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Agile Retrospective: Continuous Improvement and Kaizen with Scrum

Agile Retrospective: Continuous Improvement and Kaizen with Scrum

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  • 1 hour 23 minutes

  • All levels


This course is a complete, concise, and confident overview of Sprint Retrospectives covered in theory along with real-world examples of how the theory is used in industry.

Learn how to be confident while conducting Scrum. Whether you are a novice, an expert, or simply someone who wants the answer to the question-what is Sprint Retrospective?-this is definitely the class for you. Sprint Retrospective is a method for boosting your team's efficiency. The author explains the fundamentals of Agile Retrospective and how to organize Sprint Retrospective at an industrial level in a very simple way. To get the best experience, all you need is a keen interest in Agile Scrum, a real need to improve your team or business, and the desire to improve continuously. Each section features an overview of a particular aspect of holding a Sprint Retrospective and tips to organize it wonderfully. Examples are included throughout the course with interactive and quality resources. Everything is based on real-world experiences.

What You Will Learn

Learn how to improve Sprint retrospectives
Learn the exact techniques used by pros for holding retrospectives
Understand what Scrum is
Understand why Scrum is so powerful for conducting a retrospective
Boost the efficiency and productivity of a team
Learn the facts based on real industry experience and research


This course is useful for Scrum masters, product owners, business owners, support teams, maintenance teams, service and sales teams, development support teams, and anyone who wants a complete overview of Agile Scrum Retrospectives.


The course uses examples based on real-world experiences to engage the audience.

Key Features

A complete overview of the Sprint retrospectives * Feel confident in improving the performance of scrum for any software, service, maintenance, or support team * Explore Sprint retrospectives that will make your team or business more efficient

About the Author

Paul Ashun

Paul Ashun is the CEO, MD, and chief consultant at Pashun Consulting Ltd., specializing in Scrum coaching and leadership within major global organizations. They are the authors of over 10 books on Scrum such as The Power of Scrum in the Real World, Confessions of a Scrum Master as well as the upcoming Agile User Storybook. He started as a software developer and over ten years later, he became an Agile portfolio manager. He is a certified Scrum Master and a PMO manager. He has led projects for the BBC, General Electric, Oracle, BSkyB, HiT Entertainment, and Razorfish. He has been coaching product owners and business analysts in international blue-chip companies, dating back to 1999, in Agile and Scrum practices such as writing user stories.

Course Outline


1. Introduction

This video provides an overview of the entire course.

2. Agile Scrum Recap

This video lesson provides detailed explanation about Agile Scrum and concepts related to Agile Scrum.

3. What is the Sprint Retrospective?

This session introduces you the concept of Sprint Retrospective.

4. Retrospectives - Explanation of Concept

Now that you are aware of the term 'Sprint Retrospective', it's time to dive deeper into the important concepts.

5. Key Elements of a Good Retrospective

Learn the key elements of a good retrospective in this session.

2. TIPS 1-7

1. Example: How to Run a Sprint Retrospective

Let's take a look at an example of how to run a good Sprint Retrospective.

2. Tip 1 - The Importance of Time Boxing

Learn about the importance of Time Boxing when conducting a Sprint Retrospective.

3. Tip 2 - Focus on Team Needs

Learn how to focus on team needs when conducting a Sprint Retrospective.

4. Tip 3 - Put a Stop to the Mundane

Learn how to put a stop to the mundane repetitive questions when conducting a Sprint Retrospective.

5. Tip 4 - Switch the Goal

Learn about the importance of switching goals when conducting a Sprint Retrospective.

6. Tip 5 - Take Lessons from Your Friends

Take lessons from your other relationships and utilize them when conducting a Sprint Retrospective.

7. Tip 6 - The Secret Box

Lean how to use the Secret Box when conducting a Sprint Retrospective.

8. Tip 7 - Open Retrospective

Lean how open retrospective can be useful when conducting a Sprint Retrospective.

3. TIPS 8-14

1. Case Study: Retrospective Regret

Let's look at a case study on Retrospective Regret in this session.

2. Tip 8 - Change the Facilitator

Learn how changing the facilitator can help you when conducting a Sprint Retrospective.

3. Tip 9- Change the Style

Learn how adding a variety to the meeting style can keep things fresh and interesting.

4. Tip 10 - Accolades to the Team

Learn how to create an encouraging environment by offering accolades to the team.

5. Tip 11 - The Retro Radiator

Learn about the Retro Radiator and how it can be used to keep a track of the agreed improvements and goals.

6. Tip 12 - Creative Retrospectives

Learn how to implement creative retrospectives when conducting a Sprint Retrospective.

7. Tip 13 - Involvement of Remote Teams

Learn how involving remote teams can boost the efficiency of your Sprint Retrospective.

8. Tip 14 - Separate Discovery from Discussion

Learn how to separate the process of discovery from the discussion stage.

4. TIPS 15-21

1. Coaching: How to Explain why Sprint Retrospective Works

In this lesson, you will explore the reasons why Sprint Retrospective works.

2. Tip 15- Avoid Assumptions

Learn how to avoid assumptions when conducting a Sprint Retrospective.

3. Tip 16 - Taking Cue from Previous Retrospectives

Learn how to utilize past experiences and implement the modifications in current retrospectives.

4. Tip 17 - Draw out the Problems, Successes, and Opportunities

Learn how communication can draw out the problems, successes, and opportunities.

5. Tip 18 - Roundtable Discussion

Learn how roundtable discussions can be used to create a better environment during the Sprint Retrospective.

6. Tip 19 - Voting For Essential Items to Act Upon

Learn how voting for essential items to act upon can be used when conducting Spring Retrospective.

7. Tip 20 - Use the Five Whys to Get to the Root of the Problem

Learn what are the five whys to get to the root of the problem.

8. Tip 21 - Make an Action Plan for Your Top Priorities

Learn how making a proper action plan and prioritizing can be helpful.

5. TIPS 22-29

1. Checklist: Sprint Retrospective Checklist

Here is a checklist for Spring Retrospective that you can use.

2. Tip 22 - Allocate Exclusive Time for Actions of Improvement

Learn how to allocate extra time for actions of priority items that need improvement or resolution.

3. Tip 23 - Formal Artifacts to Record Your Retrospectives

Learn how you can use formal artifacts to record sufficient information about your retrospectives.

4. Tip 24 - Design a Working Agreement

Learn how designing a working agreement can help resolve conflicts for teams working closely.

5. Tip 25 - Give Ample Time to Answer

Learn how providing ample amount of time for answering can improve your Sprint Retrospective.

6. Tip 26 - Allow the Team to Improve During the Sprint

Learn how, by allowing the team to improve during the Sprint, can result in positive outcomes.

7. Tip 27 - Go by a Retrospective Pattern

Learn to follow a retrospective pattern.

8. Video 5.1: Tip 28 - One at a Time

Learn how to focus your team members to one task at a time.

9. Tip 29 - Improve How You Capture Visible Notes

Learn how to improve your ability to capture visible notes.

10. Conclusion

Let's wrap up!

Course Content

  1. Agile Retrospective: Continuous Improvement and Kaizen with Scrum

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