963 Educators providing Courses





I first found my way on to a Yoga mat in 2000 and immediately became an addict. The gradual effects of including Yoga as part of my life has changed my body, physically and mentally... and my life. Up until the age of 18, my hobby was dance, particularly ballet and lyrical. I danced my way through the RAD grades to intermediate level enjoying competing in festivals. I left to study Human Behaviour in Manchester. My study of dance gave me a deep understanding of movement, muscles, balance and breath. My studies at University brought me a deeper knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, psychology and other aspects of human communication. After university, I found my way into the world of design, advertising and media and worked for agencies in the Midlands and Manchester in various roles leading design, marketing, media planning and buying teams. I believe that the universe has a plan for us and when life threw me lemons in 2014, I made the big decision to become a yoga teacher full time. Best lemonade I ever made! All the experiences of life up to that moment seemed to come together. And now I can comfortably draw upon the different movement practices and styles of yoga I have experienced and studied on my life journey, so my classes are always imaginative, varied, dynamic and energetic with a interest in alignment, strength building and the therapy/healing that comes from movement with the breath. I teach yoga to everyone; athletes, pregnant ladies, rehabilitation, beginners and more advanced yogis. I adapt the class to suit the group or individual and their personal goals. My teaching style is clear and informative but also fun and my classes are informal so students feel at ease and confident to explore their ability. I have a passion for sharing my understanding of the anatomy of yoga and the positive effects of using the breath to help manage stress and anxiety. I hope that my passion and dedication comes across to my students so they can also feel the incredible benefits of Yoga. Whilst my personal practice has spanned more than 20 years, I completed my original 200hrs Yoga training in 2013 and have since gained further qualification amounting to more than 500hrs in Yoga Therapy for stress, Yoga therapy for digestive health, Pranayama, Yin Yoga, Circular Flow, Pregnancy Yoga, and Yoga Nidra. I maintaining a regular personal practice with my own inspiring teachers. To deepen my knowledge of Yoga and movement practice I regularly attend workshops and CPD trainings.

Qui with Trish

qui with trish


The approach I take within my work comes from my own life experiences, extensive training and research, my interest in fellow human beings and a deep longing to share with others my knowledge of self-development, spirituality and natural healing. I graduated in Biology at Durham University in the 1980s and I entered the workplace at the Science Museum in London. Science and particularly the Medical Sciences were my first loves, however a taste of the stress and pressure of city life, led me to take off on a travelling adventure and find out what it was I really wished for out of life. Whilst living and working in South East Asia I gravitated towards Buddhism and the Ayurvedic approach to wellness and health. I took a course in 'Chakra Consciousness' in India where I qualified as a teacher. This changed my whole outlook and meditation/natural healing became part of my life and it stuck. On returning to the UK, two children later, and having decided to completely switch career, I worked in a Natural Health business whilst further training in Stress Therapy, Holistic Massage, Acupressure and Reiki Healing. I opened my first 'Holistic Wellbeing' clinic in Wetherby in 2006 and then 'Qui Wellbeing' in Sicklinghall and I have now worked 1:1 with a wide range of clients. In 2017 I qualified as a Mindfulness Association teacher and UK registered with the British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches following the UK good practice guidelines. In 2019 I qualified as a Compassion Based Living Teacher with the Mindfulness Association. In recent years I have delivered Mindfulness based interventions to recovering addicts (5-ways academy in Leeds), vulnerable adults (Harrogate Homeless Project), leaders working with vulnerable adults, stressed city workers (NHS digital Leeds), sixth formers (Harrogate Grammar school) and I am currently working with University of Leeds on research funded by the Medical Research Council into approaches to mental health in adolescents. Recently I recorded a professionally produced audio version of the MBLC course for the Mindfulness Association. I continue to deliver to private clients and groups at the Acorn Wellness Retreat and at Carlshead Business Centre. I am now very happily part of the Kagyu sangha of Tibetan Buddhism and practice at Samye Dzong, Samye Ling and with Mindsprings. I regularly attend immersive retreats. I combine my multi-disciplinary skills, my extensive client-based experience and my deep belief in the power of Mindfulness to create a unique and considered approach to personal wellness and natural health. Communicating through social media, magazine articles and blogs keeps me abreast of new developments and research into my diverse areas of interest. Other than that, I am committed to be happy and compassionate in my work, with my family, with the people I meet and the world around me. I am very grateful to my many guides and influences. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Namaste

