8294 Educators providing Courses

The University of Huddersfield

the university of huddersfield


Whatever you aim to do in life, it pays to get a good education. And with high standards of teaching and learning and excellent facilities that's exactly what our students can expect from the University of Huddersfield. Based right in the town centre and at the heart of the local community, we help thousands of people, from school leavers to those returning to education after a gap, achieve their goals each year. Why do nearly 20,000 students choose to study at Huddersfield? Excellence The University of Huddersfield is a growing centre of research and excellence and we always push the boundaries of knowledge. The University of Huddersfield achieved a Gold Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) award in June 2017. This award expired in June 2021 and the scheme is currently being revised. We look forward to being reassessed when the awards are re-opened in 2023. We won the first Global Teaching Excellence Award recognising the University’s commitment to world-class teaching and its success in developing students as independent learners and critical thinkers (Higher Education Academy, 2017). Triple proof of teaching excellence; our staff rank in the top three in England for the proportion who hold doctorates, who have higher degrees, and hold teaching qualifications (HESA 2022). So, you’ll learn from some of the best, helping you to be the best. We are joint first in the country for National Teaching Fellowships, which mark the UK’s best lecturers in Higher Education, winning a total of 20 since 2008 (2022 data). We've world-leading applied research groups in biomedical sciences, engineering and physical sciences, social sciences and arts and humanities. The University of Huddersfield became the Times Higher Education University of the Year in November 2013. Judges highlighted the University’s outstanding record for student satisfaction and employability with the University placed in the top ten in the country in both categories. We asked our staff and students why they thought the University of Huddersfield won the University of the Year award. Here's what they said. Employment We have an impressive record for graduate employment, with 96.5% of our undergraduate and 96.6% of postgraduate students in work or further study within fifteen months after graduating (HESA Graduate Outcomes 2019/20, UK domiciled, other activities excluded). The University places a great deal of importance on industry experience and therefore 100% of our undergraduate students have the opportunity to undertake professional work experience during their studies. Enjoyable Since 2008, £156 million has been spent on campus development making sure our students have access to some of the best facilities in the country. Our campus also has a vibrant social scene and we have a very active Students’ Union with more than 110 clubs and societies. Enterprising The University is growing its reputation as a leader in the field of enterprise. In 2012 the University was awarded the prestigious Times Higher Education Entrepreneurial University of the Year and followed this up in 2013 and 2022 when it was awarded a Queen’s Awards for Enterprise: International Trade. Professor Liz Towns-Andrews, 3M Professor of Innovation, also received an individual Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion. Then in 2019 our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Bob Cryan, won the Examiner Business Person of the Year award. We have helped a number of graduates to set up their own successful businesses and have a fantastic Enterprise Team who are here to help students get their business ideas off the ground. The Enterprise Hub, housed in the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre, is a great hub for students who wish to set up their own business and provides a great opportunity to network with other students and local businesses.

