963 Educators providing Courses


rosewindows stained glass


Rosewindows is the Stained Glass Entreprise owned by Rosa Ferris, located at the heart of the English glass industry in the West Midlands. You are welcome to visit. To be sure that the studio is open, it is wise to contact her in advance. ROSEWINDOWS offers several services. Click on the golden buttons below to find out about them. Rosa’s art transforms traditional concepts of stained glass and engages you in stories of life and faith, of love and losses, of trauma and overcoming’ Rosa's domestic work of Restoration and Commemorative windows adds to a household’s sense of beauty and wonder and the process of the making is part of that (see ‘Restoration & commissions’) With Rosa's classes she creates a safe space for new experiences, where people can breathe out from every-day stress, develop their confidence & creativity and feel invigorated. And Rosa's tailored Workshops offer a wide range of possibilities for all kinds of groups and people, such as healing, recovery and empowerment as well as quality-time-experiences for families and friends for all kind of occasions and celebrations. "I aim to create an oasis of art and creativity, filled with precious treasures that sparkle and shine, radiating magical splashes of colour and light; A meeting place of peace and beauty, where you stand still and wonder, where your senses are nourished and your soul is touched. At the same time the ROSEWINDOWS Studio is a vibrant workshop, brimming with glass-activities for the wider community"

The International School of Traditional Massage

the international school of traditional massage

ITM is accredited by Thailand Ministry of Education, approved by Ministry of Public Health and recognized and approved internationally by many professional colleges and associations for continuing education in the regulated healthcare field. Many luxury five star hotels and resorts have chosen ITM School to train their spa Staff in healing art of Ancient Thai Massage. ITM Method of Teaching ITM uses the universal VAK (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) method of teaching. Our students learn through emulation of their teachers demonstrations to perform hands-on practice, following their teachers movements to ensure correct technique. ITM considers practice a very important aspect of learning Thai Massage and students can practice from Mon to Fri, 3-5 PM. No additional cost ITM is the only Thai Massage School who offers a one-hour ITM Thai Yoga/ Tai Ji Qi Gong to prepare the practitioners body, mind and spirit to perform Thai Massage in a healthy and effective way. Our Students ITM has over 30,000 graduates representing 157 countries and many varied walks of life from a novice to the highly-trained professional. Because of the different cultures, our students have the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the world and to build a lifelong friendship in all corners of the globe. Many of our students attend ITM to start a new career and have a life changing experience. Location and Facilities Our 2 building school and Spa Mantra are located in the heart of the city, close to accommodation to suit every budgets and a variety of food vendors and restaurants.

Yolande yoga and birth

yolande yoga and birth

Yolande’s first introduction to yoga was back in 1994, when a friend took her along to the local sports centre, to explore what this ancient form of “exercise” had to offer. The class was full and felt and smelt nice. A waft of incense and the subtle background sounds of Indian chants welcomed them in and she was kind of already sold at this point. The teacher a wonderful women called Sharon, from the sivinananda linage, spoke softly and taught various breathing techniques and body postures, that left her feeling strong and relaxed at the same time. She returned each week, and yoga has been Yolande’s bedrock ever since. Over the years Yolande has felt privileged to have spent time with many great teachers, all offering their own perspectives and experiences of yoga which have inspired, and paved the path for her own healing and transformation. After many years of practicing Yolande went on to study with Katy Appleton of appleyoga in London for her 200hr Yoga Teaching certificate, so she could go on to teach her passion, pregnancy yoga. Yolande studied pregnancy and postnatal yoga with Nadia Narain at Triyoga in London and as an Active Birth Teacher with Janet Balaskas. Yolande has also been supporting women and their partners as a birth doula since 2013. Having established a teaching practice the call to study deeper lead her to Rishikesh, India to study with Akhanda Yoga, under the guidance of Yogrishi Vishvketu, and complete 300hr Advanced Yoga Teaching certification and was given her spiritual name Jeevika Devi.

