8294 Educators providing Courses

Social Life

social life


What makes a boundary? How we circumnavigate London is often imagined through its hard materiality of bricks and roads, staggered by open, green spaces and meandering waterways. Yet the sensory experience of moving through the city plays a significant role in how we percieve place, define neighbourhoods, and establish routes and routines. In mid June, Social Life hosted a workshop as part of the London Festival of Architecture, which aimed to explore how sight, smell and sound impact our perceptions of boundaries. Our approach drew closely from a toolkit developed by Saffron Woodcraft and Connie Smith at UCL's Insitute for Global Prosperity - the 'Sensory Notation Toolkit' - which was created with the intention for 'researchers to become alert to their different sense and how these are stimulated by particular environments.' Workshop participants walked with us on a short route around Elephand & Castle. At each stop we asked participants to record their sensory stimulation on a scale of 1-5 for each of the six sense: visual, aural, kinetic, thermal and chemical. We used a visual sensory chart to capture the data to understand what the concurrent themes were for each space and overall which space had the highest and lowest level of sensory stimulation. Building on Social Life's earlier work on sensory stimulation and psychgeography in our local area, our 2017 'Feeling of the Place' project, the workshop aimed to look more closely at the relationship between our sense and how this guides our perception of boundaries. The sensory walk was an exercise on connecting sights, smells and sounds as elements of boundary making and unmaking. Two boundaries were chosen for the exercise, Strata Tower by Elephant and Castle roundabout and a pedestrial barrier in the Newington Estate close to Peacock Yard where Social Life is based. Participants were asked to stop on either side of the 'boundary' and record their sensory stimulation. The stops differed dramatically. Whilst one was located in the middle of a blooming community garden others were located right at the foot of Strata Tower, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of urban life. They were however only a short walk apart. The responses were fairly predictable. Participants noted feeling unwelcome and feelings of unpleasantness in areas that were less human scale and contained less greenery. Aural stimualtion - negative or positive - scored highly for many participants with many connecting unpleasant feelings with wind, loud noises and also temperature.

The Manor Academy

the manor academy


May I, on behalf of the Governing Body, extend a warm welcome to you. The Governing Body at Manor exists to offer support to the Headteacher in the strategic decisions made at the academy, as well as hold the academy to account to ensure that we offer the best educational experience for all of our students. We are a Governing Body of thirteen members who all bring a wealth of skills and experience together to help shape Manor for the future. Our work involves all stakeholders to ensure everyone has a voice in the development of the academy. We meet formally throughout the academic year as a whole Governing Body and perform a number of monitoring visits to ensure our strategic plans have the desired impact on the improvement of our academy. We are all very proud of Manor Academy, both in the academic success our students achieve, and in our work with the local community. We are a wholly inclusive academy and will do everything we can to support students in developing their academic and vocational skills. Chris Richards – Vice Chair I became a parent governor in 2002 and my four sons attended the School. I continued on the Governing body as a co-opted governor when all my sons had left the school. I am retired now but enjoyed a career as a qualified mechanical engineer in both the mining industry and power generation, where I have developed a good understanding of the requirements of health and safety legislation. I have an interest in the sciences and my linked role is as health and safety governor. I am keen to ensure that Manor Academy provides the best educational opportunities for our students as they progress through their formative years. Colin Sawers I was co-opted onto the Governing Body of The Manor Academy in November 2020. I work in the Complaints and Information Team at Nottinghamshire County Council leading a business support team. Since graduating from Loughborough University with a degree in Information and Library Studies I have worked in a variety of library and information services. I am a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals. My career has included experience in both public and further education libraries. Since 2012 I have also served on the Governing Body of Peafield Lane Academy in Mansfield Woodhouse.