Beacon Music Education

beacon music education


So I'm reading David Byrne's book, How Music Works, and last night I get to a chapter called "Amateurs!" — and I had to put down the book so I could take a minute and write to all of you. If you want to know why I started Beacon Music Factory in this amazing little Hudson Valley town, the desire to celebrate amateurs has a lot to do with it. I think everyone deserves to make some music, because making music will lift you up to the rafters. If music moves you, making music will move you even more. Byrne writes, "The act of making music, clothes, art, or even food has a very different, and possibly more beneficial effect on us than simply consuming those things." In modern society, we have tended "toward the creation of passive consumers, and in many ways this tendency is counterproductive." What he's referring to is the idea that for a bazillion years people made music. Then in the 20th century we created a recording industry, out of which has come a recorded-music world in which most people participate by merely consuming music. Feh. "Maybe, like sports," says Byrne,"making music can function as a game—a musical "team" can do what an individual cannot." Exactly. Long before there was ever a recording industry, music-making was a way of socializing, or being on a team. In the back forty, on the front porch, in the parlor, on a street corner, in church, in a pub. A hundred years ago, if you wanted to hear some music you got together with your peeps and you made some music. When I rave to anyone — parent, student, teacher, whomever—about why I think our Rock Band Boot Camp program is so incredible, so inspiring, so important, it's because no matter what you, the student, bring to it, you can—and we will—put it to use. And in the process, while you're in rock camp, as a contributing member of this team, of this group, of this band that you're in, you share a common goal with your crew. You're in it together. Suddenly the music you're making is more fun, more engaging, and more interesting to you than anything on Spotify or whatever on Brooklyn Vegan. The songs you're working on might be cheesy as hell, but all of a sudden you find yourself inside the music looking out—maybe for the first time. And because you're a vital part of the band, some part of that arrangement depends on you. What a rush. Byrne quotes anthropologist Ellen Dissanayake: "Prehistorically, …all art forms were communally made, which had the effect of reinforcing a group's cohesion, and thereby improving their chances of survival." Communal cohesion, tell me about it. If you were at any of the Adult Boot Camp final shows over the past year (London Calling, Arena Rock, Ziggy Stardust, Marquee Moon, Odd Man Out), the community support and enthusiasm rocked as hard as the bands. In our Rock Band Boot Camps, we are so dedicated to providing an opportunity for any and all kinds of people to rock out (our way of saying make music while having the time of your life). Of course, BMF diligently serves its serious students with instruction in a wide range of instruments, yes. But there is this other part of our mission: and that is to let the person with desire (and perhaps no experience) get his or her ya-yas out. As long as you've got desire, you really ought to give yourself the chance to rock out. And what better way to rock out than to make real music with real people like yourself. I really believe in what we're doing with these rock band camps, and I'm grateful to our teaching staff and to all of you, our students and supporters, for making this thing so real.

The Old School Day Nursery & Pre-school

the old school day nursery & pre-school


The Old School Day Nursery in Nuneaton is part of the award-winning Tommies Childcare group. Enquire now for more information and availability.We stand with parents in raising well-balanced, happy and self-assured young people by investing time, care and resources in their well-being and development. 2. NURTURE A CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT We allow young minds the freedom to explore and discover in a safe, stable and nurturing environment, creating resourceful adults able to reason, respond to and influence their world. Recognise and celebrate individuality, where each child is valued for their uniqueness and distinctive strengths and taught to value and respect differences and diversity in others. 3. SUPPORT YOUR CHILD’S INDIVIDUALITY AND CONFIDENCE Foster a sense of self-worth from an early age, developing confidence and resilience in children that will enable them to withstand and overcome challenges as they grow. Encourage positive interaction and communication, building children’s’ understanding of friendship, co-operation and respect for others in wider society and promoting a sense of belonging. Boost independence, giving children the tools to become self-sufficient citizens in their community. 4. GUARANTEE OUR EMPLOYEES ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST We offer peace of mind that your child is in the best hands, providing the personal attention and nurturing environment of home underpinned by professional expertise and a genuine passion for inspiring children. We provide the best mentors and guides for your children, investing in staff who understand this is more than a job and are excited to help shape our next generation. OUR STORY… In 1998, Tommies owner/CEO, Caroline, had twin daughters who were attending a local pre-school. It was struggling financially and due to close as a result, but she was on the parents’ forum and became aware of the situation. Not wanting to see the pre-school that her family attended and loved, fail, she made an offer to buy the business. Caroline was able to save it and make it sustainable again. Since then Tommies has grown and developed considerably. We currently have eight day nurseries located across the West Midlands, Warwickshire, and Derby. At Tommies, our ethos has moved towards having a strong focus on the wellbeing of our staff as well as the children in our care. We’re extremely proud that Tommies has its own personality and its own way of doing things. It makes us unique, trusted, and the #1 choice for so many families. AWARD-WINNING PROVISION For three consecutive years, Tommies Childcare has received an award for being a Top 20 Most Recommended Mid-Size Nursery Provider in the UK, as reviewed by parents on daynurseries.co.uk. “Tommies Childcare has shown that it delivers excellent early education throughout its nurseries and we’d like to congratulate them on being a top nursery group, as rated by parents. We feel it is a real achievement to be recognised for being in the Top 20 nursery groups by the families and carers of the children.” Davina Ludlow, Director of daynurseries.co.uk In 2019, Tommies Childcare has received the 3 Star Best Companies Accreditation and was listed in the Best Companies to Work For lists. Tommies have also successfully maintained their 3 Star Best Companies Accreditation and place in the lists every year since 2019. “I would like to congratulate Tommies Childcare on your achievement. Best Companies have been producing the accreditation standard since 2006 to acknowledge excellence in the workplace. Organisations like Tommies Childcare have continued to focus on their employees and have been rewarded with an engaged workforce who tell us that this is a best company to work for.” Jonathan Austin, CEO & Founder of Best Companies

