124 Educators providing Courses

5D Health Protection Group Ltd

5d health protection group ltd


5D Health Protection Group Ltd is a globally leading accredited microbiology and contract research organisation (CRO) offering exceptional contract scientific testing services on a global scale. We are our customers partner of choice in the field of microbiology, biofilm science, antimicrobials, infection prevention and control. In particular, we have exceptional skills in standard and customised microbiological, antibiofilm, biological and antimicrobial testing. We have over 28 years experience in developing ‘fit for purpose’ scientific research and models that mimic, as close as possible, the complexities of ‘real-life’. Our Liverpool site is segregated into independent laboratory areas that provide a wide range of scientific testing support services. With a dedicated team of very highly skilled PhD scientists with specialisms in an array of different fields including microbiology, biofilms, antimicrobials, biologics, cellular biology, regenerative medicine, biomaterials, clinical engineering, chemistry and diagnostics and biosensors, 5D are able to offer a flexible service to deliver on all your existing and on-going scientific needs. The 5D group work closely with our global customers who operate in many different sectors. These sectors include medical devices, wound care, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics & personal care, veterinary medicine, oral care & dentistry, food & drink, infection prevention & control, built environment, industrial & engineered systems and potable water. We also provide and develop customer specific CPD accredited training courses as part of the 5D Education Academy. As a ‘one stop shop for all microbiology and scientific testing’ the 5D group also provide on-going advice and support to our customers during their development of technical files and design dossiers for CE marks and 510k submissions. At 5D we are always advancing our skills and knowledge to improve on our existing scientific service offerings to our customers.

Penny Parks Training

penny parks training


Penny Parks Training is the authorised training provider of Parks Inner Child Therapy (PICT). Parks Inner Child Therapy provides rapid and painless resolution of trauma & childhood abuse to the many victims worldwide. Although originally devised in the late 1970s this therapy model has continually evolved to remain at the cutting edge of the resolution of trauma, childhood abuse & emotional challenges. It is probably the most effective model available with the most significant feature being that it can bring about change gently as there is no need to disclose any details of traumatic events. The rapidity of its effectiveness has been enhanced by the introduction, in 1996, of the PICT Quick Change model, devised originally to cater for clients from overseas; where resolution may be completed in a series of 5 consecutive days of 4 hour sessions. (The QC 4 hour sessions can also be offered in weekly, 2 or 3 day formats). Penny Parks Training also provides a valuable resource to clients, practitioners and health professionals, as well as anyone interested in the topic of childhood abuse and its related subjects. Penny Parks herself was consulted as an expert in the field by health professionals, the media and in legal cases. Whilst this site is a comprehensive resource in the field of Child Abuse (recognition, treatment & training), if you cannot find the information you require please contact us directly and we will endeavour to provide the help you are seeking. Interested in Therapy? – click on the “Find a Therapist” link on the “Quick Menu” to find a therapist in your area. By contacting them directly you can discuss your queries, needs and counselling format, of course, without obligation.

Primary Care And Community Neurology Society

primary care and community neurology society


The Primary Care and Community Neurology Society which is also the Person-Centred Neurosciences Society is a growing organisation of likeminded healthcare professionals, and partnering organisations including companies and charities who all share a desire to drive up the standard of services to improve neurology care across primary care and the wider neurology community P-CNS has become the leading voice to support the connecting up of neurology care between Primary Care and the wider neurology community, which includes both heath professionals and non health professionals living with neurological conditions. Our Vision The P-CNS’s vision, which acknowledges the significance of learning through lived experiences, is to provide sustainable, consistent, and high-quality care and education services that consider and support the individual needs of the person so they can live well in the community with suspected or confirmed neurological conditions. Our Mission The P-CNS’s mission is to: To support our vision we believe our mission is to encourage and: Empower patients, practitioners, and industry partners by promoting engagement in an active community where all voices matter. Support the co-creation, provision, and signposting of high-quality education and information services to enhance the delivery of care to people with neurological conditions. Stimulate and develop inclusive and meaningful communication amongst all members of the neurology community. Value the personal narratives of all people – both patients and practitioners – who live with suspected or confirmed neurological / psychiatric / neurodevelopmental conditions. Support improved access to more community- and online-based neurology services. Educate health professionals on the importance of their language during patient interactions, to enable patients to make fully informed decisions about their neurological treatment. Promote a patient-practitioner partnership that enhances trust and allows patients to express their needs and expectations. Give patients within the neurology community the ability to express themselves by sharing their experiences with society members.