Drakaina Arcana

drakaina arcana


Dea’s Passion is in, Guiding others to find their destiny, reminding them of their soul truth and supporting them through their transformation by being their bridge and mirror.    She was born into a Spiritual Community and has been teaching and serving others for over 10 years.   Dea has impacted over 28,000 people through her talks, workshops, 1-2-1’s, Healing Modality and Mythogentics methods. She helps to remind people of their organic truth and soul origin, including their mythological heritage and existential truth.   As a Mystic and Faerie woman, Dea witnesses and supports individual transformation and holds ceremonial space, connecting people to the power of the land. THE DRAGON’S SECRET ‘Drakaina Arcana’ is ancient greek, meaning the “dragonesses secret”. Which, in essence, is what I hold most dear as my lineage-based transformational medicine. Drakaina is a mythological female dragon with equal qualities of humanness and water dragons. DEA’S TEACHINGS What I offer today is carefully selected from many years of self-study, academic research, experiential learning, and psychic questing, with a deeper understanding and practical application of mystery arts,  archetypal mythos, and healing methods. I BELIEVE IN MAGICK Tesla famously said, “If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. I would go as far as to say if you desire to uncover the mysteries become the frequency and alchemise the energy and vibration to your advantage. Magick is energy in motion guided by imagination.



I have always been interested in communication and languages, so I gained my initial degree in teaching Hungarian language and literature both to native speakers and as a foreign language. I have taught in different countries – in Hungary, Serbia and Switzerland – committed to continuous learning and development. However besides language acquisition I am also interested in brain and personality development so I have specialized in UK in Early Years Development. I grew up with my mums much younger sister who was diagnosed with autism, so I always had a loving heart for children and people living with special needs… Whilst studying neuro diversity I discovered that I was a child with all symptoms of ADHD… and at some point I had to realise that it never went away… I still do have it… I have started reading and taking notes about it, and now i can claim with confidence that I know this type of condition inside out… I have worked in nurseries as an Early Years Teacher and later as a nursery Manager. After studying at the Metropolitan University and gaining the Diploma in Teaching Adult Learners I have taught Early Years Childcare to Practitioners as a Tutor/Assessor in wide variety of settings in London. Apart from creating a relaxed and joyful environment where active learning can take place, I am passionate to help and motivate people in every possible way, so I have also studied a variety of Holistic Coaching and Healing methods as well as Event Management. I have participated in the organization of international festivals, several exhibitions, artisan fares, fashion shows and holistic healing days. During the lock down I was approached by many parents who asked me for help with variety of issues. I have decided to organise the Happy Parent = Happy Child Online Conference and have gathered over 30 professionals to support families, children and parents.

Tim Broughton - Open to Life

tim broughton - open to life


The 5Rhythms comprise a simple movement practice designed to release the dancer that lives in every body, no matter what its shape, size, age, limitations and experience. To find your dance is to find yourself, at your most fluid and creative level. While the practice itself is the essence of simplicity, it has the power to catalyse deep healing and creative expression. The primary teaching of this work is: if you put the body in motion the psyche will heal itself. The 5Rhythms are flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness. They come together to create the Wave, a movement meditation practice. Rather than having steps to follow, each Rhythm is a different energy field in which you find your own expression and choreography, thereby stretching your imagination as well as your body. Each Rhythm is a teacher and you can expect to meet different and sometimes unknown aspects of yourself as your dance unfolds and your practice of the Rhythms deepens over time. The Rhythms are the foundation of Gabrielle Roth’s body of work, a series of healing maps for the body, heart, mind, soul and spirit that provide a lifetime of self discovery and a path to awakening. What happens on the dance floor? In every class or workshop, there is always a wide range of experience in the 5Rhythms work – from first timers to certified Wave addicts. The teacher will be following the energy in the room. So, while the essential map is 5Rhythms, the teacher might take the class through the entire Wave or focus on just one Rhythm or one facet of a Rhythm. The Rhythms themselves are gateways to literally thousands of different movement landscapes. Like the body, they are alive and designed to catalyse the dancer’s movement expression in the moment. You are different every time you walk into the room, so is the group and so is your teacher. Therefore, each class holds unique possibilities.