Lenticular Futures

lenticular futures


We're transforming psychotherapy and counselling in three ways: We are re-thinking all therapeutic theory to situate the individual in wider contexts and systems. We ask how everything is connected, by whom and with what consequences! Join us in decolonising, depathologising and ecologising practice, theory and research We can help therapists and training institutes develop future oriented technological competence for more accessible practice. Why is that important? There is a need to decolonise and depathologise the theory and practice of psychotherapy and counselling. We need to understand the problems of the individual as situated in a world which is socially, culturally and economically unbalanced. And we need to have ways of recognising and working with people's complex intersectional community memberships, experiences and talents in therapy. Why now? We are living in a panmorphic crisis (Simon 2021). It's a good time to read the writing on the wall and take action. We can do this by making decolonising and depathologising theory and practice, by responding with EcoSystemic ways of working, by critically engaging with accessible and future oriented technological possibilities. What work do we do? The key areas of our work are Training - Research - Consultancy. We run workshops and seminars to create and support decolonised, depathologised and ecosystemic ways of working. We host conferences on social issues affecting psychotherapy and counselling practice and training. We introduce psychotherapists and their training organisations to new technologies and intramediality to help make learning and assessment more accessible and culturally relevant. We produce research reports on future technology for therapy; neurodiverse therapy; therapeutic space; ecosystemic therapy; indigenous knowing and practice in therapy; new ways of training and assessing counselling and psychotherapy trainees; more... We consult to training organisations and professional membership bodies to help them improve the experience and success of trainees from diverse communities We run leadership and organisational development groups for leaders and managers who are developing inclusive therapeutic services What kind of organisation is Lenticular Futures? We are becoming a Community Interest Company. That means we are a Not For Profit and all proceeds from work support free or low cost projects and research within the organisation. How do we fund this work? We charge for workshops, conferences and seminars we host. We apply for funding. We welcome donations for specific projects or in general What does Lenticular mean? Lenticular Futures is a term borrowed from a paper by Professor Wanda Pillow (link). It's a prompt to hold in mind past, present and future when you meet people or see something. It's an invitation to notice the neurotypical, heteronormative, eurocentric lenses we have been taught to look through and check who-what we are including and who-what we are excluding. It comes from noticing what Wanda calls a "whiteout" in academic and professional literature of Global Majority contributors. This is an era for new curricula and making new theory and practice. Our professions can easily lead changes in the balance of power and develop more user friendly ways of working. What are our philosophical objectives? To theorise and interrogate fundamental taken for granteds in the cultural bias of theory and practice. To develop a lenticular ideology of psychotherapy and counselling which integrates and is led by decolonising, depathologising, ecosystemic, contextual influences of planet and co-inhabitants. To redress the exclusion of knowledge from oppressed population groups. To support therapeutic practices which are generated from within communities. To understand and address systemic influences of capitalism on wellbeing. To critically work with the socio-techno world in which we live. To get that systemic understanding of the world is an overarching metatheory for all our modalities. To decolonise means not having a disordered attachment to theories of disorder. Who are we? The co-founders are experienced psychotherapists and organisational consultants. We bring a vast amount of experience in systemic thinking about organisations, culture, therapy and counselling training, research and management. We also know how to create initiatives from within the margins. The co-founders are Dr Julia Jude, Dr Gail Simon, Rukiya Jemmott, Dr Leah Salter, Kiri Summers, Dr Liz Day, Dr Birgitte Pedersen, Anne Bennett, Naz Nizami, Dr Francisco Urbistondo Cano and Amanda Middleton. Forthcoming events Lenticular Futures: Crafting Practices beyond this Unravelled World FLIP@Brathay 2nd & 3rd May 2022 https://lf2022.eventbrite.co.uk Indigenous and Decolonising Knowledge and Practice Decolonising Therapeutic Practice read-watch-listen-make groups Future Tech to improve experiences for people doing therapy and in therapy training EcoSystemic Return Reading Seminars Professional Wellbeing events Walking and Outdoors Therapy Creating Decolonised Participatory Groups Systemic Practice and Autism Conference Writing Performance as Research Film, podcast, documentary making with people doing training and therapy Watch this page and our Eventbrite page - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - Therapy in a Panmorphic World This era of panmorphic crisis requires urgent, creative, ethics-led responses. Most of the professional theories we live by came into being without their ideological foundations being questioned. We cannot take a step further in this world without a commitment to developing awareness of parallel, criss-crossing, multidimensional, transtemporal, transcultural, transmaterial elements of living – and how they interact. No Meaning Without Context The key systemic value of understanding context is paramount to inquiry, to understanding what is happening and how to move as a relational, situated participant-player. But the contexts in play are often hidden, erased, elusive or remote, and it can be plain hard to see-feel-understand the knowledges and experiences specific to other places, people or disciplines. The Individual Is Not The Problem The psych professions confuse this further through the decontextualising practices of individualising and pathologising explanation of why some people see some things one way and not another. Furthermore, the social construction of truth is a debate that transcends academia and has been put to work by political agendas to foster an era of mistrust of truth. People are now aware that “truth” can be put to work for objectives other than the common good. This undermines social justice issues and what counts as information. Voices from within a community, from within lived experience are undermined by voices from without of those contexts often without a critique of power relations. A Fresh Look at Training Counsellors and "Psycho"therapists We cannot train relational practitioners in aboutness-withoutness ways of thinking. It separates people from place and history, and it creates colonisers and pathologisers whose practices become policy and influence the majority’s “common sense”. Opportunities for other kinds of learning are lost. The first language of the psycho professions of “talking therapy”, whatever its modality, is excluding of other ways of moving on safely and creatively together. The psychotherapies are playing catch-up in how people use technology to communicate in their everyday lives. A Paradigm Shift for Therapy and Counselling The Black Lives Matter movement offers a choice. It can be treated as a passing protest or a cultural shift. This organisation chooses to take the position that no-one should choose to be unchanged by Black Lives Matter. The question is how to be changed in ways that will contribute to a better world? This is more than a matter of equal rights. It is about safety now, it is about heritage, rich, stolen, re-interpreted, it is about past, present and future being held in mind, all the time. Professional practice needs to scrutinise its theoretical heritage with its hidden ideological assumptions to study and guide our ways forward into a new era, to meet change with culturally appropriate language, local knowledges, and ways of being and imagining.

HOPE Bereavement Support Group CIC

hope bereavement support group cic

HOPE Bereavement Support began in 2013 when the visionary and founder, Ansa, realised that there needed to be a place of safety and inclusion for all mothers who had sadly lost a baby to miscarriage, stillbirth or at any other stage of their child’s life. What was sorely needed was an accessible place where everyone would be able to find comfort and support for their loss; not feel alone or ostracised. She had a vision where everybody – regardless of age, sex, religion, ethnicity or any other difference – had the ability to access mental health and emotional support for their loss. Ansa’s ambition came from a painful journey; she is the proud mother of 9 rainbow children. Her determination to succeed grew after she struggled to find a suitable support group after her losses. During her healing process she became more empowered and went back to study, changing her career path to become a qualified and registered counsellor and Training Consultant. There was at that time very limited multi-lingual counselling services available, and furthermore, it was very expensive and the clinical models applied did not feel culturally diverse or sensitive to BME therapeutic needs. HOPE Bereavement Support initially started with three trustees (the founder, a secretary and a treasurer) as a small constituted community group in Leeds, setting up bereavement support groups run by befrienders and volunteers for women and families to meet after suffering the loss of a child. Over 7 years on, the organisation is now running support services in Leeds, Bradford and London and specialises in all types of bereavement. We have a team of over 30 people consisting of qualified counsellors, coaches, an occupational therapist, clinical supervisors and many befrienders and volunteers. All staff members are based nationally in different parts of the UK working together remotely. Our services: Counselling Coaching Bereavement support groups Mental health and emotional wellbeing resilience workshops Educational and awareness building workshops Training and consultancy Research Media We also have service delivery partnership projects with Touchstone Staff Counselling and Touchstone ‘Blossom’ (Female Genital Mutilation) counselling: https://touchstonesupport.org.uk/ Our CEO Ansa E Ahmed has been nominated for the Positive Role Model (Race, Faith and Religion) Award at the National Diversity Awards 2021 “I was overwhelmed by receiving this nomination for the award, however, I feel and I believe that my HOPE team and organisation are well-deserved of this nomination and that this will be the first of many to come because we are a blackled organisation aiming to fulfil the short-comings in our national services in providing better health outcomes for our black communities nationwide. As the founder and CEO of HOPE services I feel very proud and overwhelmed with how much support, passion and dedication I have found in the people who have joined my organisation. When speaking and networking with other third sector and national organisations and their leaders, I was gratefully humbled for the respect given to our organisation in terms of what HOPE has to offer in fulfilling the need of our BAME communities access to mental health services in their own languages, and with our culturally inclusive person-centred approach towards each individual who accesses our services. Furthermore, I do not believe there is any other organisation that has achieved what we have in a short time as a Community Interest Company (CIC). This again is a testimony to the great BAME leaders from my board of directors, managers, supervisors and clinical practitioners that for me as a black leader I am proud to have alongside me as a driving force for HOPE. It feels like a lifetime ago when my career changed from the corporate field of working in the banking industry for 15 years of my life, I was able with my initiative and work ethic dedication to move up the management ladder to a customer service focused area manager role. So, therefore leading, motivating, coaching others from a leadership role comes very natural to me in my skill set as a CEO, but what really drives me is the passion and belief in compassion for all of humanity and this makes my job as CEO of HOPE very rewarding. From a personal development aspect I feel a winner as I am not only helping and giving back to my communities in the services that we provide in HOPE but also that I am helping my fellow BAME professionals nationwide who choose to join HOPE in their journey and development in furthering their career as BAME leaders within their respective fields of works. It has always been my mission statement as an individual and now as the head of the HOPE organisation that where possible I want to fight against stigma, shame, prejudice and racism in all its forms always with a heart full of compassion, love for humanity and kindness for all. I believe that true leadership is leading by example but also alongside helping your aspiring leaders. Your vote for me and HOPE would mean so much to us all, thank you 🙂 ”