Theresa A. Kahn

theresa a. kahn

Thus far, it has been an incredible journey through life with its challenges, obstacles, and great insights gained on the way. I began both my life and spiritual journey from when I was born in West Germany in a military hospital outside of Wiesbaden, Air Force Base. My father was in the U.S. Air Force. Children born from military parents were considered military brats. I suspect that was the case because we were given the opportunity to travel the world, see how others lived, learn about different cultures, peoples, and religions. We were certainly spoiled in that way. It was a very colourful upbringing, having had the opportunity to live in and travel to so many countries. After my father’s deployment in West Germany and where I was born, we moved to France for several years, then Japan for a further 5 years, then back again to Germany for another 5 years, where I completed my high school years. Those experiences certainly gave me the impetus and even perhaps memories from past lives as being a traveller and explorer of sorts. I grew to love traveling because it opened my eyes to a greater world where endless possibilities were reachable. Navigating My Way Through Life in London I was never a child to follow the crowd, always an observer and very curious. I was born extremely sensitive, an empath, very intuitive, which was both a help and a hinder as I navigated my way through life. When we finally moved back to America after spending most of my early years overseas, I could feel almost immediately and instinctively I would not remain in America for long. I was being ‘called’ back to Europe and when an opportunity arose in the form of studying as an exchange student in London, England, at the University of London, there was no way that I was going to ignore this inner pull. London was to become my home and has been my base since I arrived those 30+ years ago. Living in Europe gave me the space to spread my wings, further my life experiences and delve deeper into my spiritual quest. As we all go through this unique time in history with the world changing so rapidly, it is also an opportune time to explore and expand by joining together in our spiritual journey through meditation, healing, and discovery. Allow Me to Reach Out My Hand and Open Heart to You I have been immensely blessed that my studies and experiences, in Education, Holistic Healing, Meditation, Spiritual and Personal Development have led me to teaching, facilitating, coaching, and mentoring, as well as being able to offer a beautiful array of ‘Energy- Based Interventions’. Clients, students, and those wanting spiritual guidance have come to me from all walks of life, from different belief systems, gender preferences, professions, and cultures. It has always been an enormous pleasure to learn from one another and share our commonality; an invisible thread that binds us together, through our desire for inner peace, comfort, good health, and above all, LOVE! Image I continue to work in this way and so grateful to offer my expertise to those who are genuinely committed in wanting to make this world a better place, by having the deep desire to do the inner work needed for healthy, conscious positive change.

Starlight Temple

starlight temple


Spirituality for me began as a search for happiness. In my late teens, I realized that I didn't know how to be happy. I started to read self-help books which eventually lead to spiritual workshops. Meeting people who could channel spirit guides inspired me to learn how to channel and life was never the same again! Channeling is the Divine Conversation that we have with life and that is where I found my happiness. I have worked with people and lands all over the world, flowing the flow of my own Divine conversation to be of Service to Humanity at this time of immense change and transformation. All of Starlight's Offerings are about bringing magic to life. The root word of magic is the same as the root word of power is means to be able or to be capable. The Tools, Guidance Ceremonies, and Processes that Starlight Temple offers are all ways that have helped me become more capable and live more magically. Living magically to me is all about living in connection. We were all born to be in connection -with ourselves, with the Earth, with the Cosmos, and with each other. Through channeling practices, shadow healing, ceremony, tantra and land work we can all come back into connection and in doing so live more of our potential, fulfill our paths, and experience the happiness of belonging. For me, spirituality is all about learning to Live it, learning how to become the change we want to see in the world. There are many tools and it is all about finding the ones that resonate with you. Kahreela x The four pillars of Starlight Temple are Channeling and Connection, Ceremony and the Temples Ways, Shadow work and Temple Alchemy, Ceremony and Earth work, Journeys and Portals. All of my offerings and energetic work happen through The Starlight Temple, be it online, in person or on the land. The Starlight Temple is the name of my path, which I have always sensed is an energetic Dragon – an alchemical Dragon, made of ancient wisdom and the magic of many guides, goddesses, spirits and star ones. The Starlight Dragon carries magic into the Temple and into the world, creating change, direction, flow and Alchemical change wherever it is called to fly. This Dragon is ancient memory that is invites you to walk and live the old ways. This Dragon is a fierce guardian of Gaia and those who serve her by healing themselves and their shadows. This Dragon is magnetic and will call you to ride through the dimensions until you understand yourself more deeply. The Starlight Temple is all about connection; connection to self, life, the universe and spirit. Our path is about learning to connect, channel and live the divine conversation. Starlight’s workshops, courses, one to ones, ceremonies and journeys are all dedicated to helping people find empowerment in their lives and as they walk their spiritual paths. We believe that spirituality is something you experience, that every person's truth is unique and that everyone's truth makes up the whole truth of the Universe. The events that we do are about holding space for people to have an experience of their truth, ultimately our work is about love - ways and tools of learning to Love the Earth, Life, Each other and our own self more. Starlight Temple is a space overflowing with ways of doing spirituality that can be incorporated into your everyday life, so that your path, your truth and love can be lived more fully!

