1072 Educators providing Courses

The Redesign Coaching

the redesign coaching


I’VE BEEN IN YOUR SHOES…. ..and ever since I’ve been on a crusade to support successful but unfulfilled mid-life professionals to find a way out of what it is they think they SHOULD be sticking with to finding a new working life chapter that fills them with joy. I spent over 20 years working in senior PR and Communication corporate roles working with some of the most famous luxury brands in the world. For many years and for the most part I loved it - I got to travel the world, meet interesting people, work on exciting projects and felt like I was ‘lucky’ to work with such companies. I moved into my forties, had my second child and as I moved into a different ‘phase’ of my life the landscape just didn't look the same any more. Don’t get me wrong there were still parts that I loved (which makes it even harder to make a change, I know and understand this…) but the corporate landscape just didn't work for me anymore. I worked long hours and travelled, hardly seeing my children except for weekends. The juggle between family life and a busy career started to take its toll (that feeling of not feeling like you are doing anything well) and of course I never had any time to take care of myself, that was definitely last on the list. Finally deep down I knew I wanted to do something different, which if you are reading this is likely to be where you are now. It was not an easy decision to make, I know that it can also feel like you are leaving a life and part of you behind. However with the help of a coach I knew it was time for a change and a new challenge that gave me the flexibility and autonomy that I craved. I retrained with The Coaching Academy the UK’s leading coaching organisation which is ICF accredited. I now work as a Career and Personal Performance Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner. I am a graduate in Psychology, a member of the British Psychological Society and a licensed Firework Career Coach.

Andrew Okaro

andrew okaro

My name is Andrew Okaro, I’m a therapist and coach who specializes in relationships, inner child therapy and career transformation. I’m passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and to reach their full potential. I’ve been interested in self-development ever since I learnt how to read, and was able to borrow books from my local library. However, my 1st career was working as a Graphics Designer, which lead to further work in world of advertising. In my 20’s I had my dream job, and a flat in central London, all the things I wanted to have growing up as a teenager. However, I struggled with relationships and found myself repeatedly disappointment in matters of love and the heart. At the same time, I became interested in psychology, in particular the works of Carl Jung, and Freud. What fascinated me, was the idea that your childhood experiences and the relationships with your parents, are key factors in shaping your life as an adult. I also became interested in the world of spirituality and was naturally drawn to Toaism and Shamanism. I studied various universal laws such as 'the law of polarity' ‘the law of resonance’ and ‘the law of attraction.’ But not from the superficial view often portrayed in documentaries like ‘The secret’. I was more interested in the workings of the unconscious mind, and how attraction is often influenced by, archetypes, inner parts and shadow aspects of the psyche. I started to see how the relationship with my mother fitted the pattern of my early relationships. But knowledge alone, was not enough to transform this, and I realized that I had to dig deeper in order to experience transformation. After a particularly bad breakup, I became aware of healing power of EFT (emotional freedom technique) and NLP (neuro linguistic programming). While practicing these for some time I became aware of several shifts which manifested as synchronicities in my life. Some of these were subtle, while others were blatantly obvious, like two ex’s contacting me within a space of a couple days.

