9763 Educators providing Courses

Mindful Training

mindful training


Our own mental health challenges and those around us has helped us all come together to create a team that is right for your needs. We are a group of individuals who gravitated towards each other over the course of a number of years as we recognised we had similar values, goals and motivations, the main one being ‘helping others’. Whether you are a large corporate, an SME or one person looking for the light, we are here to help. We have over 35 years experience in the fields of Mental Health, Wellbeing, Psychology and Corporate Training. Sean Heneghan is a Chartered Organisational Psychologist and accredited coach. His belief is that each person has the potential to perform at a higher level within their current working delivery, but they are often unaware of their real potential. The most useful training is often as much about enabling individuals to grasp new opportunities to play to their strengths, as it is about helping them to become more aware of ‘new thinking’ that is sometimes necessary to help them challenge areas that they were previously unaware of. He has a passionate belief in people’s ability to learn and change and this comes across in his enthusiastic, trusting and empathetic style. Sean Liddell is an accredited MHFA (Mental Health First Aid) Suicide First Aid (City & Guilds) and Mindfulness practitioner and coach. A naturally empathic motivator, Sean utilises his coaching skills and conversations to challenge and embed learning to effect positive behavioural change. He has helped hospitals within the NHS, school teachers and students, university lecturing staff as well as other organisations experience the benefits of Mindfulness. He has also mentored young leaders from the commonwealth through the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust. He spent twenty years in a corporate role as an Associate Director for Lloyds and HSBC where he developed his leadership skills in sales, marketing, and communications. He was also appointed an official mentor to the Queen’s Young Leaders (QYL) mentoring 2 future leaders from St Kitts and Nevis and Grenada in the Commonwealth. The QYL was established through The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust, in partnership with Comic Relief and The Royal Commonwealth Society as well as speaking at international conferences. Feedback from a recent MHFA course: “If I could have gone higher than 10, I would have, Sean was fantastic in the way the course was presented. The way in which he addressed the topics made many of the attendees so comfortable that even I spoke about things that I did not think I would be able to discuss due to the relaxed tone and area we were in.”

Global Solutions Services

global solutions services


Based in South London, GSS has been delivering Training and Career guidance services since 2006 at varying locations across London and the surrounding counties. We work with clients from the Private, public, not for profit and global Enterprises across the UK and are proud of our reputation to be a provider of choice! Having engaged with over 15,000 customers since inception we are passionate about developing people, we are forward thinking and base our success on a client centered approach MEET OUR MANAGEMENT & TRAINING TEAM sonia b &w Sonia A Co-Director at GSS, Sonia has over 25 years in the Training, Career Coaching and International recruitment industry. A qualified and Registered member of the Careers Development Institute with a passion for people development, empowerment and motivation! Richard Wood profile Richard A Co-Director at GSS, Richards diverse background in working with Senior Management and high networth clients allows him to fully understand the needs for our Management training programmes alongside our Government funded initiatives. sabrina colour Sabrina Delivery & Partnership Leader Nothing delights Sabrina more than to deliver a training session that empowers, motivates and enlightens her clients. Her many years experience, abundance of qualifications and energy never fails to inspire learning at all levels. Nathalie With a real zest for Training and Development Nathalie’s unique, energetic and highly professional training style always produces superb results and leaves her learners feeling motivated, refreshed and ready to take on their new challenges Syane Findlay Portrait Shot BW (002) Syane An engaging and passionate trainer and transformational coach, known for her ability to inspire and evoke positive change. With a wealth of expertise in developing and delivering training globally to professionals within corporate, local government, third sector and educational institutions. sharon F Sharon With a solid background in the Education and Training sector, Sharon’s nurturing personality and passion to ensure every learning style is accommodated is invaluable in her delivering an array of different courses to all candidates across the board. suparna b&w Suparna Suparna’s passionate about empowering individuals and her warm and caring nature creates a superb learning environment where customers feel free to share best practice, learn new skills and enjoy a collaborative learning. nathan Nathan Nathan’s idea of himself as a real life ‘Super hero’ lends itself to a great fun learning environment in his classroom where his unique Training talent and ability to tap into individuals learning styles really bring out the best in our customers

