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LinkedIn Masterclass: Learn How to Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Business
LinkedIn Masterclass: Learn How to Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Business
LinkedIn Masterclass: Learn How to Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Business
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LinkedIn Masterclass: Learn How to Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Business

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Completion Certificate
  • 24/7 Technical Support


  • Delivered In-Person


Discover How to Transform LinkedIn into Your Ultimate Tool for Business Success!


Introduction to LinkedIn's Potential

Identifying Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

LinkedIn Statistics: Why You Should Be Using LinkedIn

Optimising Your LinkedIn Profile

Effective Networking Strategies

3 Step Posting Strategy

Using LinkedIn Automation (Free system shared within the session)

Demonstration of System In Action

Key Takeaways

Workshop Conclusion

About this event

Turn LinkedIn into Your Go-To Tool for Business Wins

I've been in the business of attracting new customers and boosting sales for nearly 20 years. Through all the challenges, I've learned what really works to make businesses of all sizes thrive. Now, I'm here to share that goldmine of knowledge with you.

Why This Masterclass?

Things have changed in how we find new business, and we've got to change with them. We're living in a digital world, and it's time to update our methods or we'll be left behind. Success on LinkedIn comes from building true, meaningful connections. This masterclass is your chance to learn from what I've been through and use it to give your business a boost.

Unlock Your Potential: What You'll Gain:

💪The Power of LinkedIn: See how LinkedIn can open new doors for your business.

👨‍💼Finding Your Perfect Customer: Learn how to spot and connect with the people who need what you offer.

💻 Why LinkedIn Matters: Real talk on why LinkedIn is essential for your business plan.

💥Making Your Profile Pop: Tips to make sure you catch the eye of potential clients.

👯Networking the Right Way: How to make genuine connections that pay off.

📬My 3-Step Plan for Posts: Learn how to write posts that people want to read and respond to.

🤖 Smart Use of Automation: Find out about free tools that make finding leads easier.

👩‍🏭 Key Lessons to Take Away: Practical advice you can start using right away.

🏁 Wrapping Up: We'll end with a clear plan to make your LinkedIn work harder for you

Why Learn from Me?

I do LinkedIn differently. Instead of pushing hard sales, I focus on real connections, sharing stories, and planning smart content. This masterclass isn't just about learning; it's about changing how you use LinkedIn. You'll go from just making contacts to really growing your business, all while staying true to yourself.

Join the Journey:

Redefine how you use LinkedIn to get leads in a way that's true to you. With me guiding you, learn how to turn LinkedIn into a key player for your business success.

Spaces always fill up fast with only 5 seats per session! So make sure you reserve your spot and get ready to master LinkedIn and boost your business!

Cant wait to meet you!

Jodie 💜

Frequently asked questions

What experience do you have?

I'm a CPD certified business owner with nearly two decades of experience in creating effective strategies for businesses of all sizes, from solo entrepreneurs to SMEs and well-known brands. My expertise lies in generating new business opportunities and driving growth.

Who is this masterclass for?

This masterclass is designed for anyone looking to leverage LinkedIn to grow their business. Whether you're a beginner unsure where to start or you're already on LinkedIn but not seeing the results you want, this session will provide valuable insights and strategies for success.

What will I learn in this masterclass?

You'll learn how to optimise your LinkedIn profile, identify and engage your ideal customer, and use strategic content and storytelling to build genuine connections. We'll also cover effective networking strategies, a simple yet powerful posting strategy, AND how to use LinkedIn automation tools.

How is this masterclass different from others?

What sets this masterclass apart is the focus on authentic relationship-building over hard sales tactics. You'll gain insights from my 20 years of experience in generating business growth, packaged in practical, actionable strategies that respect the authenticity of your brand!

What results can I expect from applying what I learn?

By applying the strategies and insights from this masterclass, you can expect to see a noticeable improvement in your LinkedIn presence. This includes attracting more of your ideal clients, increasing engagement on your posts, and ultimately, generating more leads and sales opportunities!

About The Provider

Hello! 👋 I’m Jodie and I empower people like you to excel on LinkedIn. My g...

Read more about Jodie Goodchild

