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5 Educators providing Courses

Life is Fab Ltd | Sophie Sabbage Lifework

life is fab ltd | sophie sabbage lifework

Sophie is a mindset sage; authority on exploding creativity in crises; Sunday Times bestselling author of three books about responding powerfully to challenging situations; highly experienced facilitator and consultant who has worked with numerous leading brands; world-class speaker who challenges minds, touches hearts and stirs new actions; renowned patient activist who has been to the north and south poles of her creativity to stay alive and revolutionise the cancer world. Sophie-Sabbage-The-Cancer-Whisperer-017.jpg A familiar personality following the stunning success of her first book, The Cancer Whisperer, which placed Sophie on a global stage as an authority on why crisis is the birthplace of creativity and how to find grace in the grit of life. She has made numerous media appearances and has since written two more transformational books: Lifeshocks - and how to love them and Awakenings in the Time of Coronavirus (a powerful workshop in an audiobook released in September 2020). She has powerfully walked her talk by turning a six month ‘terminal’ cancer diagnosis (received in 2014) into the most creative years of her life to date by finding solutions she was told did not exist. She has worked in the field of human psychology and corporate transformation for thirty years. B.C. (before cancer) Sophie ran an award-winning business consultancy while delivering courses to hundreds of thousands of people wanting to create extraordinary lives. She has equipped numerous leading brands to evolve with changing winds and has worked with thousands of leaders on their creativity, purposefulness and authenticity. Sophie has also become a world-class speaker in the corporate and wellness markets. She also delivers masterclasses to these clients and her audiences leave wiser, braver and more effective than when they arrive. Her skills as a mindset sage, corporate consultant, transformational teacher, writer and speaker alchemise into exceptional value for her clients. Sophie is eloquent, discerning and boldly truthful. She is gifted at reading people and business cultures. As a transformation and creativity specialist, she challenges minds, touches hearts and delivers practical take-aways in all aspects of her work. She says what needs saying and does what needs doing to help her clients shift what needs shifting. She has a reputation for seeing the few things that can change many things. And running through all her work is one thing that can radically improve the quality of anything if you know how to activate and apply it.

Courses matching "purposefulness"

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Building Resilience

By Maximum Performance

BUILDING RESILIENCE Wellness and wellbeing are experienced differently by all of us. One thing we do know, though, is that when our wellbeing is affected in one area, it can have an impact on other aspects of our lives. By focusing on and improving our overall wellbeing we build our resilience, our ability to cope and bounce back when things get tough. In times of uncertainty it is even more essential that we look after ourselves and ensure that we have the tools and reserves we need to get through and thrive. This programme aims to help anybody who would like to strengthen their resilience or would just like to tap into some ways of managing their wellbeing more effectively at home and at work - and especially when working from home. The techniques suggested are up-to-date, evidenced-based approaches that will enable you to optimise your personal resilience rather than spend time wading through endless wellness fads and promotions. Participants will be able to identify what they need to do differently in order to maintain their wellbeing and prioritise their personal resilience at work. They will discover ways to deal with challenges, such as negative emotions and feelings of overwhelm, to help their mental fitness. They will be able to take away practical ideas to immediately use in their work and personal lives. LEARNING OBJECTIVES The overall objective of this unique programme is that participants will: * Understand what resilience is and where it comes from * Learn about proven approaches and models that can be used to boost emotional and physical wellbeing and thereby strengthen resilience * Break unhealthy habits * Support others to stay well - at home and at work * Be inspired to create a wellness action plan and put some of these techniques into practice * Confidence * Asking for support * Purposefulness * Adaptability

Building Resilience
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry