8294 Educators providing Courses

Oxford High School

oxford high school


elcome to our website and our history. Oxford High School (OHS) to its devotees is a place of scholarship and learning tempered by spirit, fun and community. Justifiably proud of its extraordinary academic outcomes, OHS is a place where young women are prepared for a world where they give back to others who have not had the same opportunities. A place where young women are prepared for the demands of the future, led by committed and dedicated staff absolutely devoted to their students’ wellbeing and achievement. The women who find their way here are curious, sparky and delight in challenge of any kind, whether it is joining the water polo club, singing opera for the first time or managing our very own hives of bees. Leadership opportunities abound and we are so proud that our students lead the school, put on world rivalling conferences, write to world leaders and enable opportunities for all those around us. We are also lucky enough to be in the heart of a city which thrives on curiosity and learning. That is reflected at OHS, where Academics come into school to demonstrate the accessibility of an academic career as well as share the excitement of challenging world constraints, whether forging ahead with a new vaccine (Dr Sarah Gilbert), working to ensure that everyone belongs in a diverse world (Aduke Onafowokan) or even managing a country in the middle of a pandemic (Jacinda Ardern). These are not leaders who speak to the school as requested by staff, but rather our students who are given the confidence and aspiration to put their dreams into action. Don’t make the mistake, however, of believing that OHS is purely academic; we, and the Girls’ Day School Trust, understand how high achieving women learn, thrive and flourish. The Trust enables our young people to access a network of over 25 other schools, conferences run by women for women across the country, and an astonishing alumnae network of over 70,000 former pupils who are extending a hand to help your daughter find her own place in the outside world. Our pastoral care nurtures our young women to ensure that they succeed at their pace. Despite being a bigger school, our staff are absolutely dedicated to the young women in their care, get to know them and their ways of learning and do all they can to support them. That does not mean we lower our expectations but rather extend the safety net to ensure they are lifted towards their dreams. Any website can only give you a flavour of what happens beyond the doors but I urge you to come in, meet me and our dedicated staff whether virtually or in ‘real life’, and, above all, enjoy the sparky, original, curious, lively young women who flourish and thrive here. I look forward to sharing with you the magic of opportunity, fun and spirit that pervades our school.

Florence Culinary Art School

florence culinary art school

About FCAS Established in 1983, Florence Culinary Arts School (FCAS) is a professional institute with the mission to spread the excellence of Italian cuisine around the world, as well as to inspire international students to reach their full potential and accelerate their career growth. FCAS welcomes students from all over the world. The diverse background of FCAS’s students creates a rich multicultural community that promotes the exchange of ideas and viewpoints. The staff is multilingual and ready to assist overseas students wherever they attend our programs. FCAS offers the best culinary programs such as learning techniques for Italian cuisine cooking in a short period, gaining enough hands-on culinary experience in Italy, getting ready for opening up their own restaurant/cafe/shop, and so on. The school is situated in the very central area of Florence, Italy, an ideal location to enjoy the city. Florence – the capital of Fine Arts – is well known worldwide for its artistic heritage, and its numerous traditional art & craft laboratories, but also in the field of gastronomy it is blessed with a wide variety of ingredients, as Tuscany region is known as the heart of Italian culinary tradition. Tuscan cuisine has developed throughout history as the fusion of aristocratic gourmet food and simple peasant’s dishes. Transmitting the Italian Culture through Culinary Arts Food is one of the fundamental elements of a culture, representing the region’s culture, nature and climate, etc. evolving together with the transformation of the land. Florence is one of the most popular tourists’ destinations, and by taking one step out of the classroom, you will encounter countless foods, from traditional foods to foods of the latest trend. Foods offered to visitors and to city residents, foods offered at friends’ house, ingredients that cannot be found in your own country, and all of these diverse foods will give you hints to know Italian cuisine deeper, and to know Italia itself. Students are encouraged to learn from various experiences, not only to study in the school, but to go out and discover what is out there. Message from the Chief Professor Florence Culinary Arts School (FCAS) was founded in the city of Florence, which is renown as a gourmet city, with the mission of spreading outstanding Italian cuisine cooks all over the world. When I teach the students, I try to give them all the knowledge and techniques I have cultivated until now, so that they can understand the marvelous Italian culture, have curiosity for food, and feel the beauty of each dish realized by the love and pursuit for art. Florence is not only a great place to study culinary art study, but also a great place to stay. You can discover numerous globally recognized restaurants; visit markets full of fresh ingredients, and countless special experiences, and be immersed in the world of Italian cuisine. Let’s take a step forward and learn together the authentic Italian taste I wait for you in Florence! Prof. Francesco Coniglio Share this:

Peacock Mosaics

peacock mosaics

Joss Hughes is a self-taught mosaic artist working from her studio in a beautiful rural setting near Romsey, in Hampshire. When not working on commission, she creates mosaics for sale at local outlets or plans her next adult “Mosaic and Cake” workshop. She marvels at the natural creativity of children taking part in her “Make a Mosaic” parties or in after-school and holiday camp mosaic sessions. Mosaic creations in stained glass and mirror dominate her portfolio however, she also particularly enjoys working with beach-combed sea glass and driftwood. The latter are mainly sourced from her beloved South Cornwall. Other materials she occasionally uses include 'found' objects from the garden or beach, and the commercially available glass tiles and nuggets. After a crafty childhood Joss focused her mind to pursue a career in Paediatric Medicine. Six university years and a further seventeen, mainly working for NHS England, left little time or energy for creativity! Job rotations and RAF deployments (her husband) necessitated living at fourteen different addresses (in the UK and in Australia). Retrospectively she realises that the repetitive home-and-garden making was expressing a hidden natural creativity. Five years ago she made the life- changing decision to say 'goodbye' to Dr J Hughes, Neonatal Doctor, and to say 'hello' to Joss Hughes, mosaic artist. A birthday gift of a two day beginners’ course (Clare Goodall, Oxford) in 2009 had sown the seed of the addictive nature of mosaics. Following up on two chance sightings of the same incredible huge floating mosaic ball, she tracked down the artist and a second two day course (Sue Smith, Devon) in 2014 reignited Joss's passion and introduced her to the media of stained glass and mirror. There followed lots of trial and error at the kitchen table with glass shards flying everywhere before she finally produced a mosaic she felt able to show anyone! Slowly amassing the prerequisites of a basic studio she moved into her own working space and, in May 2017, she decided to officially launch her own business: Peacock Mosaics. In 2018 Joss attended a 5 day residential mosaic course at West Dean College of Arts and Conservation, learning from the fabulous Sonia King. The emphasis was on developing artistic expression. In 2019 Joss became the Editor (a voluntary role) for "GROUT", a thrice yearly publication by the British Association of Modern Mosaic for its members. This has been a superb networking and knowledge-boosting opportunity. She also attended the 2018 and 2019 BAMM Forums, in London and York respectively, furthering her contact with the UK mosaic community. She has had mosaics accepted for exhibition in Penzance, York and Andover during 2019. In 2020 Joss will attend a short course at the London School of Mosaic, with tutor Debra Collis, exploring further her preference for abstract design, and practicing colour studies and andamenti.

Seven Kings School

seven kings school


We provide a broad and balanced curriculum that offers all students the opportunity to succeed. We focus on teaching students the skills to be effective learners, and to encourage in them a love of learning that they will keep throughout their life. Many enrichment opportunities add to students' experience and development. The work that takes place in the classroom is the cornerstone of the school's success. A dedicated team of well qualified and skilled teachers and support staff provide outstanding learning and teaching for students and our work as a Teaching School helps to maintain and develop further the quality of the classroom experience. Our students are enthusiastic, motivated and ambitious to succeed and maintain very high standards of behaviour and engagement in their studies. They are encouraged to be reflective and creative in their thinking and to become increasingly independent learners as they progress through the school. Achieving Success Every student will need guidance and encouragement and at Seven Kings we aim to meet individual needs by providing the right level of challenge and support to ensure students reach their full potential. We support students with this by focusing on providing quality teaching, responding to their needs to ensure the right level of stretch and challenge. There are a range of intervention and support programmes for those students who need extra help, such as those with learning difficulties. We are very proud of the inclusive nature of our school and aim to personalise learning and teaching so that every student is able to succeed. There is a structured home learning timetable and all students are given a planner to help them organise their time and workload. Parents/carers are asked to check this on a weekly basis. There are home learning support clubs at lunchtimes and after school to help students if they need it. The school also has Learning Mentors to support students and mentoring schemes with both staff and student mentors available to support students. Beyond the Classroom There are many opportunities for students to take part in extra curricular activities at Seven Kings. A large number of clubs and activities take place outside lesson times. Staff are committed to providing different opportunities to enrich the lives of Seven Kings' students. Subject based clubs, such as those in Art, Drama, Music, Science, Sport and Technology enhance the curriculum and many trips and visits support classroom learning. We offer a number of residential trips, to places like Paris, Spain, China, outdoor pursuits and a skiing trip to Austria. Students are encouraged to enter competitions and to contribute to the community in different ways. Our peer committees and student leadership programmes help develop leadership skills and provide opportunities for students' views to be heard. There are termly Music concerts and many Drama productions each year which help students develop their performance skills and their self-confidence. The P.E. department run many school teams and have enjoyed considerable success in local competitions.