New Heights Training

new heights training

Neeta is a qualified solicitor, corporate skills training consultant/coach and published author. She owns a business called New Heights Training where the main focus is training people in communication skills and legal skills. The aim is simple; to create successful results in a competitive business environment. Neeta travels nationally and internationally to train lawyers, business professionals and students. Corporate Skills Training and Coaching Neeta coaches lawyers and business professionals to communicate with other people in a confident, concise and clear style. Neeta has worked with all levels of staff from junior support to senior management teams. She has the ability to identify effective training solutions and present them confidently to key stakeholder partners. Her training and coaching experience covers both the private and public sectors, including international law firms and businesses. Neeta coaches’ partners and lawyers on their partnership journey. She has an approachable manner which is non-judgemental. She uses many coaching models, language patterns and emotional intelligence tools to help them connect the dots to achieve what they want. The largest global real estate firms also benefit from Neeta's expertise. She trains and coaches their employees to meet the high professional standards required in the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) to become an RICS chartered surveyor. In addition to her postgraduate studies, Neeta is a practitioner of Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP), a practitioner and assessor of SEI Emotional Intelligence and holds a Certificate in Teaching English to Adults (CELTA). Legal Training and Coaching Neeta works with hundreds of international lawyers worldwide, from six of the seven continents, preparing them to qualify as a solicitor of England and Wales, through the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE). She trained BPP Law School examiners for the QLTT later called the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme (QLTS) which is what the new SQE is based on. She created a bespoke judging criteria to ensure consistency, when assessing candidates in the English language for the verbal reasoning assessment (Principles of Common Law). Based on her expertise and experience, she wrote the first SQE book called ‘Skilfully Passing the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE)’ published by Bloomsbury Professional. It has had great reviews from legal journals, educational institutions, universities, law firms and individuals.

Imagine! Belfast Festival of Ideas & Politics

imagine! belfast festival of ideas & politics


The 8th Imagine! Belfast Festival proved to be a successful offering involving 147 events and 359 speakers & performers during 21-27 March 2022. The eclectic week of talks, workshops, theatre, poetry, comedy, music, exhibitions, film and tours attracted an audience of 9,210 online and in-person attendees. Most of the events (82%) were free as the festival returned to live events after two years operating online. Although Covid continued to impact on our programme with 17 events cancelled due to illness, we were still able to roll out a huge range of events including headliners such as Michael Ignatieff, Tom Robinson, Helen Thompson, Michael Longley, Ece Temelkuran, Bill Neely and a host of exciting arts and cultural events – with many sold out or oversubscribed. We have conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the festival through an audience survey(3.5% sample). Our survey found that 95% of respondents felt the festival satisfied their expectations. It was particularly pleasing to find that 60% of audience members were attending a festival event for the first time and 37% of the sample had never been to a festival venue before, which suggests that we were able to reach new audiences and introduce them to new venues and partners. Other outcomes included: 12% of attendees came from outside Northern Ireland. Of these, 13% stated the festival was the main reason they were visiting Belfast. Audience spend: Our sample spent an average of £35 attending our events Number of festival partners: 52 Number of international participants: 40 with 27 events organised by participants from outside UK & Ireland Number of free events: 121 – 82% of total events Average ticket price: £7.8 Number of workshops: 14 Number of venues used: 35 Media coverage: Total number of items: 98. Reach: 4,022,796. AVE: £181,881. PR value: £545,644 Positive feedback was also elicited from survey respondents, detailed as follows: 95% of respondents felt the festival satisfied their expectations with only 1% reporting dissatisfaction (increased from 94% in 2021) 95.3% of people answered the question ‘after attending the festival, would you be more likely to attend other politics-related events’ (88% last year) 97.8 of respondents stated they were more likely to recommend the festival to family and friends after attending one of our events with 1.6% stating they felt the same When asked whether the festival promotes Belfast and Northern Ireland in a positive way, 98.4% said yes, with 1.6% responding as ‘don’t know’ People appeared to be reasonably well informed about the festival. 92% of the sample stated they were either well or somewhat informed about the festival prior to attending an event Respondents overwhelmingly found the subject matter of the event/performance as the main reason for attending the festival. However, familiarity with the speaker/performer was also cited as a factor. We also asked whether respondents considered themselves to be disadvantaged and found that 21% of the sample considered themselves to fall into this category which suggests were able to significantly engage with vulnerable and less well-off sections of the community. We invited the public to suggest and organise events in November 2021 and received a record 98 proposals, most of which we were able to support. This was a higher than expected level of public participation in the festival which resulted in more events than planned taking place in the 2022 programme. We also had a greater variety of events with more place-making events, exhibitions, music and discussions/workshop events compared to previous years.