Achievable Ways Of Living

achievable ways of living


Achievers is our tuition-based service. Grouping together ambitious minds who have a desire to push themselves to new academic heights. Achievers is a combination of personal and academic development. Created to provide the opportunity to study and learn in a high performing environment for students who are willing to stretch themselves and challenge each other's knowledge for the purpose of achieving a common goal. The concept of placing like-minded students in an environment that is set up for them to be able to focus and learn amongst peers who are of a similar or greater level of intelligence holds the potential to change the way education is being approached and perceived for young people. Contact Us Rickeem INSPIRING BELIEF 1-2-1 Mentoring And Life Coaching Inspiring Belief is our bespoke mentoring programme which focuses intensely on the individual needs of each client we work with. Our philosophy is ‘one glove doesn’t fit all’ We approach our clients in a way which is suited to their personal circumstance and learning style. We deliver our sessions with the intention of getting to the root of the client in order to figure out how best to help move them forward. Inspiring Belief allows us to apply focused attention, in order to understand every aspect we have been assigned to improve. This is a specialised service and we deliver a well-thought solution to help our clients become more aware of their potential and guide them in a way which expands their vision of themselves. Contact Us 6586F728-F7FA-4207-83DB-73DDA71D2AE8_Original MINDSET MATTERS Personal Training And Physical Intervention Mindset Matters is a physical intervention created for students who are interested in a physical challenge and for students who find it difficult engaging with education. Mindset Matters is designed to instantly target and draw out the limiting beliefs within the student's belief system through an exercise to help them push beyond their comfort zone. We are using intense exercise and boxing as a way to develop new beliefs about what’s possible. We understand all students learn in different ways, which is why we created Mindset Matters. It was to leave no stone unturned so we are able to reach students who are not as engaged with the theoretical side of learning. Through Mindset Matters, we are still able to deliver the same message and philosophy but in a different way. Mindset Matters is for students looking for inspiration and to get a taste of what they are capable of once they refuse to give in.

Carly Ann

carly ann

What makes me a stand out Coach is my own lived experience with an anxious-avoidant attachment style. I have lived & breathed the attraction to unavailable partners, fantasy relationships, obsessing, and losing myself in love. Behind my agonising relationship struggles is a story of multiple childhood traumas and heartache. From my first memory I was surrounded by violence, substance abuse, chaos, and unpredictability. Up until the age of 30, I was in an unconscious mission to fulfil my longing for attention, love, and to be chosen. I chased, crushed, settled, lost myself, drank myself to oblivion, embarrassed myself, lacked boundaries, and abandoned myself time and time again. Immediate pain would show up in my anxious attachment when I experienced any kind of rejection. I would become convinced I needed that person to survive. Deep abandonment wounds would be wide open and as a result, I would be left with a version of me that I couldn’t recognise. My avoidant attachment could be seen in the way I went into myself, got stuck in moods, had an underlying feeling of numbness and sadness, and avoided the inner work for many years. WAKE UP CALL My wake up call came at 29. The end of a relationship (that I had outstayed due to a deep fear of being alone), followed by the agony of dating unavailable guy after unavailable guy. Relationships fuelled by jealousy and a fear of this person realising who I truly am and leaving me. My own recovery has been a bumpy road. Self-help, coaching, therapy, relapses, and then getting up and going again. Through sharing my own journey it’s my hope that your recovery can be a bit smoother. My healing has seen me meet and sustain a healthy relationship. I see myself in this relationship sometimes like it is not me… those moments I’m no longer triggered, my ability to respond over react, the way I consider my things logically, and how I see myself almost choose the old path from time to time. It is my life’s work to pass on, teach, & guide what I know to be true, the methods I use, and give my support to people who are where I was then. So that in this lifetime, we can experience the love we deserved from the beginning. Because it was and is our birth given right to have our needs met, to be loved, and to live a full & safe life.