Michael Starkey

michael starkey


I’m Michael Starkey. I’m an experienced music tutor offering lessons for 5 string banjo and acoustic guitar in Edinburgh, Scotland. These are for individuals and groups of all ages and abilities who maybe don’t know how to get started with their playing; feel stuck with where their playing is at; or are looking to hone their skills further by developing specific playing techniques. I help musicians (and aspiring musicians): Get their playing off the ground by learning the basic skills needed to begin making music Appreciate their existing skills and build on these by offering advice and ways to move forward with their playing Gain confidence making music with other people Develop techniques specific to old time clawhammer banjo playing, fingerpicking folk and country-blues acoustic guitar and acoustic guitar accompaniment for traditional folk music My reasons for teaching: I believe that music has had a very positive impact on my life. I started playing as a young teenager and have always been in bands and going out to gigs and sessions since. For me, it’s a good way to spend time with other people but also with myself. I find that when I’m playing, I’m less likely to be worrying about other things. A bit later on, I came across clawhammer banjo and old time stringband music and got obsessed. I found that there weren’t that many people to play with or learn from where I live so I decided to take up banjo teaching. I like to travel in the US, learn from musicians there, pickup new tricks and tunes and then bring them back over here to share. My experience: I am a full time musician, teacher (and gardener). I had my first guitar student when I was a teenager. I work with individual students from my home in Leith and also teach group classes for the Scots Music Group in Edinburgh. In recent years as a community gardener I have worked in therapeutic horticulture with people struggling with their mental health and with individuals with Autism. I’ve also worked as a tree planter. I play in a number of different bands, have toured and gigged across the UK and have made a number of recordings. I also co-host a weekly old time music session in Edinburgh. Check out my personal website – michaelstarkeymusic.com to see and hear my latest projects. Get in touch….. If you are interested in banjo and/or guitar lessons then I’d like to hear from you. Please use the contact form or have a look at the other pages on the site to find out more about banjo lessons or guitar lessons. There is also a page with some field recordings and more information about old time music. I’ll leave you with this clip of fiddle player Jeri Foreman and myself playing the old-time tune, Five Miles of Ellum Wood.

Faith Brooke Academy

faith brooke academy


Founded in 2013, Grace Brook Academy is a Christian School, located in Syokimau. We enrich the lives of our pupils, their families and the community through dedication to the principles of academics, discipline and faith. Our diverse student body, comprised of children from different regions, benefits from a progressive, modern, and congenial school setting, designed to foster academic achievement. We provide a safe, positive, learning environment that encourages the scholastic achievement of our pupils, as well as the development of their spiritual and social lives. Our staff is committed to providing high quality relationships, including faith in God, and practical skills as part of our school and life preparation. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Grace Brook Academy is to provide a Caring, Christ-centered education producing students who thrive in the word. This is derived from the acronym CARE – Christ-centered: GBA sees its primary purpose to be a welcoming school where students can be exposed to the rich life of God’s love by knowing Christ personally. It is our desire that every student comes to a point where Christ is the center of their life, influencing every thought that they have and action they make, and in so doing they can spread His Word even further. Accessibility/Affordability: Allowing Christ to influence every thought and action, we model our school after Jesus’ example of making Himself available to all that would come to Him. He did not set Himself aside for the most privileged or most affluent, but rather was welcoming to all that wanted to hear Him. Following His lead, our goal is to be accessible to the greatest number of students and families possible. Real-Relationships: Motivated by love, God sacrificed His own Son, so that we could have a real eternal relationship with Him (John 3:16). Likewise, the evidence that we have a vital relationship with Christ shows up in the way we love one another. Having a personal relationship with Christ is central to every other relationship we have and as we pursue this relationship with Him, He will increase our desire to serve one another. Educational Excellence: Finally, as a school, these values are expressed in an excellent Christian education. We don’t believe excellence is compromised with accessibility and therefore we dedicate ourselves in the pursuit of academic excellence unmatched by both public and other private schools. It is our desire that each student develop a lifelong love of learning and improving themselves for the future. Our Vision To be a leading Christian based institution for early childhood education and to become a center for academic excellence. Objectives and Goals Grace Brook Academy is committed to preparing all students to thrive in the 21st century by providing a solid foundation in Christ and an education that will allow them to excel in college and beyond. GBA strives to develop critical thinkers who can give well-reasoned answers to challenging questions.

