exception" in Selenium WebDriver and Java.

5. Element Not Interactable Exception

This video explains how to handle the "Element Not Interactable" exception.

22. Automation Framework

In this section, you will learn about the automation framework and its various concepts.

1. Automation Framework Introduction

This video provides an introduction to the automation framework and presents and overview of what you will learn in this section.

2. Page Object Model (POM)

This video explains the concept of POM in the automation framework.

3. Creating Object Repository and Page Class

This video explains how to create object repositories and page classes using the automation framework.

4. Page Factory

This video focuses on Page Factory in Selenium.

5. Finding All Links on a Webpage - BONUS

This is a bonus video that explains how to find all links on a webpage.

23. Logging Infrastructure - Using Log4j2

In this section, you will learn about Log4j2 and how to use it.

1. Log4j2 Introduction

This video provides an introduction to Log4j2.

2. Using the Default Configuration

This video shows how to log messages with default configuration using log4j2.

3. Using Configuration File - Console Logging

This video explains how to write a configuration file to log messages on the console using Log4j2.

4. Using Configuration File - File Logging

This video explains how to write a configuration file to log messages to the file using Log4j2.

5. Working with Custom Loggers

This video shows how to log statements with custom loggers that allow you to log statements with different levels based on classes under different packages.

6. Test Case Example using Log4j2

This video explains how to use Log4j2 in a test case and resolves the issues of Log4j's previous version.

24. TestNG Setup

In this section, you will learn about the TestNG framework, its setup, features, and how to use it.

1. TestNG Introduction

This video provides an introduction to the TestNG framework.

2. TestNG Setup

This video demonstrates how to set up TestNG jar files on your system and add the TestNG plug-in to Eclipse.

3. Adding TestNG Javadoc to Eclipse

This video explains how to add TestNG Javadoc to Eclipse.

25. TestNG - Annotations and Assertions

In this section, you will learn about the annotations and assertions of the TestNG framework.

1. First TestNG Class - Test Annotation

This video explains how to write your first TestNG class and focuses on the @Test annotation in the TestNG framework.

2. TestNG Asserts

This video shows how to assert values in a test method using TestNG assert methods.

3. TestNG Soft Asserts

This video explains how to assert multiple verification points in a test method without failing in the TestNG framework.

4. Method and Class Annotations

This video focuses on the @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, @BeforeClass, and @AfterClass annotations of the TestNG framework.

5. Running a Test Suite

This video explains how to run a group of test classes in a test suite using the XML file in the TestNG framework.

6. @BeforeSuite and @AfterSuite Annotations

This video focuses on the @BeforeSuite and @AfterSuite annotations of the TestNG framework.

7. @BeforeTest and @AfterTest Annotations

This video focuses on the @BeforeTest and @AfterTest annotations of the TestNG framework.

26. TestNG - Advanced Features

In this section, you will learn the advanced features of the TestNG framework.

1. Prioritizing Test Methods in a Desired Sequence

This video shows how to prioritize test methods execution order in the TestNG framework.

2. Grouping Test Methods - Part 1

This is the first part of the two-part video that explains how to group related test methods in the TestNG framework.

3. Grouping Test Methods - Part 2

This is the second part of the two-part video that explains how to group related test methods in the TestNG framework.

4. Understanding Dependent Test Methods

This video explains how to create dependent test methods in the TestNG framework.

5. Disabling and Adding Timeout to Test Methods

This video shows how to disable test methods and add a timeout to test methods in the TestNG framework.

6. Preserving Order of Execution

This video explains how to preserve the order of execution of test classes in the XML file in the TestNG framework.

27. TestNG - Parameters and Parallel

In this section, you will learn how to provide parameters to the test methods and run tests, classes, and methods in parallel in the TestNG framework.

1. Providing Parameters to the Test Methods

This video explains how to provide data to the test methods from the XML file in the TestNG framework.

2. Running Tests, Classes, and Methods in Parallel

This video explains how to run tests, classes, and methods in parallel in the TestNG framework.

28. TestNG - Parameters and Parallel - Practice Exercise

In this section, you will be provided with a practice exercise on TestNG parameters and parallel.

1. TestNG Practice Exercise Question

This video presents an exercise question on how to execute Selenium WebDriver test methods on multiple browsers using a parallel attribute of the TestNG framework.