Shropshire Chamber of Commerce Ltd

shropshire chamber of commerce ltd



Shropshire Chamber provides business and industry support in Shropshire. A true champion of Shropshire businesses at a local, regional and national level. Shropshire Chamber of Commerce sits at the heart of the community, working with companies of all shapes and sizes, and representing all sectors. Dedicated to sharing opportunities, knowledge and expertise, Shropshire Chamber is a dynamic member-led organisation that is firmly committed to positively impacting the local economy, and supports a network of more than 750 county-based businesses, strengthening their position in the region, ensuring their voices are heard, and providing useful connections and valuable access to new ideas and innovations. Championing the cause of local business at local, regional and national level Our Vision, Mission and Values Dedicated to sharing opportunities, knowledge and expertise, Shropshire Chamber is a dynamic member-led organisation that is firmly committed to positively impacting the local economy, and supports a network of more than 750 county-based businesses, strengthening their position in the region, ensuring their voices are heard, and providing useful connections and valuable access to new ideas and innovations. Our Vision Every business in Shropshire is aware of the value and opportunity provided by Shropshire Chamber of Commerce Join us Our Mission Championing the cause of local business at local, regional and national level Join us Our Values Approachable, fair, ethical, quality assured services that are accessible to all members Join us Image of the board of directors Board of Directors Our illustrious Board is made up of experienced business people of note in the county of Shropshire. Their vision sets the tone and direction of the Chamber and all are focussed on the success of the Chamber for the benefit of our membership. To learn more about our Board, please click on the link below. Meet our Board Shropshire Chamber Patrons Being a Patron of Shropshire Chamber of Commerce is a mark of excellence and integrity and demonstrates our firm commitment to the Chamber, the wider business community and the success of Shropshire’s economy as a whole. Meet our Patrons Chamber Team The Chamber team is a diverse set of experienced professionals whose sole focus is the success of our members. Each have specific duties around the various functions of the Chamber and is headed up by Richard Sheehan, Chief Executive and Ruth Ross, our Deputy Chief Executive. Click on the link below to read more. Meet the Team Locations Locations We have two Offices that are handliy located to cover the most populated areas of Shropshire. Find out more Conference Facilities At Shropshire Chamber we provide quality rooms for hire. They can be adapted to suit meetings, seminars, training, events, workshops, assessments and interviews. Catering is available on request to suit all budget and dietary requirements. All our rooms are on ground level and are easily accessible by wheelchair users. Assistance will be provided where required. Find out more What is a Chamber of Commerce? How long has the Shropshire Chamber of Commerce been running? What is a Patron? What do the Board do? Become a member today Latest News Retained Services from Saracen SolutionsMEMBERS NEWS Retained Services From Saracen Solutions Read more...November 10, 2022 Would you like to get into teaching or upskill to a leadership role in a school?MEMBERS NEWS Would You Like To Get Into Teaching Or Upskill To A Leadership Role In A School? Read more...November 10, 2022 Bosses risk weeks of chaos if workers go World Cup AWOLMEMBERS NEWS Bosses Risk Weeks Of Chaos If Workers Go World Cup AWOL Read more...November 2, 2022 About Us What We Do Our Vision, Mission and Values Board of Directors Patrons Chamber Team Locations Conference Facilities Office Space for Rent Job Vacancies Annual General Meeting Membership See our range of options ready to take your business forward Events Centre View our exciting range of Events tailored to your business success International Trade Get help with every aspect of buying and selling across the world Business Training See our wide range of training available to support your business needs Policy & Representation Ensure your voice is heard by councils and government agencies Campaigns View the latest campaigns we are supporting to aid your business success News Read Shropshire Chamber News, Members News and Announcements Would you like to see your company advertised on this page? Would you like to see your company advertised on this page? Report a problem with this page Join Us Events International Trade Training Policy Campaigns News Telford: Trevithick House, Stafford Park 4, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 3BA 01952 208200 Shrewsbury: Chamber House, 5 Henry Close, Battlefield Enterprise Park, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 3TJ 01743 460486 enquiries@shropshire-chamber.co.uk Registered in England & Wales #254208 Terms of UsePrivacy PolicyCookie PolicyModern Slavery PolicySitemap footer logo bccsocial fb social tw social in

