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1 Courses

Helicopter Instructor Training


By Heliflight

The Flight Instructor Licence FI(R)(H) There is a shortage of Flight Instructors currently, so many commercial pilots train to be a flight instructor and get their first job teaching people to fly. The satisfaction of seeing a student’s enthusiasm as they learn to fly, coupled with knowing you are being paid to fly, is immense. Becoming a Flight Instructor is a challenge. The course begins with a pre-entry test to ascertain your flying abilities: after all, if you’re going to teach you need to have mastered the art of flying a helicopter. There are 125 hours of ground school and 35 hours of flight training. All of it is based around teaching a student to fly helicopters to gain their PPL(H). Good instructors understand how to make learning to fly safe and fun, bringing the classroom to the student, often 2500 feet in the air. The course is usually intense and held in small groups of 3 or 4. You will learn about the psychology of presenting information and how people learn. You will be taught how to measure how well a student is doing and what advice you can offer to help them achieve their dream of becoming a helicopter pilot. Throughout the course your instructor will be not only your teacher but a student to practice on, simulating a student pilot’s ability. You’ll be able to recognise common mistakes a student pilot makes, so you can correct them and teach them what works better. Giving lectures, briefing students and then taking them flying will become second nature as you learn to fly the helicopter and teach from the co-pilot's seat. Your final flight test will also be challenging as you brief your examiner and then teach the briefed exercise in the air. This will be followed by a number of further short impromptu lessons in the air, including an autorotational landing at the airfield. In the afternoon you’ll be asked to teach a range of subjects for four hours from the PPL syllabus, perhaps explaining cold fronts, how an altimeter works, rules of the air.......... If you would like further information about the FI (H) course and the other training available from Heliflight or, for our current price give our office a call and we will be happy to help.

Helicopter Instructor Training
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Cheltenham
£360 to £510

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Tiger Helicopters

tiger helicopters



Alan Ramsden started flying at Shobdon Airfield in 1977 – initially on aeroplanes with a view to becoming a fixed wing instructor. However, after a 5 minute pleasure flight in a B206 JetRanger, where he first experienced the thrill and excitement of helicopter flight, Alan was hooked. He went on to sell his house, his car and his share in the family business in order to raise the funds to become a commercial helicopter pilot and instructor! He founded Tiger Helicopters in 1992 and, together with the Tiger Team, has helped develop both the Helicopter school and Shobdon Airfield. Achievements One of the team's proudest achievements came in 2005 when we acquired our first overseas contract. This was to train the next generation of Police Helicopter Pilots for Kuwait. With a 100% success rate, a further contract to train Police Helicopter Pilots for Algeria was awarded to Tiger. This contract of over 10,000 flying hours, was completed in 2012 without a single accident or incident. We are extremely proud of this and it is a huge credit to all of the Tiger Team. Future Ambition The UK School is growing as the UK’s economy recovers from a difficult recession. We remain firmly committed to our UK school and it is great to see an upturn in students coming through our doors, ready for the excitement and challenge of helicopter flight! Many of our students travel great distances to train with us, which is very humbling. Hopefully it’s because of our world class facilities and excellent instruction. We now offer Helicopter Pilot training to individuals, large companies and Governments. We take individuals from never having flown before, all the way up, to being Commercial Pilots and Flight Instructors. The global demand for helicopter pilots is increasing rapidly. Tiger’s ambition is to keep re-investing in the business to help meet this growing need. Currently our capacity is 60 overseas students as well as a thriving UK school. As for the future? The Sky’s No Limit…!