1549 Educators providing Courses

Universal Truth

universal truth


The founder of Universal Truth, Nyla Khan, was forced to marry and subsequently desensitised from her own feelings for over 15 years. Her story is more than the typical narrative of being taken to Pakistan and forced into a marriage - she is a woman who cannot be put into a box no matter how hard family members and communities may try, about being disowned by her family and suffering abuse and community coercion from her own community. She has conquered every block that has been put in her way and now feels that her purpose in life is to demonstrate that all women can follow the same path. Nyla’s spiritual awakening has healed herself and presented her life’s purpose which is to gain the correct knowledge and experience to share her story and start Universal Truth so to be a role model that most ethnic minority women don’t have or can use more of – a successful and independent woman who surpassed tradition and limitations that were placed on her by archaic cultural conditions which resulted in community isolation tactics and silence in the name of honour. Nyla went from feeling like a failed unworthy daughter to the knowledge that she is just a soul who was made in the light of God. There is no box in which she belongs, she is a soul that was born to be free learning hard lessons. With so much fear instilled in victims, Nyla and Universal Truth bring a unique spiritual approach to these women. Through Universal Truth, Nyla seeks to break a cycle, to lead, to teach and heal others through her wisdom - as through her journey, she now lives a life of self-expression and truth - a birth right which belongs to all of us. Bringing Universal Truth to life is a path to support and inspire not only all the women of colour who are wanting to defy all odds but need strength and inspiration to do so, but also to inspire women from any background who have suffered similar trauma to give them hope and the courage to be loud and speak their truths. We understand that society’s structures and systems must embrace change in order for change to be effective and sustainable. That is why Universal Truth's focus is strongly dedicated to leading policy changes so that ethnic minorities are systemically supported and protected.

Samantha Valand

samantha valand

My interest in wellbeing and weight loss was sparked in my early 30s when maintaining my weight was suddenly not quite as easy as it was in my 20s. Around the same time close family members were prescribed drugs for high blood pressure and cholesterol problems. I became interested in the concept of ‘eating yourself healthy’ and how lifestyle impacts a person’s health. This curiosity has never left and has evolved to include how we are choosing to age as we get older. #agingwithattitude In 2006 I trained as Pilates teacher and Personal Trainer, leaving the world of IT behind. While most of my clients successfully lost weight – usually men, a number did not – usually women. This was despite the women following exercise programmes and restricting their calorie intake. The “Eat Less and Exercise More” mantra was not working for everyone. I decided to determine the underlying cause by undertaking further training and research. I trained to become a Metabolic Effect Nutrition Consultant. This training is provided by a US company which combines holistic Medical Doctors and Personal Training qualifications. This course covered hormones and how they impacted the body and weight loss, for women in particular. Menofitness Training from Australia was next. It was a course about the Menopause and the health and fitness aspects for women as they get older. You can find a list of my qualifications here This combination of years of experience and courses has become my first book The Menopause Diaries I wrote it because I struggled to find any practical information on how to adapt to the changes that comes with the menopause. I cannot be the only person that is finding this challenge. Hopefully my book will help other women be as healthy as they can at this time in their life. coffe and cake I enjoy the simple pleasures of life, like coffee and cake at the weekend and rediscovered the joys of reading novels after purchasing a Kindle a few years ago. You can find some of my favourite health books here. While I don’t sit up reading in bed with a torch anymore (need to balance hormones with a good nights sleep!) I still enjoy a good book. Europe is one of my favourite destinations where I enjoy taking life a bit slower while enjoying good food and wine.