Total Growth Ownership

total growth ownership

We help consultancies. We work with founders and marketing leaders with existing businesses, who generate at least £50,000 in revenue per month. These businesses have all the raw materials necessary to build a pipeline certainty engine, but they lack the structures, systems, teams, tools, and guidance on how to get there. What we do We help founders 6x the pipeline of 1 product, get happy clients, align staff, and live an easier lifestyle. We achieve this through our two training programmes: Differentiate in a Day and UPgrade. Our programmes aim to maximise profits, results, scalability and happiness, whilst minimising complexity, costs, headcount and stress. How we came to be The beginning It started in 2010 when Matt Hodkinson quit his job as an IT consultant. He had an itch to learn more about marketing, which coincided with the emergence of social media - where brands had just started using it to promote themselves. With that, Influence Agents was born. The growth As we scaled, and became a Platinum HubSpot Partner, Matt had become an expert of all sorts. This led to international clients, speaking gigs, and a healthy bottom line. The transition Over a decade went by and the agency was successful. Then, within a 3-week period, Matt was approached by 3 different agencies who wanted to acquire Influence Agents. It came at a time when Matt was already considering transitioning the agency into a high-level advisory one. The focus was on empowering clients to take ownership of their own growth, rather than being the done-for-you solution. At the opportune time, Matt sold the agency. Enter: Total Growth Ownership. The lesson Eager to get our hands dirty, and share what we do best, we dove head first into a group consultancy model. We onboarded our first few clients, and we were excited about the results they were getting. But as we scaled, client results took longer and longer to achieve. We soon realised that the only person group coaching serves... is the coach. The rebirth After a year of experimentation, we've now found what we believe is the perfect model, for both our clients, and us. Differentiate in a Day does exactly as it says on the tin - it's a programme that completely differentiates consultancies, in one day - a time frame our clients are more than able to commit to. We put a heavy focus on one-to-one support, because it gets our clients results, in the time frames needed. We believe so much in our solution, that we guarantee it.

Medicine Answered

medicine answered


Mission Statement Medicine Answered was founded by doctors and communications experts with the primary of aim of providing a comprehensive knowledge platform for aspiring doctors. As well as delivering specialist medical school interview courses, medical interview coaching and applications review services, all of which are carried out by qualified doctors. At Medicine Answered we provide free one stop guides covering all aspects of the medical school application process and beyond. From deciding whether medicine is the right career for you; to picking medical schools in the UK and abroad; the secrets to securing relevant medical work experience and writing medical school personal statements; all the way to what it is like to be a fully qualified doctor and working in the NHS. All of these aspects are also covered thoroughly in our medical school courses. Our Values With competition for medical school places becoming more and more intense each year, we believe that preparation is the key to succeeding in your medical school application. For this reason all of our courses are delivered by qualified doctors, who themselves received all four offers when applying to medical school. We do not cut corners or over fill sessions, we believe in providing the best possible, bespoke service to ensure that every student who attends our courses or uses our services comes away feeling confident and ready to excel in their interview. Our Guarantee At Medicine Answered we believe in our medical school courses and all of the services that we offer, we believe that they offer exceptional value and are highly effective. We are so confident in our services that we offer a number of guarantees. We guarantee that all of our courses are created and delivered by a doctor. We guarantee that all group sessions are kept to a maximum of 12. We guarantee the highest standards, service quality & satisfaction. We guarantee a full refund should you not be fully satisfied with our services. Our Company With many companies now offering medical school courses we felt that it was essential to provide a reliable, reputable service delivered exclusively by doctors. This is also why we provide a wealth of FREE guides and articles on our website which are all carefully and accurately written by doctors to assist everyone whether you can attend one of our courses or not. We believe that medical school education should not be about your background but based on merit, hard work and ability. So whether you choose to attend one of our courses or not, you will no doubt still benefit from our comprehensive, reliable medical school application guides.