10426 Educators providing Courses

Upton Court Grammar School

upton court grammar school


The mission statements of many schools and other organisations are often wordy, verbose paragraphs that say lots but mean very little. At Upton Court Grammar School (UCGS), our mission can be shared in one sentence: Upton Court Grammar School ensured all students fulfilled their academic and personal aspirations and thrived as successful and engaged citizens. Our mission is expressed in one sentence because we want there to be as little ambiguity as possible about why we exist and what we aim to achieve. Our mission is written in the past tense because it expresses what we will have done if we have been successful. It succinctly describes the lasting impression we want to leave on the world through our work as a school. At UCGS, every department, every member of staff and every student has their own ‘mission sentence’. We do this to start with the end in mind: a key feature of successful planning and goal achievement. Having a personal mission connects all staff to the purpose of their work and development and it helps students to envisage and articulate their aspirations. Sharing our mission sentences as a community helps us to value and learn about one another; through creating our personalised sentence we recognise and appreciate our individual and collective strength. Our rapidly changing global society, with its accent upon individual responsibility, requires not only high academic standards but also independence of spirit which Upton Court Grammar School seeks to foster. We aim to work in partnership with parents and the community to widen and develop each student‘s knowledge, experience, imagination and intercultural understanding; at the same time fostering an awareness of moral values and a capacity for enjoyment which will enable students to be an active participant in a global society.




pmFlight is based at Redhill Airport in the United Kingdom. Its close proximity to London Gatwick Airport and the London area makes pmFlight accessible to worldwide customers as well as those based in the UK Services We operate a 737 flight simulator and a A320 Airbus simulator, both of which are high fidelity devices at a price point that allows realistic extended learning without breaking the bank. In early 2015 we have developed two more simulator options 747-400 Flight Simulator and 757 / 767 / 777 Flight Simulator training devices more specifically to cover our on going demand for British Airways airline simulator preparation sessions. Facilities Our facilities offer a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. pmFlight has gained an excellent reputation since commencing business in 2009. We offer high quality training to pilots with experienced instructors on type and more specifically instructors that have targeted expereince in our areas of training. General After completing sim prep with pmFlight, numerous pilots have gained employment with airlines or gained their left seat commands. Our Redhill facilities include a briefing room as well as flight simulators with uninterrupted back-up generator and air conditioning. Redhill is a superb airfield with facilities for refreshments throughout the day. Due to the nature of flight simulator bookings, we operate under variable hours to accommodate your needs wherever possible. All flight simulator bookings must be booked in advance. Please visit the bookings page or contact us via email to info@pmflight.co.uk.

The Thomas Aveling School

the thomas aveling school


The Thomas Aveling School is a very successful non-selective mixed school; we are a happy school, a school for all abilities and a school for the local community of Rochester. We create a culture of high expectations and success for all students and staff. This is grounded in a supportive ethos where each student is treated as an individual, with their needs and ambitions supported by a great pastoral and children’s team. A student’s well-being is of equal importance to their academic progress, the support we offer is outstanding. As well as supporting students of all abilities to make fantastic academic progress, Thomas Aveling provides an excellent all round education valuing Music, Drama, Sport and the Arts highly with exceptional facilities – we regard these subjects as providing the soul of the school and give students additional opportunities to excel. The standard of teaching at the school ensures strong progress is seen in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science without affecting the time given to creative and practical subjects - students enjoy the full breadth of experiences. As a previously designated Training School, we take staff development very seriously. We are a leading and founding member of Kent and Medway Teacher Training. We lead the Medway Valley Partnership of training schools, and over 15 teachers are trained every year at Thomas Aveling, many of whom are then employed within Thomas Aveling or the wider Trust. Everything we do as a school is grounded in our 5 Student Virtues – the characteristics we want to develop in all our students – Ambition, Resilience, Respect, Pride and Creativity. Students are given a massive range of opportunities in and out of the classroom to develop these virtues. Our website can only ever give you a flavour of what Thomas Aveling has to offer, please do come, and visit us at one of our Open Events to meet our fantastic students and amazing and dedicated staff.