2. Practice Exercise Solution - Selenium WebDriver Practical Example

This video provides a solution to the practice exercise question given in the previous video.

29. TestNG - DataProviders

In this section, you will learn about TestNG DataProviders.

1. DataProviders - Part 1

This is the first part of the two-part video that explains how to run test methods with multiple sets of data in the TestNG framework.

2. DataProviders - Part 2

This is the second part of the two-part video that explains how to run test methods with multiple sets of data in the TestNG framework.

30. TestNG - ITestResult

In this section, you will learn how to access the status of the result of a test method in the TestNG framework.

1. ITestResult Interface

This video explains how to access the status of the result of a test method in the TestNG framework.

2. Taking a Screenshot on Failure

This video shows how to take a screenshot on failure of a test method using TestNG ITestResult, Selenium WebDriver, and Java.

31. TestNG - Listeners

In this section, you will learn about TestNG Listeners.

1. IInvokedMethodListener

This video explains how to use the IInvokedMethodListener in the TestNG framework.

2. ITestListener

This video demonstrates how to use the ITestListener in the TestNG framework.

3. ISuiteListener

This video explains how to use the ISuiteListener in the TestNG framework.

4. TestNG Listeners - Code Refactoring

This video explains how to refactor the code of TestNG Listeners in the TestNG framework.

32. TestNG - Reporter Logs and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Reports

In this section, you will learn about TestNG reporter logs and HTML reports.

1. TestNG Reporters and Logs

This video shows how to generate HTML reports and write log statements in the TestNG framework.

33. Extent Reports - Advanced Reporting

In this section, you will learn about advanced reporting, its features, adding screenshots to advanced reports, and reporting with the page object model.

1. Advanced Reporting Introduction and Features

This video provides an introduction to advanced reporting and explains its features.

2. Advanced Reporting - Practical Example

This video explains how to perform advanced reporting with the help of an example.

3. Attaching Screenshots to Advanced Reports

This video shows how to attach screenshots to advanced reports.

4. Multiple Test Cases

This video shows how to append multiple test cases to the same report.

5. Reporting with Page Object Model (POM)

This video explains how to use reporting with POM with the help of a real-time example.

6. Exercise with Solution

This video provides an exercise for implementing reports with the POM.

34. Selenium WebDriver - Data-Driven Testing

In this section, you will learn how to set up the data-driven testing, read data from an Excel file, and write data to the Excel file.

1. Data-Driven Testing Setup

This video demonstrates how to set up data-driven testing.

2. Reading Data from an Excel File

This video shows how to read data from an Excel file.

3. Reading Multiple Datasets from an Excel File

This video shows how to read multiple datasets from an Excel file.

4. Multiple Datasets Test Case - Practical Example

This video explains how to use the DataProviders with an Excel file to implement a test case with multiple datasets.

5. Writing Data to an Excel File

This video shows how to write data to an Excel file.

35. Selenium WebDriver - File Upload and Windows Authentication

In this section, you will learn how to upload files and handle windows authentication in Selenium WebDriver.

1. Uploading Files on Windows - Robot

This video explains how to upload Selenium WebDriver files on Windows using Robot.

2. Uploading Files on Mac - Robot

This video demonstrates how to upload Selenium WebDriver files on Mac using Robot.

3. AutoIT Installation and Finder Tool

This video demonstrates how to install AutoIT and focuses on the finder tool in Selenium WebDriver.

4. Uploading Files on Windows - AutoIT

This video explains how to upload files on Windows using AutoIT.

5. Handling Windows Authentication Using AutoIT

This video explains how to handle Windows HTTP authentication using Selenium WebDriver and AutoIT.

36. WebDriver Event Listener

In this section, you will learn about the WebDriver Event Listener and how it works.

1. WebDriver Event Listener - Part 1

This is the first part of the two-part video that focuses on WebDriver Event Listener and its working.

2. WebDriver Event Listener - Part 2

This is the second part of the two-part video that focuses on WebDriver Event Listener and its working.

37. Cross-Browser Testing Using Selenium Grid 2.0

In this section, you will learn about cross-browser testing using Selenium Grid 2.0.

1. Selenium Grid Introduction

This video introduces you to Selenium Grid.

2. Hub and Nodes Configuration - Part 1

This is the first part of the two-part video that explains the configuration settings of the hub and nodes.

3. Hub and Nodes Configuration - Part 2

This is the second part of the two-part video that explains the configuration settings of the hub and nodes.

