1142 Educators providing Courses

European Studies And Language Services

european studies and language services


European Studies and Language Services (ESLS) started its operations in 1994 by two graduates educated in Greece, France and UK. Our mission is to become the world leaders in advising students to pursue their quality studies abroad at a very cost effective manner. This is because parents and students waste enormous amounts of money in trying to find the best way to achieve their academic objectives. ESLS assists parents and students to identify the best way to receive a high standard and quality education. Our vision is to continuously support our customers to attain their long term academic and career objectives. Our services constantly expand to provide more benefits to our customers. We try to be present in all aspects of major decisions and thus avoid mistakes often made during the decision making process. To achieve that we try to organise individual interviews with our customers in order to identify their academic and career needs or even to challenge their choices and guide them to the right direction. We also help them to choose the country and university that fit their qualifications paving the way to a successful outcome. In addition, we provide services that help our customers to decide on their accommodation and travelling arrangements. Finally, we maintain a long term relationship supporting them to face all challenges throughout their academic and professional career. ESLS is now operating in many countries represented by local associates. Our network of associates is composed by people who have adopted ESLS culture.

Artemis Training And Development

artemis training and development

Artemis has developed and delivered fire and rescue-related training programs for over five years. Our aim is to help individuals thrive, and organisations grow and prosper.Having created and supported the University of Wolverhampton Fire and Rescue Degree programmes in 2010, Mark Taylor and Tony Prosser, Operations Command Lead & Head of Learning and Development respectively with West Midlands Fire Service, were invited in 2012 to take on the management of the course as an independent provider, a unique proposition in the UK academic community. To facilitate this Artemis Training and Development Limited (ATDL) was incorporated in 2012. Both have a passion for incident command and the Fire and Rescue Service and were subsequently invited to tutor and assess in the command school at the Fire Service College and the Emergency Planning College. The reputation of ATDL for having knowledgeable and committed instructors gained traction and the company was approached to deliver revalidation programmes for several fire and rescue services, a product that did not exist in the UK . Further product development led to a suite of Skills For Justice Awards accredited courses including ICL 1 – 4, Level 5 Train the Trainer for Incident Command, Fire Investigation and other courses including the new Command Support level 4 programme. In order to keep growing our output, associates have been engaged, all with suitable experience, qualifications and enthusiasm, to deliver our incident command courses and the University of Wolverhampton Degree programmes, now running 5 degrees – full time, part-time and distance learning both in the UK and across the globe.

Career Inspirations - Executive Career Coaching

career inspirations - executive career coaching


I enjoyed a very broad experience with Shell UK, spanning logistics and distribution, business-to-business marketing, retail sales, marketing communications and the exploitation of motor sport sponsorships, customer service, operations and career transition. During this time I was also invited to tutor with The Leadership Trust on their Leadership in Management programme. This increased my desire to transform the performance of both executives and senior managers; and by that, to improve organisational performance too. This interest led me to the world of HR and in particular, guiding organisations through down-sizing processes; and supporting people through the redundancy experience – empowering them to become more self-aware and articulate their value to new potential employers. Specialising at executive and senior manager levels, means I make a real difference to them as individuals, drawing out their real values that positively impact on performance, profitability and stakeholder esteem; and therefore benefit new roles or organisations. For over 25 years, I have provided specialist and focused support to executives and senior managers spanning all key disciplines and the entire spectrum of industry, public sector and 3rd sector organisations. My interest is always in finding a better way to help smooth the process; guiding clients in a more professional way through each stage of their career transition – always with high quality and unlimited 1:1 support – and a unique approach supported by technical reasoning and psychological evidence. I may not always have the answer, but I will work tirelessly with you to find it!