The Socent Connection

the socent connection


Our mission is to promote social enterprise to people and give them the opportunity to connect with the many amazing companies within the sector. We want to inspire the next generation of change makers, whether as consumers, employees or entrepreneurs. Commited to Growth 100 % Passionate 100 % Friendly 100 % The Founders Story Meet Anthony Veluz The journey so far… Summer 2012- National Citizen Service EBP My social enterprise journey started in 2012. At the end of my Law and Business degree, I worked as a Mentor on the National Citizen Service (NCS) for their summer programme. I supported and coached a group of young people, through a programme of personal and social development, which culminated in a social action project in their local area. This programme consisted of team-building activities at an outdoor activity centre and skills development week at a University. For social action, my group carried out a project in their local community, providing a positive impact. Although NCS encompasses social impact, I wasn’t aware of social enterprise at the time. I didn’t even realise that the NCS provider I was working for, The Education Business Partnership (EBP), was a social enterprise themselves. It was only during the following year that I realised EBP were a social enterprise. I worked for them on NCS as a mentor across 13 different programmes over the years. 2013 – Elephant Branded It was during my Masters that I came across Elephant Branded, the first social enterprise I actually knew about! I had an interest in ‘good business’ and it was whilst I was watching ‘Be your own Boss’ on BBC3 that I discovered Elephant Branded. They make these amazing products out of recycled material, which in turn funds school kits in Africa and Asia. They also support the communities who make these products. I researched them online and discovered they had a student rep program. This is where the journey began. I started doing events on campus such as talks, lectures, pop-up stands, promoting Elephant Branded online and offline. This caught the eye of James Boon, Elephant Branded’s founder who offered me further opportunities across the country. Opening doors to lectures, talks, workshops and events in places such as Nottingham, Boston, Cardiff, Surrey and London. I really enjoyed what I was doing. I was able to meet many other social enterprises at events and learn more about social business. I gained new contacts, new skills and newfound confidence. Working For Other Social Enterprises Elephant Branded got the ball rolling. Other social enterprises were seeing what I was doing which led to me promoting them. I started working for GiveMeTap and LSTN Sound Co in addition to Elephant Branded. The skills I obtained with Elephant Branded were transferred to my newly appointed roles. I was offered a unique opportunity to represent all three social enterprises on the NCS programme, which I had previously mentored on. I delivered the Business Challenge on NCS across the East Midlands and Yorkshire, representing Elephant Branded, GiveMeTap and LSTN. It was The Apprentice meets Social Enterprise meets NCS. I had great fun promoting social enterprise to the young people on NCS. The challenge encouraged them to think about social enterprise ideas in their local areas and pitching new business ideas. During Global Entrepreneurship Week, again I represented all three social enterprises at an event hosted by Enterprise Zone and UnLtd at Boston College, celebrating social enterprise, Go Social. It was at this event I met people from UnLtd and discovered they funded social enterprises. I looked into this and eventually pitched for both pre-start-up funding and start-up funding. In between, I also successfully pitched for start-up funding from my University in Lincoln, leading to the next piece of the puzzle, setting up The Socent Connection.

