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Skincare and Skin Disease Awareness

Skincare and Skin Disease Awareness

By John Academy

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  • Completion Certificate
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  • On-Demand course

  • Intermediate level


Welcome to Evacuation Procedures: Effective Emergency Response Train. In this course, you'll learn:

  1. Skincare and Skin Structure:

    • Explore the anatomy and physiology of the skin, understanding its layers, functions, and the role each plays in maintaining overall health.
  2. Skin Nutrients:

    • Delve into the essential nutrients that contribute to healthy skin, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Learn how nutrition impacts skin vitality and discover dietary strategies for promoting radiant and youthful skin.
  3. Skincare Routine and Hygiene Practices:

    • Establish a solid foundation for a personalized skincare routine. Learn about effective cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection practices to maintain a healthy skin barrier and prevent common issues.
  4. Lifestyle Factors and Skincare:

    • Examine the impact of lifestyle choices such as diet, sleep, stress, and exercise on skin health. Gain insights into how a balanced lifestyle contributes to a vibrant complexion.
  5. Skincare Products and Ingredients:

    • Navigate the world of skincare products and ingredients. Understand the functions of various ingredients, discern between skincare myths and facts, and make informed choices based on individual skin types and concerns.
  6. Reducing Ageing Effects:

    • Explore strategies for minimizing the visible signs of aging, including the use of anti-aging products, lifestyle adjustments, and protective measures against environmental factors.
  7. Eczema:

    • Gain an in-depth understanding of eczema, its causes, symptoms, and management. Learn about lifestyle modifications and skincare practices to alleviate discomfort associated with eczematous conditions.
  8. Keratinising and Papulosquamous Disorders:

    • Explore keratinising disorders and papulosquamous conditions, understanding their characteristics and treatment approaches for maintaining skin health.
  9. Skin Infections:

    • Investigate common skin infections, including bacterial, viral, and fungal conditions. Learn about preventive measures and treatment options to promote skin hygiene.
  10. Remedies for Acne-Prone Skin:

    • Address the complexities of acne-prone skin. Explore effective remedies, skincare routines, and lifestyle modifications to manage and prevent acne breakouts.
  11. Seasonal Skin Care:

    • Recognize the impact of seasonal changes on the skin. Develop seasonal skincare routines and adapt practices to protect the skin from environmental challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is this course suitable for?

    This course is suitable for both current practitioners seeking to enhance their skills as well as individuals aspiring to enter any related profession. It is a valuable opportunity to advance your expertise and strengthen your CV since you will receive a recognised qualification upon completion.

  • What’s the entry requirement?

    This course is open to learners from any academic background who are aged 16 and above. While there are no strict prerequisites, having a good grasp of the English language, numeracy, and ICT will be beneficial for a more seamless learning experience.

    1. Will I get a certificate after completing the course?

      Certainly! Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a CPD Accredited Certificate of Achievement. 

    Course Content

    1. Module 1: Skincare and Skin Structure
    2. Module 2: Skin Nutrients
    3. Module 3: Skincare Routine and Hygiene Practices
    4. Module 4: Lifestyle Factors and Skincare
    5. Module 5: Skincare Products and Ingredients
    6. Module 6: Reducing Ageing Effects
    7. Module 7: Eczema
    8. Module 8: Keratinising and Papulosquamous Disorders
    9. Module 9: Skin Infections
    10. Module 10: Remedies for Acne Prone Skin
    11. Module 11: Seasonal Skin Care

    About The Provider

