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I am a Shaman Alchemist based in Hampshire. I believe that when you listen to your inner guidance and follow your soul's purpose, even though it may be the hardest thing you have to go through at the time, doors do open, opportunities do arise and you are always looked after by the Universe in every way and even beyond that which we know as our 'reality' - as long as you trust in the process... That's the key 'trust' that you are supported by the Universe. I am seeing so many people who have 'fragmented' souls, losing a small part of themselves each time they go through a trauma. Some have unknowingly carried over traumas from past lives and some are not fully here as they are sharing a parallel life simultaneously which if not in balance can drain their energy reservoir... Hmmmm, yeah it's pretty out there! I tap into my past life soul wisdom to bring in alchemical changes - to balance vibrational energies. I know that it is my calling to support others with their spiritual development. I hold shamanic alchemy sessions [https://www.love2meditate.com/privatetreatments.html], workshops [https://www.love2meditate.com/groupsessions.html], courses [https://www.love2meditate.com/courses.html], retreats  [https://www.love2meditate.com/retreats.html]and I have now created an online support system in the form of a magazine - Alchemical Voice [https://www.love2meditate.com/alchemical-voice-magazines.html]. it is a pathway of virtual support for those who don't have anyone else to talk to about their experiences. Digital copies are absolutely free! Furthermore, the Universe has guided me into creating online meditations [https://www.love2meditate.com/meditations.html] which are shamanically infused and include my healing shamanic drumming. These meditations have helped to heal myself as I work on writing them for others. Once completed they are tested by a Kinesiologist to ensure there is powerful transformational vibrations embedded in each one. They are all tested using the Levels of Consciousness (read my blog to know more about LoC [https://www.love2meditate.com/blog/levels-of-consciousness-explained]). Always striving to be the best I can, I will continue my sacred work, expand my knowledge and use the tools I have, to show you how you can help yourself. Be grateful for the past, be grateful for the present and confidently (with power) walk into your future knowing that the Universe has your back. You just need to believe, trust and love yourself. You do need to put in some work too :)

Your People Potential Ltd

your people potential ltd



Your People Potential first came to life in 2013 as Namasté Culture. Set up by former HR consultant Jacqui Kemp, the company delivers training and coaching programmes to support the wellbeing of your people and bring a positive culture to your business. In July 2017, after discovering that our name had connotations of being ‘pink and fluffy’, we worked with Collette from Brand By Me and rebranded to become Your People Potential. Jacqui works with organisations to identify their strategic health and wellbeing goals aligning with the core values of the business. Working with HR professionals and senior business leaders Jacqui develops programmes of training to address skills shortages, whether it is enabling managers to effectively identify and address concerns around mental health and wellbeing, or helping individuals and teams to build resilience, Jacqui always provides a calm, compassionate and respectful approach to the needs of the business and the individuals. Typically working with highly technical SMEs in the IT, biotech, pharmaceutical and academic fields, Jacqui merges her skills from the worlds of HR and therapy to offer a pragmatic approach to supporting good mental health and wellbeing. Based in Cambridge, Jacqui offers support online or in-person to businesses across the UK. We don’t do yoga, head massage or chanting. We’re in the serious business of helping businesses to thrive by delivering evidence-based training that’s grounded in science, we’re here to maximise your people potential.

Kathy Kinnersly

kathy kinnersly

I am Kathy, a dedicated mum of two, living with intention, purpose and passion. A lifelong interest in Natural Wellness and Wellbeing - was ignited further when my son Kit’s health needed additional powerful support. He was suffering from serious Eczema and Asthma - and he continues to be naturally supported today. I went on a journey of discovery, and found a whole new fascinating world of plant power! I was introduced to doTERRA Essential oils in 2015 as I was searching for support for Kit, and have never looked back! The power of these pure and tested Essential oils has not only changed my family’s lives and health, but it steered my career into one driven by care, support, empowerment and education for others. I fell in love with these little bottles of joy, and I couldn’t wait to start sharing them with others too! I use the oils daily - and weave them into mini daily habits and teach others to do the same! Simplicity is key! I use lavender to keep calm and support sleep, peppermint for alertness, frankincense for glowing skin, lemon in my water to support daily detoxing, On Guard to support our immune systems and of course Air - to support Kit’s respiratory health. I use them in my cleaning, my skin care, my hair care! But most importantly, they form the basis of me and my family’s emotional wellbeing, we can lean on them any time. Easy, daily routines - they become a habit or a ritual, whatever suits you! I am here to guide and support you! My journey with doTERRA has been one filled with learning and excitement. The quality of the oils coupled with the ethics and integrity of the company has given me such a passion to support and empower others as they embark on this journey with me. Offering everything from education, support and community - I am driven to help other Mummas who are looking for support in the way I was. Whether they need help with hormone balance, better sleep, digestive support, detoxing, emotional support or respiratory support, I am able to help - by providing easy to use and cost effective solutions When I became a Diamond leader with doTERRA here in the UK, it felt like an honour to be recognised for what I do - both in my local community, and globally online. Having grown a fun and dynamic team of like minded women over the past 7 years, I now provide business coaching and mentoring and full support - helping them to achieve their goals, sharing with passion and growing their own business. I am passionate about what I do, and can not wait to support you on your journey too. xx