Prestige Boot Camp

prestige boot camp


Established in 2008, Prestige Boot Camp is Europe’s No1 and most successful and established provider of luxury fitness and weight loss boot camps. Recognised for our exceptional results, stunning accommodation, unrivalled service and attention to detail, we are delighted to be Europe’s first choice, and the only boot camp of its kind. Our reputation is second to none and it is important for you to know we are unique at what we deliver. We know we offer the most superior bootcamp service in Europe but don't just take our word for it! The 1st National Boot Camp Survey awarded us as the ‘Best Women’s Boot Camp in England’ 2009,2010, and 2011. Harpers Bazaar also named us the ‘Best Overall Boot Camp’ and Iain Reitze, our co-owner and Head Trainer as one of the Top 5 A-list body trainers in the world! We have a fantastic reputation spread largely by word of mouth from very happy clients who come back year after year and highlighted in reviews and recommendations by the world’s leading magazines and newspapers. All Abilities Welcome Women and Men of all ages, shapes, experience, and fitness levels come to us from all over the world to achieve great results at our fitness, weight loss boot camps and jucing retreats. Led by Iain Reitze, our world class British Military Physical Training Instructors aim to win hearts and minds; educate; and empower you; to make lifestyle changes that last. They will motivate you with high energy, inspiration and humour and plan every day differently so it is challenging yet varied enabling everyone to perform to their individual capabilities. We have an extremely passionate and dedicated team who look after and support you right from the moment you contact us and throughout your stay with a support network that continues after you leave via our online community and after care package. All the planning throughout the week is done for you so you can spend your time focused on the most important person for that week - you! We will provide the special touches to make your stay comfortable, memorable and rewarding! Lose weight in just 7 days In just 7 days at boot camp you can lose weight and watch the inches melt away as our expert trainers take you through our award winning programme. The week is packed with fun and energising activities designed to help you reach your weight loss and fitness goals and provide you education and tools to continue a healthy and balanced lifestyle. A typical day might include boxing, circuits, hiking, team games with use of the extensive grounds on site, at nearby beaches or woodland. The course will also enable recruits to sample and benefit from other experiences which may include either, rock climbing, zip wires, abseiling, kayaking, surfing or Stand Up Paddle. Better Body, Better Mind, Better You The whole experience though is so much more than just a number on the scales. In addition to a Better Body we also want you to leave with a Better Mind. How will we do that? Your journey at Prestige Boot Camp will play a huge role in helping you develop a new found psychological strength. We will show you how to change your mindsets, behaviours and attitudes to enable you to achieve anything you put your mind to. You will gain increased confidence and self esteem which you can transfer into all aspects of your life! You will feel more motivated than you ever have been, full of energy, reinvigorated with a new zest for life. So YOU give us a week of your life – it truly is an investment in yourself and your future and our PROMISE is a Better Body, Better Mind and Better You!

Allison Maxwell

allison maxwell


Allison Maxwell was first introduced to the great benefits of yoga 26 years ago while studying at university. She was pretty hyperactive, had frequent headaches and difficulty sleeping. A friend suggested she should try yoga, so they both joined the local College of Further Education class in Oxford. After just one course Allison was hooked and made it her priority to get to her weekly yoga class. Since then Allison has tried just about every type of yoga on offer and since qualifying as a teacher some 15 years ago has developed her own style that reflects her personality. Picture Picture Qualifications Allison's teaching qualification is from the British Wheel of Yoga (BWYDip) where she holds a diploma, which she completed in 2000. The British Wheel of Yoga is the UK’s largest yoga community and is renowned for it’s 500 hour yoga teacher training courses that are also accredited with the Yoga Alliance and take approximately two years to complete. Following this she trained to teach yoga to mother and babies and obtained a certificate from Cambridge Active Birth in 2002. She then went on to train to teach yoga to children studying with the Calm for Kids institute and completed this in 2005. As a qualified BWY yoga teacher Allison maintains a current First Aid certificate, is fully insured and attends regular CPD training days. The Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs Teacher Training course (YHLB-R), is accredited as a Recognized Centre of excellence in training and standards by The British Wheel of Yoga (the national governing body for yoga for Sports England and Sports & Recreation Alliance UK) - view www.yogaforbacks.co.uk. How yoga helped me - Allison's own words " During my role as Health Clinic Manager in a busy private clinic in central London, my health started to suffer. I often worked 12-hour days, managing staff, dealing with clients and meeting press deadlines. The one aspect of my life I never gave up was my regular yoga classes and I found that yoga was an escape from my busy schedule enabling me to 'recharge my batteries' for the next week ahead. With so many of my high flying clients suffering with addictions to alcohol and anti-depressants, I was so glad I found yoga as my release from stress! Following this I decided to study for a Master's degree at Southampton University. On completion of my MSc in Public Health Nutrition I decided to treat myslef to a yoga retreat in South India. I had no idea of the impact it would have on my life and it was life changing in many ways. Firstly, I had been plagued by almost daily headaches for over fifteen years, since suffering a neck injury from a trampolining accident at school. On my return to England my headaches has disappeared. Despite spending a fortune on other therapies over the years it was yoga that got rid of them! Also I felt more in control, happier and focused for the first time in my life. The positive impact yoga had on my life inspired me to train to be a yoga teacher. The first yoga class I taught was for Lewisham Council in London, for a group of people suffering stress and anxiety. I was thrown in at the deep end and it was a memorable experience. However, I was delighted at the benefits enjoyed by many members of the group. After moving to Berkshire I then taught in a variety of venues in Marlow, Wokingham and Reading, including Reading University (staff and students), schools, nurseries and exclusive health clubs and spas. In 2008 we moved to Colwall and shortly after we arrived I set up my first yoga class in my home and now offer two classes a week and one-to-one sessions. I also teach at three further classes in Malvern and run regular retreats at The Clover Mill Spa."

