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Java Design Patterns - The Complete Masterclass - Update '18

Java Design Patterns - The Complete Masterclass - Update '18

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  • On-Demand course

  • 12 hours 48 minutes

  • All levels


Whether you're an average Java Developer and looking for a course to master Java Design Patterns or want to get the insights into the core of Software Development principles and Design patterns, then taking this Java Design Patterns - The Complete Masterclass - Update '18 course will be perfect for you.

With this course, learn the patterns for creating versatile, reusable objects, and discover example use cases, conclude with implementation guidance, tips and techniques for avoiding the challenges posed by an individual pattern

Some of the popular creational patterns such as Builder, Singleton, Prototype, Factory Method, and Abstract Factory and other essential concepts like multithreading, hierarchies and mutability also discussed in this course.

By the time you complete this course, you'll be able to implement each design pattern in your own Java projects efficiently.

What you'll learn

  • Master Java Design Patterns
  • Apply Design Patterns to Real-World Projects
  • Build Software that's Robust and Flexible Using Java Design Patterns
  • Solve common Software architecture problems with Java Design Patterns


  • Working Java or any OOP Programming Language Knowledge
  • Understand Interfaces, Composition, Inheritance, Polymorphism
  • Willingness to learn and work hard
  • This is NOT a Beginners Course

Who this course is for:

  • Programmers with Intermediate to advanced Software development knowledge
  • Developers who want to learn about Programming Design Patterns
Introduction 00:03:00
What You'll Get from this Course 00:05:00
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Download All of the Slides Used in the Course 00:30:00
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The gang of Four - The origins of Design Patterns -Strategy Design Pattern
The Concepts Behind Design Patterns 00:05:00
The Strategy Design Pattern - Introduction 00:06:00
The Strategy Design Pattern -Score System 00:15:00
The Strategy Design Pattern - Payment System 00:02:00
The Strategy Design Pattern - Payment System - Part 2 00:12:00
The Strategy Design Pattern - Payment System - Final 00:07:00
Resources 00:15:00
Strategy Pattern Exercise and Challenge 00:15:00
The Observer Design Pattern
The Observer Design Pattern 00:04:00
The Observer Design Pattern - Classes Creation 00:12:00
The Observer Design Pattern - Final 00:13:00
Resources 2 00:05:00
Strategy Pattern Exercise and Challenge 11 00:15:00
The Java Decorator Design Pattern
The Decorator Design Pattern - Introduction 00:04:00
The Decorator Design Pattern - Classes Creation 00:11:00
The Decorator Design Pattern - Final 88 00:09:00
Resources 88 1 00:10:00
The Factory and Simple Factory Design Pattern
Introduction to Simple Factory Design Pattern 00:07:00
The Factory Design Pattern - Introduction 00:03:00
The Factory Design Pattern - Part 2 00:12:00
The Factory Design Pattern - Final 00:08:00
Resources 88 2 00:05:00
The Singleton Design Pattern
The Singleton Design Pattern - Introduction 00:03:00
The Singleton Design Pattern -Our First Singleton Class 00:06:00
The Singleton Design Pattern - Synchronized Method 00:07:00
The Singleton Design Pattern - Eager Creation 00:04:00
The Singleton Design Pattern - Double-Check Locking Creation 00:06:00
Resources 88 3 00:05:00
The Command Design Pattern in java
The Command Design Pattern - Introduction 00:09:00
The Command Design Pattern - Gameboy Example 00:06:00
The Command Design Pattern - Command Interfaces Creation 00:09:00
The Command Design Pattern - Final 00:16:00
Resources 88 4 00:05:00
The Adapter Design Pattern
The Adapter Design Pattern - Introduction 00:04:00
The Adapter Design Pattern - Diagram and Class Creation 00:12:00
The Adapter Design Pattern - Object Adapter 00:05:00
The Adapter Design Pattern - Final 00:03:00
Resources 88 5 00:05:00
The Facade Design Pattern
The Facade Design Pattern - Introduction 00:04:00
The Facade Design Pattern - Final 00:13:00
Resources 88 6 00:05:00
The Template Design Pattern
The Template Method Design Pattern 00:04:00
The Template Method Design Pattern - Part 2 00:07:00
The Template Method Design Pattern - Final 00:12:00
Resources 88 7 00:05:00
The Iterator Design Pattern
About Iterator Design Pattern - Introduction 00:06:00
The Problem and Obvious Solution 00:05:00
Iterator Design Pattern Example - Geeky and Dev Stores 888 00:14:00
Rolling our Own Iterator Class 00:08:00
The Java Iterator Class 00:09:00
The State Design Pattern
Introduction to Design Patterns - The State Design Pattern 00:08:00
State Design Pattern- The Obvious Solution 00:12:00
State Design Pattern- The Obvious Solution - Part 2 00:06:00
State Design Pattern- The Correct Solution - Part 1 00:13:00
State Design Pattern- The Correct Solution - Part 2 00:12:00
State Design Pattern- The Correct Solution - Test drive - Final 00:09:00
Resources 88 9 00:05:00
The Proxy Design Pattern
Introduction to Proxy Design Pattern 00:05:00
Remote Proxy Design Pattern Implementation 00:11:00
Resources 88 10 00:05:00
The MVC - Model View Controller Design Pattern
Introduction to MVC Design Pattern 00:07:00
MVC - Class Creation 00:10:00
MVC - Implementation 00:08:00
The Builder Design Pattern
Introduction to Builder Design Pattern 00:05:00
Builder Design Pattern Implementation 00:14:00
The Interface Builder Design Pattern - Part 1 00:09:00
The Interface Builder Design Pattern - Final 00:08:00
The Prototype Design Pattern
Introduction to Prototype Design Pattern 00:04:00
Cloning Person and Dolphin Objects 00:10:00
Using the Java Cloneable Interface 00:10:00
The Mediator Design Pattern
Introduction to Mediator Design Pattern 00:05:00
Meditator Project with Code - Part 1 00:09:00
Meditator Project with Code - Final 00:10:00
Resources 88 11 00:05:00
The Visitor Design Pattern
Introduction to Visitor Design Pattern 00:05:00
The Visitor Design Pattern - Cont. 00:07:00
The Visitor Design Pattern - Final 00:10:00
Resources 88 12 00:05:00
The Memento Design Pattern
Introduction to Memento Design Pattern 00:05:00
Memento Class Creation 00:06:00
Memento - Final 00:08:00
Resources 88 13 00:05:00
The Interpreter Design Pattern
Introduction to the Interpreter Design Pattern 00:03:00
The Interface Interpreter Design Pattern - Final 00:12:00
Resources 88 14 00:05:00
The Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern
Introduction to Chain of Responsibility Design Patterns 00:04:00
The Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern - cont 00:09:00
The Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern - Final 00:07:00
Resources 88 15 00:05:00
The Bridge Design Pattern
Introduction to Bridge Design Pattern 00:04:00
Bridge Design Pattern - Classes Setup 00:07:00
Bridge Design Pattern - Final 00:03:00
Resources 88 16 00:05:00
The Flyweight Design Pattern
Introduction to Flyweight Design Pattern 00:01:00
Flyweight - Final 00:12:00

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