Elite Teaching

elite teaching

Great Yarmouth

Philip Leung was born in the United Kingdom and raised in Australia. His entire primary, secondary and university education was completed in Australia. Philip attended a top private school in Australia on a full scholarship because of his outstanding academic and music abilities. Having scored in the top 0.3% of all secondary school students in his public examinations, Philip went on to complete an honours degree in Actuarial Science at the University of Melbourne. Afterwards, he worked as an actuary and software engineer for several years before discovering his passion in teaching. Since moving to Hong Kong three years ago, Philip has taught more than 50 students from top international schools and successfully helped them improve their grades. Philip firmly believes that he can provide the best learning experience for your child. Students from the Elite Community Hear what current and past students have to say about Elite Teaching. Hong Kong International School Hong Kong International School “Phil explains mathematical concepts very clearly and often shows me different ways to approach the same question. Because of this, I'm able to find the approach which suits me best.” Chinese International School Chinese International School “I really enjoy Phil’s teaching style. I feel completely comfortable letting him know when there’s anything I don’t understand.” Victoria Shanghai Academy Victoria Shanghai Academy “I study quite independently and Phil’s lessons help clarify anything that I’m unsure about.” Independent Schools Foundation Independent Schools Foundation “I already find my school material quite easy which is why I’ve decided to study ahead. Phil lets me learn at my own pace by allowing me to choose which topic I want to do next.” King George V School King George V School “Philip has helped me increase my marks for school assessments. His knowledge of mathematics goes beyond superficial understanding and addresses the basics of the topic.” Canadian International School Canadian International School “I was afraid of doing fractions and percentages but now I'm very confident with them. I really enjoy my lessons with Philip because he's able to explain concepts very creatively.” At Elite Teaching, we have students from some of the best schools in Hong Kong. Our lessons are aimed at secondary students attending Grade 7 or above. All students are required to have already mastered primary school mathematics, which includes basic operations as well as fractions, decimals and percentages. Curriculum The online courses cover the core material from the following curriculums: International Baccalaureate MYP/DP This curriculum is widely recognised and offered by most international schools in Hong Kong and abroad. Our courses give Middle-Year students more structure which helps them transition to their Diploma exams. GCSE/IGSCE/A-Levels The U.K. curriculum has very well-written questions and well-structured exams. We utilise a number of their questions to prepare students for their respective exams because we believe that they provide the best exam-style practice available.

Stoke Park School

stoke park school


Stoke Park School was established in 1919 as a grammar school and although it has changed considerably in the last 100 years, our high expectations and academic curriculum remains the same. Through providing a quality education, alongside a range of exceptional experiences, our central aim is to enable all of our students to Build Brighter Futures. We recently celebrated our best ever GCSE and A level results and to this end, we are committed firmly to the pursuit of academic development at the highest level amongst our students. We unashamedly celebrate academic accomplishment, and we seek to nurture clear thinking and scholarly curiosity. We are committed to improving the life chances of all our students and we want to remove any barriers in order for our students to flourish academically. That said, we place a high emphasis on getting to know our students and ensuring they feel happy and well supported throughout their time with us. We foster a sense of belonging within school and the wider community. We welcome students into The Bridge, a custom designed area just for them, with both social and teaching spaces and a specialist team of teachers who are experts in transition from primary and Year 7 learning and progress. The Bridge offers very high academic expectations with Latin and Classics being part of the curriculum. Students have a personalised timetable, and the curriculum is carefully crafted to ensure breadth and depth. Additional small group lessons are offered so that every student can make rapid progress. Parents can find out more about The Bridge here. Our teachers are passionate about their subjects and have a rigorous in-depth knowledge of the curriculum. They are caring and driven, and they work incredibly hard to ensure all our students are successful at each stage of their seven year journey which culminates in Post 16, our popular sixth form. A bespoke Post-16 block awaits our students and offers a highly academic and enriching experience with links to the top universities. We aim to nurture student attributes such as confidence, resilience and perseverance – qualities that will equip them to thrive at school, at university and beyond, whatever the storms of life may throw at them. This is achieved partly through our bespoke tutoring programme and carefully structured pastoral teams, and partly through our expectation that all students participate fully in the life of the School. We have an exciting, diverse range of extra-curricular activities through which every student can pursue their interests and stretch themselves as they learn new skills and talents. Sport, Music, Drama and other co-curricular activities all play a major role in our school life and offer opportunities for everyone. These activities develop excellence, educate pupils to be open minded, independent and willing to take risks. Stoke Park is a remarkable school for remarkable students. I look forward to welcoming you.