Tumble Tots Nottingham

tumble tots nottingham


Tumble Tots is Nottingham's premium children's physical activity programme, from Walking (around 1 year old) to school age (4 years). Designed to develop children’s physical skills of agility, balance, co-ordination and climbing, through the use of brightly coloured Tumble Tots equipment, especially designed for little people. According to the physical activity guidelines issued by the four Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland regular physical activity in children and young people is associated with improved learning and attainment, better mental health and cardiovascular fitness, also contributing to healthy weight status. Toddlers and preschoolers should spend at least 180 minutes (3 hours) per day in a variety of physical activities. The Tumble Tots programme has been carefully designed to promote physical activity, sport and exercise in children for physical and mental health benefits. We currently run the following "age and stage" classes in Nottingham: ★ Walking to 2 years ★ 2 to 3 years ★ 3 years to school age To learn more about our programme and each of our "age and stage" development classes click on "About > Our Programme". You can also click here to watch a short YouTube video about our programme. Our centres in Nottingham: MONDAYS Gamston Community Hall (Gamston) - NG2 6PS TUESDAYS David Ross Sports Village (University of Nottingham) – NG7 2RJ WEDNESDAYS David Ross Sports Village (University of Nottingham) – NG7 2RJ THURSDAYS Grange Hall (Radcliffe On Trent) - NG12 2FB FRIDAYS Sir Julien Cahn Pavilion (West Bridgford) - NG2 7JE Pricing and term information There are three elements to booking regular classes with Tumble Tots Nottingham 1) Annual Membership 2) Regular monthly class fees 3) Class fees covering payment: 1) Annual Membership The first element requires your child to become a member of the Tumble Tots National Club to participate in classes. Your membership is paid at the same time as confirming your regular booking, so that we can set-up your child's personal accident insurance policy to cover your LO to attend classes straight away. The annual membership fee is £26 per child. In addition, your child will receive a welcome pack posted directly to them including their iconic Tumble Tots T-Shirt, Back Pack, Sticker Book, Membership Card and Handbook. We also offer a reduced rate for Renewals and members can take advantage of our exclusive offers, discounts, competitions and many more member benefits! Please encourage your LO to wear their t-shirt to help them feel a sense of unity and pride with their fellow Tumble Tots, as well as the practical aspect of wearing comfortable loose clothing for climbing!! NB - our annual membership is mandatory, non-transferable, non-refundable and valid for one year. To view the full details of our membership programme please visit: https://www.tumbletots.com/nottingham/membership You can also checkout the toys and gifts that we sell in our online shop by visiting: http://www.tumbletots.co.uk/ 2) Regular monthly class fees At the same time as confirming your booking, you will pre-enter your credit or debit card details to authorise us to take a recurring payment on the 1st of a month for your child's class fees. A recurring payment is similar to a direct debit but taken from a valid debit or credit card and not directly from your bank account. The monthly fee is £28 and will be automatically processed on the 1st of the month for classes in the same month, i.e. September class fees will be paid on 1st September. We operate classes during school term time only and your monthly subscription plan covers class fees for a full school calendar year (36 weeks per annum), which have then been divided into 11 convenient and affordable recurring monthly payments. Your subscription will be paused in August, when no classes are running, or during periods of national lockdown. You may cancel your child's classes at anytime, giving a minimum 4 weeks notice. Younger siblings receive a 20% discount off their class fees. On average, there are 2-4 classes per month, dependent on how school term dates fall. 3) Class fees covering payment Please note that if you