Yasmin Zaman - The Portable Guru

yasmin zaman - the portable guru

For 20 years I’ve dedicated my life to inspiring others by teaching the self-awareness and self-care practices of connecting to the body and mind through various styles of yoga, mindfulness meditation, physical activity & trauma sensitive approaches to healing and recovery. My own life, and decades of working with diverse groups of people all over the world, taught me that when we take good care of ourselves, we value and appreciate others, and forge a better connection with the natural world on which we depend. My Bio includes more on my background, training, research papers and publications About four decades ago, yoga originally began as a way to care for my sore bones and tender tissues traumatized by a childhood fall, taught by a specialist teacher, practising what was then known as remedial yoga, today commonly referred to as yoga therapy. I know, without a doubt, that yoga and mindfulness meditation can heal the body, centre and focus the mind and restore sagging spirits. But being human and subject to the pressures of life, I didn’t always listen! Insecurity had me chasing a career: from teaching to working my way to senior roles alongside the great and the good in global Public Relations and communications for various not-for-profits and humanitarian organisations. The stress levels were stratospheric though it provided a dubious kind of glamour! Then one day I was diagnosed with a TIA (a stroke). And I listened. You don’t have to go through the same! Today, my work is varied: working therapeutically with patients referred for psychiatric care in a team of psychiatrists, psychotherapists and others; to teaching mindfulness-based and yoga classes & courses to the public who come in all shapes, colours and sizes. I am also interested in healing traditions from other cultures as a pathway to wholeness, e.g., shamanism. It’s been my privilege to lead programmes in partnership with local government agencies, GPs, academics, schools and corporate organisations to support everyone from children, young adults, working people, stressed, anxious and clinically depressed people, & those suffering with trauma diagnoses to learn ways to restore their wellbeing with skills and knowledge with an evidence base in science, mindfulness and yoga-based traditions. I have enhanced DBS and teach either group or one-to-one sessions online or in person: Weekly group yoga and mindfulness-based meditation classes (online & in person) One-to-one sessions and courses (online & in person) Yoga and mindfulness courses & workshops for all levels (dates to be confirmed) A blog and social media posts to inspire and provide resources to oil the wheels of your week (irregular!) A few retreats a year where you can immerse yourself in learning body wisdom and mind craft among kind, friendly and welcoming groups of like-souled people. In my free time I enjoy travel or watching travel documentaries, learning languages, walks with Mother Nature, the gym (not really but I do resistance exercise), music, art and dancing – Argentine tango and historical dances from the Baroque and Regency periods with the Winchester Baroque Dancers and Duke of Wellington’s Dancers. I am a Jane Austen superfan or Janeite and appear in a BBC documentary commemorating 200 years of her death in 2017! I have twin nephews and a niece, who all started practising yoga while very young. I’m hoping to add a rescue pug to the family very soon.

Natural Therapeutics

natural therapeutics

Carole originally trained in Therapeutic Massage and Clinical Aromatherapy with the Association of Natural Medicine in 1993. She has worked with local GP surgeries and in the local hospital offering complementary services to pregnant women and baby massage classes. In 1997 she trained in Neuroskeletal Re-Alignment Therapy in Australia. She gained her teacher training qualification in 1996 and has been teaching since, including 10 years at at Adult College in London. She has trained in various other therapies over the years and kept her knowledge updated constantly. She has written many national qualifications at HE and FE level. She is a Founding Member of Complementary Health Professionals, a Fellow of the Association of Natural Medicine and an Honorary Member of the International Federation of Aromatherapists. Carole also sits on the General Massage Therapy Council for CHP. About Dan Stephens FCHP, FFHT, MAoR, CNHC Registered Dan started his training in 2007 with VTCT in complementary therapies and then completed his reiki training in 2010. He has since further enhanced his knowledge, studying advanced aromatherapy and advanced massage as well as qualifying in Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy and Crystal Healing Therapy. In 2018, Dan graduated to teach complementary therapies and has been working with Carole. Dan is also the Reiki Officer for Complementary Health Professionals and sits on the UK Reiki Council. Dan wrote the first UK accredited course on CBD for therapists. He is a Fellow of Complementary Health Professionals, a Fellow of the Federation for Holistic Therapists, a member of the Association of Reflexologists and is registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council for aromatherapy, massage, reflexology and reiki.