She Almighty

she almighty

As a coach I’ve been powering women for over half a decade to take a stand for their best selves, careers and lives. I’ve worked with thousands of women to shift from survive mode to strive and thrive and honestly, I’m just getting started ;) I love what I do and I’ve got big dreams, you could say I’m a woman on a mission! But I didn't always have it this figured out… The truth is I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I grew up. I spent my twenties trying to figure it all out, often feeling lost, frustrated and like I wasn’t realising my potential. In 2013 I’d reached a low point, I wasn’t happy in my job, living situation, relationship, I certainly wasn’t operating as the best version of me and I knew I had to make some big changes. That’s when I discovered coaching. Coaching and personal development became the catalyst for hugely positive change in my life. Of course, Rome wasn’t built in a day. I had plenty of figuring out to do, life decisions to make, and big action to take to create the career and life of my dreams. In fact, I switched jobs 3 times before I finally plucked up the courage to set up my business. But at the end of 2016, She Almighty was born - just before I turned 30. There’s nothing quite like a birthday milestone to create some urgency! I chose my freedom, and I haven’t looked back since. She Almighty has become my vehicle - to empower me and empower other women worldwide and I’d love you to be a part of that! Are you here because you feel like you need to take a stand for you, your best self and life? Are you ready to create the space, do the inner work, get the clarity and take the necessary action? If so, that's exciting - I promise, but then you are in my sweet spot! My mission is to free you from your limitations, expectations, the shoulds, the coulds and the what ifs, so that you can step courageously and confidently into your power, shine bright, thrive and create the impact you are destined to have. You only get one go at this thing called life, there’s no time to settle or put up - we must embrace, live and love who we are and what we do. Because when we do that, we live a life of purpose, joy and fulfilment and we lead others to make our world a better place. She Almighty is now an incredible community of aspirational mission-led and impact-driven women, and we recently launched our new home She Almighty Collective - be sure to check it out! Needless to say, I am delighted that you are here and I’m looking forward to supporting you on your unique life journey, so that you can be your best, happiest, most powerful and peaceful self.

Sheffield Contributing School

sheffield contributing school

Sheffield is a rural, contributing primary school with a decile rating of 9. The roll is stable, and has ranged from around 85 - 110 pupils over recent years. There are 5 classes, and the teachers are supported by support staff. The school is situated 60 kilometres west of Christchurch, nestled among the foothills of the Southern Alps. Lakes, rivers, ski-fields, national parks, Christchurch and countless other recreational activities are less than 30 minutes away. The school grounds are extensive. Ongoing landscaping and property initiatives have developed further native bush areas and places for the students to work and play. The school buildings comprise five traditional open plan classrooms. A library, an administration area, learning support room, an adventure playground, a sandpit, and a new resource building complete the permanent fixtures. The school is well resourced in all curriculum areas. Particular emphasis in recent times has been the development of high quality ICT equipment. Each classroom has access to a television, a large number of laptops and iPads and a learning management system. Special needs assistance has been built into the school budget. Teacher aides and part-time teachers work with individuals and groups of children for short blocks of time, sometimes withdrawing children, other times working within class programmes. A number of children have ongoing resourcing for individual special needs and have part-time teacher or teacher aide assistance funded by the Ministry. Teachers implement programmes which extend and challenge children of all abilities.Support services attend the school regularly. These include the Public Health Nurse, Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour, Speech Language Therapist and other specialists. The school P.E.A.K. values are at the heart of everything we do at Sheffield School. As a result, relationships between students, staff, board and parents are positive and the school enjoys fantastic support from the Sheffield community. The Board of Trustees and PTA are very proactive, supporting a wide range of initiatives which benefit the students. Parents are involved in many aspect of the programme including PTA, fundraising, sport, camps, transport, classroom programmes, library and options programmes. The children are a pleasure to teach. They are well supported from home and come to school keen to learn. There are very few behaviour problems in classrooms or in the playground and bullying is not tolerated. Children’s interests are broad and include athletics, swimming, tennis, cricket, netball, rugby, soccer, hockey and basketball. Keas, Scouts and Guides are operating in the area. There are many cultural activities available including a dance school, speech and drama clubs, gymnastics, art classes and various music tutors. Sheffield School maintains close ties with the other schools in the Malvern district, coming together regularly for sporting and cultural events. The school has recently participated in ICTPD project, as part of the Malvern cluster of schools. ICTPD (Information and Communication Technology) is a Ministry of Education funded initiative, which offers exceptional professional development opportunities to those involved.