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TypeScript Tutorial For Beginners

TypeScript Tutorial For Beginners

By John Academy

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Completion Certificate
  • 24/7 Technical Support


  • On-Demand course

  • 4 hours 7 minutes

  • All levels


Course Overview

If you are a JavaScript developer who wants to master TypeScript fundamentals, jumpstart on the road to learning TypeScript with this TypeScript Tutorial For Beginners course. 

TypeScript is an open-source programming language which builds on JavaScript.  The advantage of Typescript over Javascript is that it adds optimal static typing to the JavaScript language. Many Javascript frameworks use typescript, such as Angular.

This course covers a comprehensive set of modules to enhance your understanding of TypeScript fundamentals. It explains what typescript is and gives you a clear understanding of its significance. You will learn how to find the data type of a variable in TypeScript and understand how to define a function type variable typescript. You will also learn how to define objects using classes and use the different access modifiers. In time, you will get to grips with the specific skills to write more scalable applications.

Whatever you learn in JavaScript adds value to your understanding of TypeScript. You're already halfway there if you're familiar with Javascript. Enrol right now!

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the variables and data types
  • Explore how to define variables using data types
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the operators
  • Deepen your understanding of  the object oriented principles
  • Know how to create and use arrow functions
  • Familiarise with the flow control statements
  • Understand the variable prefixes
  • Have an in-depth understanding of variable prefixes

Who is this course for?

The TypeScript Tutorial For Beginners course is incredibly beneficial for professionals interested in understanding the fundamentals of TypeScript. Upgrading skills in this course open doors to tremendous opportunities.

Entry Requirement

  • This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds.
  • Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification.
  • Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course.


  • After you have successfully completed the course, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hardcopy at the cost of £39 or in PDF format at the cost of £24.
  • PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours, and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working days.

Why choose us?

  • Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials;
  • Tutorial videos/materials from the industry-leading experts;
  • Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform;
  • Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result;
  • The UK & internationally recognized accredited qualification;
  • Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime;
  • The benefit of career advancement opportunities;
  • 24/7 student support via email.

Career Path

The TypeScript Tutorial For Beginners course provides useful skills to possess and would be beneficial for any related profession or industry such as:

  • TypeScript Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
Unit 01: Introduction
Module 01: What and why TypeScript 00:02:00
Module 02: TypeScript Playground 00:04:00
Module 03: Install TypeScript 00:02:00
Module 04: Install Visual Studio Code 00:01:00
Unit 02: Variables and Data Types
Module 01: Introduction 00:03:00
Module 02: First Program Using Visual Studio Code 00:04:00
Module 03: Use JS in a HTML 00:02:00
Module 04: Strings 00:02:00
Module 05: Boolean 00:01:00
Module 06: Any Type 00:01:00
Module 07: Homogenous Arrays 00:03:00
Module 08: Heterogenous Arrays 00:01:00
Module 09: Using alert confirm and prompt 00:03:00
Module 10: Comments 00:02:00
Module 11: Enum Type 00:05:00
Unit 03: Operators
Module 01: Arithmetic 00:03:00
Module 02: Assignment 00:04:00
Module 03: Comparison 00:04:00
Module 04: Logical 00:04:00
Module 05: Ternary 00:03:00
Unit 04: Flow Control Statements
Module 01: Introduction 00:01:00
Module 02: IF Else Ladder 00:06:00
Module 03: Switch 00:04:00
Module 04: Break and Case Flow 00:03:00
Module 05: While loop 00:03:00
Unit 05: Objects and Arrays
Module 01: Introduction 00:02:00
Module 02: Object Literal 00:03:00
Module 03: For-In Loop 00:02:00
Module 04: Arrays 00:04:00
Module 05: De-Structuring Arrays 00:02:00
Module 06: De-Structuring Objects 00:02:00
Unit 06: Functions
Module 01: Introduction 00:02:00
Module 02: First Function 00:03:00
Module 03: Passing a parameter 00:01:00
Module 04: Passing Multiple Parameters 00:02:00
Module 05: Optional Parameters 00:04:00
Module 06: Default Values 00:01:00
Module 07: Function as parameter 00:02:00
Module 08: Returning a function 00:03:00
Module 09: Anonymous Functions 00:02:00
Module 10: Overloading 00:05:00
Module 11: REST PARAMS 00:05:00
Module 12: Using a Type on REST PARAM 00:01:00
Unit 07: Arrow Functions
Module 01: Introduction 00:02:00
Module 02: First arrow function 00:03:00
Module 03: Passing Parameters 00:03:00
Module 04: Array of Arrow Functions 00:03:00
Unit 08: Variable Prefixes
Module 01: let 00:03:00
Module 02: const 00:02:00
Module 02: const functions 00:02:00
Module 04: declare 00:01:00
Unit 09: Interfaces
Module 01: Introduction 00:02:00
Module 02: Define an Object Interface 00:03:00
Module 03: Create and object 00:03:00
Module 04: Defining optional properties 00:01:00
Module 05: Interfaces are only compile time 00:01:00
Module 06: Function Interfaces 00:04:00
Module 07: Return Types in Functional interfaces 00:02:00
Module 08: Adding methods to Object Interfaces 00:02:00
Module 09: Array Interfaces 00:03:00
Module 10: String indexed Array Interfaces 00:03:00
Module 11: Extending interfaces 00:06:00
Unit 10: Classes
Module 01: Introduction 00:01:00
Module 02: Create a class 00:03:00
Module 03: Add a constructor 00:04:00
Module 04: Add Function properties 00:02:00
Module 05: Power of TypeScript 00:01:00
Module 06: Using for-in and instanceof 00:04:00
Module 07: Implementing an interface 00:06:00
Unit 11: Inheritance
Module 01: Introduction 00:03:00
Module 02: Extending a class 00:05:00
Module 03: Create Child Objects 00:07:00
Module 04: Inheriting Functionality 00:04:00
Module 05: Overriding 00:03:00
Unit 12: Access modifiers, Encapsulation and Static
Module 01: Public and readonly 00:02:00
Module 02: Encapsulation 00:01:00
Module 03: Private properties 00:04:00
Module 04: Accessor methods 00:02:00
Module 05: Using Static Properties 00:04:00
Module 06: More about static 00:01:00
Module 07: Static Methods 00:03:00
Unit 13: Type Casting
Module 01: String to numeric 00:04:00
Module 02: Using the toString method 00:03:00
Module 03: Object Casting 00:02:00
Unit 14: Modules
Module 01: Introduction 00:01:00
Module 02: Using Function Modules 00:04:00
Module 03: Import Aliasing and Alternate Export Syntax 00:02:00
Module 04: Default Exports 00:02:00
Module 05: Class Modules 00:01:00
Module 06: Aliasing class modules 00:02:00
Certificate and Transcript
Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00

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