Anna K Health Coaching

anna k health coaching

It brings up many aspects of myself that I had kept hidden for a long time. But, today I’m more open and in a place where I actively work on my body and mind. Health to me is true wealth and this comes from a place of committing to my physical, mental and emotional self. Also, now being a coach and supporting others in their process brings me so much joy because I know how challenging it can be, feeling stuck as though your body, mind and life are working against you. I went through many stages of uncovering the root cause of my health issues and worked through many body, mind and soul practices to heal what was holding me back from living a full life mentally and physically each day. Here’s some insight into my story. Supporting other women As I learned about the power of foods, mind body connection and holistic health techniques, my burning desire to continue learning and to share that knowledge. Enrolling on a Naturopathic healing course in 2018 was one of the best decision of my life. It was liberating to re-learn about the human body as well as ancient practices and healing techniques which have been overwritten by modern day big pharma and food corporations who prioritise profits over people. This empowering experience led me to put myself into self-experimentation mode of trying different foods, protocols, and practices. I managed to re-wire my body and mind, resetting it back to what it was originally designed to do - THRIVE! This has been the most exhilarating experience of my life, bringing me ‘back to me’ and feeling freedom in my mind and body. Now in my late 30's I feel more alive than I ever have. My perspective on life is infectious on those closest to me and I pride myself on how far I have come.

The Yoga Den

the yoga den



For as long as I can remember I have loved movement and using my body to the full. My mum said that I never walked anywhere- I cartwheeled. Physiotherapy was on obvious career choice for me, and I qualified as a physiotherapist in 2001. I have worked as a physio in the NHS since then (aside from a few maternity leaves). I am currently on a career break from my job in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, where I mainly work on the medical wards, helping to get (often older) people back on their feet after a period of illness. For all the shortcomings of the NHS, it is a wonderful organisation and one which I am proud to be a part of. I began attending yoga classes in 2005, and I immediately enjoyed the classes; the physical postures reminded me of the gymnastics I had done as a child. Although I remember being a bit mystified when the teacher kept telling us to "breathe"... I thought 'well, of course I am breathing!' It wasn't until, after a couple of years, I had a few months out of going to classes, that I noticed my mind started racing, I wasn't sleeping as well, and I realised that yoga was having a bigger impact on my whole life than I first thought. And that maybe there was something more to all this 'breathing'?! So I started taking my yoga practice a bit more seriously and I finally began training as a yoga teacher in April 2016. I live in beautiful East Lothian, Scotland, with my husband and our 5 children (the twins arrival in 2018 was a bit of a surprise to say the least!), so family life is a full-time job in itself and finding time for my own personal yoga practice can sometimes be a challenge. The last few years have been an intense period of my life, with all the demands of a large young family, and also having cared for, and lost, both of my parents within just a few years. My yoga practice is truly what keeps me grounded and balanced. It helps me to negotiate all the ripples, waves and storms of life with acceptance, clarity, strength and peace. I opened The Yoga Den, in the gorgeous and friendly village of East Linton in July 2020 - perhaps not the best year to open a new yoga studio, but we made it through covid! When I qualified as a yoga teacher, I only ever intended to teach a couple of yoga classes a week, to have my own studio feels like a bit of a crazy dream! I am so happy that other amazing teachers & therapists can join me in providing this healing space to serve the community of East Lothian, and beyond.