join part way through a month, a covering payment will be added to your first monthly instalment, so that you can start classes straight away. This amount will be calculated based on how many remaining classes there are. An example payment schedule is given below, where the new member joined on 21st September: Date of joining - £26 Annual Membership fee 1 Oct - £45 (£28 monthly fee October classes + £17 covering payment for 2 classes attended in September) 1 Nov - £28 monthly fee November classes 1 Dec - £28 monthly fee December classes (1 Jan - 1 Jul) - £28 monthly fee 1 Aug - £0 payment paused 1 Sep - £28 monthly fee September classes 1 Oct - £28 monthly fee October classes …and so on and so forth. Siblings discount Younger siblings receive a 20% discount off their class fees. Notice period You may cancel your child's place anytime, giving 4 weeks notice. Holidays, sickness and anytime / anywhere make-up classes We are unable to refund or credit missed classes, but do offer an anytime, anywhere makeup scheme. Term time only Classes do not operate during school holidays and dates will be indicated on our Facebook and Instagram pages, on our noticeboard and website, plus we also send end and beginning of term emails. Can younger siblings come along to their brother or sister’s class? Younger siblings in a car seat, pushchair or baby carrier are welcome to attend their older siblings class, so that your hands are free to support your child at all times. Cancellation • We reserve the right to cancel or postpone classes at any stage in the event of equipment failure, theft, insufficient participants or trainers, business closure or otherwise. • Any class fees refunds will be at the discretion of Tumble Tots Nottingham. The annual membership fee is non-refundable in full or in part. • Should a member, through illness or otherwise, miss their class, Tumble Tots Nottingham are under no obligation to offer a refund. Members are offered to make up the class on an alternative day. • Tumble Tots Nottingham reserves the right to vary course details in line with current guidance and best practise and to amend dates and prices without prior notice. Health & safety Your child’s safety is of utmost importance to us and we offer complete peace of mind and confidence that our programme is of the highest quality as a Fully Accredited Member of the Children’s Activity Association (CAA). 4 trained team members run our classes. All staff are responsible for maintaining safety and guiding both you and your Tumble Tot throughout the class. We operate on a strict 6:1 child/adult ratio, similar to nursery and preschool groups. Our team are DBS checked. There is a paediatric first aider and fire warden on site at all times. Parents are actively involved in the sessions for under 3’s. In the 3+ sessions, Tumble Tots participate without their grown up. By taking part you agree and acknowledge: • That it is an indoor activity with an element of risk. Members should be prepared to be knocked or bruised whilst learning new skills. In booking this activity, the participant acknowledges that it may be physically and emotionally challenging and that there are inherent risks associated with this activity. • At all times, to comply with the instructions given by staff members, particularly regarding supporting techniques and wearing suitable clothing for the activity. Misconduct You understand that Tumble Tots Nottingham may exclude anyone from a particular session and ask anyone who refuses to comply with these course booking terms or who conducts themselves in any way or who causes damage or annoyance to other persons to leave. Covid-Secure During the Covid-19 pandemic we have implemented additional health and safety measures, that can be read via the link below, to protect our members, team and the wider Nottinghamshire community. We entrust our members to adhere to the measures that we and the UK Government have put in place, to prevent any transmission whilst attending classes, and keep classes running. COVID-19 Secure Measures Complaints Should you have a complaint or issue you wish to raise, please let Fiona know, or another member of staff who you feel comfortable raising the issue with.