Brighter Futures @ Safer Places

brighter futures @ safer places


Safer Places (formerly known as Harlow Women’s Aid) has over 40 years’ experience in delivering holistic support services to adult and child survivors of Domestic Abuse across Essex and Hertfordshire. Over the years we have grown and adapted our services to meet the needs of the communities we serve. Domestic abuse has both a devastating and radiating impact and affects the survivor and their families, friends, colleagues and communities. Our team take a non-judgemental and respectful approach to their work and we will do all that we can to ensure that everyone who needs our services can use them, how they want to, when they want to, and where they want to. Domestic abuse does not discriminate and happens in every community. We are proud to work inclusively with anyone who has experienced abuse and our services are designed to reach everyone impacted by abuse. To do this we offer a range of services and work collaboratively with our partners in a range of venues. The support that we offer is holistic, trauma informed and individually tailored to each survivor as we know that although there are common behavioural patterns, not one experience is the same as any other and there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. We know that survivor’s needs are better met when they are involved in creating solutions as equals so our support is co-produced alongside survivors. Our highly qualified staffs are there to empower survivors, giving them the knowledge and confidence to choose the steps on their journey to recovery. Many go on to achieve things they once thought of as impossible. The foundations of our organisation were built by survivors – as were the foundations of one of our refuges. A former project saw a number of survivors qualify as carpenters, bricklayers, painters, plasterers and amenity horticulturalists. The refuge now accommodates 10 families in separate self-contained flats built solely by survivors, for survivors. We recognise that if we are to see our vision materialise and help to create a world where everyone lives a life free from fear and abuse, we need to respond to abuse together, as one. Our training helps professionals and members of the community to recognise the signs of domestic abuse, understand the issues and respond quickly and effectively when a survivor chooses to access support. From short awareness sessions to full IDVA and ISAC qualifications we are committed to sharing our experience and what works to make more families safer. Safer Places vision is a society where everyone lives a life free from fear and abuse Mission Safer Places exist to drive down the incidence and impact of domestic and sexual abuse and to support those who use our services in their journey to recovery, resilience and independence. Values These are the values we promise to uphold so we never loose sight of our mission: Client Led – We empower our clients to exercise choice and control of their support. We ensure client’s voices are heard and that they impact our decision making and shape our services Accessible – We work inclusively with our clients, partners and communities. Anyone who is at risk of experiencing abuse can access our services when, how and where they need them. Respectful – We adopt a trauma informed, holistic approach to support. We listen and believe, are non-judgemental and open and honest about what we can and cannot do. Effective – We deliver high quality services that work for our clients. Our practice is informed by our clients, research, evidence and learning from experts by experience.