4. Grid Configuration Using JSON File - Part 1

This is the first part of the two-part video that explains the Grid configuration using the JSON file.

5. Grid Configuration Using JSON File - Part 2

This is the second part of the two-part video that explains the Grid configuration using the JSON file.

6. Running Test Cases on the Selenium Grid Environment

This video shows how to run test cases in the Selenium Grid environment.

7. Real-Time Practical Example of Selenium Grid

This video presents a real-time practical example of Selenium Grid.

38. Build Management with Maven

In this section, you will learn about Maven features, its advantages, setup, and installation. You will also learn how to create and import Maven projects, its local and central repositories, its core, building lifecycle, and much more.

1. Maven Features and Advantages

This video highlights the features and advantages of using Maven.

2. Creating and Importing a Maven Project

This video explains how to create and import a Maven project in Eclipse IDE.

3. Maven Local and Central Repositories

This video focuses on Maven central and local repositories.

4. Project Object Model (POM) Explanation - Core of Maven

This video focuses on the POM file, which is the core of Maven.

5. Building Lifecycle and Maven Commands

This video explains how to build a lifecycle and focuses on Maven commands.

6. Maven Project Migration

This video shows how to migrate a non-maven project to a Maven project with a real-time example.

7. Maven TestNG Integration and Maven Profiles

This video focuses on Maven TestNG integration and Maven profiles.

8. Finding TestNG Reports in Maven

This video shows how to find the TestNG reports in Maven.

39. Git and GitHub - Version Control System

In this section, you will be introduced to Git and GitHub version control system.

1. Git and GitHub Introduction

This video provides an introduction to Git and GitHub.

2. Git Installation on Windows

This video demonstrates how to set up Git on Windows.

3. Git Installation on macOS

This video demonstrates how to set up Git on macOS.

4. Creating Local Git Repository - Staging and Commit

This video explains how to create a local Git Repository and how to add files to the staging environment and commit to the local Git Repository.

5. File Check In - GitHub Remote Repository

This video demonstrates how to check in files to the GitHub remote repository.

6. Advantages and Importance of Git Branches

This video highlights the advantages and importance of Git branches.

7. File Check In and Resolve Merge Conflicts - Real-Time Example

This video explains how to check in files to the GitHub remote repository and how to resolve merge conflicts.

8. Course Code Files on GitHub

Access the course's code files conveniently on GitHub, providing you with valuable resources to complement your learning journey.

40. Continuous Integration with Jenkins

In this section, you will learn about Jenkins - its features; advantages; how to set up, install, and configure it; manage plugin; and more.

1. Jenkins Features and Advantages

This video highlights the features and advantages of Jenkins.

2. Jenkins Prerequisites

This video covers the essential prerequisites required for setting up Jenkins, ensuring a smooth installation process.

3. Jenkins Setup and Installation - Generic WAR File

Learn the step-by-step process of setting up and installing Jenkins using a generic WAR (Web Application Archive) file, providing a versatile approach to deployment.

4. Jenkins Setup and Installation - Windows

Explore the installation procedure of Jenkins specifically tailored for Windows operating systems, enabling seamless integration with your development environment.

5. Jenkins Setup and Installation - macOS

This video guides you through the setup and installation of Jenkins on macOS, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the process on Apple's operating system.

6. Jenkins Configuration

This video demonstrates how to perform Java and Maven configuration on Jenkins.

7. Securing Jenkins

This video explains how to secure Jenkins.

8. Jenkins Plug-Ins Management

This video explains how to install, uninstall, and update plug-ins in Jenkins.

9. Building a Freestyle Project Using Jenkins

This video shows how to build a freestyle project using Jenkins.

10. Building a Remote Project Using Git and Jenkins

This video shows how to build a remote project using Git and Jenkins.

11. Jenkins Scheduling Builds on a Git Repository

This video explains the concept of Jenkins scheduling on a Git repository.

41. Selenium WebDriver Interview Questions - Real-Time

In this section, you will be presented with answers to some common interview questions on Selenium WebDriver.

1. Cracking Selenium WebDriver Interviews - Part 1

This is the first part of the two-part video that explains how to crack Selenium WebDriver interviews.

2. Cracking Selenium WebDriver Interviews - Part 2

This is the second part of the two-part video that explains how to crack Selenium WebDriver interviews.