Ju Dachi Martial Arts

ju dachi martial arts


Ju Dachi Martial Arts Association was launched in 2007 and its goal is to promote and teach the true meaning and traditions of Martial Arts in a non-political manner in the UK, by providing a service based on equal opportunities for all. Our mission statement truly represents who we are as a company. All our instructors are passionate about karate and believe in a simple motto. Our motto is simple ‘Karate for all’. Everyone has the right to learn Karate in a fun and safe atmosphere for all. Below you can read our mission statement in greater detal. Promoting The True Traditions of Martial Arts What is the true meaning of Martial Arts? This is quite a complex topic. It is a sad fact that over the years many Martial Art systems, whether it is Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc… have become seriously diluted in order to make things easier for their students for the pure purpose of making money, or these systems have been diluted by individuals removing a lot of content and only teaching things that mattered to them. What these individuals forget is that their system had a foundation from which they learnt. By removing that foundation, their students train missing some of the important content, without the whole knowledge. When the student becomes an instructor, then they do the same and thus over the years Martial Arts such as Karate, Judo, Wing Chuan etc, become diluted and knowledge is then lost. We, at the Ju Dachi Martial Arts Association believe in preserving the true traditions, techniques and their meanings. This is why it takes at least 4 to 5 years to achieve 1st Dan Black Belt. We are very proud that we are preserving this knowledge and developing our systems to be effective in the real world, while never forgetting the foundations taught, and the history and origin of the martial art. Teaching In A Non Political Manner We only care about training and learning the true meanings of martial arts. We leave all the politics outside the Do Jo and concentrate on the training, learning, mastering ourselves and our students. Did you know that the only reason Karate is not in the Olympics is because there are so many organisations, and they are too divided? Our approach is simple, we teach martial arts in a traditional manner and with a practical approach for today’s day and age. We are just happy with you training at our school and being part of our martial arts family. We leave all the silly, childish bickering and debate outside the Dojo, and we always encourage our students to try and learn any other martial arts. We also open our doors to other associations, such as RKAGB, who occasionally run courses for us. Equal Opportunities For All All our students are given fair opportunities regardless of background, religion, race, sex or age. In our school of Martial Arts, all our students are taught and treated as individuals. Children learn in a fun, caring and safe atmosphere, as well as our adult students. We do not tolerate or accept racism, sexism, bullying, etc in any way shape or form, as this has no place in any Martial Art or healthy lifestyle. You will find that all our students train hard and will offer any new student a warm welcome. One of our mission statements is “Karate for all”, without any discrimination. We also run schemes with local tenant halls, to improve healthy lifestyle and keep children out of the streets in the community. All our students will be given opportunities to take part in courses, events and exams. Even though all students will have this opportunity, those who really stand out will be given a chance to become a full time instructor, and eventually all the support they need to run their own Ju Dachi Martial Arts club. At our school we all work together, and rest together and students/parents or carers can talk to the instructors directly at any time if they have any queries, or suggestions. We want students to get involved, we listen, we act. We welcome feedback.

Alice Leahy

alice leahy


About Alice Leahy Trust TRUST was founded in 1975, and this year we are 35 years working people who are homeless in Dublin. TRUST is a non-political, non-denominational voluntary body set up in 1975 as a private charitable trust (Charity No.CHY7014) to provide medical and related services for people who are homeless. We work in premises provided at a nominal rent by the Iveagh Trust. Between 30 and 40 men and women call each morning, the majority of whom are sleeping out (age 18 to 85). We see new people daily and often have people calling who were housed – settled- and become homeless again. Washing facilities are available and each month we give out in excess of 500 outfits of clothing to people who are homeless as part of our total health service. Members of the public, Rotary and church groups donate the clothes and shoes. Developing a Sense of Self-Worth We encourage and help people who come to us to avail of statutory services and to obtain their entitlements; to place a value on themselves; to develop a sense of self esteem and avoid dependence on private charity. “When we first entered TRUST on the Monday at the beginning of the week Alice asked us if we could ever see ourselves homeless and straight away we answered “No”. But now after all we’ve experienced and seen I now realise there is only a very, very fine line between having a home and being homeless. Homelessness is not just being houseless -it’s about not feeling wanted or belonging somewhere. Society has an awful opinion of homeless people as drunks, down and outs -whereas they are only human beings like the rest of us who just couldn’t keep up in the rat race. We met some very well spoken people -teachers who couldn’t get jobs, doctors who couldn’t “make it”. They become so institutionalised that they will not move out of a hostel. Before, I would have been anxious or afraid to approach a homeless person on the street but now I know that they would be happy to have someone to talk to. I also never realised all the organisations and people who devote and have spent most of their life working with the homeless” Extract from diary of student nurse on placement. Helping to Create a Society where Everyone is Important We see a major part of our work is in the field of advocacy or promoting more awareness of the outsiders amongst us, and the creation of this web site and our Transition Year Project and Essay Competition grew directly out of that commitment. We are a relatively small agency but through our work we have gained valuable insights and using our experience we try in different ways to bring that into the wider community and seek to effect change. For example, we have been intensely involved in prison and psychiatric work since the beginning of Trust. In 1998, Trust Director Alice Leahy was invited to join the National Crime Forum. Trust is on the Consultative Board of the Homeless Initiative and is involved in on-going training of specialist groups. We make submissions in response to requests from government agencies and are involved in relevant research on the issues relating to homelessness. Trust feels that some agencies involved with people who are homeless may not respect everybody’s right to the confidential use and storage of information. Some people who are homeless feel pressurised to take part in research into homelessness in case they may lose their hostel bed or their entitlements. Trust only participates in research when we believe the research design is sound, ethical and likely to provide useful information. “I was most impressed by your service. The bright coloured walls and wooden floors were warm and welcoming, and mirrored the bright cheerful staff who welcomed me… I was particularly impressed by the pictures on the wall, which captured the sensitive nature of the people who use your service and speaks of a place where everyone is accepted just as they are. Those pictures tell me that every life is a work of art. I felt I was in a solid, comfortable place and ordinary enough to feel at home.” Letter from Dr. Kieran McKeown,Social & Economic Research Consultant after a visit to TRUST