Hinchingbrooke School

hinchingbrooke school


It is my privilege to welcome you to Hinchingbrooke School; a remarkable school in many ways Hinchingbrooke is set in acres of beautiful grounds and adjoining a country park. Hinchingbrooke House was formerly the family home of the Cromwells and of the Earls of Sandwich. The school finds inspiration from its heritage and gives both staff and students a very special pride and a sense of identity that we capture in the phrase: We are Hinchingbrooke. Our Mission is a clear statement of why the school exists; our Values provide solid foundations for our work to develop our students as great people; and our Key Focuses make clear that we understand well what matters most in school – you will find the detail of our Mission, Values and Key Focuses below. School is about much more than examination results, important as those are. Our students’ wellbeing is paramount: we aim to know every one of our students, we want them to be happy, and we also want every one of them to feel there is someone in school to whom they can turn, if and when they need to. Our strong sense of community is captured in our pastoral work through HBK.COM. Beyond the classroom, we aim to provide a wide range of high-value extra-curricular opportunities for our students to meet their needs and interests, to develop them as well-rounded young people and, crucially, to enable them to have fun! The educational experience at Hinchingbrooke brings change, challenge and opportunity. Our students’ personal response to these goes a long way to determining their quality of life after leaving school, which is why from day 1, we emphasise Hard Work, High Standards, and Kindness. The school is well served by a team of highly committed teachers and support staff, working in partnership with governors and parents to provide the very best possible education for our young people. There is an immense vitality here and a real sense of togetherness. Hinchingbrooke students develop their confidence and skills to become well-rounded young adults, ready to take their next steps, whatever those may be. By being a part of history they develop a sense of heritage and, by looking forward and preparing for their very different and exciting futures, they develop a sense of destiny too. We are proud of our students and if you take the opportunity to come and meet us, we believe you will see why.

Bristol Art For All

bristol art for all


My name is Amy Powell and I am a catalyst for reconnecting people with their innate creativity. At Bristol Art For All we facilitate friendly, inclusive learning environments where people can explore their creativity. We started in 2015 running an open access drop in face-to-face community art class in Easton in Bristol. From December 2019 to March 2020 sessions moved to Hamilton House in Stokes Croft Bristol and since April 2020 have been online. Online sessions are run in partnership with local charities as well as sessions open to all adults. Current partners include Age UK and St Mungo’s Recovery College. All online sessions are around a theme selected by the participants, who use the art materials and skills they already have to devise their own projects. Support is on hand to give input on what is made. The sessions act as an online art studio with time for making and opportunities to share and get feedback on artwork. Participants are seen as artists first with the acceptance that we are all on our own life journeys. The focus is on creating learning environments where people enjoy the process of making. With this strong foundation people can have the confidence and resilience to develop further skills. This website gives a taste of the work made over the course of Bristol Art For All. Myself and Rosa Hewitt began Bristol Art For All in 2015. In 2017 Rosa went to the University of Hertfordshire to study Art Therapy. She now works in London as an art therapist with children. I continued with the project in Bristol with the support of volunteers, building my knowledge, experience and skills by studying courses in teaching, facilitation, communication and social enterprise. As well as volunteering with Arts and Health organisations including Studio Upstairs, Bristol Art on Prescription, Workers Education Association (WEA), Milestones Expressions programme and St Mungos Recovery College where I currently run their online art class. I love being a catalyst for people to reconnect with their creativity. It is a great privilege to have worked with over 200 people across Bristol and beyond. Some have attended for years others for one session but all have been welcome and encouraged in their art making. I am currently in the process of making Bristol Art For All into an online art school to reach people who would otherwise struggle to access mainstream arts education. I am interested to connect with organisations, which work with clients who would benefit from exploring and developing their creativity with the support of being in a group.