42. Database Testing

In this section, you will learn about database testing, testing MySQL and Oracle, and testing MongoDB.

1. Testing MySQL and Oracle

This video demonstrates how to test MySQL and the Oracle database.

2. Testing MongoDB

This video explains how to test the MongoDB database program.

43. Performance Testing

In this section, you will learn two methods of performance testing: the system way and using a stopwatch.

1. Performance Testing Going the System Way

This video explains how to test performance through the system way.

2. Performance Testing Using a Stopwatch

This video explains how to test performance using a stopwatch.

44. Sauce Labs Integration

In this section, you will learn about Sauce Labs integration, how to get the access key of Sauce Labs, and how to execute test cases on remote Sauce Labs host.

1. Sauce Labs Introduction

This video introduces you to Sauce Labs.

2. Getting the Access Key

This video demonstrates how to find the access key of Sauce Labs.

3. Sauce Labs Practical Example

This video explains how to execute the test cases with the help of a Sauce Labs example.

45. Selenium IDE/WebDriver - Basics

In this section, you will learn how to install Selenium IDE and write the first script, generate a WebDriver code using Selenium IDE, and identify the difference between the Assert and Verify commands of Selenium IDE.

1. Installing Selenium IDE and Writing Your First Script

This video demonstrates how to install the Selenium IDE and how to write the first script.

2. Generating WebDriver Code Using Selenium IDE

This video shows how to use Selenium IDE to generate a Selenium WebDriver code.

3. Assert Versus Verify - Selenium IDE Commands

This video illustrates the difference between the assert and verify commands of Selenium IDE.

46. Conditional Statements and Loops

In this section, you will learn about conditional statements, switch statements, while loop, and for loops.

1. Conditional Statement

This video focuses on conditional statements in Java.

2. Switch Statement

This video focuses on switch statements in Java.

3. While Loop

This video focuses on while loop statements in Java.

4. For Loops

This video focuses on for loop statements in Java.

47. Static Keyword

In this section, you will learn about static keyword in Java and it's features.

1. Static Keyword - Part 1

This is the first part of the two-part video that explains the concept of static keyword in Java.

2. Static Keyword - Part 2

This is the second part of the two-part video that explains the concept of static keyword in Java.

48. Practice Exercise with Solution + Interview Question

In this section, you will be provided with practice exercises and their solutions that are frequently asked in interviews questions.

1. Practice Exercise with Solution + Interview Question

This video shows how to utilize the concepts of strings, built-in string methods, if/else conditions, and for loops in this exercise.

2. Practice Exercise + Interview Question - Reverse Characters of a String

This video presents a question related to reversing the characters of a string using Java.

3. Practice Exercise + Interview Solution - Reverse Characters of a String

This video presents a solution of how to reverse the characters of a string using Java.

49. Java Concepts - Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

In this section, you will learn about Java object-oriented programming concepts.

1. Inheritance

This video explains the concept of inheritance in Java.

2. Access Modifiers and Packages

This video focuses on access modifiers and encapsulation concepts in Java.

3. Abstract Class - Abstraction Part 1

This is the first part of the two-part video that focuses on abstraction concepts in Java.

4. Interface - Abstraction Part 2

This video is the second part of the two-part video that explains interface concepts in Java.

5. Method Overloading

This video focuses on the method overloading concepts in Java.

6. More on Method Overloading

This video explains in detail about the method overloading concepts in Java.

7. Method Overriding

This video focuses on method overriding concepts in Java.

50. Handling Exceptions

In this section, you will learn how to handle exceptions in Java.

1. Handling Exceptions - Checked

This video shows how to handle checked exceptions in Java.

2. Handling Exceptions - Run Time

This video shows how to handle runtime exceptions in Java.

3. Reading Properties File

This video shows how to read the properties file in Java.

51. Java Advanced - Collections Framework

In this section, you will learn about ArrayList, LinkedList, Sets, and Maps from the Java collections framework.

1. ArrayList

This video explains how to work with ArrayList in Java.

2. LinkedList

This video explains how to work with LinkedList in Java.

3. ArrayList Versus LinkedList

This video explains the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList.

4. Sets

This video explains the concept of sets in Java.

5. Maps

This video explains the concept of maps in Java.

6. Different Kinds of Maps

This video explains the various kinds of maps in Java.

Course Content

  1. Selenium WebDriver 4 with Java - Zero To Hero

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