Advance Change Ltd

advance change ltd

Actus the company was founded by Lucinda Carney, a Chartered Psychologist and former Head of Learning & Development at Siemens and at Pfizer before that. After years of experiencing first-hand the challenges of making Performance Management meaningful, she decided to set up Actus (then Advance Change) offering software that would overcome these challenges, supported by training and organisational development services to provide a comprehensive solution for culture change. Our ethos Since its inception, Actus has been one of the pioneers of performance management software in the UK. Our ultimate goal is to help build a better workplace for people and this goes beyond offering simple appraisal software. We are a small yet mighty (and very friendly!) team based in Redbourn, Hertfordshire and our software and services are highly comprehensive. We believe that to embed lasting, positive change, an organisation needs more than a very simple ‘off the shelf’ software that acts as a ‘tick box’ exercise. They need a system that will evolve with their needs as they grow and one that can be supported with the right training and consultancy options should they require them. What we offer Our Performance, Learning and Talent Suite is aimed at managing all your performance management needs in one place. That means one system and one source of truth. The beauty of Actus is that it eradicates the need for multiple complex HR systems, allowing the system to evolve with your organisations needs. To support you on your journey, we also offer a range of training and consultancy services to embed best practice. These include open and in-house training programmes to support remote/hybrid working and change initiatives, bespoke consultancy services, and a wide-range of free value-add thought leadership resources to support you on your journey. If you are interested in our products and services please get in touch below. Why we are different Our fully-comprehensive software eradicates the need for multiple complex HR systems, by providing customers with one fully-integrated solution that can be configured to their changing needs. We work in partnership with our customers. If you choose Actus you can directly influence the product roadmap. Our Performance Management Software offers more inclusive features than our competitor systems. In this rapidly changing environment, managers need all the help they can get to effectively motivate and manage people wherever they are located. We are passionate about helping people to build a better workplace, which is why we offer aligned training and consultancy services to support positive culture change in any organisation. We are constantly expanding and sharing knowledge with customers and the wider HR community through a wide range of initiatives including our free HR resources, popular monthly webinars and the top-ranking business podcast – The HR Uprising Podcast. Our Software Support Team is based at our UK-based Head Office, so if you have a problem or query you can call or email the helpdesk and receive a timely response from a real person. We have a strong history of integrating with other HR systems and working with clients to develop bespoke functionality. Awards and Accolades We are honoured to have achieved a number of industry awards, accolades and accreditations. They are a clear indication of our commitment to offering the very best to our customers and underpin our vision to be the UK Market Leader for Performance and Talent Management Software and Services. As a business, we are very proud of our achievements and recognition by our peers, customers and industry experts of our successes and the excellence of our products and services. We have chosen to align ourselves with the relevant quality benchmarks to ensure we are always using the best practice approaches to fulfil our promise to deliver the highest quality product and services to our customers. Association with all relevant business and industry bodies helps us to maintain our awareness of the latest thinking in HR, technology, what’s happening in the UK economic landscape and most importantly what issues our customers and prospects are facing that we can help resolve.