St. Kevin's College

st. kevin's college

St Kevin’s College is an all boy’s secondary school under the trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust and is located in the heart of the Ballygall community on Ballygall Road East, Finglas, Dublin 11 where it has served the community in education since 1967. The school currently has an enrolment of 528 students. We provide a wide range of subjects which are expertly taught by a team of highly dedicated teachers who work diligently both inside and outside the classroom. Our primary focus is on teaching & learning with emphasis on both high academic achievement and learning support. An average of 70% of our students proceed to third level with degree courses. Another 20% access further and higher education Our six care teams, which comprise of our Form Tutor’s for each class and the Year Head, report to our Student Services Support team. This ensures that all of our student’s welfare is catered for both in the academic and pastoral areas. We strive at all times to provide opportunities for our students which values the student’s personal, social, spiritual and academic development during their time in the school. Our dedicated teachers also encourage students to get involved in extracurricular activities such as our extended range of activities including sports, drama, debating, green school committee and much more. There is a book club for 5th and 6th years. There is also a library in the school. Our Literacy and Numeracy strategies focus on improving the student’s skills in both areas and this improves student participation in all subject areas. We also value partnership which is essential to a successful school. We believe in a working partnership between the school and the home and we have many initiatives to maintain and develop this partnership into the future. We also would like to encourage partnership within the wider community of Ballygall which will help enrich the learning experience for all parties including our students. St Kevin’s college has DEIS 2 status. The 8 DEIS Strands covering Attendance, Retention, Transitions, Examination Attainment, Literacy, Numeracy, Parental Engagement, Partnership with others while designed for target students are applied on a whole school basis and benefit all of our students. St. Kevin’s College:  Proven academic success Comprehensive range of subjects State-of-the-art IT facilities. St Kevin’s uses VSWare education platform which is available to parents. We also provide the Edmodo Virtual Learning Environment. Every student has a personalised account on each platform. 100Mbps high speed Broadband Wi-Fi access throughout the school. Supervised after school study Optional Transition Year Programme Homework Club Breakfast Club Canteen Facilities providing healthy lunches for all students. (Junior Cert 1, 2, & 3 students are not permitted to leave the school at lunchtime.) Book Rental Scheme Anti-bullying policy, procedures and charter Home School Community Liaison Coordinator Links with the Home There are several opportunities for parents to link with the college formally throughout the academic year: Parent/Teacher Meetings School Journal Login to your sons VSWare account. Login to your son’s Edmodo account. Assessment Reports. (E- Portal and post.) Information Evenings Parents’ Council Email and text message Home School Community Liaison Coordinator The college operates an open door policy where a parent can make an appointment to meet with a Year Head at any stage if they have concerns. The Principal and Deputy Principal are also available to meet with parents should the need arise. We focus on partnership with the parents and believe that a co-operative relationship between the college and home best fosters the development of the student. First Year Induction Moving to second level is a time of great change for young children and their families. Here in St. Kevin’s College we are mindful of this transition and the challenges it brings. We offer a comprehensive first year induction which includes a ‘phasing in’ programme. Our Home School Community Liaison coordinator has strong links with all our feeder primary schools. This induction programme supports students as they make the move to our college. It helps them to get to know their new surroundings, make new friends, meet their teachers and learn the rules in close contact with their Form Tutor and Year Head. Our aim is to make first years feel confident and happy coming to school each day. The college is reputed for its high level of pastoral care which supports students in achieving their best. For students who experience small difficulties integrating in First year we offer them the Transition programme which helps them cope with the change. We provide a course for all students and their parents on Cyber bullying and internet/social media safety. Book Rental Scheme The college operates a very popular book loan scheme. This gives students the opportunity to rent most of their text books for a very reasonable charge. The books remain the property of the college and are always in excellent condition. Policies & Procedures The college operates policies that are fair and consistent, promoting equality for all and active participation in learning. These policies will be outlined to parents on information evenings and in the student journal. All policies are referred to Parents Council, Student Council and Staff prior to ratification by the Board of Management and publication. See policies here. School Canteen The school canteen delivers hot lunches, rolls and drinks and is an area for all students to have lunch. St. Kevin’s College promote healthy eating for students. Breakfast Club The student canteen also hosts a breakfast club before school serving cereals, tea and toast. Evening Study Students preparing for State Examinations are encouraged to attend supervised Evening Study held on four evenings per week. Extra–Curricular St Kevin’s aim to provide a wide of range of experiences to our students both inside and outside the classroom. We have a strong sporting tradition offering Gaelic football, Hurling, Basketball, Soccer, Rugby, Athletics to name just a few. We have a number of debating teams, a book club, Art installations at holiday times, Healthy eating/Keep fit “boot camps”. We run an annual international school tour and numerous day trips to reward students for excellence in subject areas. Our Transition Years go hillwalking and on many outdoor pursuit activities such as canoeing and sailing. We promote cultural activities whenever possible with students attending plays in the city’s theatres whenever possible both for subject related and general education purposes. Religion Our Mission Statement provides for education in the Catholic tradition although we accept students from all faiths and none. This provides for healthy and lively debate among our students during religion classes and contributes to the holistic development of all students. We hold religious services and Mass throughout the year led by our chaplain, Catriona Keegan, with contributions made by all students and staff. St Kevin’s college is a community which welcomes all our partners to participate in the spiritual life of the school