Coombeshead Academy

coombeshead academy

Newton Abbot

Coombeshead Academy is a thriving 11-18 school with students joining us from a range of partner primary schools across Newton Abbot and the surrounding area. We also welcome students from other secondary schools into Year 12 where they can study A Levels and vocational Level 3 courses in our successful Sixth Form collaboration with Teign School and South Devon UTC. Our school forms part of Education South West (ESW) where we work in partnership and collaboration with other schools to build success for young people across South Devon. Our school vision is based on: Inspiring Excellence We believe that every young person should have the opportunity to learn in a stimulating and inspirational environment where they can be challenged at the highest levels, as well supported and nurtured, to achieve their very best. Our core values of Positive Attitude, Endeavour, Achievement, Community and Enrichment underpin all our decisions and interactions with students and families. We offer a broad and balanced academic curriculum. We focus relentlessly on the experiences and outcomes our students receive during their time with us so that they are fully equipped with the qualifications and life experiences needed to be successful adults. ‘Growing you whole self’ by accessing the wider curriculum offer that is available at school is a central element of our school. The whole self is about being a leader, taking part and generally exploiting every opportunity that is offered by the school. These core values are encapsulated in our motto of the Coombeshead Way Turn up and be ready: We want every student here at school every day. We know that good attendance guarantees good outcomes and therefore better life chances to get the jobs they want in the future. By being ready to learn with the right attitude and the right equipment no learning time is wasted and the progress our young people make every lesson can be maximised. Work hard: By putting in 100% effort every lesson, every day and never giving up even when facing challenges with new learning and with more difficult concepts. Be nice: We want all our young people to focus on treating each other with respect and tolerance as well as allowing everyone to learn and excel in every lesson We have a caring, disciplined, family atmosphere. All our students are known and treated as individuals. We have high standards, and we place particular emphasis on school uniform 11-16, exemplary behaviour, attendance and punctuality. We value all our staff, and we ensure their skills and knowledge are second to none through a comprehensive professional learning programme.

World Class Speakers Academy

world class speakers academy


Advice services Our Advice Worker is currently on sick leave so RMNS is unable to provide immigration advice. We expect her to return to work in mid-March. In the meantime, if you are an asylum-seeker or refugee, you may be able to get help from: Refugee Action Kingston 020 8547 0115 www.refugeeactionkingston.org.uk These other centres can also give advice and they are able to help migrants: Southwest London Law Centres 020 8767 2777 https://swllc.org or https://swllc.org/get-advice/immigration-and-asylum/ Migrant Legal Action – 53 Addington Square, London SE5 7LB Advice line 0203 150 1470 Mondays to Fridays 2-4pm. Cardinal Hume Centre, 3-7 Arneway Street, Horseferry Road London SW11P 2BG. They normally hold new clients' assessments over the phone every two weeks on a Monday between 10am and 12pm. The first date in 2023 will be Monday 16th January. Call the welcome hub on 020 7227 1673 for information on the next available assessment date. Once you have confirmed the next available date, you can reach the immigration team for an assessment on 020 7227 1670. Hackney Migrant Centre - https://hackneymigrantcentre.org.uk/drop-in/ Law Society - to find a solicitor based on your postcode - https://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk Citizens Advice Sutton is available at their Sutton Office (under the Central Library), St Nicholas Way, Sutton SM1 1EA. The office is open to visitors Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 3.00 pm or phone 020 8405 3552 (office hours). www.citizensadvicesutton.org.uk For further information about RMNS services, telephone 07725 549411 and leave a message, including your name, phone number and email address, and we will get back to you. Picture We stand with Ukraine What’s happening to Ukrainians arriving in Sutton? The local Council, in particular Ruth Dombey, has been working hard to provide information for sponsors. Community Action Sutton has created a WhatsApp group for sponsors. Refugee and Migrant Network Sutton has been involved from the start. Our Wednesday drop-in has welcomed over 70 new students into English classes. On Monday mornings the Salvation Army holds Drop-ins just for Ukrainians. An invitation to these Drop-ins in Ukrainian is below. Армія порятунку та Мережа біженців і мігрантів Саттон (RMNS) запрошують українців, які проживають у Саттоні, прийти на захід, який проходитиме по понеділках з 9.30 до 11.00 год. починаючи з понеділка, 9 травня. Зустріч відбудеться в церкві Sutton Salvation Army Church на розі Benhill Avenue та Throwley Way. Будуть частування. Волонтери з RMNS і команд спонсорства громади з церкви Sutton SA Church та Католицького деканату Саттона будуть там, щоб підтримувати, відповідати на запитання, вказувати і навіть супроводжувати відповідні установи.