25491 Educators providing Courses

Poppy Loves London

poppy loves london

Hello and welcome! I’m delighted you found me here in my little corner of the internet. When I started blogging in 2010 on a very clunky laptop, I had no clue at all that Poppy Loves London and all that it encompasses, would become my full time and very much loved job. Here you’ll find me writing about things I love now and have loved over the years, including my favourite fashion finds, travel destinations, recipes, homeware and coffee haunts. I’ve written endlessly about cosy cafes to hide away in and fancy restaurants for celebrations, my latest beauty finds, bakeries (the cake!) gorgeous interiors, books I’ve adored and all things knitwear. Oh, and jumpsuits. (Oh, and dresses…) And of course, you can’t shut me up about my home city, London. What a place it is… I have over a decade of experience in working in branding, social media and communications so I understand the influencer world from both sides, which has been incredibly valuable over the years and has meant that I have been able to work with and support some of my favourite brands and businesses. If you are interested in working with me, please see this page. Having this background in business has also enabled me to set up my Instagram Masterclasses for Small Businesses and my Instagram Course for Small Businesses. Helping people drive more business and revenue via their Instagram accounts is something I’m immensely proud of – I’ve loved every second. I live in Walthamstow, London with my husband and daughter, Isabelle, who was born in 2018. After a fairly traumatic few months for us all, while she suffered enormously with reflux, we all popped out the other end with a huge sigh of relief and she is now a proper walking, talking human and the funniest person I know. She can also out-eat me in crumpets, which you should know, is exceptionally impressive. Thank you for all your support over the years, through the ups and downs, through pregnancy and pandemics – it’s been such a pleasure to write for you all and I can’t wait to see what this next chapter brings… Eva x

Alumni Europae London

alumni europae london



Alumni Europae ASBL is the association for former students of the European Schools. We believe there is a unique and invaluable connection amongst us that crosses all kinds of social, linguistic and national boundaries. The association was launched at the end of 2011 and has shown great signs of success over these few years of existence. Make sure you join in the fun and register with our new website to get the full AE experience. Alumni Europae wants to unite and reunite former students, as well as parents, teachers and staff from all European Schools, by putting like-minded people in touch on a social and professional level. AE gives you an opportunity to research university and career options, to develop your future based on our members' broad experiences, and keep in touch with people you have shared so much with over the years, not to mention forge new friendships with other alumni from across the world. Once you have registered, you will have access to an archive of members' university experiences, career guidance and a permanent network of information and support. Alumni Europae plans to organize regular events; alumni reunions as well as events supporting the European ideals the Schools were founded upon. We feel this is especially important in a time in which Europe is suffering from an identity crisis in the midst of economic difficulties. Keep checking the website for news on activities and events we will be organising in the near future. The idea of an alumni association for former students of the European Schools is one that has been approached a number of times. Here is a brief history of the associations and what it has become today. 2013 - Alumni Europae ASBL merges with Euresco Euresco, the domain names and all of its activities are transferred to Alumni Europae. 2011 - Creation of Alumni Europae ASBL A new association of former students registered in Belgian Law. They rebuilt connections with schools and have built the organisation you see today. 2003 - The birth of a new community: euresco.org A small team of former pupils led by Nicolas Beffort (Bac 85 FR Woluwé) refused to resign, and decided to give a new birth to the project. They bought the Euresco database and euresco.org domain-name and paid all the debts of the former-organization to start on a new basis. 2001 - End of Euresco as an international organization By the end of 2001, Euresco was virtually bankrupt. The dissolution was effective on December 31st, 2001, and has been published in the Belgian Official Journal (Moniteur belge) on April 11, 2002 1996 - Lack of institutional support In 1996, the European Commission, that supported the launch of the organization from the beginning, could not help Euresco anymore. 1992 - Launch of Euresco Between 1992 and 1996, Euresco published three issues of its Euresco-Book, reaching more than 8,000 former pupils and teachers worldwide. Eight issues of the newsletter (Euresco-News) were also published under the successive Presidencies of François Wathelet, Eberhard Bömcke and Eric Everard.